Stronghold center.

"Everyone is here, let's start discussing whether to leave or stay!"

As the guard of the stronghold, Mr. Lu spoke. He is a spiritual deer in his true form. He has the strength of an immortal. He has become an immortal more than 300 years ago. He is very senior. He has been in the mythical world for more than 500 years. He is considered highly respected here. .

The meeting was naturally chaired by him.

After Li Su proposed the strategic shift, he did not ask everyone to nod immediately and agreed. Instead, he asked them to discuss among themselves whether they were willing to leave.

Of course, he also analyzed the current situation, focusing on the genius of Panlong Mountain who has Zhu Jiuyin's bloodline. Zhu Jiu was beheaded by him, and Bai Su left because of him. The Demon Court Snake Clan will definitely have a negative impact on the entire Beiju Luzhou was searched.

After giving them fifteen minutes and thinking carefully, Li Su took Bai Su and Qing'er to the other side of the stronghold.

Whether you leave or not is entirely up to you, and he is very democratic in this regard.

"Your Highness the Tyrant."

It was Ming Fangxiu, who was supposed to attend the meeting. Unexpectedly, after starting the discussion, she went directly to the other side of the stronghold and found Li Su who continued to treat Bai Su.

"Just call me Li Su."

Li Su took a look at the other person, and it was very eye-catching, especially when she took off her cloak. She had snow-silver hair, fluffy ears, and an amazing figure. She fully satisfied all the psychological requirements of a man. She should be perky. , the circle of the circle.

It's a pity that the fashion style in the mythical world is too old. Women basically wear long skirts, which make them look airy. However, compared with the modern style, it is too conservative. For example, the long legs under the round waist are covered. The beautiful scenery was suddenly reduced by 70%.

The person in front of me is from the Fox Clan. Like Qing'er and the other Spirit Snake Clan, they are a race friendly to the human race and are deeply integrated into the Xia Kingdom. Many women from the Fox Clan have chosen to marry the Xia Kingdom's human race.

Ming Fangxiu could feel the admiration in Li Su's eyes, but he did not hide it, which made her feel very strange. After all, since she came to this world, survival has become everyone's first priority. All have become sidelined.

This made her, who was once the most beautiful woman outside, not pay attention to her makeup for almost decades.

To be honest, if this had happened in another situation, or if it had been a few decades ago, she would have been able to attach herself directly to you, and your bones would have been numb if you dared to tease me.

At this moment, it was Li Su. If she could have greeted someone else with a slap, she would still be thinking about this kind of thing.

Sure enough, after coming to the mythical world, my original mentality has been completely distorted.

She took a breath, Li Su's eyes were only admiring, and since she couldn't beat him, she could only suppress the strangeness in her heart and return to the topic.

"Well, Your Excellency Li Su, I have a question to ask."

"Please say."

"I don't understand. With your strength, you can just take people away by force. Why waste time here and let them discuss it?"

This world has always been about the strong and the weak. With Li Su's strength, he didn't need to care about what other people thought and just acted directly. No one in this stronghold could resist.

He killed Zhu Jiu. Ming Fangxiu understood what that meant. The bloodline of Zhu Jiuyin was not of ordinary importance to the Snake Clan. Although the Demon Court had established an organizational structure similar to that of the Human Clan, it seemed harmonious on the surface. But deep down in the subconscious mind, the internal competition has not diminished at all.

Respecting the strong is a concept engraved in the bones. Zhu Jiu's death can definitely be said to be an unprecedented and huge loss to the Snake Clan, and the Teng Snake Ancestor will definitely take revenge.

So the sooner you leave now, the better.

Fifteen minutes may not seem like much time, but in fact, for a cultivator, it is enough to do a lot of things.

"It's not a big problem, we still have some time."

Li Su glanced at the stronghold and said, "As for why not just take him away by force? Well, this is indeed a simple method. The reason for not doing this is mainly based on two reasons."

"Two reasons?"

It’s not just Ming Fangxiu, Qing’er. Bai Su, who was recovering from his injuries, all looked over.

"First, when it comes to my own life and death, I naturally have to make my own decision. At least I cannot accept others arbitrarily arbitrarily arranging my life and death, so I will be more considerate of myself. As long as they are not enemies, I will respect the choices of others."

"Second, the other party is willing to follow me, which means that they believe in me and entrust their lives to me, so it becomes my responsibility to protect their safety."

"The former determines that I will not force others, but the latter."

Li Sudan said calmly: "I don't think I am a savior, nor do I want to be a savior. My mentality is very ordinary, and there are not many things that can be stored in it.

Save Qing'er, because she is like a little sister to me. I saved Bai Su because she was Qing'er's sister, Qing'er would be sad if she died, and because she had experienced life and death with me and was my comrade-in-arms.

Therefore, I will not really think about myself and think about shouldering everything just because someone calls me the most talented person in Xia Kingdom or your highness the tyrant twice. I don’t have such high moral quality and sentiment.

Deciding to take people away, as someone who is also from the outside, and as a strong person, I only have the energy and ability to help.

So if you want to leave, I will take it with you. If you don’t leave, I don’t care. "

You don't want to leave? He deserves to die.

Ming Fangxiu was stunned, obviously not expecting Li Su to do so for this reason.

At first glance, it sounds a little cold.

But if you think about it carefully, you will find how different Li Su is.

This is a world where the strong is supreme. The principles of the strong are equal to the principles of heaven and earth, and the weak can only passively accept them.

There is no doubt that Li Su's way of thinking gave her a great impact.

She stayed where she was and didn't speak for a long time. Li Su didn't bother her either. She sat there quietly and waited for the time to end.

After a while, Mingfang Xiu came back to her senses. She suddenly looked at Bai Su and said inexplicably: "There are still many spirit snakes in this stronghold, if they are unwilling to leave."

Before Ming Fangxiu could finish speaking, Li Su rolled his eyes and interrupted: "Bai Su's injury is very serious. As for Qing'er, she is not yet an adult."

Ming Fangxiu burst into laughter and said with bright eyes, "Is that so? I understand, then I'll take my leave first."

On the side, Bai Su couldn't help but wavered, and quickly closed his eyes.

Only Qing'er looked confused. What do you mean? Why can't you understand? And she is an adult. Although she is small, based on her actual age, she is hundreds of years old, much older than her brother.


Center, guard the middle.

It's been eight minutes, not to mention the result, not even a discussion.

The Xia Kingdom's human race was decisive, and no one came. They had already packed up and bowed early, and were ready to set off.

The first is the propaganda from the Xia Kingdom. As the number one genius, Li Su has a very high status in the hearts of the Xia Kingdom's human race.

Then he is not only the most talented person in the Xia Kingdom, but also has the rank of Major General in the Xia Kingdom and is the leader of the military department.

Among the Xia people in the mythical world, there are only two people with a higher military rank than him.

Faced with the current harsh situation, the Xia Kingdom has become completely militarized. Both men and women are soldiers, and as a soldier, your bounden duty is to obey the orders of your superiors.

Of course, they also have their own considerations. If they continue to stay here, they will just struggle. In the end, nothing will change. They can only leave here. Maybe there is hope for the future.

Therefore, instead of living without hope, it is better to fight for it.

Then there was the Spirit Snake Clan. They came, but they had no desire to discuss.

Also discussing a hammer, for the Spirit Snake Clan, Bai Su and Qing'er are their hope. As long as they are alive, the Spirit Snake Clan will still have a future. Do you still have to choose?

Although Li Su said you were discussing it, do you think the other side would keep Bai Su and Qing'er if the other snakes don't agree? You think too much.

The remaining people were hesitant and wanted to leave, but their hearts were not stable and they could not make a decision.

Leaving means avoiding danger, but it does not mean safety.

Mr. Lu asked them to express their opinions, but after looking at each other, not only did they not speak, but they became even more silent.

The atmosphere was solemn for a time.

Li Su is powerful, but that was when he was alone. Now there are so many of them, and it is obvious that once there are more people, their actions will naturally be in various ways, and various problems will arise.

Not only that, according to him, the genius of the Snake Clan of the Panlong Mountain Demon Court was killed by him. Then the Snake Demon Clan will definitely go crazy looking for him and desperately want to kill him. The danger of following him will undoubtedly be greater. .

What you have to bet on is your own life.

Just when the discussion made no progress at all, Ming Fangxiu came back.

"The Linghu clan will leave with His Highness the Tyrant."

She sat directly next to Mr. Lu, without looking at the atmosphere on the field, and said directly: "Old Mr. Lu, please contact the Elders Association and tell me that I want to notify everyone in the Linghu clan to follow His Highness the Tyrant leave."

The guard Lu Lao was stunned. Because the discussion had not progressed, he was planning to take the lead and express his support. In his opinion, since Li Su dared to say that he would take them away, he should be confident, and there should not be a big problem in this regard.

As a result, Ming Fangxiu, who was not here, dropped a bomb and almost knocked him out.

What they were discussing was just this stronghold, but the other party suddenly extended it to the entire Beiju Luzhou?

"Fangxiu, why are you?"

"When you were discussing just now, I went to ask His Highness the Tyrant why he made us choose whether to leave. He is so powerful, he could just take us away, so why waste time?"

Ming Fangxiu glanced at the crowd: "His Royal Highness the Tyrant gave me a satisfactory answer, so I made a decision. The Linghu clan left with His Highness the Tyrant, and will follow His Highness the Tyrant from now on."

Shock, extremely shocking.

Even Mr. Lu couldn't help but open his eyes wide, not to mention the rest of the people, even the Xia people were stunned.

Leaving with Li Su and following Li Su are two completely different concepts.

The so-called following is actually equivalent to recognizing him as the king of the Linghu clan.

The significance inside is absolutely beyond imagination.

Although there are many outsiders in Beiju Luzhou, everyone is very united, but this is just due to the pressure of the external environment. The tribe considers itself to be the main tribe, and does not recognize anyone as the leader.

This is also true for the Xia Kingdom, which is divided into several major factions.

As a result, now Ming Fangxiu made such a decision, one can imagine how shocked he was.

This means that the Linghu clan has completely given up their right to make decisions and handed everything over to Li Su.

Although the willingness and unwillingness of the weak are meaningless to the strong, active and passive have completely different meanings.

Mr. Lu frowned. In one sentence, she was allowed to make such a decision? Let the immortals of the Linghu clan make such a choice? You must know that Ming Fangxiu is not only an immortal, but also one of the three great immortals of the Linghu clan, with huge status and influence.

The other two immortals, one is her niece and the other is her biological sister. It can be said that once she makes a decision, the matter is basically settled.

"Fangxiu, are you really sure what you are talking about?" He said with a serious expression.

"Lao Lu suspects that I am being controlled?"

Mingfang understood the other party's worries, laughed and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Lu, it's not the case. I'm very clear-headed and rational. This was my decision after full consideration, and it took me ten seconds."

Mr. Lu has a dark look on his face. Have you thought about the future of the entire Spirit Fox clan for ten seconds? Can you take more than this time to take a bite of rice and chew it carefully?

He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Xiu Fang, don't be joking."

Ming Fangxiu also became serious. While looking directly at Mr. Lu, he said extremely seriously: "I'm not kidding, I'm very serious."

"Can you tell me what exactly His Highness the Tyrant told you to make you make such a decision?"

"Your Highness said that life and death are our own affairs, let us decide by ourselves."

"that's all?"

"that's all!"

Mr. Lu was a little angry. He said angrily: "Ming Fangxiu, do you know what you are talking about? Do you think this explanation can convince the Linghu clan? Convince me?"

"The Linghu clan doesn't need convincing. As for Mr. Lu, you don't understand the meaning of these words. It makes me wonder how you survived after hundreds of years." Ming Fangxiu looked at it deeply. Looking at Lu Lao, he said calmly.

Lu Lao was startled and opened his mouth to say something, but when the words reached his mouth, he choked inexplicably.

Life and death are our own affairs, we decide by ourselves?

Is there anything strange about this? What is it?

Is life and death our own business? We decide for ourselves?

As the words continued to flash through his mind, Mr. Lu gradually opened his eyes wide and looked at Ming Fangxiu in disbelief, "Are you sure that His Highness said this?"

Ming Fangxiu laughed and said directly: "That's right!"

"That's it, that's it."

Mr. Lu laughed inexplicably, and then stood up and said: "The Linglu clan will also follow His Highness. You continue the discussion. I will contact the Elders Association here."

After saying that, Mr. Lu ran out in a hurry.

"Hey, old guy, wait for me, I want to inform you too." Ming Fangxiu was startled, this old guy doesn't follow martial ethics.

For a moment, everyone looked at each other, confused by this situation.

"Second Senior Sister, what happened to Mr. Lu and the others?"

Also at the scene, one of the powerful Gu Jing people could not help but ask about the most powerful Second Senior Sister.

She is also transformed into a spirit fox. She is Ming Fangxiu's junior sister. She is apprenticed to the spirit fox ancestor. Now she is at the peak of the golden elixir realm. She is only one step away from the immortal. Among all the people, she has the best head, just one step behind the senior sister. Diudiu.

She lowered her head. Although she didn't object, she was still confused about the decision made by her senior sister.

They are all from the same faction, so there is no need to think about whether to follow or not. The senior sister has made the decision, and they can just follow.

Why is Senior Sister like this and why is Mr. Lu like this?

What magic is there in that sentence?

One's own life and death, one's own.

Wait, you decide your own life and death?

Her eyes widened suddenly, and she instantly realized the magic contained in these words.

That’s it, that’s it.

No wonder, Senior Sister, she would make such a decision.

In this world, the weak do not actually have autonomy. In fact, they are just vassals of the strong, or even property.

Everything he owns, even if it is said to be his, belongs to the strong, even if the strong says it belongs to him, for the weak, it is no longer his own, even if it is his own life.

Although no one says it, this is the reality.

But now, His Highness said, life and death are your own affairs, you decide for yourself.

what does that mean?


I'm afraid His Highness didn't think that much at the time, he just expressed his true thoughts, and the Linghu clan is best at sensing in this area, and because of this, the eldest sister made that decision without hesitation.

In fact, this is what most demon clans present hesitated about. Following means surrendering, which means that their lives no longer belong to them and they will become the vassal of His Highness the Tyrant. If they are at the stronghold, they still have a certain degree of autonomy, but once they leave, they will have nothing. They can only rely on Li Su for everything, and his life and death will be determined by his thoughts.

As Ming Fangxiu and Lu Lao left, the people who were in charge gradually showed thoughtful expressions. After a moment, they widened their eyes with incredulous expressions.

Soon, one after another stood up and ran out.

"Mr. Lu, wait a moment, I also want to inform you."


"How many people do you think will follow you?"

On the other side, Bai Su, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes and asked.

Li Su was startled for a moment, lowered his head and thought for a moment before saying: "About four or five floors, it should not exceed six floors at most."

Although he is very attractive, considering human nature, among more than 3,000 people, the limit should be maintained at half.

For example, the Spirit Snake, Fox Clan, and the Human Clan of Xia Kingdom.

After all, even if you go with him, there is no guarantee that you will be safe.

"Do you think so?" Bai Su laughed inexplicably, and his smile was quite humane: "Actually, the reason why you gave everyone the reason to make their own choices is because the people of Qing'er and I, as well as the human race of Xia Kingdom, ,Right?"

Li Su paused, looked at the other party and said, "Why do you say that?"

"Because you are a very emotional person, and you will cherish the things you care about. Such people often don't know how to love or share. What they care about is always the group of people around them."

Bai Su said seriously: "So, rather than letting them choose themselves, you are letting them choose for you!"

Li Su said slowly: "What should I choose?"

"A goal that can be given up!" Bai Su said: "If they don't reach out, it means that their life and death has nothing to do with you, so stay away from them, right?"

Li Su smiled and didn't nod, but he didn't deny it either.

Nonsense, I'm not their father, I've reached my limit, what else do you want?

Bai Su also smiled. She was very happy and said brightly: "The next step should be very interesting."


"Well, it is estimated that the people you want to save now are not just this stronghold, but everyone in the entire Beiju Luzhou."

Li Su widened his eyes, "Nani???"

Seeing the charming smile on the other party's face, Li Su felt something was wrong. His consciousness suddenly opened and he scanned directly towards the center of the stronghold. The next second, his face turned green and he couldn't help but widen his eyes.


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