Li Su frowned, and his pupils showed doubts. Lan

The bleeding from the seven orifices should be due to a heavy blow to his spirit, which was reflected back to his body.

But now a problem is that her spirit still has not returned, but her injuries have appeared.

This is not normal, something is wrong.

Earlier, Jiang Tong said that even if someone is killed in the spiritual world, at most they will lose part of their spirit. They will not die and will return immediately.

It will indeed be injured, but the prerequisite is the return of the spirit.

After all, it is only their spirit that goes to the spiritual world, and the soul is still in the physical body, contained in the Niwan.

To describe it, it means that the soul has extended to one end, and the carrier's sensory cells have extended out. This is also the reason why Li Su can return the same way. The spirit and soul are still connected. Lan

This connection is not in the physical sense, so even if his spirit was taken away by Jiang Tong, it will not be broken just because Jiang Tong left.

Is this because he forcibly stabilized his mind and that's why he didn't break away?

No, this kind of injury shows that she has definitely been severely damaged in the spiritual world. What this girl wants to practice is the Shangqing Sect's Shangqing Sutra and the Dadong Sutra. She may still be unsettled, but she happens to be practicing the Huangting Sutra.

Although this exercise follows the path of dual cultivation of life and life, to put it bluntly, it is a muscular exercise, and usually the biggest feature of this type of exercise is that it is difficult to use the brain.

Li Su was also reckless, but he couldn't resist his high talent. Even his previous recklessness was justified and not just a fool's errand. His success was ultimately due to his idiosyncratic mental power and unimaginable talent.

Therefore, if there is something wrong with the little girl's situation, there is a high probability that something is wrong with her spirit in the spiritual world.

Although it was said that this girl had deceived her master and destroyed her ancestors, Li Su couldn't really let something happen to this girl. If she didn't see it, there was nothing she could do. If she saw it, if she didn't do anything, there would be a problem. Lan

After all, the relationship between the two parties is that they are from the same sect, and he is the other party's uncle.

At best, his behavior can be attributed to the character of a bear, with the attribute of being mentally retarded. Don't you see that Jiang Tong, whom she respects so much, was brought to a standstill by him?

One yard after another, Li Su was still waiting for the good show. If Jiang Tong didn't let Jiang Tong spank this girl's ass into eight pieces, the evil spirit in her heart would never go away.

The pupils of his physical body opened, Li Su stretched out his hand and pointed out, running the Qing Sutra to form a great light spell, and implanted the seed breath into the opponent's body.

At this moment, the Mustard Seed Dongxu side is occupied, and there is no way to use the Shangqing Talisman. Although the Great Light Curse is not used in this way, it is not a big problem for Li Su. This kind of seed was cultivated by his Yang God, and it carries him The breath will escape into the spirit through its soul, and it will undoubtedly be much better to locate in the spiritual world.

It's a pity that the realm is not enough, otherwise it would not be so troublesome to directly take over and control his soul.

After positioning himself, Li Su took a breath and closed his eyes. With a sudden movement, he came outside through the door. Lan

I have to say that it was still a bit difficult to get there. Although I had an anchor point before, this was the first time I set off on my own. But it is different now. Because of the permeable atmosphere, the hazy position has become much clearer, and it is much more difficult to go up. Undoubtedly greatly reduced.

After taking a look at his physical condition, he realized that this time he could not use all his mental energy for this trip. He needed to leave some of it here to maintain the stirring operation outside.

The Shangqing Spirit Talisman is used here, which is also troublesome. It means that the most powerful method of the Great Cave Manual cannot be used. Even if Li Su is mentally abnormal, there is still only one natal Talisman, and there cannot be multiples, otherwise it will cause the Mustard Seed Cave to be empty. Imbalance, excessive energy gain.

This thing is no different from a magic weapon. All your efforts have been devoted to it.

However, the magic talisman can still be used. Although it is not as changeable and infinite as the original life, it can be placed on the outside of the Mustard Cave in a separate form to stabilize the structure.

It is impossible to surpass the paper talisman, and it will be a little worse, probably around the eighth level.

The Five Thunder True Interpretation and the Thunder Sound of the Internal Organs are obviously not enough, and are difficult enough to deal with the enlightenment state. You must prepare a talisman to be stable. Lan

Now I can only hope that the other party has not offended the Yu Dao realm. Is he really going to do it? Then be a hippie, even though you are young, as an elder, I will still burn some paper for you during festivals, so that you can continue to hang around down there, and pinch it off when you offend the judge, the Queen of Hell.

It's a pity that these are Li Su's thoughts, and the little girl can't hear them, otherwise she would open her mouth wide. How big of a deal is it to hold such a grudge? How can you be like me?

Li Su took action, resolutely and extremely fast.

The main reason is that the scenery along the way is really not good and makes him feel uncomfortable. He feels that there is a big problem in the world. He has only passed three or four of Tang Monk's ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties. There are more than seventy difficulties waiting behind him. he.

It would be a life-and-death crisis every time, which is really chilling. Once it was luck, twice it was good luck, and three times it was super luck. If you count it like this, more than seventy times it would be a fool's errand, and it would definitely capsize.

In order to avoid being affected by his mood, he didn't even look at the scenery around him.

Soon, we arrived at the spiritual world. Lan

It has a familiar smell, a hint of melancholy, like a dried salted fish, but it's really bad if you don't close your eyes and have to keep your eyes wide open.

But Li Su couldn't care anymore. He felt the breath of his Great Light Spell, then his face changed and his eyelids twitched wildly.

Damn, it’s so far!

It feels like a beautiful song, thousands of miles away, silent and black and white.

People are really weak and addicted. At this distance, isn't it close to the depths? Shallow, medium, deep, what kind of arrogance is this?

The shallow level is below the state of perfect enlightenment.

The middle level is the state of perfect enlightenment. Lan

The deep level is about the imperial way, or it is the imperial way.

Of course, it seems that this is not the whole of the spiritual world, there is still something inside, but that is an area that can only be touched by those above the Yudao realm. Jiang Tong does not dare to set foot in it yet. The situation inside is very bad and things can easily happen. Unfortunately for Jiang Tong The description is very vague, because the state of enlightenment is basically inaccessible and requires a complete spiritual transformation and a sense of the Dao to feel it, so I just mentioned it.

Now this girl's behavior is as if Jiang Tong has just advanced and ran deeper. She is so outstanding!

For a moment, Li Su had the idea that he could not go away and that there was no way he could be saved.

If it is really deep, if there is an enemy, there is a high probability that he is in the Yudao realm. If he encounters him now, there is a high chance that he will be beaten to a mental breakdown, and it is very likely that he will have to be mentally ill for several days before he can recover.

He is not in a state of death at this moment, he is alone, Jiang Tong is by his side, if something happens, what is the difference between death and social death.

After taking several deep breaths, Li Su was still on the road. Lan

Let’s take a look first. If it really doesn’t work, we can only wish the other person to die early and be reborn.

He moved forward very quickly.

As he walked, he made a lot of talismans, all of which were of a sealing nature.

It spreads out directly, absorbs the scattered mental fragments around, seals them inside, then gathers them up, and sends them back to the door after the matter is over.

After all, rescuing people was just an accident, and collecting resources was his job, so there couldn't be any mistake in this aspect.

Even so, he quickly passed the shallow stage. He couldn't help but his mental strength was too good. His movement speed here was beyond imagination. He was almost reaching Mach every second. He was at the peak of Dao realm than the average disciple of a large sect. All fast.

Well, by the way, I sensed that the little girl's breath was still there. Although there were a few vibrations, she was still there and not completely dead. Lan

It seems to be moving to the periphery, not at a slow speed, and most likely running for its life.

I hope I don’t have the Yu Dao realm, and I hope I can persevere.


"Sister Hongxiu, what should I do?"

Deep in the spiritual world, several small spiritual bodies are running wildly. Their situation is very bad. There is a problem with the spiritual bodies. One is polluted, one has a broken glass net, and another has half of it broken, leaving only Less than a fifth are connected.

Of course, this is not a problem.

The real problem is that their mental bodies are entangled with a wisp of dark gray aura, which is extremely sticky and has locked their spirits. Even if they want to actively break up, it will not work and they are completely locked. . Lan

Obviously, this is some kind of special secret technique, specially designed for this situation.

Behind these three little spiritual bodies, there were several figures. They took their time and hung up the three of them.

There is no rush to start, but waiting.

Although mental power is different from the physical body and does not suffer from fatigue, it will shrink once it is consumed.

In other words, if the three little guys can't find a good way to escape, as their mental power becomes less and less used, the result will undoubtedly be extremely bad and they will be captured by the guys behind them.

They have never encountered such a situation before, after all, they do not have rich experience in this area.

Although he is very brave, when things really happen, his temperament is still just that of a doll. Lan

For children like them who have been born and raised in the sect, the so-called hundred years is meaningless, because most of them are focused on cultivation. Although there are elders telling stories in their free time, there are only so many That’s all.

This is not the era of the information explosion, where all kinds of knowledge can be obtained through means such as the Internet.

The reason why she was able to escape was also because of the special means planted by her senior sister to tear up the encirclement arranged by the opponent. Otherwise, let alone escaping, she would have been directly arrested.

The little girl was also panicked, with a look of anxiety on her face.

It was really because I heard bad content before my breakthrough.

Although she is not very smart, she is not stupid, and she quickly realizes that they are being hunted, and this is a trap waiting for them to come.

The target is not them either. Lan

It's senior sisters and the others!

This group of people wanted to invade their spirits, rewrite their will, and thereby control their bodies.

Once that happens, the senior sister over there will be in danger.

Although the magic talisman is locked, it is for external defense, but for the people inside, it is undefended.

Therefore, if the physical body is attacked, it will be very bad.

Now the senior sisters and the others have gone deep into the depths of the spiritual world, where they are fighting with their enemies and grabbing the big medicine.

Once something goes wrong with the three of them, it will definitely affect Senior Sister Dao and the others. Lan

If things really turn out like that, the ending will be too bad. Not only will he die, but his senior sister will also be killed with a high probability.

The little girl absolutely cannot accept this.

Run, keep running.

With the other two, although the little girl was extremely anxious, even if she ran to the shallow level, given their current situation, there was no way to return. Unless a strong person from the sect came over, the outcome would remain the same.

Faced with such a result, the little girl regretted for the first time. She should not have destroyed her uncle's spirit.

If it is still there, the message can be sent out.

Regret turned to regret, but the little girl's spirit began to shine, showing a sense of determination. Lan

Although there are some personality problems and he does not have the thinking of an adult, he does not lack the awareness and determination he should have.

There is a saying that since ancient times, who has never died?

I will never let my senior sister bear the responsibility for my own mistakes.

Although she was reluctant to give up, although she was afraid, she still had some awareness.

Suddenly, the words that the young master said appeared in the little girl's mind. Although she retorted with the master's words at first, at this moment, she suddenly understood what the other person meant.

Because that's what she is.

Don't want to, afraid, hesitant. Lan

None of the emotions that enveloped me were enlightenment or courage to move forward.

Even the supreme beings should be afraid of death.

Because death is the thing that all living things resist the most.

She took a deep breath and looked at the two friends next to her. They were also panicked and nervous, but the education they received and the environment they grew up in made them have similar determinations even if they were extremely scared and nervous.

After all, they are not real children. They can cultivate to the state of enlightenment and live for hundreds of years.

It’s just that I have too little experience and my mind is relatively simple.

However, there is no doubt that they will not do anything to harm their senior brothers, even if they die. Lan

"As expected of a famous disciple, his spirit is outstanding!"

Although they seemed unhurried, they were actually paying attention to the voices of the three little guys and immediately noticed the changes in their auras.

One of the spirits couldn't help but speak and licked his tongue. He was simply salivating over such a character.

Sure enough, practitioners still need to be from well-known and upright families to taste delicious food. Their flesh and blood taste authentic and their souls are extremely fragrant.

It's a pity that this time it was a trap specifically targeted at the three little guys in front of me. It took a long time to prepare. The layout alone took more than ten years. There were also people who provided inside information, and the methods used took a lot of effort to get it done.

To this end, Mrs. Bones’ men were invited to come.

It's really irritating. The land of the Central Plains is blessed by heaven. Monsters exceeding a certain level cannot enter, and they will be greatly suppressed if they enter. The same is true for places like the spiritual world, which are isolated. Otherwise, there would be no freedom in this world. The human race. Lan

Feeling the other party's restlessness, the spirit next to him spoke and reminded: "Suppress your thoughts, don't ruin the king's plan. The targets targeted this time are all extremely powerful people in the Central Plains, and they are from the mortal world. Mesozoic Era, heir to the top level."

"I know!"

"Miss Bone Spirit, is there really no problem? What if they kill each other?"

"What I have locked is their soul roots, the tentacles extending from the soul. Even self-destruction is meaningless. At this level of enlightenment, the destructive spirit is already very reluctant and involves the destruction of the soul."

Following the other party's words, the spiritual body that spoke suddenly felt much more relaxed. No wonder the king would arrange for Lady Bones' men to come over. Most of the ghost clan is relatively low-level because they have no body, but when it comes to soul-related methods, demons are not able to deal with them. Than.

In the spiritual world, in a sense, they are quite invincible.

In the same realm, not to mention demons, even monks from the Central Plains will change their color. Lan

"Are they all in the realm of enlightenment?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came to mind, with a tone that sounded like a long breath, as if everyone present was enlightened and relaxed.

For a moment, the six mental bodies were stunned.

Especially the spirit of the little girl who was running fast in front was stunned. This voice was not unfamiliar, she remembered it just now.

"Uncle Master?"

how come? Uncle Master's spirit was shattered by her. Although almost two months had passed in the spiritual world, in reality it had only been two days, and he probably hadn't recovered yet.

Master uncle? Lan

The other two little guys were stunned when they heard this, and then they became excited.

The little girl is a true disciple of the Shangqing Dynasty, a disciple of the ninth generation, and her uncle, which means she is from the eighth generation of the Shangqing Dynasty.

Eighth generation disciple, what is that concept?

If you put it in your own sect, you will be at the head level, an absolute boss, a super existence in the Yu Dao realm.

The faces of the three chasing mental entities also changed greatly. The first two were surprised, but they were undoubtedly frightened. After all, they had carefully checked the identities of the three little guys and knew their status.

True biography of the Nine Generations.

Why did the Eighth Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty suddenly come here? Lan

In an instant, my brain was in a blur, my thinking was sluggish, and unprecedented fear arose. Without any hesitation, I turned around and ran away.

Two of them walked very fast and were hundreds of miles away in an instant, widening the distance.

At this speed, not to mention the three little guys who were being chased, even Li Su, who arrived and confirmed that there was no Yudao realm, was shocked.

At this speed, if you deliver express delivery, you may not be able to buy an apartment in a first-tier city within a year.

But thinking about it, Li Su's attention was quickly attracted by the spiritual body that had not left. Of course, it was not how beautiful it was, but the 'eyes' of that spiritual body, which was locked on him impartially.

The other party found him.

Li Su's spiritual body is very abnormal. It has the ability to attribute. If you want to hide it, it will be impossible to detect it unless you transcend the realm. Lan

At this moment, the little girl spoke. She knew about Li Su's situation. Although she didn't know why the young master's uncle appeared here and how he could recover so quickly, it was good, very good.

Although the other party had inquired about the news that he would be with his senior sister, he had no way of knowing that his uncle was also there this time. Once he went back, it would not matter even if his mind was invaded and something went wrong.

"Uncle Master, leave quickly. They are a clan of ghosts and monsters. They have the power of the soul and are almost invincible in the spiritual world!!!"


Li Su couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. There are countless monsters and monsters in Journey to the West, but this is undoubtedly the first time to see them in person, especially ghosts. They only appear a few times throughout Journey to the West, and most of them are monsters.

Unexpectedly, I met one in this spiritual world.

But, let's go, well, it's a little late. Lan

This guy is very extraordinary, and his strength is quite astonishing. Even if his ghostly attributes are removed, he is still very powerful. He should be at the limit of the enlightenment realm, only one step away from the imperial path.

The moment his eyes caught sight of him, the attack had already surrounded him.

"Thunder Fire!!"

Li Su stretched out his hand, and his mental body began to mutate. Red thunder flashed and violently roared and exploded.

Boom, boom.

Fire and thunder were like snakes, stirring the surroundings. The void within a radius of ten meters was scorched, and everything in its path was directly turned into scorched earth.

The top-notch Taoist magical power of the Supreme Purity, the true solution to the Five Thunders, is now available! Lan

However, when the thunder snake scorched everything like a knife, a terrible attack appeared. Fire and thunder streaked through the void, and transparent sharp blades emerged one after another. These sharp blades were as sharp as knives and hooks. There were hundreds of them, almost Without any sign of fluctuation, they appeared around Li Susi.

Ding-ding-ding-ding! An extremely dense collision exploded, and in the blink of an eye, the fire thunder and the gray blade collided more than a thousand times, making a harsh sound.

"Thunder, water!"

Li Su raised his palm to block the gray blade and pointed it down at the same time.

A drop of water condenses on the fingertip, then gently ripples away.


What was swaying was obviously water, but it made a thunderous sound, expanding continuously and hitting the other party. Lan

The mental body remained motionless, opened its mouth and let out a shrill cry.

The sound was extremely sharp, and the sound was indescribable. It came from the fluctuations of the soul, forming a special and extreme resonance. It shined into reality and turned into an extremely sharp sword, slashing at Li Su. On top of the rippling mines.

Boom~! With a sound, everyone's heads seemed to explode. One belonged to Yin and the other belonged to soul, which had a great impact on the spirit.

Not only did the little girl and the three of them tremble mentally, they were embarrassed and even more angry when they discovered that they were not in the Yu Dao realm. The other two mental bodies that hurried back were also violently shaken. Their mental bodies were shaking so much that their eyes were blurred.

This ghost is not vulgar.

After exchanging moves, Li Su frowned. Although he was not in the Yudao realm, he breathed a sigh of relief, but this spirit was quite difficult to deal with.

In the same way, the other party is also a little dignified. As a soul body, in this spiritual world, there are almost no opponents in the same realm. Lan

As a result, one attack was blocked by the opponent, and the other attack was defeated by the opponent's attack.

Although he is said to be in the realm of enlightenment, the person in front of him is very strong. He is definitely among the top geniuses in the famous sect.

Shangqing, when did you gain such a disciple?

"So strong!!!"

Compared to the two people who collided, the five who were watching were shocked. They were mentally shaken, and were completely shocked by this person who could actually fight against the Bone Spirit.

In the spiritual world, it is common sense and common sense that ghosts and ghosts are invincible at the same level.

Ghosts are born with a huge advantage in mental power. The reason why they can become ghosts is because their mental power is abnormal and they have transformed. Lan

The two demons were mentally shaken, but it was a pity that they didn't have physical bodies, otherwise they would have sucked in a breath of cold air. The disciples of Shangqing showed not only their powerful strength, but also the thunder, fire and thunder water.

That is Shangqing’s top Taoist magical power, the True Solution to the Five Thunders!

This technique is rumored to be extremely difficult. It originated from the Immortal Palace. Although it is said to be a dismantling technique, it is still extraordinary. It is ranked among the top five in terms of original energy. It is an extremely destructive technique.

Usually, the enlightened state can only master one kind at most. Only after the imperial path can multiple thunders be used at the same time. The reason is also very simple, because the fields involved are somewhat beyond the standard and cross the realm of the enlightened state.

Who is this person?

Why have I never heard of it before?


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