Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 658 The man who created the miracle

Outside Panlong Mountain.

The war is still going on.

The crazy fight had been going on for more than three minutes.

Whether it was Li Su or the ancestor of the snake demon clan, Teng Snake, both sides refused to give in and continued to launch terrifying attacks.

In the void, Li Su, who had avoided the opponent's attack, suddenly closed his hands.

In an instant, a large space collapsed and was folded by him, directly locking and sealing the Soaring Snake that was moving at super speed.


With a loud noise, Soaring Snake's wings vibrated rapidly, and a large number of wind laws burst out, directly cutting open the void that restrained itself.

His eyes flashed with green light, his body continued to twist, and dozens of tornadoes were swept out in an instant. These tornadoes were not big, but their speed and power were extremely terrifying.

A few miles away, the moment it was thrown out, it was already around Li Su, surrounding him.

The whirlpool carried extremely astonishing power, with nearly a million Daoyun gathered in it. The space could not bear it, and it was torn apart directly. However, such a violent hurricane always maintained its original size, and its power did not leak out at all. Instead, it was torn apart. Continuously gathering, a large amount of matter was absorbed by it, and even the void itself was shattered into pieces.

Facing this attack, Li Su made a sound of agreement, put his hands in front of his chest, and then suddenly turned around.

With Dong's sound, the space he was in froze, and the void itself seemed to directly turn into a huge Rubik's Cube. Then it quickly rotated, directly re-displacing the surrounding space, sealing and surrounding him. Together with the space where it was located, it was transferred.


The whole process of making a move and breaking out took only a few tenths of a second, but was directly transferred out by Li Su.

Li Su took a breath, raised his hand, raised it above his head, and then drew downward.


The void cracked, the world cracked, and the huge space was cut off directly by him.

The body of Soaring Snake in the distance also trembled, as if it was about to split apart, being torn apart by this stroke.

Green light burst out, and Taoism shined. Facing the cracked world, Teng She burst out with astonishing brilliance. A grand world appeared inside his body, turning into huge galaxies, forming endless storms, and directly breaking the world. This reality gave Blown away.

Facing this scene, Li Su began to strike back and forth again and again.

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

Amidst the huge noise, the sky above Panlong Mountain was like a piece of tofu, cut into hundreds of cracks by him. The clouds, lightning, strong winds, and heavy rain, everything, were torn apart.

Soaring Snake did not stay in place and allowed the opponent to attack. Under the operation of the wind system, he divided into ten parts and ten points into white. He kept jumping in the void, dodging once and for all.

However, when he started to move, he found that if he went up, the space would go down, and if he went left, the space would go right. Even if he was extremely fast, he would not be able to leave his original position for a while.

This is simply unbelievable. For a being that can rush hundreds of kilometers in a fraction of a second, it can't escape directly just by breaking through the distance of one thousand meters.

Taking a breath, Teng She let out a low cry, tore the reality to pieces, jumped into the other world, and escaped from this maze-like 'void'.

He appeared, he disappeared, and he jumped directly, thinking about Li Su and killing him. He wanted to fight in close combat, and did not intend to engage in such a distance battle with the opponent.

Li Su's response method was also very simple. When he saw the opponent approaching, he directly struck the void and created large cracks. These voids did not seem to be completely broken, but in fact, the cracks seemed as far away as a world away.

Teng She didn't listen and killed him directly. He kept jumping back and forth between the other world and the present world, and every time he appeared, his footing would be completely destroyed.

With a blink of an eye and a breath, the large piece of void Li Su cut out was annihilated, and exploded into countless pieces as if it had received a strong impact.

Finally, when Teng Snake was infinitely close to Li Su, only three to five spaces away, he saw him raise his hand to grab it, and an astonishing shadow formed in his hand. There seemed to be stars rising and dying on it, and the Milky Way seemed to flow.

An extremely terrifying and dangerous aura erupted directly from the strange shadow.

Teng Snake couldn't help but change his face slightly. The starry sky appeared on his body, turning into a magnificent galaxy pattern. There was a road in the pattern, which was the wind. The green wind swept away and flowed into his body in the blink of an eye. On the tail, the huge body swung, and the tail emitted a dazzling green light, turning into a magic weapon capable of breaking everything, shining with the light of the avenue formed by the convergence of more than two million rhymes, and slashing with extreme ferocity. passed.

There was a loud noise in the winter, and both of them shook. The space avenue and the wind avenue collided with each other.

In an instant, the world could no longer bear it. The hundreds of miles of void burst, and the other world was exposed again. It was already chaos, chaos, countless storms, and countless space fragments, all intertwined crazily inside. , collide, and strangle each other.

How many times? ? ?

The stronghold where Qing'er is located has been quiet for too long, after a three-minute, one-hundred-eighty-second battle.

Eighteen times.

Exactly eighteen times!

The two people on Panlong Mountain would erupt almost every ten seconds or so to shatter hundreds of miles of void, presenting the realm of chaos in the other world.

It was a transcendent scene, which meant that the world of the mythical world itself could not bear the explosion of power between the two of them. It needed another world, a chaotic land with endless space and thousands of worlds, to bear and digest it.

This terrifying battle completely subverted the outlook of everyone present.

In particular, some of the beings who had achieved the Immortal Realm were sweating profusely. This kind of power, this kind of fighting, even the fluctuations projected through the ancient mirror, made them tremble and suffocate.

Not to mention the consequences of getting involved, the attack caused by the battle between the two was enough to shatter their bodies and destroy their souls. If they appeared anywhere, nothing would be left.

For a while, some of them still had a glimmer of hope, thinking that sooner or later, one day, they would be able to defeat the demon court, defeat all the eyes that coveted their flesh and blood, and be able to stand firm in this damn world, either as humans or demons. At this moment Some are not only shocked, but also discouraged and despairing.

Such an existence, such a terrifying existence.

How on earth are they going to win? Not to mention, the higher the realm, the more difficult it becomes. Just the resources that practitioners need are an unbearable burden for them.

After all, what can we rely on to break through?

You must know that the two people fighting at this moment are just xuanxian, just xuanxian from the mythical world.

In the world of mythology, what is Taiyi Xuanxian?

Second rate!


It's not even first-class, let alone top-notch above first-class.

Thinking of this, how can one not be discouraged? How not to despair? There is no chance of success at all!

While being extremely shocked, many human beings couldn't help but feel shaken and were about to be shattered by this impact. Especially some of the immortals who saw the Xuanxian battle scene for the first time were about to collapse.

"not good!"

Also in shock, the leader of this stronghold's face changed slightly, realizing that something was wrong.

In fact, they have concealed some of the mythical world's combat power. They have no choice but to hide it. The gap is too big, it is really too big, and it is so big that it is extremely desperate.

Originally, there was a way out before, and I could still retreat, so I was still very relaxed, thinking that I had entered the world fragment. Although I was also improving my strength, I was still dawdling. As a result, a few years ago, the eight demon kings suddenly launched a decisive battle. Suddenly everyone's escape route was cut off.

"Ming Fangxiu, what are you kidding about?"

Suddenly, the leader couldn't help it anymore and spoke angrily. The psychological pressure was already very heavy, but now he was suddenly thrown down a bigger mountain. Wouldn't this crush everyone to death?

After this battle, the hearts and minds of the entire stronghold will probably be dispersed.

Once you are completely pessimistic and despairing, what is the point of practicing cultivation that is already difficult to improve?

Hearing the rumors, the Heavenly Fairy Xiu was startled and then came back to her senses. After all, compared to the shock of everyone present, they, the insiders, were the most shocked.

Because, not to mention other things, among the two people fighting, the one on their side is still a true immortal, a true immortal!

In the realm of true immortals, they directly went to war with Xuanxian, and the fight was evenly matched.

Oh my God, my God!

Ming Fangxiu couldn't help but scream again and again in her heart.

This is the world of mythology, and the enemy is one of the seven kings of the snake demon clan, the ancient alien Soaring Snake!

This kind of talent, looking at the entire mythological world, definitely belongs to the upper reaches.

For the first time, Ming Fangxiu understood firsthand why there was a group of people in Xia Kingdom who had unlimited expectations and admiration for Xia Kingdom's first genius.

Even the most powerful man in the Xia Kingdom, Yin Ren, has immense confidence in his disciples.

At this moment, she understood and understood.

Xia Kingdom's number one genius never disappoints, never!


The real immortal fought against Taiyi, and what he fought was not only powerful that made her tremble, but also hope.

Entering this world, the more you understand it, the more you understand how dark and desperate the mythical world is to outsiders like them.

Now, standing under the huge abyss, some of them stood up and tore a crack in the black curtain on the sky.

Faced with this result, how could she not be shocked?

Ming Fangxiu is actually relatively stable, as are the kids next to her, including Qing'er.

The mature and steady second junior sister and third senior brother both looked enthusiastic.

The ancient mirror of the fourth junior sister who manifested her true body was shaking.

The little guy who was slapped by Li Su before had his little eyes widened, full of excitement and joy, and completely turned into Li Su's fanboy and fanatical fan.

In fact, Ming Fangxiu is not,

Finally, hearing his uncle's angry voice, Ming Fangxiu came back to his senses from the huge impact.

In an instant, she felt the atmosphere lingering in the stronghold, an atmosphere of extreme pessimism and despair. Ming Fangxiu couldn't help but take a breath. In fact, if it had been her, she probably wouldn't be much better.

Xuanxian, too strong, too strong.

And obviously in the world of mythology, there are countless immortals.

What about their side?

One Xuanxian and two true immortals are perfect. They are still one step away from Xuanxian. It is simply impossible to compare.

No wonder the guarding uncle's attitude changed, and he directly shattered most of their bodies and minds, pushing them even deeper into the abyss.

Taking a deep breath, Ming Fangxiu used his magic power and spoke.

“All compatriots in the stronghold!

! "

The sound was not loud, but it undoubtedly spread throughout the stronghold and fell on the ears of thousands of people.

"Do you know why the battle on Panlong Mountain happened?"

Everyone was stunned, but the vast majority of people's eyes had no emotion at all and were still extremely gloomy. Why? Why is it important? It has nothing to do with them anyway.

All the strong men in the mythical world are their enemies, all of them!

There was no answer, just an increasingly dull breath and a feeling of despair.

"To save people!"

Ming Fangxiu didn't wait for anyone to answer unless he knew the truth.

"Who to save? Save Bai Su!"

Bai Su?

Who is Bai Su?

Many people were still confused and had no reaction.

But there was a part of me that thought of something and recalled something.

Bai Su? Bai Su!

A few months ago, that Bai Su who was captured by the snake demon clan? Bai Su, one of the twin geniuses of the Spirit Snake Clan?

Save her?

who? Why?

"I believe many people have remembered who Bai Su is, right? Bai Su is ours, one of the twin geniuses of the Spirit Snake Clan. In order to save our compatriots a few months ago, he was captured by the Demon Court Snake Demon Clan. And was taken to Panlong Mountain."

Ming Fangxiu said with a somewhat dark face: "I think everyone should know that there are many places in Beiju Luzhou that once we are caught, it basically means death. This Panlong Mountain is one of them. one."

"Then here's the question. Now someone appears in this forbidden area to fight with the strongest Xuanxian in this place. The purpose is to save our compatriot Bai Su. Do you understand what this means?" Ming Fangxiu's eyes sparkled, The sound gradually grew louder.

represents what?

Many people were shocked and couldn't help but raise their heads. The holes in their eyes continued to enlarge, and they began to express disbelief.

Ming Fangxiu said extremely loudly: "First, it means that he is one of us, our compatriot, and like us, he comes from outside the mythical world."

"Second, it means that for us, what should have been a Jedi, a taboo place that cannot be touched, is no longer the case from now on."

"And what does the emergence of the above two points mean? It means that in our alliance, a second strong man with the level of Xuanxian has appeared. It also means that although we are still in the abyss, there is no The boundless black curtain above our heads has been pried open again, and it is not indestructible."

Following Ming Fangxiu's words, the atmosphere of the stronghold gradually changed, the aura of despair was shaken, and a crack was opened in the extremely pessimistic mood.

Among the people who fought in the Panlong Mountain battle, one of them was one of our own?

It is undoubtedly much better for such a powerful being to be one of our own than for both of them to be enemies.

Seeing that everyone's emotions started to become active, although they still could not completely reverse it, they more or less stabilized the collapsed emotions. The strongest person in the stronghold not far away could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. At the same time, there was also some shock, Ming Fangxiu said Naturally, it cannot be Soaring Snake. He is the ancestor of the snake demon clan. Naturally, he is another one. Facing the Soaring Snake ancestor, he still makes no concessions and displays peerless power.

He actually comes from outside the mythical world? Why haven't you heard of it before? When did such a powerful being appear among our compatriots? For a time, countless questions arose in his heart, but he quickly suppressed them. At this moment, the first priority was the stronghold, and he couldn't let his heart break.

Taking a breath, he was ready to speak. He would talk about who the person shown in the ancient mirror was later.

Not only that, even if it is true, it should not be made public directly. It is not a secret, but what if there is such a strong person? Those who don't understand may be touched, but those who understand still understand that in the mythical world, the return of Xuanxian is not the point, it is just another starting point.

The end is still far away, still unreachable.

"I think after hearing this, everyone feels a little calmer in their hearts, right? You breathe a sigh of relief, right? You don't feel so depressed anymore, right?"

Ming Xiufang did not stop. Although she was beautiful, she had become rigid and serious due to the high-pressure environment. She could hardly smile. At this moment, she suddenly showed her face and started laughing. Her pretty face was extremely bright, as if she had broken free. Shackles saw a hopeful smile, extremely beautiful and touching.

Her big eyes were filled with water, and she cut out endless colors. She said softly: "What if I told you that the person who is fighting against the Soaring Snake Ancestor of the Panlong Mountain Snake Demon Clan at this moment is not Taiyi, but is in the realm of true immortals??? "

"Now this seemingly evenly matched battle is actually not a fight between the same realm, but a battle between a low realm and a high realm?"

"Please tell me how you feel!"

The child's eyes widened suddenly, and the words Ming Fangxiu spat out were like thunder and lightning, shocking everyone at once.

True immortal?

The battle on Panlong Mountain was actually a real immortal fighting a mysterious immortal?

How can this be? ? ?

"Perhaps some of you will not believe it, some will be doubtful, some will be half-convinced, and some will directly think that I am lying, but I just want to appease people."

"I can understand everyone's suspicion, but if it were me, I probably wouldn't believe it."

"After all, if there was such a person among us, his name should have been spread long ago and everyone would know it? How could a genius suddenly appear out of thin air and have no idea who he is? Is he still a genius at this level? "

Ming Fangxiu still didn't wait for anyone to speak. She turned to look at Qing'er beside her and took a deep breath. "Then let me tell you. I'm not lying. He is our genius, and he is the pride of all of you." More or less, I have heard people talk about him, or even seen him fight with my own eyes, and I know the super genius by name."

Under everyone's shocked, puzzled, and doubtful gazes, Ming Fangxiu spoke softly.

"who is he?"

"He is a peerless genius with invincible martial arts, unparalleled magic power, and supreme supernatural powers."

"He is the unparalleled genius who has achieved martial arts, magic power, and supernatural powers the fastest in history."

"When he was in the supernatural realm, he faced the plan of the Eight Pseudo Kings, but single-handedly killed the Pseudo Immortals and broke out of the situation."

"He is the future of Xia State who is willing to fight the Eight Pseudo Kings for him."

"He is the future supreme king who made the Eight Puppet Kings fearful and fearful, and even started a war in advance, and did not dare to let him grow up."

Having said this, Ming Fangxiu paused for a moment and said softly: "I think you don't need me to introduce it any further, right?"

"His Royal Highness the Tyrant?" Someone was not sure.

"Your Highness the Tyrant!" Someone said inexplicably.

“Ah ah, it’s His Majesty the Tyrant!

! "Soon, the human race in the stronghold opened their eyes wider and wider. In the end, they couldn't help but roared loudly, with great shock and even tears.

The rest of the people were also stunned for a short time, and became excited like the human race. It was not just because of their position, but most of them had been close to the Xia Kingdom when they were outside, and even joined the Xia Kingdom, which was different from the demon clan. The group known as the Xia Kingdom Spirit Clan, Xia Kingdom's number one genius, is naturally the genius in their hearts.

In the deepest depths of this despair, if there is any hope, for many people, Xia Kingdom's number one genius is definitely one of the few hopes left under this night sky.

Just because they haven't appeared all the time, the light is dim and about to be extinguished, but there are still many people who still hold on to a glimmer of hope deep in their hearts.

After all, he created too many legends, legends that no one can surpass.

Not only that, the strongest pillar supporting the Xia Kingdom now is also his extremely firm believer. He has expressed in public more than once that when Su'er appears, this extremely bad situation will definitely be completely changed.

He raised his head and looked at the battle at Panlong Mountain. Everyone in the stronghold began to feel warm, and the nearly extinguished flame was ignited again.

Because, he didn't just simply appear.

In this world where there are countless geniuses and myths everywhere, he still continues to create his own legend as always.

At this moment, Li Su was no longer just the genius, but also the super genius of all of them.

It belongs to them, not to the mythical world!

The peerless figure on Panlong Mountain was so dazzling at this moment, and it was so shocking. It was like a shot in the arm, making their exhausted and despairing hearts full of motivation again.

Too long, too long, too long.

Buried under the lightless night.

Thousands of people, both old and young, roared loudly and cathartically at this moment.

oh! oh! oh!

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