boom! boom! boom!

Attack, constantly.

It is obvious that his realm is higher, and each strike contains close to a million avenues. That is the limit of Taiyi and the highest level of power under Daluo.

Not only that, every time he attacks, the way of constructing the avenue is different, and the confusing ingredients in it are ever-changing.

Through such attacks, we find the weaknesses in the opponent's world and discover the incomplete parts of their world.

This is not a trick that Taiyi can show, it is something that only the Daluo realm can do.

After the Da Luo realm, the universe is formed within the body, with thousands of galaxies. As it continues to accumulate, this number will become more and more terrifying.

Under such circumstances, it will be extremely difficult for two Daluo realms of the same realm to kill each other. After all, both sides have almost eternal brilliance. Unless the inner universe level and the avenue are completely broken, otherwise they want to It is basically impossible to kill a Da Luo realm person.

Therefore, this method was extended, hoping to find the weaknesses in its structure, a little arrancar, and cut off the opponent's path.

This trick sounds very simple, but the actual operation difficulty is undoubtedly very high.

It requires the support of foundation, a terrifying understanding of the great road, and the vast amount of knowledge to bury the opponent.

As a result, an incredible result appeared in front of King Diming.

Although he had some results, Li Su was beaten back and forth, and the blood kept splattering, but no matter how miserable he looked, even his skull was opened by King Di Ming, and his brain fell to the ground, and the opponent's core , the most important world for immortals, was completely unmoved.

This is unreasonable! ! !

How can it be?

How could a mere true immortal have such a complete world? Even if he studied the Supreme Saint and mastered its secrets, he would not be able to reach that level at the level of a True Immortal.

Even if a tall building rises from the ground, even a saint must abide by the rules of metaphysics.

Suddenly, King Diming's expression froze, and he raised his head with an incredulous look in his eyes. Unless the other party still had a treasure to suppress the world, in that case, with the power he had shown so far, it would be impossible to penetrate it.

But is this possible?

He is only a true immortal, a mere true immortal, and Taiyi is not one.

The most precious treasure of human nature, the most important innate defensive treasure. Under normal circumstances, if you can get one, it is a matter of great luck, such as great blessings and blessings, let alone two?

Does the other party still use the third item?

Recalling the skills performed by the other party, the saint is supreme, and the other party also masters the plural, flesh and blood, space, yin and yang, and sword intention.

Are there any such people among the descendants of ancient saints throughout the ages?

joke! ! !

If there were such people, the world of mythology would have exploded long ago. Even if they all disappeared inexplicably in the end, like sacrifices, no one would be able to sit still.

You know, before they disappeared, they basically had the ultimate strength of the Great Luo Realm. If everyone is like Li Su in front of him, then he shouldn't be scared to death.

Seems to be aware of it.

Feeling the sudden pause in the opponent's attack, especially the change in his face, Li Su took a breath and took a silent breath while repairing the injuries on his body.

After all, even though they were completely suppressed, they still couldn't break the world. Faced with this result, it was not difficult for the other party to make the connection.

However, it's almost the same over there.

As soon as Li Su swept the opponent's back, he began to be unable to withstand the attack of the treasure, and his power began to gradually break the two evil beings in the Taiyi realm.

Hmm, the clone has almost touched the exit.

After this time, I will go back to Jie Tian City and retreat seriously for a period of time.

The harvest was a bit beyond imagination, and the lights in my mind kept flashing. Is this the state of inspiration of those super geniuses? I almost lost my logical thinking.

Although Li Su was suppressed and beaten, for the first time in his life, he could not see any victory at all. He could only be beaten passively, and he was bleeding hundreds of liters. However, this kind of super-high level of suppression not only made Li Su miserable. , also allowed him to see many things, especially related to the avenue, and the opponent's unique attack method. He tasted it personally. He withstood the impact of at least more than three million different paths. It can be said that it opened a new world for him. The huge new world is so numerous that it is almost dazzling.

Taoyan is almost overloaded, there is too much content.

At a loss, Li Su suppressed and directly absorbed the power belonging to King Diming that was dispersed by the phantoms of his Seven Saints. Otherwise, the other party might not be shocked, but scared.

Even though he was suppressed in this way, he was still able to learn, understand, and absorb through the enemy's Tao Yun.

This kind of thing is absolutely unimaginable.

However, I am a little curious. If in this world, the power above the Da Luo realm is shown, I don't know what will happen?

It's a pity that I didn't have the chance to see it with my own eyes.

The next time we meet, it should be the time when we are all at the same level, Demon Court Di Ming Wang.

Li Su took a deep look at King Diming. The shadow of Pangu Banner in the world shook, and he directly cut through the void and cut out the core of his own world.

The next moment, with the fist coming from the Earth Ming King, Li Su still stretched out his hand to block it, but this time, his flesh and blood could no longer hold on and disintegrated directly. The terrifying Earth Ming Dao, with the loss of the Seven Saints The supreme power enveloped it and immediately shattered, leaving not even an atom behind.

Not only that, the fire flag flying above his head also shook, igniting fire all over the sky and sweeping everything.

In an instant, the place where the two met was set on fire, burning everything.

King Diming was shocked, and the fist he punched froze in the air. He could see Li Su's eyes clearly when he left, and he could also read the information inside clearly.

When we meet again, we are in the same state.

Such a being, such a monster, meet in the same realm?


King Diming let out a huge roar, the power of the avenue penetrated the void, his consciousness covered everything, and he searched frantically.

No, absolutely not.

If the other party really escapes this time, it will be fatal not only to him, but also to the entire Demon Court.

It's too scary. This time the descendant of the ancient saint is really too scary.

The Four Saints are supreme, which shows that his extremely evil talent is simply appalling.

Not to mention, he also possesses the recognition of not one but several treasures, which is undoubtedly even more terrifying.

The treasure not only means incomparable power, but also means cause and effect, and the choice of the world. Although the ancient times have been shattered, the connection between the mythical world and the ancient times is unbroken.

In a sense, this kind of person is just like the child of destiny written in the picture book.

Beloved by heaven and earth, surrounded by great fortune, although he may not be completely invincible as written in the book, the difficulty of killing him is undoubtedly beyond imagination, and the price paid is even more terrifying.

Moreover, what made King Diming couldn't help but shiver in his heart was that the other party had seen his power. Even if he couldn't see the whole thing, it was just a partial view, it undoubtedly left a deep impression on the other party.

Therefore, I missed this opportunity. Before the other party is absolutely sure, it is absolutely impossible to encounter him again.

boom! boom! boom!

The power continued to rise and explode, and King Diming searched frantically, trying to lock it.

Ten thousand miles, fifty thousand miles, one hundred thousand miles.

Even though he was infinitely close to the realm of Daluo, he still couldn't find it. King Diming couldn't help but roar up to the sky.

Damn, damn, damn!

It took hundreds of thousands of years to achieve the Ultimate Great Luo. For the first time, King Diming felt regretful. He should not have scruples or hesitations. He should have taken action directly. From the moment they met, he should have taken action directly.

Use the power of Da Luo to directly kill the opponent and then retreat.

But hesitation again and again made him watch the best opportunity pass by.

Standing where he was, King Diming had an inexplicable premonition that this miss would cast a huge haze on his future and the future of the entire Demon Court.

By the way, go to the exit!

If you want to leave this place, the only way is to exit, and you can only go through the exit.

King Diming's eyes lit up, as if he had caught a glimmer of hope, and the next second he was ready to take action, wanting to rush to the exit.

No matter where the other party has escaped, as long as they haven't gone out yet, just return...? ?

Suddenly, King Diming's eyes shrank and his movements froze.

Where Li Su disappeared, a man appeared, old and thin, holding a hatchet with a cold light, standing there, the black and ugly old face looked at him coldly.

In an instant, King Diming stood on his head, and his pupils almost shrank to a thin line.

how come?

How could she wake up?

Shouldn't she be asleep? Unless someone from the Great Luo Realm explodes his power in this world, he will wake her up and revive her.

Why is she awake, those two idiots?

Although it is infinitely close, it is obvious that it is not there yet.

Evil beings also seem to know what it means once a power beyond Taiyi breaks out, especially at this deep location, it will definitely frighten that person.

Once she wakes up, it will be absolutely terrible. It caused a huge disaster that year. Dozens of Daluo realms who entered here were bleeding. If the saint hadn't taken action in time, they would all have died here.

Even so, several Da Luo realms still died.

She even almost escaped from being led by the saint, but she still forcibly killed two of them and took them back.

The one who is sleeping here is so terrifying that even saints can only save people and don't dare to provoke his brow easily.

As their eyes met, the old man smiled, his mouth slightly split, revealing a hole. Well, there are no teeth or tongue, but a dark hole, like a whirlpool, that can swallow everything.


King Diming exploded, and the Supreme Realm exploded with all his strength. In an instant, the void behind him was like a bubble. He filled it in, reaching the level of ten thousand levels in an instant, and rushed directly into the depths of the other world, thinking about the ignorance The land will disappear from this world forever.

This way of escaping is very scary and is no different from desperate efforts.

Although most immortals will use the other world as a battlefield to avoid the tragic impact of reality, the other world is not a safe place, nor can it be said to be safe.

There are countless worlds over there, like an infinite piece of paper, which has been folded infinitely, and a world has been formed once it has been folded, and it has fallen to infinity.

These worlds are so special and weird that words cannot describe them at all.

Especially the deeper you go, the more terrifying this peculiarity becomes.

Shallow, medium, deep.

Each level of depth must be matched with a corresponding realm. The lowest level at the shallow level is Tianxian, the middle level must be Taiyi, and the deep level is Daluo.

On top of the myth, it can be broken to a certain extent, but it is also limited.

And even Da Luo, who can go deep, is actually only in a relatively superficial position and dare not go deeper.

Because there, even Da Luo is very likely to get lost and lose the coordinates of reality.

Once that happens, the possibility of coming back is basically gone.

At this moment, King Diming was like this. He drilled like crazy, breaking through the deep layers in an instant, and kept accelerating, heading deeper inside.

One hundred thousand layers, two hundred thousand layers, he is constantly breaking through, the speed is simply unimaginable, it has exceeded the speed of light, and he has passed through hundreds of thousands of worlds in one breath.

The depth is unprecedented, and the conditions inside are extremely terrifying.

Even so, there was still no look of relief on King Diming's face. Instead, he was covered in cold sweat, with infinite fear in his pupils.

Locked, he was locked.

There was a biting chill that tightly trapped his body. He was locked on the other side, and Zhou Yu in his body was pulled.

run! run! run!

As if going crazy, King Diming kept accelerating and accelerating, breaking the world wall in front of him again and again, crossing the distance of one big world after another.

Finally, after countless breakthroughs, he reached a place that seemed to be the end.

On the other side, it's scary.

The mythical factors no longer exist, the rules are dead, like a land of eternal silence, only black and white remain.

This place is very special. Cause and effect and destiny have lost their support. There is only chaos and nothingness.

King Diming gritted his teeth. Although the chill on his waist had subsided, some of it still existed, and it had not been able to completely cut off the cause and effect.

He jumped up and dove straight in.

It must be washed away completely, otherwise the result will be the same once he returns to reality.

Finally, when he was about to enter a completely unimaginable world and to completely cut off the causal relationship with the deepest reaches of the Heavenly Dao, a hatchet with four colors of cold light suddenly appeared and pierced him directly. Above the waist.

With a scream, King Diming's body began to tremble violently.

This simple knife was too terrifying. It penetrated his body continuously and penetrated into his universe. Large areas of the galaxy were cut off by the knife and hung on it.

But when the knife was turned, the diameter of the waist was cut off. Although it was not big, if you look closely, you can see that there are thousands of stars floating on the waist and millions of avenue hooks.

A skinny hand stretched out, grabbed the waist directly, and then disappeared.

The hatchet didn't stop and continued to stab King Diming's other waist.


There was another scream, and King Diming's face turned blue in pain, blood spurted from his seven orifices, and black veins popped up all over his body.

He didn't resist or resist. He grabbed the void in front of him with both hands and crawled into the disorderly place.

Finally, when his second waist was cut off, he successfully got through.

Standing in the world over there, there was fear on King Diming's face, but he was even more angry. He gritted his teeth. Having his two waists cut off was not only a matter of face, but his moral conduct was also cut off. He fell from the ultimate level. , a loss of power measured in tens of thousands of years.

Looking at the hand holding his waist on the other side, King Diming's eyes were blood red, and he roared with hatred: "*\u0026!"


Although King Diming managed to escape here, the scene on the other side was very explosive.

The two evil Daluo realms were already finished when they reacted.

The old woman who fed Li Su meat suddenly appeared next to the Xinhuo flag, startling the furious Xinhuo flag. The tail of the flagpole trembled and he ran away.

The old woman didn't care about it, she directly grabbed the evil life that was suppressing the fire flag, swung her hatchet, and chopped it up.

With a pop, the evil being was split open, breaking from the neck to the waist. It was extremely brutal, and the blood spurted out five feet high.

Of course, this is not the scary part.

What's scary is that after a knife blow, the life force should be extremely tenacious, and its evil nature is even more indelible. The evil life actually died like that, just like a mortal being chopped to death by a hatchet.

As soon as the old woman's hand was loosened, the body fell down, and the blood flowed continuously, forming a stream, a river, a lake, and an ocean.

Facing this scene, the evil spirit that was suppressed by the Xuanhuang Tower went crazy. The black shadow trembled violently. It let out a horrified wail, exploded its own strength, and tried to escape.

However, before his body had time to move, he found that the old woman who turned to look at him was holding a tree in her hand. It was black and red and full of human heads.

With one knife, the roots are broken.

With one knife, the branch is broken.

Letting go, the stump of the limb fell, getting bigger and bigger. Finally, it made a loud rumble and turned into an ancient tree that fell to the ground tragically.

After glancing at the old woman and then looking down at the fallen broken tree, the black shadow sneered and was instantly shattered.

In response to all this, the old woman grinned, and suddenly two big waists appeared on her left hand, and the cold-gleaming hatchet was bleeding inexplicably, a lot of blood.

She raised her head, glanced at the upper right corner, and then turned to look at the exit of this world.

The figure began to fade and then disappeared.

At this moment, the only audience, no, the second audience, Kongkong Taoist and Jinmao Shu, they didn't have time to leave. They were shivering, covering their mouths and noses, and there was an inexplicable liquid flowing.


Taoist Kongkong was also shaking, the frequency was very high, like a small electric motor, thousands of beats per second, and sweat was pouring. In just ten seconds, he went from a fat man of 370 kilograms to less than a pound. One hundred and forty pounds.

Time passes minute by minute.

It took half an hour for the two of them to recover from their fear.

"What is that?" The golden-haired squirrel had a look of horror on its face. Although it knew that there was a terrifying existence sleeping under this world, it had never heard of killing Daluo like killing a chicken.

Taoist Kongkong felt chills all over his body, and his pupils were full of fear, "That's... an evil corpse!"

"Evil corpse?"

The golden squirrel was startled for a moment, what do you mean? Evil corpse?

"In ancient times, there were three ways to attain enlightenment."

"Respectively, they are to prove the Tao through strength, the right way through merit, and to prove the Tao through killing corpses."

"And the terrifying existence sleeping in this place is the three corpses beheaded by the ancient saints. Their ugly appearance was transformed by their own evil thoughts."

The golden-haired rat trembled when he heard this, and the hair between his legs couldn't help but tremble at this moment.


Is there a saint sleeping here? ? ?

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