Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 648: Powerful beyond imagination


Facing the siege of a group of Yu Dao realms, Li Su took a gentle breath.

His pupils brightened up, and a special Tao charm began to appear on his body, with amazing Dharma principles densely embedded in it. They separated from Li Su's body and combined in the void. The light flowed inside, as if nurturing the vast starry sky, and accompanied by its appearance, a large number of The spiritual energy of heaven and earth began to gather, undergoing astonishing changes, forming a sphere containing terrifying energy.

That is the Shangqing Sect, one of the three major mental methods of Zhenjiao, and the highest secret of the Shangqing Sutra.

Great Way Sphere!

Shangqing Jing is a method of understanding the rules, applying the rules, and finally mastering the rules completely.

This is a higher-level reference to the Five Thunder True Interpretation. It is a method that can only be practiced after mastering multiple laws of heaven and earth and being able to use them freely.

In a sense, it is the limit of mortal magic and the strongest secret in the Yudao realm.粲

He Tianshifu's thunder method, Lingbao Sect's Lingbao, Shenxiao Sect's thunder method, and Jumen's soul-locking hook are all the strongest methods below the immortal level.

The magic ball appeared for a moment, and went straight forward, facing the thunder method of Shenxiao Sect.


A shocking sound exploded, and the Dao Dharma Ball collided with the thunder of Shenxiao. The terrifying energy exploded instantly. The thunder falling from the sky was like a knife, and all materials were smashed and crushed by it.

But when it landed on the Dao Dharma Ball, it was blocked. The Dharma Ball kept vibrating, and the thirty-six patterns inside kept glowing, weaving an invisible barrier that could never be penetrated no matter how strong the thunder was.

Without looking at the situation above his head, Li Su's pupils continued to shine, and a huge door appeared inside. It was the door of the heart, the entrance to the spiritual world.

The place where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has been flowing out began to shine, and the spiritual talisman of the Spiritual Fragment Blender flew out at this moment. It flew out from the center of Li Su's eyebrows and turned into a huge talisman. There are thirty-six pictures identical to those of the Dao Dharma Sphere of the Shangqing Sutra. They shine with astonishing light, are connected to heaven and earth, and are compatible with the Dao.粲

As soon as it appeared, it flew directly in front of the infinite sword intention slashed by Jian Zong. In an instant, the spiritual talisman erupted with shocking light and was directly implanted in the void. The void trembled, and it was directly turned into a cage, trapping all those in Jian Zong's Yudao realm. The sword suppressed him and restrained him inside.

That’s the Supreme Purity, the Supreme Mystery of the Great Cave Scripture, and the talisman of destiny!

Finally, Li Su stretched out his hand. At this moment, his internal organs made an extremely astonishing sound, as if there were gods living inside. They were vibrating, singing, and making mysterious sounds.

The same thirty-six pictures appeared, shining five different kinds of light. They flowed and spread, forming a colorful haze on Li Su's body, directly covering his body.

That is the Yellow Court Sutra, the only method of dual cultivation of life and life in the Shangqing Dynasty, and it is also the ultimate Tao method developed by the physical treasure technique.

The Five Zang Divine Clothes.

Then, Li Su raised his hand and faced the paperweight-like magic weapon produced by the Lingbao Sect Yu Dao Realm head-on.粲


Very heavy.

The small paperweight was like a mountain, pressing directly on Li Su.

Faced with this terrible weight, as if the heaven and earth were suppressing it, Li Su just shook his body, stood firm, and caught it.

All the time, not even a blink of an eye.

However, the Yu Dao realms of Shenxiao Sect, Jian Sect, and Lingbao Sect who took action couldn't help but shrink their pupils. Not only did Li Su successively use the three major Shangqing Sect's mental techniques to suppress the sect, but what was even more terrifying was that With one against three, he resisted head-on.

On the side, Tianshifu's Yudao realm expression couldn't help but change.粲

This is unusual, this is so problematic.

The relationship between the Shangqing Sect and Tianshifu has always been very good, and both parties know some things about their sect.

For example, although the three classics of the Shangqing sect have the same origin, in fact, in the historical records of the Shangqing sect, let alone the same practitioners of the three classics, it is extremely rare to have two classics, and only one person has existed for a thousand years.

And there is no doubt that in the case of only two scriptures, that person was undoubtedly the best in the world at that time.

Terribly powerful.

The specific situation of fellow practitioners of the Three Classics and what level they will reach are not clear about the realm of the Celestial Master Talisman.

But it is certain that those who can master the Three Classics will definitely have very, very terrifying talents, and their strength will undoubtedly be astonishing.粲

This is because the Three Classics of the Shangqing Sect are actually dismantled from the Immortal Technique, and have the same nature as the Thunder Technique of the Heavenly Master Talisman.

Completing the Three Classics is equivalent to completely cultivating the Celestial Master Talisman into Thunder Technique, which is equivalent to mastering the Immortal Technique itself.

Immortal magic..., what is that concept?

It means that it goes beyond the level that humans can relate to! ! !

Li Qing hid something, and the people of the Shangqing Wei family also hid something... Such a disciple's status in the Shangqing sect is by no means simple, and his status will definitely be so high that even the leader can't do it easily. processing point.

Unless he commits a serious crime and the anvil is as strong as a mountain, such as falling into evil ways or betraying the sect.

The former is obviously impossible. His talent is as terrible as that of a mortal. Once he has mastered the magic of immortality, evil ways will not have even the slightest appeal to him.粲

As for the latter part, killing a true disciple really doesn't amount to betraying the sect.

At the very least, if they clearly understand the situation, they will at least inquire and understand the specific situation before talking about it.

After all, just a picture of him killing Wei Feng couldn't explain anything.

Unfortunately, it was too late now, too late.

This round of attacks hasn’t stopped yet, it’s not over yet.

"No wonder you are so rampant, do you feel confident?" The eyes of Shenxiao Sect's Royal Dao Realm turned cold, and he stretched out his hand to move. In an instant, a bigger thunder light fell, trying to kill Li Su completely and turn him into ashes. fly.

The pupils of Lingbao Sect and Jian Zong couldn't help but shrink due to the actions of the Shenxiao Sect Yu Dao Realm. Just like the Tianshi Fu Yu Dao Realm, they also realized that something was wrong.粲

It is not an exaggeration to hold such a proud man in the palm of your hand. How could the Shangqing Sect convict him so easily?

However, it was too late to stop now.

Seeing them take action, other sects in the Yu Dao realm also took action, without any sign of stopping.

The first person to be killed was the Yu Dao Realm of Feijian Sect. Although he was a little slow, almost the second after the paperweight was caught by Li Su, he slashed directly towards Li Su's heart.

It is worthy of being said to be a sect with a sword that can reach hundreds of miles away. The flying sword in one hand is not only incredibly fast, but also has an extremely tricky angle.

Not to mention that the position of the attack was a vest that was difficult to defend, Li Su was suppressed by the three sects of Yu Dao Realm and had almost no chance of resistance.

His eyes were cold, and Li Su's left hand shook. Terrible power overflowed, filling the space where he was.粲

He was moving mountains, slowly but incredibly quickly.

Everyone could clearly see every centimeter of movement, but until he opened the paperweight, not even a single moment of time passed.

With a bang, as if a huge mountain had been moved away by Li Su, the atmosphere couldn't help but turbulence, and the paperweight of the Lingbao Sect's Yudao realm was forcefully thrown away by Li Su.

His body was shaking, and a figure appeared behind him. His figure was pointed like a knife, and the five internal organs were covered with divine clothes, bursting out with dazzling light.

He waved his hand and struck directly at the extremely tricky sword of the Flying Sword Sect Yu Dao Realm.

There was a loud bang, the two peerless magical powers were the same, the void was distorted, and the location of the collision shone with extremely amazing principles. They were colliding and fighting, just like planets colliding with the earth, and there was an incredible impact.

A little bit, a little bit.粲

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, Li Su not only pressed the flying sword with his fingers, but also twisted it and bent it.

Cracks began to burst out on Feijian's body, and the dense Tao was twisted and broken bit by bit by the terrifying power.


As an incredible sound spread, the flying sword of the Shushan Sword Sect branch, ranked among the eight top sects, with the strongest attack title, was cut off by Li Su with a sword.

In the distance, the face of the Flying Sword Sect Yudao Realm who smiled and felt that he had succeeded immediately froze, and his pupils could not help but tremble. The Flying Sword undoubtedly carried everything about him, and it was cut off on the spot, which was equivalent to the Daoji state. heavy damage.

His body trembled, and a meter-high blood mist erupted. An extremely huge gap opened in his waist, and his spine was severed, leaving less than two inches of flesh and blood.

After cutting off the flying sword and severely damaging the imperial realm of the Flying Sword Sect, Li Su did not show any joy on his face, but instead looked down.粲

Below, there is power undulating, which is a formation and a seal.

It is a very special method. Mountains and rivers are referenced by it. It contains a large number of rules of heaven and earth, as if the earth under its feet is controlled by it.

Shanhe Sect!

One of the same eight sects, the inheritance comes from the mountain god land lineage. The master worshiped is not the heavenly immortal god, but the legendary master of earthly immortals, Zhenyuan Great Immortal.

People in this sect practice the method of earth immortals and do not ask for heaven. After attaining the Tao, they will directly serve in the local landscape and become earth gods.

Li Su's pupils were flashing, and there were thousands of avenues flowing inside.

The earth is also an element.粲

As for him, who has merged with the world once, the mastery of this element, let alone the gods, is a bit of a master's degree for a human being in the realm of Yudao.

He lifted his foot and stepped on it.

There was no cracking or shaking, but the ground under its feet was like water. A huge stone was thrown into it, and it rippled directly.

The area of ​​tens of miles seemed to have turned into a huge lake, with huge waves splashing.

This scene stunned countless people, as well as the Yu Dao Realm of Shanhe Sect who used the technique of Shanhe Suppression.

Is this a change in nature? ? ?

The earth turns into water?粲

The Shanhe Sect's Shanhe Sutra also contains this kind of divine passage method, but it is obviously the highest method of the sect. Only in the late stage of the Yudao realm and after reaching a very high level of understanding of the earth can it be possible to learn and master it. of spells.

There was a surge on the ground, and the Shanhe Sect Yudao realm was directly squeezed out. No, it should be said that it was beaten out. He began to vomit blood in mid-air and was severely injured.

He turned pale and couldn't believe it.

This kind of suppression technique of the Shanhe Sect is unusual. It requires the soul to be integrated into the earth, so that the earth beneath one's feet is one's own.

As the successor of the Earth God, he was actually kicked out of the earth by the Shangqing Sect. What is the concept of that?

Not only that, Li Su's kick not only caused changes, but also huge turbulence. The soul integrated into the land was hit by an unprecedented impact on the spot. If he saw the wrong opportunity and let himself be 'shocked', he would even Yu Yao died directly under that kick.

Li Su ignored the guy. At this moment, a very special mark appeared on his chest.粲

It is a talisman and a spell.

There are five of them, with completely different properties and functions, including banning, suppressing, and killing.

There were seven Yu Dao realms on the periphery who were jointly taking action. When Li Su was under siege, they naturally did not dare to get too close to avoid being affected.

Therefore, they joined forces to use the talisman technique to kill him from a distance.

Li Su's eyes flashed and he snorted softly. His body began to vibrate, and he turned from flesh and blood directly into wind, water, fire, and earth.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of changes occurred.

Every change will form a very special light, which is the avenue and the rule.粲

Directly target the talisman patterns formed on the body to wash away and wash them away, just like shining snow on them, instantly melting them away.

Li Su opened his five fingers and grabbed the void. The Supreme Immortal Technique was activated. The complete thirty-six diagrams vibrated and glowed. He directly began to extract the heaven and earth. Countless Dao were forcibly captured. The avenues for several miles were all destroyed. Got some time.

They are intertwined and transformed in Li Su's hands, with a color like glass and a bright appearance.

That is, the soldiers of the avenue.

After pulling out the air, the sky and the earth seemed to be solid, and were directly hit by Li Su, and then burst into pieces, forming large pieces of Daoyun particles that flew towards the Yudao Realm members of the unknown sect who were attacking in the distance.

The faces of the seven Yudao realms all turned pale, because what caught their eyes were thousands of fragments of the Dao, the shattered avenue.

They shouted, and seven of them took action at the same time, using all their strength to use their magic power to form a shield.粲


With a loud noise, the shield shattered and was penetrated on the spot. A total of five Yudao realms were beaten and flew back with blood. Although they blocked Daoyun's direct collision, they could not withstand the terrifying power contained in it and flew back. The body was shaking, the body collapsed, and shadows flew out from inside. Those were their souls, which were all knocked out under this terrible impact.

Unlike the sects, they did not have the inheritance of immortals. Faced with Li Su who was in the same realm, both in terms of skills and enlightenment, they were far beyond them. They were directly hit by this blow and they didn't know whether they would live or die.

After cleaning up everything, Li Su turned his head, his eyes as cold as ice, looking directly at the Yu Dao Realm of Shenxiao Sect.

He was quite restrained. Lingbao and Jianzong mainly focused on hurting him and suppressing him, so they stopped trying to block them. The one from Feijianzong obviously wanted to kill him, so he cut him in the waist directly, but he didn't kill him either. .

As for the Shanhe Sect, although it seemed that he was shaken out by his kick, it was not that the opponent could escape early, but that he gave the opponent a chance to escape, otherwise he would be shocked into mincemeat underground.

After all, there is a lot of friendship between the sects, so there is a high probability that the woman used some means, and she cannot be too harsh.粲

As for those who didn't know the sect, Li Su had a different attitude. Although they were fine, they were seriously injured.

As Li Su used the Three Classics of Shangqing, both Lingbao and Jianzong actually withdrew their strength. They must have realized something. The Yudao Realm not far away from Jumen also stopped. There was no one above. As for the Tianshi Fu Geng didn't make a move from beginning to end.

Only Shenxiao Sect, only Shenxiao Sect’s imperial realm.

Not only did he not stop, but he also increased his strength. In fact, from the very beginning, he was intent on killing him.

If you go to the eight gates and have friendship, you can even say that you are like-minded.

But this mischievous behavior undoubtedly touched Li Su's bottom line, twice.

Therefore, killing intent appeared in Li Su's pupils without reservation, naked killing intent, this must be killed! ! If the Shenxiao Sect is not convinced, then even the Shenxiao Sect will be beaten to death!粲

As Li Su pushed aside Lingbao Sect's paperweight, shook Shanhe Sect out of the ground, split the Feijian Sect's sword, and severely damaged the Yudao realm of five middle- and lower-level sects with his wave, the Shenxiao Sect's Yudao realm Daojing's originally cold eyes changed a bit.

How could it be so strong?

They were more than a dozen Yudao realms who joined forces to besiege him! ! !

As soon as the thought came to an end, the Yudao Realm of Shenxiao Sect noticed that Li Su was looking over, and the murderous intention fell directly on him.

A cold feeling rushed directly from the soles of his feet to his forehead, and the Shenxiao Sect's Yu Dao Realm felt his heart go cold. He, who had always been domineering, felt regret for the first time in his heart.

It's not that he regretted killing someone. In fact, he just came here to kill people.

What I regret is that I acted too straightforwardly and too soon.粲

It shouldn't be so obvious. You should first understand the opponent's strength and then think of a solution.

He took a breath, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind. He could only take a step back. With his strength, there was no way to deal with the opponent.

Just as he was about to say something, he discovered that Li Su, who had blocked his thunder method with the Great Dao Magic Ball, was gone.

At the same time, an unprecedented crisis pressed directly on his heart, and the huge shadow of death shrouded him. This was unprecedented. Even if there had been dozens of life and death crises, there had never been such a crisis. Strong.

He will die!

If something is not done, he will die!

The Shenxiao Sect Yudao realm turned pale, and without hesitation sacrificed his own life-saving weapon, a special magic weapon that could replace death once.粲

Almost as soon as the thought came to an end, he felt suffocated and his body could no longer move. The laws of the Great Dao flowing inside were stagnant and could not operate smoothly, as if they were suppressed by something.

That's right, a talisman, a natal talisman.

The Shangqing natal spiritual talisman that suppressed Jian Zong's sword intent did not know when it appeared in the sky above his head. It was densely packed with various Dao patterns. There were too many and too astonishing. They formed countless chains that penetrated his body and flowed into every part of his body. inside a cell.

He was blocked, and the invisible avenues were hooked. Although it was not completely blocked, it prevented his mana from flowing smoothly. The degree was not high, with a delay of about one second.

But at a level like the Yudao realm, a one-second delay is definitely the difference between life and death.

Before he had time to open his mouth, before he had time to happen, he saw Li Su appear, and the terrifying weapon formed by the pinching avenue in his palm struck directly towards his head.

This was not a joke, nor was it a threat, just like he wanted to kill the other party, the other party wanted to kill him without any hesitation.粲


There was no pause at all, and even Tianshifu and other Yudao realms on the side were stunned. Li Su struck the stick directly from the head, directly shattering the Shenxiao Sect's Yudao realm on the spot.

Although I know that the guy from Shenxiao Sect is a bit too much, his character is too domineering, he often offends people, and he will be punished sooner or later.

But he never expected that Li Su would be so decisive, so decisive that he would kill him without leaving any room.


For a moment, the Tianshi Fu, Jian Sect, Lingbao Sect, and Shanhe Sect were dripping with cold sweat. As for the Yu Dao Realm not far away, their eyes were twitching, and they had a new understanding of this genius giant of the Shangqing Sect. know. Although the major sects are harmonious, in fact there are quite a lot of dissatisfaction among many Yu Dao realms, but they are all more restrained. However, this one is really different. If you dare to provoke him, he really dares to kill him.

The next second, the body that was supposed to be shattered suddenly started to burn, and a small figure with special lines appeared in the center, which was immediately shattered.粲

At the same time, a figure appeared not far away. It was the Yudao realm of Shenxiao Sect. He was sweating profusely and full of fear. There was no doubt that he had no magic weapon. He was already dead.

Damn..., bastard..., I am Shenxiao...!

The Shenxiao Sect Yudao Realm was extremely angry and furious. Life-saving magic weapons were not just junk on the street. Each one was extremely important and precious. How could he accept the result that it was gone? The loss is too great.

He looked at Li Su with great hatred. He had a very domineering character. At this moment, he completely hated Li Su. This person hated him...?


Before he had time to say anything or put down even a single word of heroic words, Shenxiao Sect's Yu Dao Realm summoned an extremely magical talisman and activated it directly.

Then his body began to fade and disappear into thin air.粲

Almost at the same time he disappeared, the Shangqing natal talisman above his head trembled, and the falling Tao lost its direction.

And Li Su also appeared again, swinging the stick empty.


His brows slightly furrowed, his consciousness blossomed, and he scanned dozens of miles around for several times. After failing to find any traces, he determined that the person was no longer nearby, and most likely left this place with the foundation of Xuanmen. Li Su Then he put down his hand with a look of displeasure, and the soldiers of the avenue disappeared.

Faced with this scene, the mouth corners of Tianshifu and others not far away twitched wildly, and they also breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, they couldn't help but feel sorry for the Yudao realm of Shenxiao Sect.

The scapegoat magic weapon and the escape talisman, that guy from the Shenxiao Sect suffered a big loss this time.

Although Shenxiao Sect's Royal Dao Realm ran away, Li Su's murderous intention did not dissipate. Instead, he turned his head and looked at Wei Feng's mother, Li Su, who had a cruel smile in her pupils not far away about five seconds ago. On Qing's body.粲

When she watched Li Su defeat more than a dozen Yudao-level warriors with her backhand, seriously injuring six, lightly injuring one, and causing the Shenxiao Sect's Yudao-realm to run away, her old face changed from the complacency at the beginning to It became panic.

If the injury hadn't been too serious and she still hadn't recovered, she would have almost couldn't help but scream and question, thinking that it was all fake and that this was absolutely impossible.

Even in the middle stage of the Yu Dao realm, it is impossible to face so many Yu Dao realms at the same time.


It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this.

Of course, no matter what Li Qing thought, Li Su walked over step by step. Before he took a step, his murderous intention would become stronger until he came to the opponent.

Ignoring the other person's pale face and the twisted hatred in his eyes, Li Su reached out and grabbed the other person's head, slowly lifted it up, and under everyone's gaze, said calmly: "Your son wants to kill me, I will kill you." Son."

"Now if you want to kill me, I will kill you!"

"fair enough."

"So if the Wei family is not convinced, come!"

"If Magu's faction is not convinced, come!"

"If all your relatives and friends are not convinced, then... come!"

"I, Li Su, am standing here, waiting for you to kill me!"

After saying that, Li Su clenched his five fingers and smashed the opponent's head. Then he raised his hand and shocked, beating the opponent's soul and body into ashes.粲



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