Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 798: The way modern young people get along

Behind the palace, in a separate room.

Li Su sits here, and Guo Yuyun sits over there.

The distance between the two was less than half a meter, and their knees almost touched each other.

If you breathe louder, you can feel it on the other side.

At this moment, Li Su's expression was serious and solemn, as if he came in not to discuss and exchange ideas, but to fight with others desperately and engage in the most dangerous hand-to-hand combat.

Just kidding, this sister in front of you, do you think that if you are familiar with her and she smiles at you, you will be gentle?

No, it won't.

She will only strike harder and darker.

For example, right now, they are playing a pretty crazy game.

It's turn-based, where one person does it all.

Where is the danger?

It just depends on one offense and one defense.

This is not a game. It doesn’t mean that if you have 3,000 defense, 2,000 health, and 5,000 attack, you will definitely not be able to kill you.

Didn't take it seriously.

This is reality, and the logic of the reality game is that output is usually greater than defense, and no matter how high your defense stack is, the opponent will always have a way to break through it.

If you are not careful, it will not be as simple as hanging up, but it will directly evaporate on the spot.

Guo Yuyun's eyes lit up, her hair trembled slightly, and she saw two magnificent worlds projected on it. She stretched out her jade hand and flicked it.

With a ding-dong sound, a ripple exploded.

That is the mass of two entire worlds, carried on a hair, creating ripples in the void. What kind of concept is it?

Within the scope of the ripples, what is formed is a scene of doomsday collapse, with billions of tons of energy flashing and spraying inside.

Li Su stretched out his palm, and a Tai Chi diagram floated in his palm. It was pure yin and yang energy that could transform all things in the world, return all matter to nothingness, and return to the original state.

He clasped his five fingers and grabbed directly towards the ripples produced by the slash.

At the moment of contact, the void in front of them collapsed.

The scope is not large, and it is suppressed very well. It is only between two people, but the result is like a starry sky.

On one side is the black and white galaxy, on the other side is the wave of power.

The moment the impact formed, Li Su's body began to vibrate, and the ripples penetrated his yin and yang energy and radiated to his body.

Flesh and blood is collapsing.

Bones, like fly ash.

Astonishing regenerative power continued to explode, and Li Su's broken body was reorganizing and regenerating at an unprecedented speed. What was inside was a red mist as thick as blood, covering and wrapping him.

At the same time, the two qi of yin and yang are also constantly rotating, constantly consuming the power of the ripples created.

Under the simultaneous use of the two supreme powers, for a quarter of an hour, Guo Yuyun's attack was finally consumed by Li Su.

After exhaling, a large amount of sweat suddenly came out, directly soaking his clothes. His eyes were dimmed a lot, and his energy was greatly consumed.

He held his knees with both hands and kept breathing heavily. The loss was huge. Hundreds of millions of lives were taken away by the other party.

"How?" Guo Yuyun's face flushed.

"Hmm...!" Li Su smacked his mouth, seeming to be thinking about it. After a moment, he shook his head: "So-so!"

"Give your opinion."

"The strength is strong enough, but the problem is that it cannot form a whole and is a little loose, so it is easy to find flaws and collapse at the first touch.

Moreover, this trick itself is very costly for you, senior sister, right? The burden is heavy both physically and mentally. "

Guo Yuyun frowned. Indeed, judging from the effect just formed, although it actually took the junior brother more time to digest it, in terms of consumption, the effect of this two-pronged approach is far less than that of concentration. .

"Wrong direction? Should we continue to increase mass?"

Li Su heard the words and shook his head, "Senior sister, from my personal experience, it is already perfect. Bigger and more, I am afraid the effect will not be good, otherwise senior sister will not change direction after that, carry the dual world." force."

Guo Yuyun nodded, yes, her Taoist technique was not developed in a day or two, but after countless years of practice, countless attempts, and countless ponderings, it finally took shape.

It reached an excellent point and dealt unimaginable damage.

"I personally think that the growth limit of Senior Sister's technique is very high. As the strength increases, its power should become more and more powerful. There is no need for Senior Sister to develop stronger techniques."

Youdao is a new trick that can be eaten all over the world.

Guo Yuyun's move seems simple, but regardless of its power, the upper limit is very high. In Li Su's opinion, there is no need to further study the Taoist method at the overclocking level. After all, super level means the holy realm, which means skills. In general, the height of this move is completely conceivable.

In the Daluo realm, it is still unknown whether this move can still maintain such power, but at the level of Taiyi, it is definitely a leapfrog move. It is already very amazing. The senior sister's enlightenment talent must be at least nine. It would only take ten or more, it would be stronger, to be honest, it is not realistic.

"Of course, there are no absolutes. I can only say that at this stage, it is difficult to make any progress."

Li Su thought for a moment and said, "I think senior sister might be able to change the direction or train of thought."


"Such as change."


"Well, there is no doubt that the power of Senior Sister's move is very powerful. It is so extreme that even the yin and yang energy cannot be digested quickly and will be penetrated by it. It is highly enough to be compared to others."

"However, being too pure also makes it too single and loses variety."

"Strength leads to strength. If you meet for the first time and don't know what's going on, you will be easily hit hard by it. But on the other hand, once you are on guard and don't plan to confront your senior sister head-on in this regard, there is a saying that goes well, no matter how strong you are, If the move fails to hit, it will naturally be meaningless."

"So instead of becoming stronger, I think what senior sister should pursue now is change."

"The idea of ​​dual worlds is not bad, but there is no need to be so extreme. Take Yijiu as an example. The big world covers the small world. It does not pursue higher power, but creates a trap to cover up the small world, or directly Layer the power into several sections of damage and superimpose the burst."

Li Su thought for a while and gave his own opinion, "It is not necessary to maximize the attack. Sometimes, as long as you can really hit the opponent, whether it is serious injury, moderate injury, or minor injury, as long as you can keep hitting, you can always kill him. ,Is not it?"

Guo Yuyun's eyes moved slightly, and there seemed to be something special in her eyes. She instantly analyzed the feasibility of Li Su's words. She had a very straightforward personality. After thinking about it, she immediately started to try it.

Soon, with burning eyes, she looked at Li Su and said, "Junior brother, come, let's try again!"


"No!" Li Su shook his head without hesitation, joking. He just spent so much time just talking nonsense about Mao, giving advice to the other party to clarify his thinking?

Not just to delay time! Although it seems that he only thought about it for a moment, in fact, this kind of idea is very time-consuming and requires simulation experiments in his mind. Two hours have passed by now.

If you want to continue, wait until tomorrow.

Oh, by the way, today seems to be the last time.

In such a dangerous battle, he actually only received one hundred stars, which was a huge loss. If he had known, he would have directly bid for two hundred, no, three hundred.

Guo Yuyun was startled for a moment, "Help me finish it and I'll give you two thousand stars!"

Li Su, who had already stood up, sat back down without hesitation with a "Peng" sound, stretched out his hand and said without any hesitation: "Sister, please take action!"

The discussion began again.

Half an hour later!

Li Su took a breath and said, "Senior sister, please wait a moment."

"Huh?" Guo Yuyun looked confused. As her thoughts changed, she was in the process of having constant inspiration. She couldn't stop having all kinds of strange and wonderful ideas.

Li Su's face was a little pale, and she felt that she had made a bad start and made things complicated.

"Let me rest for a while...!" No matter how hard it is to die, he has to finish it, but before that, let him rest for a while.

Looking at Li Su, who was obviously exhausted, Guo Yuyun's face showed a hint of nervousness. Although she was impatient, she also understood the opponent's defense. She attacked, which was not something everyone could do.

The intensity is so high that even Senior Brother Chanjiao cannot bear it.

"All right."

Close your eyes, rest your mind, and practice by the way.

And this rest lasted for seven hours. After all, his level was far lower than the opponent's, and he was still on the defensive side. Fortunately, he had unparalleled foundation and mastered the Taoism of Saints. If it were someone else, he would have been in trouble long ago.

Early the next morning, Li Su finally opened his eyes.


He let out a long breath, his eyes brightening a little.

He broke through, from the second level of the galaxy stage to the third level.

The number of stars directly turned into thirty-nine, and more than one-fifth of the fourth realm was born.

Unexpectedly, being able to resist his senior sister's moves actually helped him solidify his own foundation. Due to the impact of the galaxies in his body, it was as if water was mixed into the soil, solidifying the gaps for him.

This was something he didn't expect.

At this moment, Guo Yuyun was still sitting in front of him, not leaving even an inch, obviously guarding him for seven whole hours.

Li Su couldn't wait to speak, "Senior sister, come on!"

Guo Yuyun nodded without hesitation, "Okay!"

Let’s start again.

A quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour, three quarters of an hour, two whole hours and half an hour.

Li Su's face turned pale and he closed his eyes, fell into exhaustion, and began to practice again.

Guo Yuyun, on the other hand, lowered her head with a flushed face. She became more and more excited, constantly thinking about her own moves, summarizing the shortcomings, digesting the situations she encountered when using them, and gathering the necessary experience to improve her proficiency.

Almost eight or nine hours later.

"Sister, come again!"


Just like that, once, twice, three times, one day, two days, three days.

At this moment, outside the room, a figure was seen standing quietly.

It was the Ten Thousand Flowers Immortal, she couldn't help it.

After all, for several days in a row, a man and a woman have been alone in a room without anyone coming out. It is already remarkable that they can endure it until now.

However, when she came to the door, she originally planned to persuade both parties not to indulge too much. However, after looking inside to inquire about the situation, she couldn't help but start to lower her head in thought.

Has she been in seclusion for too long and not traveled around the world for many years?

The way young people today deal with people is, to be honest, a bit scary!


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