Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 629: Demon Extermination Order

"Ah!" Xiu

The little girl suddenly screamed, hurriedly ran to Li Su, and said: "Uncle, please return to the physical body immediately, and then inform the master that there are monsters who want to harm senior sister and the others. This time the 'big medicine' appeared in the spiritual world There’s a problem, it’s a lie, it’s a trap specially designed by monsters to lure Senior Sister and the others to the depths, and the purpose is to keep Senior Sister and the others in the depths.”

Li Su was stunned for a moment. Although he came quickly, he didn't know what happened specifically.

I thought these three naughty kids were running around and were discovered by monsters, leading to them being chased and killed.

No wonder the Yin spirit didn't directly destroy their souls. He probably wanted to capture them.

In this way, we can understand why Yin Ling did not directly use the method of soul reorganization on these three little guys. The move that is close to reorganizing the soul is undoubtedly very powerful. It is the same as Li Su's Shangqing Immortal Technique. Although there is a gap in grade, But it was obvious that it was still not a method at the level of enlightenment. If he had used it directly from the beginning, Li Su would have had no chance of saving the three of them.

The opponent's talent is indeed not bad. In terms of soul, he is probably infinitely close to the full value of his talent.

It's a pity that Yin Ling must have barely mastered that method. The method is immature and too rough. In the case of these three little guys, the soul will not be able to withstand the severe pain caused by the reorganization and collapse itself. Xiu

Li Su glanced at the gray aura entangled on the bodies of the three. This thing should be the reason why the three of them were forced to stay here. It was obvious that the mental body had suffered a huge blow. Under normal circumstances, it should directly shatter and the consciousness would return. The main body was correct, but it was forcibly fixed in place.

But, want to kill Jiang Tong?

Is this difficulty a bit too high?

Jiang Tong is in the realm of Yudao, not the realm of enlightenment. In this spiritual world, the gap between Yudao and enlightenment is not as big as usual.

Even if the Bone Lady were to die in person, there was no way she could capture Jiang Tong.

First of all, there are restrictions in this spiritual world. Just when Madam White Bones was about to take action for the second time, the world reacted, and that's why the other party stopped. Otherwise, being targeted by such a powerful existence, Li Su wanted to do it alone. I'm afraid I have to pay a price for escaping, let alone carrying three oil bottles.

Then, there is Jiang Tong herself. As a Yu Dao realm, it means that she has completed the integration of the body and the Dao, and the soul has been unified. Xiu

Conceptually speaking, this is called oneself who is the Tao. It is not the person who controls the Tao, but the Tao itself and part. So killing the person who controls the Tao is simple, but killing the person who transforms into the Tao requires two things. A concept.

Moreover, what is here is only Jiang Tong's spiritual body. Her true body is in reality, and her true body cannot be destroyed. Her spiritual body cannot be destroyed at all, even if the Bone Lady uses her full strength to attack.

Unlike the Enlightenment Realm, which can turn holes, the Yudao Realm is not that easy to kill.


Li Su's eyes flashed, thinking of the situation of the three little guys, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

It turns out that the other party's purpose of capturing the three little guys alive was probably to deal with Jiang Tong's physical body in the real world.

In this way, the appearance of the Yin spirit is not incomprehensible. It should be used to fix the souls of the three people, thus forming a channel to directly seize the bodies from the spiritual world. Xiu

Judging from Yin Ling's talent for souls, such a thing is not difficult.

Looking at the equally nervous expressions of the other two little guys, and the little girl's words just now, it was them, not her, which meant that more than one was targeted, and the other two were in the same situation.

This is a bit interesting.

How did those monsters know that Jiang Tong's body was with the little girl?

Li Su blinked his eyes, and immediately gave two possible answers in his heart, either a colleague or a fellow disciple.

Undoubtedly, none of the above is good news.

Although it was only one-sided, Li Su almost quickly deduced the general outline of the plan. Xiu

"Uncle Master!"

Seeing that Li Su did not respond, but fell into silence, the little girl couldn't help but become anxious. After all, the relationship with senior sister was undoubtedly more important to her than her own life.

The other two little guys on the side were almost the same, like ants on a hot pot. However, the identity of the person in front of him is different. He is a master uncle of the Shangqing Sect, and he belongs to them in terms of seniority. Especially in the previous battle, they clearly saw Li Su's strength, which was extremely powerful. This was the first time they saw someone in the spiritual world severely injuring Yin spirits in the same realm as themselves.

This alone is enough to stop them from being too presumptuous.

"Don't be so anxious. Since you three are fine, it means that most of the monster's plan this time has failed. Jiang Tong is in the Yu Dao realm, so it's not that easy to target."

Li Su shook his head and gave up the idea of ​​thinking deeply. This matter should be handled by Jiang Tong himself or the old people of the Shangqing Sect. At present, he can't control it and has no time.

"I'll solve your problems first and send you back safely." Xiu

If it is as he thought, this plan is undoubtedly quite vicious and impossible to prevent. In a sense, the right time, place and people are all tilted to the other side. From the moment Jiang Tong came over with the little girl, the outcome was already doomed. .

If not for his unexpected involvement, the plan would have been successful.

Therefore, the key first step to break the current situation is undoubtedly to send away these three children.

Although I don't think the monsters have any other plans for this plan, the plan itself is obviously not a spur-of-the-moment idea and should have taken a lot of time to prepare.

If there is a plan B, it will be troublesome.

With a slight movement of mental power, Li Su stretched out a hand without waiting for the little girl to speak, and gently touched the gray gaseous body of Sanxiao's mental body.

It was a kind of yin aura, intertwined with the meaning of death. Xiu

After thinking for a moment, Li Su directly operated the five elements to generate the wood of the five elements, supplemented by very little fire.

Fire belongs to Yang and wood is vital.

Yang belongs to the power of vitality.

Fortunately, it is not Yuehua Extreme Yin. Although that kind of extreme yin is not so difficult to deal with, it will undoubtedly be much more troublesome to expel. It is too overbearing in nature. Even if it can be expelled, the three little guys will still suffer serious crimes.

As a large amount of life energy fell, the gray mist entangled on the three small bodies couldn't help but tremble, making a squeaking sound, and was quickly annihilated.

Although he was not as domineering as Yuehua Jihan, Sanxiao could not help but tremble all over, and his mental body was twisted in pain. There was a figure inside who fell to his knees and kept twitching.

After a while, the gray fog on the three people's bodies finally disappeared. Xiu

The mental body collapsed directly to the ground. Although he could not hold back the scream, the consumption was still huge, and the mental body became transparent.

He raised his hand and rolled up the three people, heading directly towards the outer layer.

"Okay, let's get rid of the energy and return."

It took almost an hour to return to the edge, put the three people down, and Li Su spoke.

Before they finished speaking, the three little guys' mental bodies trembled and they directly chose to return.

After all, caring leads to chaos, and they can't care much at the moment. If something happens to their senior sister because they went back late, they will undoubtedly regret it for the rest of their lives.

Watching the three people disappear, Li Su raised his head, his eyes dim, and couldn't help but look into the depths of the spiritual world. A lot of time had passed, and the depths were still blood-red, with a strong fighting spirit gushing out. Xiu

Soon he shook his head and it was time to go back.

This is all he can do. For him, the main goal is to gain something in the spiritual world.

Along the way, a lot of things were collected. When he found the little girl, Li Su was already between the middle and deep levels. He had left behind countless spiritual talismans and sealed a huge number of spiritual fragments.

The mental body moved slightly and began to pull.

Soon, the spiritual world in the distance was shaking, and there were a large number of light spots, flying towards him like a shower of stars in the sky.

At a glance, it was a densely packed area, and I didn’t know how many there were.

Thousands, or tens of thousands. Xiu

In short, the harvest was huge, and the quantity far exceeded what was collected last time, a full five times more.

The previous time, it took him a full month, but this time, it took him not even a day.

Unable to help but let out a breath, Li Su's spiritual body began to grow in size, and he directly absorbed these talismans.

There was so much that it couldn't even be stewed in one pot.

Finally, he swallowed the last spiritual talisman and took these huge spiritual bodies directly towards his physical body.

boom! boom! boom!

Fortunately, the three children had already left, otherwise this scene would definitely scare them to death, and the shock would probably be greater than the battle between Li Su and the Bone Spirit. Xiu

Li Su's spiritual body was nearly a hundred times its previous size, carrying a weight that suffocated the soul.

There is no doubt that so many mental fragments are enough to turn a person into a madman with dozens or even hundreds of personalities.

Of course, this doesn't really matter.

What's really scary is that Li Su's own strength has undoubtedly declined due to the many spiritual talismans that he has scattered along the way. The strength he can display is probably not even one-fifth of what he was in his prime.


So vast!

Like the Emperor's Cloud, Li Su had a hard time going back. After all, there were too many spiritual fragments, especially the size of each one collected later was extremely huge. Xiu

The largest one inside even measures tens of square meters, comparable to a building.

Such a return is undoubtedly equivalent to having a building attached, and a mental burden of hundreds of thousands of tons is placed on it.

Even if it is Li Su, this moment is comparable to a turtle speed, and the speed of return is very slow.

I don’t know how long it took, but I finally reached the threshold of my own soul and brought back all the terrifying mental fragments.

The repaired furnace suddenly moved, and a large number of spiritual talismans flew out, disintegrating themselves in the air and returning to their original spiritual reverberation appearance.

After putting it directly in, the stick transformed by this command symbol began to stir spontaneously.

High temperatures also rose around the furnace, and thirty-six figures on the furnace body shone, forming a radiance that, together with the stirring sticks, melted the poured fragments. Xiu

After stirring for several hours, the furnace body shook slightly, and a large amount of spiritual energy was spit out from one side. At the same time, black particles of completely non-luminous dust fell from the bottom.

Success! ! !

Although he was mentally prepared, when this scene actually appeared, he still couldn't help but show excitement.

The quantity brought back this time is extremely large. If all are absorbed, it should be more than 25% more than 25% perfect for him to achieve enlightenment.

This achievement is undoubtedly amazing.

The value is close to 100,000 spiritual essences. Of course, it will undoubtedly take a lot of time to swallow them all, about two months.

Li Su didn't wake up at all, but just tried his best to refine, absorb, and digest, intending to digest all the resources brought back this time. Xiu

After all, the time is getting closer and closer to the start of Journey to the West.

The strength of Madam Bones completely sounded the alarm for him and he understood his current situation.

Enlightenment is not enough, nor is the imperial way, we need to be higher and stronger.

Although the Great Luo Realm is just a joke, it also illustrates a lot of things. Before the Immortal Realm, Li Su was not even qualified to produce Journey to the West.

Time gradually passes.

I don't know how much time passed, but Li Su woke up with a shock.

The resource absorption has not reached one-third. It is not active, but passive awakening. Xiu

Someone touched his body.

He opened his eyes and saw Jiang Tong standing in front of him, who was already awake.

His expression was slightly solemn.

Obviously, she already knew what happened to the little girl.

Jiang Tong glanced at Li Su apologetically and felt a little grateful. She had returned a long time ago, half a month ago.

They have been chasing the big medicine in the spiritual world for a long time. Not only that, they were sniped several times along the way. Some monsters also discovered it. Most of them knew each other and they were old enemies in the spiritual world.

For two whole months, the two sides collided with each other more than ten times. In order to prevent the other party from getting the medicine, they stumbled and almost turned into a fatal fight several times. Xiu

Finally, as Da Yao entered a certain death place, Jiang Tong and others prepared to seize the medicine after a short rest.

Suddenly, they received an emergency signal almost at the same time. It was the talismans left on their bodies that were activated.

That is reserved for my junior sister. Unless something big happens, it will not be activated.

As a disciple of a large sect, there is no doubt that he can distinguish the importance. Although the great medicine is precious, sending such a signal is definitely not a normal situation. It must be the case when something big happens to the sect. After all, even though he is immature, he still knows the importance.

After a brief discussion, Jiang Tong and others temporarily gave up their fight for the big demon and immediately returned to their physical bodies from the depths.

Opening her eyes, she was undoubtedly a little angry when she found that the sect was quiet. After all, the big medicine was of great importance. Not only did she need it, but there were monsters competing for it. Even if she couldn't get it, she couldn't let the other party get it.

Seeing Jiang Tong wake up, the little girl didn't hesitate and told everything that happened. Xiu


Jiang Tong was stunned, no doubt she had not expected this at all.

After all, after more than two months of perception, there is no doubt that it is a powerful medicine. The reaction of the monster is also normal. His mind is not at all fighting with himself and the others. All collisions are just to hinder the other party.

She was still suspicious at first, but when the other two people who came out together also sent the same message, Jiang Tong hesitated.

Looking back, the place where Da Yao ended up was a dead place with only one entrance and exit.

If they really go in, once they are blocked inside, even if she is in the Yu Dao realm, it will be very troublesome.

After all, she couldn't break through and escape alone. Xiu

Thinking of this, Jiang Tong couldn't help but gasp. If it was a trap, it would undoubtedly be a disaster.

Even if she is in the Yudao realm, this is the case, especially when the junior sister meets Madam White Bones. Although Jiang Tong is confident that there will be no problem in meeting Madam White Bones in the spiritual world, but if it is in that Jedi land, then It's another story.

In an instant, Jiang Tong couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

If his junior sister hadn't informed him in time, even if the plan here failed, their side might not be much better.

who is it? ? ?

Jiang Tong's eyes couldn't help but tremble. Fellow disciple? Or a colleague?

She was extremely smart, and she had a rough outline of the entire plan in an instant, and she immediately became suspicious. After all, this plan could not be accomplished by monsters alone, and there had to be an insider who could provide information. Xiu

When thinking about this result, unlike Li Su, Jiang Tong thought that both were possible, no, it should be said that it was both.

Taking people to the spiritual world does not necessarily have to be face to face or close.

You can also use talismans as a medium!

It is obvious that Jiang Tong has never said to the outside world that his junior sister can touch his physical body. In fact, when the physical body goes to the spiritual world, the monks will not let anyone get close to his physical body.

The reason why she is like this is that besides trust, there are other reasons. She is not afraid that someone will target her body when her spirit is gone.

As for the other two people, the same is basically true, but they are closer to each other.

Thinking of this, Jiang Tong not only had a complicated expression in her pupils, but if possible, she really didn't want to doubt it. Xiu

Will it be one of you?

Before entering the spiritual world, Jiang Tong chose to tell his master about the matter. For this purpose, Zhao Qingmei went to the depths. It was obvious that the big medicine disappeared, and the monsters that had been entangled with them for a long time at the place of death were also gone. No more.

Although it is unbelievable, there is no doubt that this so-called big medicine is a trap.

Facing this result, Jiang Tong felt quite uncomfortable. After all, the people he was with were all Taoist friends of life and death, and they had more friends than Jiazi.

"Originally, I didn't want to wake you up, Uncle Master."

Li Su's spirit has returned, but she has not awakened. It should obviously be digesting the benefits brought back from the spiritual world. This will undoubtedly take a lot of time, and she has been waiting these days.

To be honest, Jiang Tong has been deeply touched these days. Xiu

From the junior sister's description, it is simply unbelievable that the young junior uncle in front of me actually defeated the Yin Spirit of the same level, and even escaped from the hands of Madam White Bone.

Not only that, she also confirmed from the teacher that her little uncle was not only a fellow practitioner of the Three Classics, but also a complete self-enlightenment. From the beginning to the end, neither the Supreme Master nor the leader was practicing. Please give any pointers.

This is terrible.

Jiang Tong asked herself that her talent was already amazing enough, but Li Su's was completely terrifying.

In an instant, she couldn't help but suspect that there might be something wrong with Li Su's soul, not just a mortal.

In this regard, the teacher gave an explanation.

Not a demon, not an immortal, not sure, but it doesn't matter, he has a cause and effect with Shangqing. Xiu

"The leader is back and has issued an order to eliminate demons. From now on, Shangqing disciples who have reached the Taoist realm and above must be prepared within seven days to go down the mountain to eliminate demons!"

? ? ?

Li Su was startled, then couldn't help it anymore, "Going down the mountain? Wait a minute, where is the trial? Where is my spiritual essence?"

Although the spiritual world has become open source, it does not mean that it is not lacking. In fact, it is extremely lacking, like a bottomless pit.

It's been changed day by day, can't you wait for me to try it out before changing it?

Feeling Li Su's barely concealed resentment, Jiang Tong couldn't help but smile for the first time in more than ten days on her pretty face. She didn't expect that the talented uncle in front of him would actually care about such a little bit of spiritual essence.

That's like a person with the ability to own hundreds of millions of dollars, worrying about a few dollars. Xiu

"As for the disciple trial, the rewards will be distributed directly. If you are a master, you should be able to get almost 10,000 spiritual marrow."


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