At this moment, Li Su also took a slight breath. He consumed a lot, very much, and was already absorbing star crystals to replenish it.

Although Taiyi Galaxy had a dazzling record and resisted three Daluo realms in the period, the reality was not good.

There was no hope at all. Let alone victory, even escape was extremely stumped.

But fortunately, although the fight was very difficult, even if he used the treasure, he still didn't have the slightest advantage, but it helped him buy a lot of time.

At least, he is no longer in a dark state now.

Western Region..., blood pool!

I didn't expect that he would end up in such a place.

Li Su didn't know much about the world of mythology, especially the extremely deep places, because so far he had no plans to enter the depths.

On the other side of the Eastern Territory, it was also to go to the Human Cult and had no intention of venturing into the depths.

It's too dangerous in the depths.

People in the Daluo realm have to be careful inside and barely save their lives. The Taiyi realm is undoubtedly not suitable for hiding there.

But Li Su had the information about the blood pool.

Moreover, this information did not come from Jie Jiao. In fact, even Jie Jiao probably didn't know as much as he did.

The information comes from Xia Kingdom!

Thousands of years ago, many Xia Kingdom monks came here specifically and conducted a lot of research and exploration on the blood pool.

After sacrificing many lives, my understanding of this place is beyond imagination.

Well, you ask why Xia Guo pays so much attention to the blood pool? It's very simple, because this place is a forbidden area for other people in the mythical world. Almost no one will come, and even if they come, they will not enter it, but turn around and retreat.

After all, there are no good things in the blood pool, but it is extremely dangerous.

Therefore, this place is a rare and good place for Xia Kingdom.

Foreign blood food, four simple words, already explained the situation of Xia Kingdom in the mythical world.

A place where there are no monks from the myth world, even if it is a dangerous place, is still a rare and good place for Xia Guo. At least here, you don’t have to worry about whether you will be discovered by the monks from the myth world. Then he was hunted non-stop.

Therefore, from the beginning, Xia State's attitude towards this place was to use it as one of its strongholds.

I have spent almost hundreds of years here, constantly making various attempts, research, and exploring the situation here.

It can be said that in this fatal situation, Li Su would most likely be in a state of darkness in any place.

Only here, he really understands a little bit.

It is not known whether the blood pool is too dangerous inside, so there is a large safe area around it, which is different from other directions.

Even though it is 15 million kilometers deep in the Western Region, if it goes straight to the blood pool, the danger along the way will be relatively small.

This is also the reason why the monks of Xia Kingdom were able to reach the blood pool alive in the first place.

In an instant, many introductions about blood pools came to Li Su's mind.

The first thing he knew was that the blood pool, to be more precise, should be called the Netherworld Blood Sea, which was part of the underworld. According to legend, it was transformed into the filth under the navel of Pangu after his death. It was also the dojo of the legendary Ancestor Styx.

As for the Ancestor of Styx, his origins are equally astonishing, and he has many stories. He possesses the legendary treasure of merit and virtue, not to mention the twelve-level karma fire red lotus, as well as the two great killing weapons of Abi Tu Yuan, and he even uses his own power to kill. The power created the Asura clan and directly occupied one of the six paths of reincarnation.

A proper boss-level existence.

However, according to the information obtained from the Earthly Immortal Realm, this legend seemed to have colluded with evil spirits from outside the realm to invade the Great Wilderness. However, he was discovered by Empress Houtu. On the eve of the start of the war, he was directly suppressed and killed in the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

If the information obtained there is true, this person will most likely be the first prehistoric Half-Saint to die in the Great Destruction.

Looking down slightly, Li Su took a breath.

At this moment, the sea of ​​​​blood below was turbulent, because the battle between the two sides suffered a huge impact, rolling up boundless waves, affecting millions of miles away.

Such movement naturally alarmed the creatures lurking under the sea of ​​blood.

In the blood, black spots could be faintly seen moving back and forth underneath, some were large, some were small, and the number was enough to make one's scalp tingle.

According to Xia Guo’s information.

There are three types of creatures below.

A large number of strange fish, monsters, and an extremely small number of people.

Among them, most of the strange fish are in the shallow layer, while the monsters are in the deep layer. As for humans, they have not discovered their habitat.

These three creatures have extremely strong desire to attack.

Once you fall into the sea of ​​blood, you will immediately be attacked by them.

Very strong!

Even if we talk about strange fish, once an ordinary Taiyi is targeted, he will basically die.

The monsters are even more terrifying. They come in many shapes, some look like big fish, and some look like octopuses. Although there are not as many monster fish as there are, but the individuals are extremely powerful, not to mention each one is comparable to a big Luo. In the sea, even if Da Luo encounters him, he still has to stay away.

As for the last people, their numbers are too few.

Even if I have been here for hundreds of years, I have only encountered it once.

The only thing that is certain is that unlike strange fish and monsters, people living in the depths of the blood sea obviously have intelligence, unlike the strange fish and monsters that blindly wander in it. Not only that, but they also seem to have the ability to control strange fish and monsters. .

Of course, this is just speculation.

But basically they are inseparable, because since that time, that person has not appeared in the surrounding area. Not only that, since then, the instruments used by Xia State to detect the blood sea intelligence have been continuously destroyed by strange fish and monsters.

You know, they basically had no reaction to such 'dead things' before.

Thinking of this, Li Su couldn't help but take a deep breath.

He must thank Xia Guo for his intelligence, because with this intelligence, the right time, place, and people were not in his favor, but suddenly the situation was on his side.

He had read the information about the blood pool from Jie Jiao.

Very little content!

You must know that as the dojo of the ancestor of Styx, it is impossible for the eight major religions not to know about it, and it is impossible not to pay attention to it. This is a pseudo-sage level powerhouse. Regardless of the treasures he possesses, or Taoism and magical powers, as long as he gets the same thing, for the great For all living beings after destruction, they are all supreme treasures.

Therefore, let alone the Great Luo Realm, all the saints have been there personally.

However, the result of the investigation was nothing.

This place can be one of the few places in the entire mythological world that is famous but does not have any good things.

It's right to think about it. Ancestor Minghe died in the underworld on the other side of the Earthly Immortal Realm, and was suppressed and killed by Empress Houtu.

Naturally, his things cannot be left in this sea of ​​blood.

As for inheritance, think about the situation of Ancestor Styx? He was born from filth, and the teaching he established was the "killing religion", which meant to kill heaven, earth, and all living beings. After killing everything, he would become enlightened.

How could this great way be passed on to others?

After all, once the news spreads, will his future apprentice kill him? What should he do?

Therefore, Patriarch Styx cannot have any inheritance. Even if he does inherit something, it is just something he created casually, and there are even hidden dangers. After all, even the Asura clan who occupies one of the Six Paths of Reincarnation is actually doing it for himself. And create. In terms of his great path and fruit, if he becomes enlightened in the future, the Asura clan will obviously be among those he wants to kill.

As for the blood sea itself, it is basically worthless. After all, its main body is a ball of filth. To put it bluntly, it is a lump of cake. Although its origin is extraordinary and originated from the person who created the sky, to put it bluntly, No, it's still a piece of cake.

Therefore, even evil cultivators would find it difficult to use it. After all, the core of this thing is dirt, not resentment.

Of course, saints can still be used.

But is it necessary?

Ancestor Styx, in ancient times, was just a pseudo-sage, that is to say, he was comparable to a saint today.

What's the difference between giving up one's own path and merging with the Netherworld and Blood Sea, and taking off one's pants and farting?

Therefore, there is very little content about this blood pool in the mythical world.

In the blink of an eye, Li Su gathered all the information. There was no doubt that facing the killing situation in front of him, if he wanted to escape to heaven, the only way was through this boundless sea of ​​blood.

A way out, down below!

The only trouble now is the Beidou Formation above his head that always shrouds him.

Although it was extremely difficult for the three demon tribes to fight against each other, with the protection of the treasure, Li Su was not afraid. On the contrary, the shining Big Dipper above was the biggest trouble. Although it had no attack power and was not very restrained, But it always locked him and restrained him in this space, making it impossible for him to escape.

Taking a breath, Li Su's eyes flashed with coldness. No matter what, he had to break the formation first.

Only by breaking the formation can we have a chance to escape into the sea of ​​blood.


Just as Li Su finished his thoughts, waves of murderous intent continued to come, and the coldness was far more severe than imagined.

He couldn't help but look up, only to find that the eyes of the three big Luo people surrounding him had changed slightly. If they had thought of taking him down before, then now they had naked murderous intent.

In other words, catching him is no longer their top priority, killing him is.

This change in mentality made Li Su couldn't help but take a breath, his face became more solemn, and he instantly understood that the time when he really had to fight hard had just begun...

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