Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 674: Lightning destroys evil

"Brother, where are we going now?"

"Go to Heaven, one of the eight major religions."

"What are you doing there?"

"Find you a home."

Xiaoqing widened her eyes, home? This word is undoubtedly unfamiliar to her. Since that day, home has been gone.

"Well, there is a huge starry sky above the mythical world. There are countless stars in it. Buy one. From now on, you will live in it and you will have to worry about being hunted by the creatures in the mythical world."

"Really?" Xiao Qing was a little excited, and Bai Su couldn't help but take a deep breath and squeeze her hands.

People who have never been homeless will never understand how terrifying it is to live like a rat wherever they are, anxious and precarious.

I can't sleep at night and can't eat well.

Every day of my life is filled with fear.

"Yes!" Li Su nodded in affirmation.

"Is it safe to go to heaven?" Bai Su was a little worried. After all, in their situation, there really was no group friendly to them in the mythical world. They had experienced it too many times.

"No problem." Li Su smiled. Tianting is still very reputable in this regard, and this is not the behavior of one family, but several people together.

Which includes Jiejiao.

Li Su's identity as the number one genius of the Xia Kingdom was exposed, but his identity as Jie Jiao Daozi was not. He did not plan to expose this identity for the time being.

Although Qing'er and Qing'er trust each other, the rest is another matter.

Therefore, Li Su did not always carry their plans.

Li Su still remembered the old turtle's reciprocation. This trip to the black turtle was a great harvest. Although there were some accidents, overall it was of great benefit to him.

I will make some arrangements and give you an extra helping hand.

Bai Su is still a while away from becoming a true immortal and needs some time in seclusion. Qing'er is still in the golden elixir stage and is not suitable to be taken around with her.

They were both taken to Jie Tian City and settled there.

I don’t know if the teacher and the others have received the message he left. During the Tongtian Dao, Li Su left his own blood. If the teacher and the others touch it, there will be a reaction.

After spitting out sparks, Li Su took the two children directly to the long river that leads directly to the heaven.

Fortunately, the place we came to after breaking through the boundary was an uninhabited land, and there were no unique wonders in the Eastern Region, so it was relatively safe.

And it was not far from Changhe. I took out the Jiejiao horoscope and took a look. It was almost more than five thousand miles away. Because of the relationship between Qing'er calling him and considering Bei Ju who had already left, he simply released the two of them.

Regarding the scene in the Eastern Region, the two women undoubtedly spent a lot of time together.

Especially in the direction of the sun, the wonder of the huge celestial palace hanging high in the sky will shock everyone who sees it for the first time.

Before the Great Destruction, the place where immortals lived was naturally aspirational.

Avoiding the strange sights along the way, he took the two women directly to one of the horse heads.

There are more people here than expected.

The village in front of Ma Tou can be said to be crowded with people, coming and going, and everything.

There are casual cultivators and people of lower power.

Faced with this scene, Li Su was a little stunned. After all, the Eastern Region and the Western Region are different. Due to the moving wonders, there are almost no absolutely safe places in the Eastern Region, so there are no large-scale ones like those in the Western Region. The cities are all in some small dense areas, or even in special situations where the rules are understood.

It's really strange to have so many people gathered in a small town.

Especially those lower-level forces, the Immortal Realm, all mobilized, taking their disciples with them. Although it cannot be said that they came out in full force, they can be regarded as mobilizing at least half of their combat power.

What happened in the Eastern Region recently?

Li Su was a little confused. He reached out and patted Qing'er's little head, which was close to him, and held her little hand. It was obvious that several years of experience had left a big shadow in her heart. Faced with so many mythological worlds, Creatures, very nervous.

Bai Su's performance was more natural, but in fact it was not much better. The feeling that the world and the earth were enemies had a great impact on the soul.

Li Su thought for a while, then reached out and grabbed Bai Su's sleeve and said, "It's okay, no problem, I'm here."

Bai Su had some reaction and struggled slightly, but feeling the warmth from her palms and the sound that could penetrate her body and mind, she took a deep breath and her uneasy heart calmed down a lot.

Although he was a little shy, he did not continue to struggle.

Pulling the two girls, he glanced at the horse's head and found that the dragon boat had not arrived yet, so he planned to leave the town first. Wait until there are few people, let the two women settle down, and directly use the Jiejiao horoscope to ask what happened in the Eastern Region.

Such a strange situation cannot happen here alone.

But obviously, although Li Su doesn't want to cause trouble, it doesn't mean that things will let him go.

As soon as he turned around with the two girls, they were blocked and surrounded.

Blocking him, someone stood directly in front of him. His gaze was very direct and unscrupulous, he passed directly over Li Su and landed on the two women.

At the same time, the people around him also pushed away faintly, forming a circle.

It seemed that it had nothing to do with the person standing in front of Li Su, but the hidden gaze could completely sense their thoughts.

Just like the jackals and scavenging vultures in the animal world.

If you are majestic, this so-called surrounding is just watching.

If you are weak, then this siege will really be a siege, and you will eat it without hesitation.

It’s not surprising that this would happen. Take Li Su, for example. At this moment, his whole body is covered with white face. His eyes are not leaking, and there is blood seeping under the white cloth. He seems to be seriously injured. Although he is a bit independent, here in the East Region A piece of cake.

Needless to say, Qing'er and Bai Su, even if Bai Su covers their faces, they still can't cover up the purity and spirituality of their bodies. As for Qing'er, although she is still a flower, she is also very charming and extremely cute.

It’s not surprising at all that he would be targeted.

Of course, even though when he came here, he knew that this kind of thing couldn't go away, but he still took it with him.

Let’s not mention Qing’er, mainly Bai Su.

The Tao Yun from the Eastern Region was very effective on her. Although there was a lot of spiritual energy from Bei Ju, it was too single. Her Immortal Realm was still somewhat lacking.

Therefore, it is necessary to make up for it before making a breakthrough.

As for supplementation, relying on the aura of heaven and earth to slowly fill the foundation would be a bit long-lasting.

The best way is... to kill people to seize the right.

However, indiscriminate killing is definitely not acceptable. As a young man under the red flag of the 20th century, his thoughts are very decent and sound, and he will not act recklessly.

Therefore, in order to feel at ease, the other party must take the initiative.

Yes, he is fishing for law enforcement.

Therefore, Li Su paused and took the two women back.

It was just a test at first, but this retreat immediately turned into a lure. The strong man blocking the way of the three of them had a sinister look on his already fierce face. He didn't even have to speak, and he stretched out his hand towards Bai Su. Caught it.

He had taken a liking to her from the moment she came into sight. Her figure and temperament really made him want to stop. He thought of the women he cultivated when he was in Heaven, receiving guests in the flower house.

At this second, I couldn't hold back my lust.

Not only him, but also those who had been quietly peeping at the circle formed by Li Su and the three of them could not help it. Their eyes widened suddenly, revealing a malicious intent.

Some like the big man are eyeing Bai Su, and some are eyeing Qing'er. Although she is still young, she has a promising future.

There were a few others who looked directly at Li Su.

Feeling the eyes on him, Li Su, who originally thought the fishing was successful, turned black on the spot and smoke came out of his nostrils.

Riding on a horse...!

Cackling! This is Qing'er.

Phew! This is Bai Su.

Although the two women were a little nervous, their strength was there after all. They were panicking just because they were triggered by the situation, not that they were really scared or frightened.

How could a woman who could survive in a place like Beiju for several years, who could bite off her own keel and tear her body to pieces under oppression, be timid?

In fact, Li Su had already discussed with them about fishing before coming.

The two women agreed without hesitation.

"You two are as beautiful as gods, with extraordinary temperament. Looking at the world of mythology, you are the real top beauties. You are extremely attractive. If I take you there, there will definitely be unscrupulous people who want to take advantage of you, so I plan to use you to catch fish.

Sister Qing'er is okay, there is still time, and she can slowly turn things around, but you, Sister Bai, are different. You are too close to a true immortal, and the path of Beiju Luzhou is too single. This will enhance your true immortal realm. It is bound to be unstable and needs a lot of Taoist rhyme to supplement it.

Simple cultivation will take a long time. The best way is to directly seize the elixir, or seize the Tao. It can also be done at the golden elixir stage. The immortal state is the best. "

That was originally the case, but Li Su himself became a target.

You must know that both women are not weak, they are just concealed by Li Su, so they can feel the content of the eyes falling on Li Su.

Although generally they have a lot of lustful looks, Li Su also has them.

“In broad daylight, how brave!

! "

Just when Li Su was gritting his teeth, furious, and ready to dig out the inner elixir of these people, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Thunder is coming!"

Before Li Su and the others could react, a figure jumped in front of them very suddenly. While blocking them, he raised his hand and waved.


There was a thunderbolt in the sky, and the terrifying thunder light penetrated down. He was called by him and guided by him, forming a terrifying thunder dragon.

With a wave of his hand, the thunder dragon swept across the scene, shining brightly across the entire scene in the blink of an eye.

The people who attacked Li Su and the others only had time to let out a scream before they were swept by the terrifying thunder dragon and penetrated directly. Their bodies, souls, and even the golden elixir in their bodies were all annihilated, and those who died could no longer die.

Facing this scene, Li Su was stunned, and the two women were also stunned on the spot, dumbfounded.

"Three of you, are you okay?"

After dealing with the enemy, the visitor turned around. He was young, about 13 to 45 years old, extremely handsome, with eyebrows like swords and eyes like dragons. He was full of righteousness, with lightning flashing through him. He was three-quarters majestic and seven-cent glorious. There is a smell of sunshine in the body and mind, just like the sun rising at dawn, shining on people's hearts.

Don't look at the way he killed people with thunder just now. That method is the method of destroying evil with thunder and light. In other words, if the person hit by the thunder dragon is not bad, he will not die. It can be said that under the thunder method, the more evil the person is, the more likely he will die. The worse.

In other words, his purpose itself is not to kill people, but to convict people with thunder.


Subconsciously, Li Su looked away directly, not wanting to look.

It’s so uncomfortable!

This guy actually has the same body and mind and the same beliefs. He is a real good person from the inside out? ? ?

As a Li Su who can use fishing law enforcement methods, this sunshine is really uncomfortable.

On the side, Bai Su's eyes twitched, seeing for the first time the legendary existence described in the book, a true gentleman!

As long as we are human, we will inevitably have narrow-mindedness.

But the person who jumped out was different, very different. In that light, there was no darkness at all, and it was not justice, but goodwill.

A truly good man.

Facing this kind of person, to be honest, I feel very uncomfortable and feel guilty for no reason.

Only Qing'er, blinking her big eyes, didn't have the inexplicable guilty conscience like her brothers and sisters. After all, she was still young, and her outlook on life was not so upright. She was studying hard, and her teachers were her brothers and sisters. She didn't have that kind of moral sentiment. .

Therefore, she opened her mouth and puffed up her cheeks, feeling very unhappy.

Finally caught a few fish, are they gone?

This is a good thing to help her sister quickly replenish her foundation, and her brother also said that after this time, there will probably be no chance.

After all, once they take action, no matter how stupid they are, they should understand the purpose of Li Su and the others.

So, she took a breath and planned to say something.

Li Su trembled, and hurried forward, stuffed a handful of sweets into the mouth of Qing'er who wanted to speak.

He turned around and threw Qing'er to Bai Su to hold her, so as not to expose the sinister thoughts of the three of them. He forced a smile and said: "It's okay, it's okay. Thank you fellow Taoist for helping me."

Although he jumped in anger, Li Su had no intention of sabotaging the behavior itself.

The other party has good intentions and no unnecessary purpose. It is completely true that the road is unfair. As a person with a moral bottom line, he will naturally not maliciously slander. Moreover, the other party's appearance clearly shows that he is not very old, he is still a child. It would hurt his conscience to slander him.

There is also the other party's clothes. Although they are ordinary on the outside, it is another story on the inside.

The inner armor is still an artifact, and its rating is not low!

This is equipment only available to disciples of great religions...

Although the strength is only the golden elixir of perfection, it has exceeded the limit and belongs to the myth.

Then the thunder method, as well as the dragon energy, the identity of this thing in front of me is very unusual.

He should be born in heaven and be one of heaven's proud ones.

Not only that, after he came over, there was a spiritual consciousness locked on this place. Judging from the aura, it was the realm of true immortals and the perfection of true immortals.

It’s not surprising that the disciples of the Heavenly Court appear somewhere, but the genius of the Heavenly Court is another matter. There are basically no opportunities in this kind of place. As for experience, it is even more ridiculous. He has no opponent in the same realm here. Why does he appear? it's here? Li Su was more confused.

A large number of people gathered on the horse's head, and the genius of heaven appeared.

When the little guy heard Li Su's thanks, "Hey, don't say it," his little face showed a happy look, and said with a flushed face: "You're welcome, you guys are also here to make dragon boats, right? You still have to wait two days to come back, From now on, just live near the village with peace of mind, don’t be afraid.”

After that, he jumped up and left directly.

Obviously, the reason why he came here was really just to save people, and had no other purpose at all.

Looking at the little guy jumping away, Li Su couldn't help but gnash his teeth, feeling a little heartbroken.

I feel bad because my conscience can't bear it.

His liver ached, as soon as he finished speaking, the atmosphere in the whole village froze, as if the spring melted into snow, and all the evil thoughts that had filled the air disappeared.

In other words, Li Su's fishing plan was completely bankrupt.

"What to do next?" Bai Su glanced over, with a smile in his eyes, a little narrow.

She had suffered a lot from Li Su along the way, and now it was the other party's turn. Although the plan itself was to help her consolidate her foundation faster, she couldn't help but feel inexplicably happy.

Li Su rolled his eyes and regarded his kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs. No wonder it has been said since ancient times that women and villains are difficult to raise. Who are you? Are you happy to see yourself deflated?

Faced with this sudden situation, he became more and more curious. Is the gathering of these people itself related to heaven?

I haven't heard of any special festivals or activities recently. The most recent one is the Ten Thousand Years War, but that will happen a year and eight months later, and the Ten Thousand Years War is presided over by a saint, so there is no need for such a thing. Massive turnover of people.

"Stay here first while I find out what happened in the Eastern Region..."

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