Ten Fire Taiyi, the star system period is complete, with nine stars.

Eleven Fire, there are eighteen stars.

There are twelve fires and twenty-seven stars.

There are thirteen fires and thirty-six stars.

There are fourteen fires and forty-five stars.

As for the ultimate fifteen fires, fifty-four are formed.

The above is the maximum number of stars that can be achieved in the Taiyi realm galaxy stage.

No, there are more.

Especially the fifty-four of the fifteen fires, that is the limit, the maximum height that all creatures in the mythical world can reach.

This is not only the basis of the world of mythology, but it was also the case before the great destruction of ancient times.

The Taiyi realm galaxy period will never exceed this number.

Perhaps, there will be exceptions, one or two more for special reasons.

For example, the new type of monks in the mythical world can form a fire through super-grade Taoism and condense one more Taoism star.

But what is this person in front of me?

Looking at the more than a hundred terrifying stars, Lu Feng went crazy. He couldn't help but shake his head and question!

How can it be?

How could a monk in the Taiyi realm have so many stars?

It is twice as many as the Ultimate Fifteen Fire.

This is false, absolutely false.

It was just an illusion, a trick used by the other party to disturb his mind.

This is absolutely impossible!

Even if the opponent is the legendary Ultimate Fifteen Fire Taiyi, it is easier to accept than the scene in front of him.

Do you want to mess with my Taoist mind?

This is impossible!

Lu Feng's whole body was trembling. He wanted to shout, roar, and tell Jie Jiao Daozi in front of him not to use such tricks, it would be useless against him.

It's useless!

Even though at this moment, he was so shaken by the scene that the other party had revealed that his body was trembling, the road was turbulent, and even his breathing became unsmooth, he still didn't want to believe it.

Lu Feng opened his arms and unleashed all his magic power.

The vast galaxy within the body shines, the nine realms reach the extreme, and thirty-six stars shine brightly.

That is the glory of the Thirteen Fire Mythical Geniuses!

With a buzzing sound, the ancient mythical thing came into reality.

The mountain of Buzhou lay directly in front of him.

Not one, but a whole nine, were revealed by him, forming an unbreakable pattern.

Don't think you can fool me!

Don't think you can sway me!

As long as this blow is blocked..., everything will be over.

Lu Feng widened his eyes and stared at the figure in front of him. At this moment, he only had one thought in his heart.

Just one blow is enough, it doesn't matter even if he is hit hard, as long as he can hold on, it will be his victory.

At this moment, Li Su finally moved!

There were no unnecessary words. He just raised his hand and punched. There was no magic power, just the simplest gathering of mana. It was a blow formed by his own realm, and it fell towards Lu Feng.

In an instant, a brilliant flash was seen. It was a star ring, the huge gravitational force formed by the avenue of stars in its body.

Lu Feng was shocked, and there was light in his eyes. Undoubtedly, in his opinion, Li Su's punch was too strong.

You actually don't use Taoist magic and plan to crush him with your realm?

Do you really think you have a hundred stars?

However, as Dong made a loud noise, Lu Feng's expression changed, and a look of disbelief appeared on his face.

There is no other reason. Buzhou Mountain, known as the first sacred mountain in the world, is shaking, and all nine of them are trembling.

They were actually twisted and shaken by the opponent's fist.

The crackling sound was extremely harsh, and the unparalleled power directly passed through his careless scenery and pressed on his body.

Lu Feng's eyes were so wide that they almost burst out of their sockets. He hummed a single syllable, his face gradually distorting.

This is not because of extreme emotions, but because of stress.

At this moment, he seemed to be holding a huge star in his arms. The other party was trying to crush him just by relying on its own weight.

How can it be...?

He is so impressive in the middle stage of Taiyi, but he can't block a punch from an early stage Taiyi?

This is impossible!

He couldn't help but let out a roar, and the stars in his body burst out with bright light. Boundless mana spurted out from his body, blending into the strange scenery. He used all his strength to try to eliminate Li Su's punch. , push it back.

The creaking sound kept ringing, and Lu Feng's explosion did not change the situation. Facing Li Su's crushing power, it was just a stalemate, and it collapsed the next moment. Bu Zhou's shadow was twisted again, and was hit by Li Su's fist. Crushing and destroying bit by bit.

Tong Kong vomited his disbelief, and Lu Feng's straight body couldn't help but tremble. There were crackling sounds, which were his bones, and they could no longer bear the weight.

The avenue was in turmoil, and the stars spinning inside were forcibly held down and stopped.

At this second, Lu Feng was shocked. Even though he was full of disbelief, he couldn't help but tremble and tremble when he looked at the wonderful scene of the galaxy formed by Li Su.

Could it be true?

After all, even if you feel you are being deceived, the reality of your encounter will not be. This is not about the level of Taoism, magical power, or the gap in combat experience. This is pure realm crushing, the superiority and inferiority caused by the absolute gap in strength between the two sides.

They were all in the Nine Realm Galaxy Period, so this should have been an impossible situation.

Even if Lu Feng is only Taiyi of the Thirteen Fires and has only thirty-six stars, the fifteen fires can suppress him, but it will definitely not have such an effect that he cannot even resist.

Is it possible that the other party really has a full 117 stars?

How could this be true?

Jie Jiao Daozi, how did he do it?

Finally, Lu Feng's endurance reached its limit.

There was a loud bang and Buzhou Mountain collapsed.

All nine majestic peaks failed to withstand the force pressing on them and collapsed completely.

With a bang, Buzhou Qijing exploded. As the master, Lu Feng was naturally not much better. His majestic body trembled, and his seven orifices exploded. Countless blood spurted out, and his skin collapsed, as if it had been crushed. Orange exploded with blood mist all over the sky, and the meridians and bones in his body were broken every inch.

In the physical body, the huge galaxy split apart with a crackling sound.

Not a crack, but a split.

His avenue was crushed by life and death.

This gap in power levels is too huge, and the effects produced are naturally extremely terrifying.

Lu Feng, the prodigy of the Black Mountain Sect, was completely suppressed by Li Su with a punch.

The foundation was severely damaged, the avenue was torn apart, and it turned directly into a puddle of mud and collapsed to the ground.

His body began to twist, and he quickly lost his human form, turning into a collapsed mountain, and almost died.

Taiyi's immortality had a huge effect, hanging his life. His body was not flesh and blood, but rocks, so even if his body collapsed, he did not die immediately.

But even so, it can't change the outcome.

His soul has been scattered, and the road has been cut off. This is a fatal wound. Unless the saint comes to an end, there is no way he can be saved.

Lu Feng stared at Li Su blankly, his cracked and dissipated soul filled with disbelief.

You know, the other party was clearly a true immortal not long ago, and he was not in his eyes at all despite his full efforts. As a result, in less than half a year, it turned into a situation that he could not imagine...!

At this moment, shouldn't it be him taking revenge on the other party for embarrassing him and losing Hei Tianzun's trust when he was in Tongtian Dao?

This is how it should be..., why is it like this...?

Consciousness is extinguishing, and the light of the soul is dissipating.

As the genius of the Black Mountain Sect, he is now in the middle stage of Taiyi. In a short time, when the Ten Thousand Years War begins, he will be able to reach his limit, finally break through the Taiyi level, and advance into the highest realm of the mythical world, Da Luo.

It was only then that his story, his legend, and his glorious life officially began...

Such a self actually died here in such a way.

I'm not willing to give in, I'm not willing to give in...!

Looking at Li Su, Lu Feng's eyes were full of resentment. He couldn't help but open his mouth wide and said silently: "It shouldn't be like this...!"

However, facing the dead Lu Feng at this moment, Li Su never looked at him from beginning to end. For him, Lu Feng was actually not even a stumbling block.

He stretched out his palms, and the shadows under his feet continued to vibrate. The Soul Supreme was being used by him, extracting the dispersed souls.

Because, next is the beginning of this drama.

A real life and death fight!


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