"Xuankong, when you read this letter, my master should have passed away. To make a long story short, don't be angry, don't be sad, life is impermanent, and all causes and consequences are determined.

Please listen carefully to what I am going to say next.

No revenge! Well...at least no revenge is allowed until the indestructible power of Vajra is achieved.

Don't go back to the Shaolin Temple, well... at least don't go back until you have accomplished the indestructible power of Vajra.

You already know how to practice the first five levels of the Vajra Indestructible Magic Skill. My teacher told you before that I would teach you the rest when I go back. Of course, that was a lie. I naturally know the remaining four levels.

In fact, the last four levels of the Vajra Indestructible Magic Technique are not exercises, but realms. They are indestructible to water and fire, the fingers and the ground turn into steel, indestructible to all poisons, and seeing gods according to their own light.

If you can cultivate to the highest level, you can go to Shaolin Temple to get the method of vajra to subdue the demon circle.

If it fails, Xuan Kong will live well...

That person must have thought he could get rid of the root of the problem, or did he drink Buddha's horse urine? Didn't you expect that at all?

Although the Great Light Sutra of Shaolin Temple is first-class in terms of combat, it does not know that in terms of treatment, even the Yi Jin Jing is inferior by two points. Combined with the Great Return Pill, even if the heart veins are completely broken, it can be repaired.

Ha, they are just superb. Do you think my two senior brothers got it for free? The moment I saw you, I understood everything. I, the Shaolin Temple, are not that easy to scheme. If you want to kill me, the Shaolin Temple Tianjiao, there is no way! "

After recovering, Li Su smiled when he read Monk Tianming's message.

"Yes, Master. I'm just a top-notch person, but I still have to drink your foot-washing water. Since I'm not dead, then he must be the one who dies."

Looking at the grave in front of him, Li Su said: "Don't worry, my disciple understands. The strength of that shameless old dog is far beyond what I can compare with now. I will concentrate on training and wait until the indestructible power of Vajra is achieved before I go there again." Let’s settle the score with that old dog, he can’t run away.”

Speed, needle..., hey, what can you think of this golden river and lake, this method, and the initial speculation?

Li Su's expression was extremely cold, feeling the increasing amount of inner energy in his body.

Would you rather be a foreign enemy than a domestic slave?

The day you visit us, you will understand how the word death is written.

Without leaving the canyon, Li Su stayed here directly. When he was sleepy, he would sleep on the ground. When he was hungry, he would find some wild vegetables and go to the Han River to catch some fish.

He was not a monk in the first place, and since he could not return to the Shaolin Temple, he naturally no longer kept the precepts.

The skills in the first volume were indeed powerful. Within a month, he had completely recovered, and even the injuries on his body seemed to be gone.

You must know that although the master at that time repaired his heart through the Great Light Sutra and the Great Return Pill, the damage to his Dantian was not restored.

As a result, in less than a month, with Zhou Tian's continuous operation, the Dantian was restored, and the infuriating energy that the other party entered into his body was also drained out.

After confirming that his body had recovered correctly, Li Su began to practice.

The magical power of Vajra Indestructibility starts from the first level.

It was broken before, and the three energies in the body were immediately shattered. Fortunately, the Arhat's golden body formed by the Arhat's true energy is still there, otherwise it would be difficult for Li Su to regain his original strength just because the Vajra Indestructible Magic was broken.

It took two months to enter the third level again.

This time, without the hindrance of the Song-Xia War, Li Su practiced without distraction.

However, the only thing that surprised him was that his martial arts were undoubtedly completely useless before, but now he recovered very quickly, beyond imagination. His previous training did not have this effect, and it should be brought about by the first internal reflection.

This is undoubtedly good news.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to regain the skill before falling off the cliff in two months. It would have been impossible before.

Li Su continued to practice.

Half a year later, the third level was finally completed, and the body became even more golden.

With a bang, Li Su began to practice the fourth level.

The fourth and fifth levels are undoubtedly a lot slower and require more and more energy. Other than that, I haven't encountered any other problems.

Not only that, the Phaseless Tribulation Finger has also been completely consolidated, and has completely entered the realm of one-fingered calamity. When used, he will not feel the pain of tearing meridians every time it appears. However, even so, he can only use three fingers at most. , you must take a break after three fingers.

And Li Su stayed under this cliff for five full years.

Five years, which means he is twenty years old.

In terms of results, not bad.

After practicing the Vajra Indestructible Skill to the fifth level, the golden light on the body is no longer as thin as before, but very thick, almost an inch long.

After practicing to this point, he understood what the last four levels of the Vajra Indestructible Magic Skill left by Monk Tianming meant, not the cultivation method, but the realm.

Just like the magical skill of Arhat, contemplating the Dharma is practice. After the Tao is fully visualized, the golden body of Arhat formed is the so-called state.

Therefore, in order to practice, Li Su began to change places.

It's not that far away, after all, he has read so many novels, and there are so many different ways of cultivation.

For example, diving into the water and sharpening the golden body through the pressure of the water flow.

Carrying huge rocks to sharpen the body.

Find a hornet's nest and use the hornets to exercise your ability to respond to the indestructible magical power of Vajra.

The days are very fulfilling, rising at dawn and resting at sunset.

Li Su's hair gradually grew, her figure continued to grow taller, and her skills became stronger and stronger.

Unknowingly, he overcame the hurdle of being a second-rate master and stepped into the first-rate realm.

As spring passes and autumn comes, flowers bloom and fall.

With his hair falling to the ground and his beard almost reaching his chest, Li Su went down the river to the edge of the Wei River, followed the river into the Yellow River, and sat directly at the bottom of the Yellow River.

One hour, two hours, three hours.

After a full day, Li Su floated out of the Yellow River.

The effect is not great anymore.

Here, he specifically searched for a place with a hundred meters of water depth. He not only simply used the Vajra Indestructible Magic, but also used the body-protecting golden light to push away the golden light little by little after it appeared.

This is undoubtedly extremely difficult.

A normal person's ability to dive deeper than thirty meters is already the limit.

If you want to go deeper, you must bring appropriate equipment, otherwise the huge water pressure will easily kill you.

Even if you practice the indestructible power of Vajra, the water pressure of 100 meters is still extremely terrifying, which is equivalent to every cell in the body bearing a force of almost ten kilograms. This is completely different from carrying something ten kilograms in your hand.

Not to mention that in such deep water, he could still push the water one foot away from his body.

And it's not that it can't be pushed anymore, but that it has reached its limit, the limit of which the Vajra Body Protection Magic can leave the body surface.

Coming out of the Yellow River, Li Su took a breath and spit it out.

He has been there for thirty-five years now.

This year, I am just forty-five years old.

The sixth, seventh and eighth levels of the Vajra Indestructible Magic Skill have all been successfully practiced.

To be honest, the immortal poison gave Li Su a headache for a while, and he used it for several years, mainly because he couldn't find the corresponding poison.

Although I'm not sure if there is any poison that can kill him, I bought a pound of arsenic not long ago and ate it as food, and I just got diarrhea. But for biological poisons, if you eat them, you will basically be killed. He absorbs it directly. Although he is not sure how far he needs to be to be invulnerable, Li Su feels that his current situation should be almost the same.

The only thing that made him scratch his head was the state of seeing God according to me.

Completely clueless.

The first few can be understood literally, but what the hell does it mean to see God according to this?

never mind....

He couldn't find the direction at all, so he simply didn't bother too much. He decided to put an end to the Vajra Indestructible Magic Kung Fu and practice it slowly. After all, the kung fu in Shaolin Temple was just that, you had to grind hard, grind hard.

Just like the iron pestle, you have to grind it into a needle before your kung fu will be deep.

Therefore, what needs to be done now is to meet the situation!

That is the second internal view.

I already have a feeling. It's just a little bit off. I'll probably be able to do it after working hard for a while.

Back in the valley, Li Su began to practice every day, practicing at sunrise and at sunset.

Then, one year, two years, three years.

He exploded!

Are you numb? How long have you been here? Five years, okay?

I still feel a little bit worse.

Where's Wan Daddy?

Li Su jumped up. Although he has the attributes of a homebody, he really lives in a homebody. He has been practicing in the mountains for forty years. There is no one left in the martial arts world, right? If it were a cultivator, maybe a thousand or two thousand years would not have passed.

Standing up, Li Su rubbed his brows and decided to go out for a walk.

Tian Long Ba Bu should have already started. I stopped by Kaifeng to take a look at that bastard. He went there once and found that the opponent was still alive and well. He just felt that he couldn't beat him, so he came back.

If he goes to see it again this time, don't die. If he dies, the fire in his heart will not go away.

As soon as the thought occurs, the magical power comes spontaneously.

The grave of the master before him was cracked open, and the bones were rising from the ground.

He stretched out his fingers, and the Vajra Power emerged, instantly squeezing it into a bone ball less than the size of a palm.

"Master, if you go out this time, you probably won't come back. I'll take you home, and then go to Kaifeng to find that bastard and seek justice for you and the two uncles!"

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