"Is this..., teleportation?"

"Or, small cave sky teleportation?"

Looking at the environment he was in, the child holding Li Su had a dull expression on his face, and he could not regain his senses for a long time. He just caught a little thief, why was he inexplicably dragged into the small cave sky teleportation?

Li Su's face was a little dark at the moment. It was impossible for this kind of teleportation to work on him, but he didn't expect that the child who had left before suddenly appeared and distracted him.

As a master of the magical power of space, he would be forcibly sent away by someone using space. Fortunately, Teacher Yuqing was not here, otherwise he would not be able to escape after a meal of fried meat with bamboo shoots, and I would have to squat for ten times on the other side of Siguo Cliff. Year eight years.

Shameful, really shameful!

Among the three people, the only one who was excited was undoubtedly the old man.

As a weapon refiner, he loves all magic weapons in the world, and this love will never change due to his own environment, even if the magic weapon he likes is in the hands of his opponent, and the enemy is holding the magic weapon. So would a fatal attack on him.

Really, the love is deep!

This is the first time I have personally experienced Xiaodongtian Teleportation. Not only is this thing rare, but it is also kept secret by various sects. The two times I was lucky enough to see it, I was both in the big sect, but I couldn't get started.

After all, there is something wrong with him, and he will do anything he wants once he gets started. Unless the principles are understood, asking him to return the favor is not much different from killing him.

"Little thief, what's going on?"

Compared to the old man who seemed to be addicted to playing games, the child quickly calmed down. Although some of his actions were very unreliable and directly lowered the reputation of the People's Education, he was definitely worthy of being a proud disciple of the People's Education.

"Where are we being sent?"

Li Su's face didn't look good either. He also wanted to know where the destination was. Damn it, I was just shopping, why did I end up in this situation inexplicably?

Although I don’t know what’s on the other side of the exit, I’m sure it won’t be a good place.

"Someone from the People's Sect formed a gang and planned to kill us. I don't know where they went. Then, who do you call a thief?"

Reaching out, Li Su grabbed the child's hand, broke it with force, and pulled out the clothes the other party was holding. After answering the other person's previous question, he said with a very unkind expression.

The child was startled, and his eyes widened in an instant. His attention immediately focused on the last sentence. He remembered that he had drunk a total of thirteen kilograms of medicinal wine by the other party. For a moment, Xiaodongtian Teleport didn't care anymore. He immediately shouted: "Who else can I call? Of course I call you! Little thief, please pay me for the medicinal wine!"

Thirteen pounds, exactly thirteen pounds.

As long as it was a little less, a pound and a half, he didn't say anything. As a result, one-fifth of the food in the gourd was drunk by this bastard.

Seeing the kid who was not willing to pay any money and was planning to fight with him, Li Su had a toothache at this second.

What the hell, what time has it been? You still don’t care about business, but you actually plan to blackmail me?

Who is Li Su, how could he accept such blackmail for nothing? With a thought, he directly extracted the scene at that time, replayed it in front of the child with the actual facts, glared at him and said: "Invite others to drink, and then turn around and say that others are stealing? Senior brother, do you want face?" "

The child stared back without any hesitation, and said without any hesitation: "No, I don't care, I'll pay you!"

Li Su Xiehuo also came up, and sneered directly and said: "Hey, I don't need money, but my life, how about you give it a try?"

The child's eyes turned cold, his mana began to fluctuate violently, and extremely terrifying emotions were brewing. In an instant, the surrounding space was affected by him.

Li Su showed no mercy. His flesh and blood shook, and his six billion heart began to beat. Extremely strong vitality escaped, as if a peerless ferocious beast was awakening.

As the two people's breaths surged, the old man who was addicted to the teleportation from Xiaodongtian was startled and came back to his senses.

When he turned his head and looked at the two opposing men, he immediately became angry.

As a weapon refiner, being in the small cave at this moment is a golden opportunity, but the two little guys next to him are actually preparing to start a fight?

Feeling the space fluctuating due to the two people's breath, the old man couldn't help it, "You two bastards, figure out where this place is? This is a small cave, the pinnacle of teleportation magic weapons, I have to go out and fight!"

As he spoke, the old man took out his magic weapon with an angry face, poured mana directly into it, and activated it.

Although the strength of the two of them is amazing, the old man is not joking. He is undoubtedly the highest state here. Although he is an weapon refiner, his use of magic weapons is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. In his hands, even simple magic weapons are useless. Can explode with amazing power.

Listening to the old man's words and seeing his behavior, Li Suxie became even more angry.

Originally, he was just a tourist, but he was completely unlucky. Among them, the old man in front of him was the most hateful. If it weren't for him, how could so many things have happened?

The shadows on the soles of his feet began to fluctuate, and a large amount of black mud poured out. Countless soul shadows quickly rose, and peerless figures gathered and formed among them. Although there was no answer, his attitude was very clear. I'm so afraid of you. Come on. !

Two bastards, neither of whom are good people, fight together.

The child's expression was violently shaken. Is he someone who can be threatened? no! In an instant, different expressions began to appear on his face, including joy, mourning, pain, and anger. These emotions were extremely extreme and pushed people's emotions to sink into them. From the body to the soul to the avenue, they captured all the emotions of the opponent.

He was not frightened. The loss of medicine and wine was too painful. At this moment, his rationality was no longer on the line. The moment he heard Li Su not making amends, the string in his mind immediately broke.

And just when the three parties were preparing to surge forward regardless of the surrounding environment, Xiaodongtian's teleportation also came to an end.

The space shook and the three people were spit out.

"Two little bastards, I'm so angry!"

Faced with this scene, the old man who made the weapon first screamed and ran away.

Li Su and the child reacted so sensitively that they took action almost at the same time.

With a buzzing sound, golden light flashed in the sky, and countless swords, spears, swords and halberds were quickly formed. These were all divine weapons, and they were of extremely high rank and were numerous in number. Each one contained terrifying killing intent.

The blood on Li Su's head surged to the sky, directly forming an infinite giant beast. It roared suddenly and raised its huge claws.

As for the child, he giggled, and the laughter became louder and louder. The clear children's sound resounded throughout the world. Everything in the world was affected by him. Everything was like a playful child, playing directly. got up.

Dong made a loud noise, and the three of them collided directly without any intention of giving in.

As a top weapon refiner, top genius, and both are in the Taiyi realm, they have already stepped into the ranks of the strongest. Even a casual blow has great power and is extremely vast. What's more, this kind of conflict at this moment, the three of them They were all really angry and would show no mercy.

The divine weapon crazily hit the giant beast, killing it with a playful sound. The rays of light almost enveloped everything. The void was cut open on the spot, revealing countless spaces inside. The giant beast was pierced and shed countless blood. The sound of play was cut open and transformed halfway.

The giant beast roared and launched an attack. Its claws, mouth, and body were all weapons. It directly smashed the sharp magic weapon into pieces and suppressed the playful laughter.

And the playful sound also continued to expand, falling on the divine weapon, directly twisting the divine weapon, falling on the giant beast, and directly began to decompose the giant beast's body.

The strength of the three people was extremely extreme, and the fight was extremely fierce. All the avenues around them were twisted, the huge void was trembling, and large areas of space collapsed. The other side was squeezed out on the spot, and thousands of people were squeezed out in an instant. Tens of thousands of world fragments exploded, and the three people's power formed extremely terrifying radiation, which exploded directly on the other side. Everything in tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of miles of space was shattered on the spot. It was difficult to bear the power of the three... ..



A rather shrill scream suddenly sounded at the place where the three of them met.

The three people who were fighting in anger were stunned, because the sound was obviously not directed at the target.


Li Su, the old man, and the child all had surprised expressions on their faces at the same time. Their anger subsided a lot and they all stopped. They couldn't help but look down and looked around to find the source of the cry.


Soon the three of them were stunned at the same time, but they saw that the area around them was undoubtedly a mess, with mutilated limbs and pieces of meat everywhere. As they stopped, the strong smell of blood rushed up directly, and it was terrible. It was obviously because of them that they were killed. The power sputtered out caused fatal damage.

Dead, many people!

At first glance, I guess there are thousands.

There were a few who survived, but the situation was not good. One had half his head broken, one had his chest missing, and another had his entire lower body twisted.

How miserable!

The one with half of his head broken into pieces, now only the chest was heaving.

The light in the eyes of the one with no chest was rapidly dimming.

As for the one whose lower body was twisted, although it looked like he had the least injury, in fact the avenue in his body was also twisted, and the injury was very serious.

At this moment, his face was full of fear and anger. It could be said that he was filled with sadness.

It's so scary. The three people in front of me are so scary. Not to mention the sudden appearance and the outbreak of a war. They are obviously just three Taiyi. The strength displayed is simply unbelievable. The three Taiyi in this stronghold, including him, collapsed at the first touch. They failed to form any effective resistance and were directly penetrated physically and mentally by the power of the three people. If it weren't for the formation they had set up in advance, they directly launched to block the first wave of impact, let alone screaming, I'm afraid they would have been on the spot. It has to be evaporated, and nothing will be left.

The more I thought about it, the more scared I became, and the more I thought about it, the sadder I became, and for a moment I couldn’t help shouting: “Who are you???”

Looking at the absolutely tragic scene in front of them, Li Su and the other three couldn't help but their eyelids twitched. After all, despite their different personalities, Li Su, the old man, and the child were not the kind of people who ignored life.



Suddenly, Li Su came back to his senses. His face instantly became very bad. He looked directly at the yelling guy with a bad expression on his face: "Who am I? Why the hell do I want to ask you who you are?" ? Xiaodongtian teleportation is your method, right?"

Following Li Su's words, the old man and the child also came to their senses. Yes, damn, I was supposed to be in the People's Education Daluoshan Market, but the person who turned around was sent here inexplicably. I didn't say anything, but sent him here. People still want to kill them, planning to use them to kill chickens and monkeys!


Facing Li Su's unkind retort, looking at the ugly expressions of the scary old man and the strange child, Taiyi's expression froze with twisted limbs, and it took a few seconds for it to change.

"Jiang Tianhe, Nai Gongyue calls your old mother~!

! "

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