Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 665: The Way of the Black Turtle

Continuing to go deeper, Li Su changed his original goal this time. Not only did he leave his traces everywhere to avoid being directly targeted, but once he reached a fork in the road, he would release his clones and all enter to search.

I have to say that the black turtle is really big inside.

Even a very small blood vessel has an astonishing distance of thousands of miles.

The width and height alone are astonishing, with some reaching a diameter of 100 meters.

This is very scary. How big is a human blood vessel? You must know that this is not the main artery of the black turtle. Judging from the position of entry, he is still on one of the branches. He still needs to travel a considerable distance to reach the place where the artery is.

The inside of the black turtle is much larger than the outside.

After almost ten minutes of continuous exploration, Li Su came to this conclusion.

In his current condition, it was as if he had walked a little farther from someone's shoulder, not even reaching his collarbone.

For more than ten minutes, the length alone was said to be more than ten thousand miles, but it turned out that even the chain bones were not even reached. The real size of the inside of this black turtle was basically equivalent to a huge world.

That's right, the size of ancient times was very terrifying. Empress Nuwa chopped off the limbs of a black turtle to support the sky, so its true size must have been extremely terrifying.

However, compared to the others, Li Su could not help but sigh slightly as he felt the water flowing around him.

Dead silence.

All water is pregnant with an indescribable heaviness, a huge unwillingness, and a desire for life.

This taste is very despairing, as if you are taking a yellow lotus and putting it in your mouth. You know clearly that it will be very bitter, but you can only swallow it.

What kind of feeling is it?

It's not about survival, it's about not having a choice.

Suddenly, Li Su seemed to see the black turtle living freely in a huge ocean, enjoying his own freedom.

A figure arrived. Even to the human race, it was the great Holy Mother, and to the prehistoric era it was the sacred savior. But at that moment, that second, to the Xuangui, it was the biggest dream monster. the bottom of the abyss.


It’s not me who ruined the day.


Want to use my life to save the world?


Unwilling and unfair, it saw its own future and its own ending, but it could not resist or fight.

Looking at his severed limbs and the sea stained red with his own blood.

Listening to countless living beings praising the greatness of the saint, a lonely ghost lay alone in the corner.

I can not be reconciled!


I can not be reconciled!


The black turtle roared and yelled.

It turned Beiju into a snowy land, it turned Beiju into a dead place, refusing all living things to enter.

Thousands of years, ten thousand years, tens of millions of years.

Infinite and endless.


An inexplicable voice penetrated the body and mind, a beautiful figure, she was so holy and could not be blasphemed, she stood silently in front of the frozen Beiju, listening to Beiju's unwilling cry.

A soft and pleasant voice, as if caressing the soul, sounded.

"Heaven and earth owe you, all living things owe you, and I owe you too!"

Suddenly, I came back to my senses.

Li Su, who kept moving forward, couldn't help but stop, and his heart was moved.

Is this scene the memory of Xuan Turtle?

He shook his head and suppressed the huge feeling of disparity in his heart. Although from the perspective of the ancient world, it was indeed a very cost-effective thing to sacrifice a black turtle to save all souls.

But the prerequisite is undoubtedly that this matter falls on someone other than his own head.

Save all sentient beings? I'm dead, I don't care about your life or death!

However, the last figure.

Li Su's eyes flickered slightly. Although it was just a back view, that figure, the kind of shock that couldn't help but rise from the bottom of her heart, was undoubtedly hers, and it would only be her.

Even if the human race experiences the tragedy of the demon race, it will no longer seek God, but will struggle on its own.

But the moment she stood in front of you, you immediately understood what the god in front of you meant to the human race.

Not just the Creator!

She is also the mother of all races.

Well, Thresh.

At least the apotheosis of this world is just a game of chess and the immeasurable calamity of Xuanmen.

Otherwise, this feeling that penetrates the soul, even if King Zhou is cruel and unethical, he would not be able to do the kind of behavior of writing poems to tease Nuwa.

"I understand, if there is still a chance to save the Black Turtle, if I have the ability, I will save it!"


Li Su said softly, as a saint of heaven, it couldn't be easier to see into the past and see the future. He didn't think that the sigh flowing through Xuangui's unwillingness was just to express his feelings.

After that, Li Su took his own steps again and continued to go deeper.


Not long after walking, he was inexplicably startled, and there was a trace of fluctuation in the water path throughout the huge body.

Not big, no special changes.

But the water path that appeared in his mind was different, very subtle.

Some water, great mass.

Some water, very light.

There is also some water, which is very clean.

Unable to help but look back at himself, Li Su blinked. The water behind him was very quiet.

Facing this scene, he couldn't help but take a breath, and Tong Kong couldn't help but tightened violently. In this inexplicable situation, could the Xuan Turtle really be alive?

After being stunned for a moment, Li Su strode directly in the direction of relatively large mass.

This walk took a long time.

For two days and one night, he passed through countless blood vessel avenues and even an aorta that was nearly hundreds of thousands of miles long.

He stopped.

There is no need to deliberately get closer, Li Su can still feel it even if they are far apart.

Similar to the previous Unmelted Ice, the air here has become extremely heavy due to the extremely special Water Element. The Water Element is filled with huge power and extremely heavy.

After walking through a path, the same huge room as before appeared, with a drop of lightless water suspended there.

Dull, not black.

All light cast on it will not react at all, it will be swallowed up and absorbed.

Like Bu Huabing, there is also a great avenue inside, with three thousand middle roads and three thousand small roads.

heavy water!

Standing not far away, Li Su watched silently for several seconds before slowly looking away.

In his mind, a brand new waterway was taking shape and was recorded by him.

He let out a long breath, feeling a little tired, but also excited, because the harvest was very great, not only the enlightenment of more water paths, but also the supreme path of the Seven Saints was greatly touched. He had just reached 300, and now Er directly broke through, and his understanding of the Seven Saints was strengthened and deepened.


It took a full hour for Li Su to open his eyes.

It's a huge surprise.

1050 Trail.

The Seven Supreme Saints all have dual paths, which means that the number of main paths has reached an astonishing 14,700.

As for the miscellaneous roads, there were originally more than 16,000, but after two days and one night, four thousand were added. Now, in front of this drop of heavy water, another two thousand were added.

There are more than 22,000 miscellaneous things.

This progress can definitely be said to be extremely amazing.

His current stars are full of paths, and their quality has been greatly improved.

You must know that Li Su himself is a fifteen-fire golden elixir. Because the Seven Saints are supreme, although there is only one star formed, it has twenty-two layers.

What does this number mean?

It’s not just the size, it’s the capacity.

There are also outbreaks.

A normal Ten Fire True Immortal can erupt ten times in the world when it explodes with full force.

As for Li Su, one outbreak lasted twenty-two times.

This is an extremely terrifying statistic, which gives his magical power a huge power. You must know that even if he is above the myth of the Eleven Fires, he will be at a crushing level when facing the True Immortals of the Ten Fires.

Not to mention the twenty-second floor?

Not to mention true immortals, even Taiyi has hundreds or even thousands of the Three Thousand Middle Ways, but the quality is only about the same as Li Su.

For example, the ancestor of Soaring Snake is like this. In the middle stage of Taiyi, the number of middle paths in his body exceeds one thousand.

Facing him, Li Su didn't even need to use the treasure.

You can imagine how terrifying his breaking of limits is.

This is thanks to the fact that the other party possesses the ancient alien species, the blood of the Soaring Snake, which is almost equivalent to two fires. In other words, he is also a twelve-fire monk who is above the myth.

Now as the trail continues to be replenished, the distance between him and Xuanxian is getting closer.

In terms of strength, it has improved by about three levels.

After exiting the room filled with special heavy water, Li Su took a deep breath and felt that the water path inside the black turtle and the feelings between him were deepening, and the world's rejection of him was constantly decreasing.

The range that spiritual consciousness can sense is gradually increasing.

Leaving the trail, Li Su returned to the aorta.

Next, he will go down, along the opponent's body, to find the other two special waves. These four avenues should be the Taoism of Xuan Turtle during his lifetime. If he can master them all, they will promote his own realm. There is no doubt that it has a huge effect. Maybe it can be directly within the body of this black turtle, reaching the limit of true immortality and opening the road to Taiyi.

Once he achieves Taiyi, he will not only reach the realm of Taiyi Xuanxian, but also face the Daluo realm. Li Su estimates that he should be able to escape without using the treasure.

As for the pursuers behind him, Li Su didn't pay too much attention.

Now the blood curse on his body has completely disappeared. Not only was it completely wiped clean by him, he also left many misleading traces along the way. In such a huge maze, even the Daluo realm is not easy to use. .

After feeling the fluctuations of the special water path in the air, Li Su found the direction and disappeared directly.

high speed.

Before coming here, he had already found a way. His current location should be the internal carotid artery. As long as he kept going down this extremely wide avenue, he could enter the ventricle.

Although the specific locations of the remaining two Dao are not known, based on the conditions of non-melting ice and heavy water, the former is located near the chest of the black turtle's forelimbs, and the other two should most likely be on the waist and abdomen, and on both sides of the hind limbs.

It's a pity that there are pursuers, otherwise the fastest way is not to travel inside this huge body, but to go out from the forelimbs and enter from the outside around the hind legs.

It doesn't matter, although it will waste a little time, it just allows him to fully digest the two major water paths and understand more of the water paths.

Li Su's speed is very fast. There is almost no need to overestimate the speed on this extremely wide aorta. It is too wide and too long. Even if there are bends, he only needs to adjust the direction slightly. That’s it.


Just as Li Su was moving forward rapidly, he suddenly shrank and felt something in his consciousness.


Not far away, at a branch of the aorta, something was approaching rapidly.

Faced with this feeling, he couldn't help but have a look of confusion on his face.

Monster clan?

No, how could the other party run in front of me?

No, that blood vessel connected the right forelimb, not the left forelimb he entered.

Come from both sides to surround yourself? Snake demon clan, do you have that many people? Li Su couldn't help but frown. Although the snake demon clan was large, it did not mean that they had many strong people.

One person in the Daluo realm will die, and there will be more Xuanxian, but only about three or four at most.

He had fought against the Soaring Snake Ancestor in Panlong Mountain. The other party should understand his strength. It was not a good thing to divide his forces in such a huge maze.

After thinking about it, Li Su did not wait where he was. Instead, he flashed and headed directly towards the small blood vessel next to the aorta.

Although not taking the main path would waste a lot of time, Li Su did not plan to confront the snake demon for the time being until he mastered all the rules of the Black Turtle.

At this moment, it is difficult for him to kill Xuanxian above the middle stage of Taiyi without using the treasure.

The moment he stepped into the small blood vessel next to him, Li Sutong, who originally wanted to conceal his aura, suddenly shrank and his expression changed slightly.

Not just one, but five, all in the Taiyi realm.

And as he got closer and his perception became clearer, even Li Su couldn't help but take a breath.

It’s a demon clan, that’s right.

However, it is not just the snake demon clan.

There were five people in total, and only one was a snake demon whose aura he had felt before. It was very similar to Zhu Jiu who he killed, but was much stronger. He was Zhu Jiuyin from the Taiyi realm.


"Xiang Kong, what's wrong?"

Five figures appeared in the huge aorta almost at the same time as Li Su avoided them.

And very suddenly, one of the huge figures stopped inexplicably, and his nose twitched slightly, sensing something.

Xiang Kong's eyes flashed. His body was extremely huge, like a humanoid Titan, more than five meters tall. His arms were wider than a human being's, and his bulging muscles seemed to have endless power.

After a moment, he said slowly: "Nothing!"

After saying that, his figure suddenly moved.

The Tao is as motionless as a mountain and as moving as thunder.

The huge body directly distorted the air, and rushed to the blood vessel where Li Su hid at a speed that ordinary people could not imagine.


He opened his mouth and shouted loudly, and his huge fist roared out.

With a bang, the earth-lined road and the mountain exploded.

The fist that was punched was like a mountain rising up from the ground, with thousands of laws of the Middle Way intertwined in it. The power of the water around was squeezed out, and it was pressed down with an indestructible aura.

In the passage, Li Su's face suddenly changed. He clearly retreated in advance and covered up all his aura, but he was still caught by the other party? ? ?

His steps trembled and he retreated extremely fast. He retreated thousands of miles in one step. He wanted to avoid the sharp edge and avoid any collision.

However, the punch from the attacker was so amazing, the power inside was beyond imagination.

The huge blood vessels with a diameter of almost twenty meters were shaken, and the extremely violent force continued to squeeze out, forming dozens of completely different, but extremely destructive destructive forces.

The air was compressed and became as hard as diamond, possessing terrifying kinetic energy.

The space also trembled and was torn into countless pieces.

There are also vibrations, oscillations, and impacts.

It is unbelievable that a simple punch can contain so much power, and instead of canceling each other out, they are superimposed and intensified.

The most terrifying thing is the mountain. It can be made smaller or smaller. It changes in size in the tunnels of different heights and widths, chasing Li Su and pressing against Li Su.

Can't escape!

After taking a few steps back and covering a terrifying distance of more than three thousand miles, Li Su finally came to the conclusion that there was no way to escape.

He took a breath, and there was a solemn expression in his eyes, this Taiyi is very strong!

This terrifying sense of oppression felt even greater than that of Soaring Snake Ancestor.

"yin and yang!"

His boy's hole appeared in black and white tones, and the Tai Chi diagram spun out. Two distinct but mutually complementary lights gathered his hands. Li Su reached forward and drew a huge circle.

The diagram of yin and yang appears, bursting with infinite light.

He directly faced the mountain that hit him and enveloped it.

With a bang, Li Su's body trembled violently, and the terrifying impact was transmitted. Even the power of yin and yang could not be removed. His body shook, and his flesh and blood split inch by inch, as if he was suppressed by a terrible mountain. His body could not bear it. Holding that huge force, it was directly torn apart and overwhelmed.

The next second, the inside of his body was glowing, and the cracked flesh and blood came back to life. They stretched out countless small hands and pulled each other. Before Li Su's body was completely cracked, they were about to hold on. The verses of supreme flesh and blood were everywhere. A crack, and an extremely strong vitality restored him in an instant.


Li Su stepped on the ground with both feet, creating a chasm of more than ten miles. The rolling force of yin and yang directly swallowed up the mountain that pressed down.


Before he could take a breath, Li Su was surprised to find that a sun rose in his eyes, a huge sun.

Different from the normal sun, it has a child, a cold and stern child like a snake.

In an instant, a huge flame ignited on Li Su's body, and his soul felt the incredible high temperature, as if it was wrapped in the sun and was about to be melted.

The scriptures appear on the flesh and blood, and the Taoist scriptures appear on the soul.

The two supreme beings activated at the same time. Incomparable vitality and terrifying Yin Qi burst out. A shocking collision broke out between the soul and flesh and blood. Thousands of sparks flew up. The forced sparks directly burned the blood vessels where they were located for hundreds of miles. , in which the flame streaks are constantly jumping, forming a terrifying scene.

With a squeaking sound, just as Huo Xingdaoze and Sun were forced out, a hole as big as a bowl appeared in Li Su's chest.

The white bones and internal organs can be clearly seen.

He couldn't help but trembled, and his steps staggered for the first time. This attack was very strange and vicious. Although it only penetrated the body, it dealt an incredible blow to the soul and even the consciousness.

There is no doubt that if it were another person, even if he was in the Taiyi realm, he would be severely damaged in the face of these successive attacks.

Li Su recovered in the next second. The two supreme powers, flesh and soul, were not as good as the other five supreme powers in terms of destruction and defense, but their immortality was absolutely beyond imagination.

His eyes trembled, and he cut out the big hole in his chest.

Not only that piece of flesh and blood, but also the soul was cut off. This injury had a curse-like effect. Once damage was caused to the body, the soul would also be severely injured.

Li Su's face was cold, and they cooperated so well. It was not that they had a clear understanding of each other, but that they had a tacit understanding of their super high realm and rich experience.

"Sure enough, it's a bit different!" The girl, like a night owl, had an extremely unpleasant, metallic sound, coming from behind Li Su.

Li Su didn't look back, his eyes became colder and colder.

He was blocked.

Four people in the front and one person in the back.

"Nightingale, you are responsible for blocking the road. Jiuyin, your fire is too strong. Pay attention to its power. And Xiang Kong, don't use so much force. You have to survive."

One of the remaining two who did not take action came forward and said: "Foreign blood food, choose!"

"Kneel down!"

"Either struggle desperately and then kneel down!"

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