Three Dharma practitioners?

Moreover, it is not just the level of the foundation that shines into the foundation of reality, but it goes a step further and completes the practice of the scriptures.

The leader of Shangqing's head was buzzing at this moment, and he received a huge impact, and his three views were almost subverted.

There are many people who have mastered the Shangqing Sect's Zhen Sect Mental Technique, and there are also a lot of people who have achieved great success, but they are basically all from the same lineage, and none of the fellow practitioners from the two lines have ever heard of it.

Because the roots of these three sets of spells are too close, once you start practicing, you will inevitably lean towards the more suitable lineage. In the end, one family will dominate and absorb the other two lines.

Historically, it is not that the Shangqing Sect has never produced geniuses, it has also produced top monsters. It takes less than eighty years before and after the Confucianism and Taoism practice to become an ascension, and he should have been able to ascend in about fifty years, mainly to withstand After surviving the entire catastrophe and completely avoiding it, I gained thirty more years.

Such a person just showed amazing talent in one lineage and quickly mastered the core thirty-six diagrams.

Therefore, an ancestor once said that only immortals can fully master the methods of the Shangqing Sect, and the limit that mortals can reach is at most one lineage.

How did his little junior brother do it?

Su Can stood at the door, with a huge conflict in his thinking. Even if he saw it with his own eyes, he couldn't help but wonder whether he was dazzled or wrong.

It's a pity that as a powerful Yu Dao, not to mention seeing it from the front, even if it is a quick glance, he can find it in his mind and watch it again, and it is from multiple angles.

Recalling the shocking scene, Su Can couldn't help but roar in his heart, shouldn't it be a failure in practice? Shouldn't it be impossible to inherit the mantle? Shouldn't it be that the three princes were so disappointed that they planned to go out to relax?

Su Can couldn't help but sweat on his forehead when he thought about how he almost planned to give someone to Longhu Mountain not long ago.

Fortunately, he ran over to take a look in advance and planned to take a look at the specific situation before talking.

Otherwise, this will be given away, and the cliff on the Longhu Mountain will laugh to death, let alone the ancestors of his sect. I am afraid that all the ancestors of his sect will be tempted to come down from the sky and regard him as a model, and make him look like a human being.

What the hell is this little guy? Could it be that he came down from the sky, a reincarnated old ghost?

No, it's impossible!

Since that incident, let alone the reincarnation of immortals, there have been very few people who have been able to come down from above. Especially in recent years, immortals have almost disappeared. If it were not still certain that Heaven is still there, we would think that there is a big problem. .

As a result, demons are running rampant today, taking advantage of human beings, and practitioners like them are restrained.

Su Can quickly refuted the possibility that the other party was the reincarnation of an immortal. He took a deep breath and quickly took out a jade with a special shape. His soul vibrated and he activated it directly.

We must ask clearly, what is the situation? It has only been a few months?

Soon, it worked.

"Old man, what's going on with this little guy?" Su Can was extremely nervous. Although immortals can't descend to earth, it doesn't mean that other than immortals can't. "

"Depending on the situation, it seems that you have finally come into contact with your junior brother." A voice rang out from the jade. It was the First Supreme Being. He said lightly: "What else could it be? He is gifted and blessed by fate. Talent."

Su Can was startled for a moment, "That's it?"

"Otherwise? If I have any questions, do you think I will wait until you come to ask me?"

Su Can couldn't help it anymore and said quickly and urgently: "In that case, master, why are you leaving? You want me to guide you? He is so talented, so talented, so...!" At this moment, he was extremely excited, because he almost missed it , just a little bit, he just sent the person away.

For such a thing, it would be nice to just say hello in advance, right?

"Su Can.!" The First Supreme Being interrupted the other party, his tone was filled with a longing for heaven and earth, and he was filled with sadness and tears.


"I feel so uncomfortable!"


"I have prepared a lot of Shangqing Sutra. I plan to spend twenty or thirty years teaching it step by step and passing on all the thirty-five diagrams I have learned to him."

The First Supreme Leader said silently: "Do you understand what I mean? Do you understand?"

Su Can was stunned for a moment. He always felt that the meaning of these words was very weird. Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind, and he remembered what he had just seen on Li Su.

Above the Yang God, there are pictures, thirty-six.

? ? ?

! ! !

"Understood!" The First Grand Supreme said in an indifferent tone.

Su Can's face couldn't help but twitch wildly. He was talking about this and still didn't understand, then he was really a pig.

Because I was too shocked, too excited, and frightened by Li Su's talent before, I didn't think about it from the perspective of his master, let alone a practitioner.

Su Chan realized it now, and then he felt uncomfortable.

It’s always uncomfortable!

He also studied the Shangqing Sutra, and he has just mastered the thirtieth picture, which is still five pictures away from his master.

Although not as good as him, he is quite confident. After all, he has lived less than a hundred years, so this difference is still acceptable.

But at this moment, compared with his junior brother, an unprecedented feeling of despair came over his heart. It was as if a mountain of impurity had been pressed on his head. His clear and transparent Taoist heart was instantly poured with a bucket of dust. It was not stained. , but buried directly.

Thinking of this, Su Can was a little suffocated.

Master, you can't teach me this, what should I do?

"Okay, nothing else, that's it, Junior Sister Jingxin, I'm sorry, please play a song."

"Senior, Master asked me to bring you a message."


"No more playing!"

"Huh? Why?"

"After playing for five days and five nights, master, her hands are numb."

Fairy Jingxin is said to be a Taoist master of the piano. She has one song to soothe the mind, two to soothe the soul, and three to dispel all sorrow.


Su Chan is gone!

He came with a complicated mood and left with an even more complicated mood.

However, the only difference is that although he came quietly, he undoubtedly left with great fanfare.

Appearing directly outside the Qingyou Palace, he raised his hand and slapped the few bastards over there, making them roll on the spot.

"Go and think about crossing the cliff. You are not allowed to leave the seclusion until you have achieved enlightenment. Otherwise, you will lose your cultivation and be kicked out of the school."

The sound was so loud that it resounded throughout the entire Shangqing Sect, like thunder.

In an instant, the expressions of all the disciples changed. Not only the content of the punishment, but also the fact that the person who spoke was the leader, and his anger could be clearly felt in his words.

The leader is angry!

Thinking of the uproar that had been spread within the sect in the past few days, many disciples felt their hearts tremble.

In Yunmiao Palace, Wei Feng's face suddenly changed as he sneered.



Didn't the other party have a problem? Did you make all three princes angry? In this case, Li Su's position should undoubtedly become extremely embarrassing.

His little moves were not random, but well thought out.

No one would want a junior to become their leader, or to be their equal.

If you have talent, that's fine.

If he had no talent, no one would like Li Su's eighth generation status for the entire Shangqing sect.

If he does this, the leader will most likely take advantage of the situation and send the person out. As long as the person is out, it will be easy to clean up.

Wei Feng has not let go of the hatred of breaking the road, and it is impossible to let go of this matter. It has become his obsession and stuck in his heart.

Even though the two of them had never met formally, Li Su was already like a stone stuck in his eye. He would not give up until he caught it and crushed it.

The so-called heart-killing is only the first step as a last resort, killing is his fundamental purpose.

Unexpectedly, the leader suddenly jumped out and gave him a platform.

Moreover, the severity of the punishment was beyond expectation. He naturally knew that those disciples were the ones who were hinted by him.

Considering their situation, it would be impossible to think about crossing the cliff until they reach enlightenment. Considering their talents and circumstances, it would be impossible without a hundred years.

Hundreds of years of confinement were undoubtedly extremely serious in the history of the Shangqing Dynasty.

On the side, Wang Wu's face turned pale and he was trembling.

I originally thought that the other party was a phoenix that lost its feathers, not as good as a chicken. Over the past few days, he became more and more unscrupulous. Unexpectedly, in the end, the situation reversed. The little uncle was still the same little uncle.

Even if the leader doesn't pursue them now, if the other party rises in the future, he will definitely be in bad luck.

He knew very well that maybe the other party's talent could not inherit the mantle of the Supreme Being, but being chosen by the Supreme Being undoubtedly meant a lot. At least in terms of cultivation talent, Li Su definitely surpassed him.

Even though Wang Wu is close to attaining enlightenment, he knows his own situation best. He has been stuck here for a long time. Not only has there been no progress over the past few decades, but he feels like he has regressed.

Otherwise, he would not give up his identity and become someone else's lackey, because he knew that he had no hope of achieving the imperial path.

While the expressions of Wei Feng and others changed greatly, Jiang Tong, who was still calm beside him, suddenly laughed.

As the leader of a sect, if something like this happens, the first thing he will consider is definitely not personal emotions, but the unity of the sect.

After a few days, Li Su's matter was almost finalized, but suddenly it turned around.

There is obviously a problem here. At least the key point is that this eighth-generation junior master has provided enough value.

He was valued by the Supreme Being, abandoned by the Supreme Being, yet valued by the Master.

"Uncle Master, what kind of magic power do you have in you? How could you let a thousand-year-old Taoist sect keep spinning around just because of you?"

Ordinary disciples, except for the special day when they start, will basically not make any waves in the next few decades. They will only be mentioned again when they reveal their talents, achieve foundation building, or have a disciple competition and change their identities. .

Li Su is so unusual.

He attracted attention from the beginning. Not long after he started learning Taoism, he was immediately noticed by the Supreme Master. Over the next two years, he almost became the center of the topic.

An eight-year-old baby, whom most disciples had never seen before, turned the huge Shangqing Immortal Sect upside down.


So interesting!

Remember, Disciple Dabi was born three years later?

After Jiang Tong's eyes flashed, she closed her eyes directly and started to practice again. Her aura became more and more steady. From floating and unstable to gradually solidifying, she was already very close to the imperial way.

Junior uncle, what kind of surprise will you give me then?


"Senior brother, you...?"

In the Shangqing Palace, looking at the returning master brother, the younger junior sister also had doubts in her eyes.

Undoubtedly, this is completely different from the purpose of going out in the first place.

"Well, we had a misunderstanding!" Su Can thought for a moment, shook his head and said.


"He is still the heir to the master's legacy."


"Don't ask for the specific reasons. You will understand after a while." Su Can thought for a moment. There are still three years until the disciple competition. By then, his practice should have almost come to an end. As long as it comes out, a little more Show it, and then the disciples in the sect will understand it completely.

How huge is the gap between them and him.

Now, the fewer people who know Li Su's affairs, the better. His talent is so good, that is to say, it is the Taishang, and him. If it were replaced by those monsters and monsters, I'm afraid they would have to be disemboweled and stewed. .

Soon, the Shangqing Sect followed its leader Su Can to give Li Su the fighting platform. It was as if the fire that had been burning was covered by a heavy downpour, and some of the sounds disappeared.

The leader did not pursue the matter, and many of the disciples who had gossiped were undoubtedly relieved.

After all, although they are not as bold as those few, if they really want to be held accountable, they still cannot escape punishment.

So one and two, they stayed in vain for several days.

However, one of these people was happy. The little girl next to Jiang Tong smiled.

Isn't it very cool? Are you here to mock my senior sister? Pull it, you guys are pulling it.

Like a proud little hen who doesn't even practice cultivation anymore, he runs outside every day to find those guys who are gossiping. He doesn't say anything, just stares at them.

The meaning in the eyes is quite obvious, "Say, why don't you say it?"

Time passes slowly.

The Shangqing Sect has finally settled down, and the topic of Li Su has become taboo. After all, a few pitiful targets are still placed over Siguo Cliff. Unless they successfully come out or are released, otherwise, before that, , no one dared to continue chatting on this topic.

One year, two years, three years.

It’s time for the fifty-ninth disciple competition of the Shangqing Sect.

On this day, almost all the disciples of the Shangqing Sect were present, even the true disciples who were retreating to reminisce about the past also arrived one after another.

Starting from the thirteenth generation of disciples, all the way up to the ninth generation, they will all end up.

The True Inheritance, the Inner Sect, and the Outer Sect all have to take action.

This is a rare event.

In an era without mobile phones and computers, even some indifferent Yashira could not help but come out to take a look at such activities.

It can be said that in the entire conference, there were only four people who did not come.

Three of them are naturally the three princes who have high status, are senior enough, and have a high enough realm that they no longer need to care about the etiquette of the world.

As for the remaining one, it is the eighth-generation uncle who was promoted exceptionally, or the master, Li Su!

"Not coming!"

Sitting on the high platform, the childhood sweetheart of the leader of the Shangqing Sect stared at her senior brother and spoke. Today is the last day of the conference, and there are two more games before it is over.

Su Can, on the other hand, sensed the inside of the Qingyou Palace and found that he was unshakable. Li Su, who had been squatting in the room for three full years, let alone leaving his room for less than a day, couldn't help but his eyelids twitched again. Jump.

Three years, three whole years.

If he hadn't come out to wash his face after a while, he would have thought that the other party was dead inside.

No, what on earth is this little thing? Doesn't he have anything else to do? Just sit in your room and practice every day? Under normal circumstances, unless a child of this age was being beaten with a stick by an elder, he would have been flying into the sky and escaping to the ground?

Li Su was different. He was so happy that his face was shining.

Is meditation so interesting? ? ?

Su Can was silent for a long time, "Yes, he didn't come!"

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