Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 801 The man behind the scenes

Li Su was startled for a moment, "Senior brother, don't you wait for Uncle Xue?"

Duobao shook his head, "Uncle Blood Master has been gone for a long time, and the seriousness of the matter may be far more troublesome and difficult than imagined. In addition, not long after, there will be a ten-thousand-year war.

Although I don’t want to admit it now, the world of mythology has completely entered a troubled period.

Whether it is the Ten Thousand Years War or what happened to the Human Religion, the Jie Religion undoubtedly needs to be prepared, so I plan to go back directly. "

I see.

Li Su nodded, understanding what the senior brother was thinking.

That's right, there is still a little more than a year before the Ten Thousand Years War. It seems like there is still a lot of time, but for the monks, it is really just a matter of closing their eyes and opening their eyes.

Not to mention what happened to the Human Sect. You must know that although the number of disciples of the eight major sects in the mythical world is different due to different doctrines, the difference in overall strength is not big, and they are almost in the middle.

Therefore, since the other party dares to sneak attack on the people's religion and cause trouble for the people's religion, it means that the other party also dares to sneak up on the people's religion and explain it.

In fact, it was not just Senior Brother. After more than half a month, the disciples of the four sects of Tianting, Yaoting, Liguimen, and Buddhism all left and returned to their own sects under the leadership of their respective Zhijiluo.

The only people who are still here today are people from the Dongxi Chan Sect, the Jie Sect, and the Black Mountain Sect.

In the absence of Heitianzun, the disciples of the Black Mountain Sect returned. The distance spanned was too far. When the Daluo Mountain of the Human Sect was attacked, the mythical world that should have been an amusement park for the disciples of the great sect. Become less safe.

As for Dongxi Chanjiao, Wanhua Immortal Lord is waiting at the moment.

Waiting for the supreme master of the Eastern Chan Sect to come, and also waiting for the supreme master of the Western Chan Sect from his own family to come.

After the people arrive, send them away directly.

Li Su thought for a while and couldn't help but said: "Brother, didn't you inform the Nine Elders?" Now, all the great sects, Zhiji Luo, are here. Obviously they are afraid that their genius will be tricked by others. After all, the Ten Thousand Years War is not long away.

Duobao shook his head, "Originally, it was the Blood Sword Lord and Emperor Zun who came here. Something was unearthed in the depths of the Netherworld. All the nine elders, including Emperor Zun, have passed by. I'm afraid they won't be able to escape in a short time. body."

Is something unearthed in the underworld?

Li Su couldn't help but show curiosity, "Ninth Elder has gone to the eighth place? Excuse me, senior brother, do you know what it is?"

"I don't know the specific details, but it is certain that it is related to the legendary Emperor Dongyue of the ancient times." Duobao shook his head and told the general idea of ​​what he knew.

Emperor Dongyue?

Li Su was startled, wasn't this the palace they entered when the wandering ghosts destroyed their souls?

He also got a set of ghost-painting talismans inside, for which the Fat Taoist came to visit him and exchanged information with him about people related to Jiejiao, thus forming the Tongtian Taoist group.

Thinking of this, Li Su couldn't help but tremble. The last thing that happened in Tongtian Dao was undoubtedly still fresh in his memory.

Not only was he almost killed by King Luo Diming, the supreme monster of the demon clan, but also the very infiltrative ghost mother-in-law he met in the deepest depths. There was a high probability that she was also a person from ancient times, but it was a pity that it was too unrecognizable. After all, ancient times I have never heard of the immortal using a hatchet as a weapon.

The other party disappeared directly in the end, and I don’t know where he went.

Now that the incident of Emperor Dongyue has reappeared, I wonder if it has anything to do with the fat Taoist?

"Junior brother, what are your next plans? Do you want to leave with me? I have consulted Master Wanhua. The Silent Immortal Lord should arrive at the Human Cult today, and I can just go with him." Duobao spoke again, looking at Li Su asked.

Li Su was in Jiejiao, and his status was very different.

He is the only Taoist recognized by Jie Jiao. Yes, even if Duobao is Taiyi Dzogchen and possesses strength beyond myth, although he is a senior brother on the Taiyi level of Jie Jiao, he is still just a senior brother. In terms of status, , Li Su is undoubtedly above him.

The purpose of coming here at this moment was not to tell the other party that he was leaving, but to ask the other party if he planned to go back with him.

After all, Li Su had not returned to Jiejiao for a long time since he left Jiejiao and came to the Eastern Region years ago.

When Li Su heard this, he blinked his eyes immediately. No wonder Brother Duobao wanted to go on the road now. It turned out that the Supreme Luo Jingjing Immortal of the Chan Sect had arrived today. Although the distance between the Jie Jiao and the Xi Chan Sect was not close, they were close to each other. The relationship between the Biren Sect and the Jie Jiao is another matter. The strength of the Ether B Realm is only two and a half days away at most. He thought for a while and said: "No, senior brother, you go back first."


Li Su said directly: "The main reason is that when my uncle left, I was asked to wait for him to come back in the human sect."

Duobao was stunned for a moment, a little surprised. Apparently he didn't expect Uncle Xue to specifically ask Li Su to wait for him to come back. After a moment, he nodded and said: "Is that so? I understand, then, junior brother, just wait here with peace of mind, for Brother, take the first step."

"Senior brother, walk slowly and please be careful on the road."

"I know!"

Nodding, Duobao turned around and walked out.

Watching the other party's back disappear at the door of the room, Li Su closed his eyes and started practicing directly.

The Blood Sword Master asked him to stay in the Human Cult?

of course not!

Before his uncle left, he just told him to be careful with Chanjiao, Bald Donkey and others, especially Zhijiluo, and stay as far away from them as possible.

In this regard, Li Su was speechless. Apparently, he had a deep memory of being forced to become a disciple by others.

As for Senior Brother Duobao's answer, it was simply because Li Su didn't want to leave.

It's not that he was doubting this senior brother, there was nothing to doubt. They left together. Something happened to him, but the other person was fine. He could guess with his feet that something was wrong.

In fact, it's not like Li Su hasn't considered returning to Jiejiao these days.

But after the attack on the People's Cult homeland, I'm afraid the entire mythology world is now in a state of panic. What's the difference between traveling casually at this moment and making trouble?

When order is stable, no one dares to jump around.

But once you are hit, you will find in an instant that the collapse of peace is actually much simpler than you think.

Sometimes, it just needs a pivot and that's enough.

After all, there are too many ambitious and dissatisfied people in this world.

The evil and inadequacy of people's hearts will definitely exceed your imagination. Some people who looked honest and peaceful yesterday may turn around and reveal a ferocious look.

Li Su is now rich in resources and the place he is in is extremely safe. Not to mention the two people from Sansu who are in charge of the people's education, the Daluo Mountain Formation has also been activated. At this moment, even if the saint comes down in person, he will not be able to conquer Daluo in a while. The mountain was broken.

In addition, this is where the accident happened, and people are extremely vigilant. It can be said that this is the safest place.

Now go back to Jiejiao. As Brother Duobao said just now, eight of the Nine Elders have been delayed due to matters in the underworld. Saint Jiejiao doesn’t know if he is at home at the moment. If he goes back now, Wan If someone catches someone's eye, isn't that asking for death?

It's not that Li Su has no feelings for Jie Jiao, the main reason is that he really can't speak at this moment. Taiyi, a superficial level, is very awesome in the upper, middle and lower realms. In front of the big religion, he is still cannon fodder. It doesn't mean much with or without him.

Therefore, the most important thing for Li Su at this stage is to quickly improve his strength in a safe place.

He is currently still a little short of the perfection of the Sixth Realm. Once he reaches the Sixth Realm, it means that he truly has the strength of Taiyi's late stage. As long as he is finally perfect, even if he does not form the Three Thousand Middle Way, he will still have the strength to fight against Taiyi's Great Perfection alone. If you add the treasure, it is not impossible to face the Great Luo Realm head-on.

At this juncture, he had no reason to put himself in danger.

By the way.

Although he did not suspect that his senior brother had any ulterior motives, Li Su did not believe him either.

After all, the two parties have known each other for less than a day in total. Even if they are brothers in the same discipline, you have to know that people's hearts are far apart.

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens.

If the other party fails to hold it in, it will be Li Su himself who suffers.

Quickly putting his thoughts away, Li Su hurriedly started practicing. The changes in the mythical world undoubtedly gave him a great sense of oppression. He had a faint feeling in his heart that this stable situation might not last long.


"Is he doubting you?"

"You can't say doubt, just disbelief. After all, we haven't known each other for less than a day, so how can we believe it?"

"As a result, the plan failed."

"I didn't expect it to be that simple."

"Then what are you going to do next? If the other party doesn't leave the Human Cult, there will be no chance to make a move."

"Aren't you still here? If you want to kill people, I can't bear the risk alone, right?"

"In this case, Jiejiao may fall out with us."

"What's the difference between now and falling out?"

"..., that's true. Okay, you can leave first and clear away the suspicion."


"I'm a little curious. Professor Jie treats you well."

"What I am today is due to my ability, everything I have is due to my dedication, my blood and sweat, what does it have to do with Jie Jiao?"


In the room, mana overflowed slightly, directly shattering the jade talisman in his palm.

At this moment, Duobao, the senior brother of Jie Jiao, had a cold look in his eyes and a slightly grim look on his face. A sneer appeared on his face and he said faintly: "I have been practicing hard for thousands of years, but I am still just a disciple. How can Jie Jiao be so virtuous..." "

His eyes moved and he looked at the shining life card in his other hand.

He saw that there was a message on his life card, which was flashing, and the words "Demon Subduing Order Purchase and Application" were clearly written on it.

Review status: Request processing!


Seeing that the application for the prequel arrived at him more than a month ago, but was ignored by him, senior brother Duobaotong felt a burning sensation in his hole.

"Sure enough, what I thought was right, that thing is really in the fairy prison.

Although the reckless behavior of those two idiots caused me a lot of losses, the special magic weapon that 'will take your life for three years' is obviously not in line with the current era and has a strong ancient flavor.

Lord Daozi, the legendary Heavenly Emperor's Dao Canon should be in your hands at this moment.

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