Class 10 classroom.

The atmosphere became much quieter, and there were many empty seats in the room that was originally full of fifty people.

The smiles disappeared from everyone's faces.

The atmosphere was uncomfortable and extremely silent.

Yi Devil also came. She walked to the podium silently and looked at the silent students below. After a moment of silence, she clapped her hands, attracting everyone's attention.

"It may be cruel to say this, but this is the reality. In this life, there will be many bridges like this, and there will only be more and more. So be vigilant. If you still have the courage to go in, don't be careless. .”

At this point, Yi Devil paused and continued: "The sadness ends here. Here, I want to say congratulations to you first.

If you can enter the world and the fragments can come out, you are undoubtedly the captain who ventured out to sea and discovered a gold mine. So, don’t look like you are sharing the spoils unevenly, killing each other in the end, and finally being the last one to survive, only to find that you are seriously injured and can’t be cured, and you can only lie down on the gold mine and wait for death. "

Everyone who was originally immersed in the sad atmosphere couldn't help but stare at Yi Devil. They didn't expect that she would actually say such a thing.

Yi Devil said calmly: "I have been a teacher for seven years. On average, I send out a group of students every year, and some of them die in each batch. Over the past seven years, more than two hundred of the students I have taught personally have not come out after entering the World Fragment. If If you are not mentally tough enough, I am afraid you will not be able to continue in this industry for a long time. If you cannot accept this ending, then let me say this, teacher, maybe you are not suitable for the profession of Raider, give up.

The most common thing I have been told in high school in the past three years is that world fragments are dangerous and can kill people. You have all seen those examples. In other words, those who choose to enter in the end are basically mentally prepared. The awareness of death.

Why do Raiders have such a high status in this world? Have so many privileges? Because it's something you fight for with your life.

So swallow your sad emotions, be proud and proud, from now on, you are also a pioneer! "

Yi Devil picked up the tablet computer placed on the desk and said directly: "Start now to register everyone."

"Just call out your world book and think about it in your heart. It contains your information. I will register you one by one. Students who have completed the registration can go home after class."

Everyone was stunned and quickly calmed down their emotions.

Although it may feel a little unrealistic to enter a world fragment and successfully come out alive, it would be too much to think that everyone is still the same high school student with no experience as before.

The vast majority of people have already seen blood in the fragments of the world.

Like Li Su, more than a thousand people were killed by him in the last battle, and hundreds of people were exploded. It would affect you for a while. When Yi Devil said this, he immediately calmed down.

As human beings, there are only a few people who will care about, grieve and cry in their lifetime. To put it more coldly, unless there is a hard-core relationship, the death of a classmate may not be as sad as the death of one's own dog.

Soon, except for a few classmates who were a little sad because of the death of their best friend, most of them began to summon their own world books according to Yi Devil's words.

Of course Li Su also summoned, and then his eyes froze.

Holder: Li Su.

Tianlong World Resolution: 95%. Why is this thing suddenly so high?

Kung Fu obtained: Vajra Indestructible Magic Kung Fu, Arhat Magic Kung Fu, Nameless Kung Fu Technique Volume 1, Arhat Fist, Mian Zhang, Wuxiang Jie Finger, Nine Yang Magic Kung Fu.

The Long River of Qi Sea: First Grade (Extreme).

The panel is inhumane.

But can this thing be seen by others?

Of course not!

How the hell do you want people to know this? You can’t survive your little life? Although he can become invincible if he knows the plot, it is obvious that he is not invincible yet.

What to do? What to do? Can this score be hidden?

Li Su's face is a little green, and his personality is a bit stubborn. What's more, his face is so beautiful that it will be destroyed by Lin Feng? no!

This is a mummy that was found in the pyramid in the 21st century with a living body. It is so waving that people can't help but want to dissect it...

Along with Li Su's thoughts, information began to pulse.

The resolution dropped directly, and the indestructibility of the skills began to disappear.


Li Su was stunned, and then his eyes lit up. Can this thing be adjusted?

Without hesitation, he directly suppressed the resolution by 30%, just above the first line.

As for the skills, all those with S are hidden.

Soon, his information became like this.

Holder: Li Su.

Tianlong World Resolution: 30%.

Kung Fu obtained: Arhat Magic Kung Fu, Arhat Fist, Cotton Palm, and Wuxiang Jie Finger.

Qihai: First grade.

Phew, Li Su couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief and broke into a cold sweat.

And just when Li Su was hiding his information, registration for the class began.

"Luotong, Taizu Changquan, resolution 26%, overall evaluation: C-."

"Zhang Quan, through-arm boxing, resolution 26.5%, overall evaluation: C."

"Wang Mingyang, Liuhe Quan, resolution 27%, overall evaluation: C."

"Zhao Ping, C+."

"Ou Yanyan, C."


Listening to Yi Devil's levels one by one, Li Su couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. Should he hide the Arahant's magical power? Why does Class 10's rhythm seem to have an average score of C?

Yi Devil was calm. Entering for the first time, his average grade was already a C.

Not good, but not bad either.

You can go to a second-rate university.

Moreover, you can also get the rank of soldier, whether you choose a department to join or start your own business.

After taking a look at the classmates around him, Yi Devil probably knew in his heart that there were probably only a few people in his class who could get good grades.

Aileen, Wang Meng, and Yang Kai. The former's results are really good, the latter two's results are good, and they are not timid.

However, what surprised her was Li Su. This thing actually went away, which was surprising. He came out alive, which was even more surprising.

Based on her usual performance, she was not optimistic about Li Su. She contacted his parents many times and asked his family members to reassure him not to go.

Unexpectedly, this kid actually came back, and his luck seemed good.

Did you find a small mountain village in a remote area to live in? Well, that's fine. At least as a soldier, his family can move to a higher level and he can look forward to his descendants in the future.

By the way, don’t think that being a soldier is not enough. The population of Z city is close to 20 million, and there are still close to 100,000 students in junior high school. But in high school, especially the senior year, the number is basically around 5,000 to 6,000. What does it mean?

There are many people who choose to give up and become ordinary people. Therefore, don’t think that the gold content of Raiders is very low, no, it is very high.

Therefore, even if Li Su is C- and will no longer enter the world fragments and wait to die, at least he will not be short of a wife.

Finally, we arrived at Erin.

The little girl with a single ponytail stood up, like a little hen with colorful feathers. She continued to be proud since Li Su saw her on the first day, and showed her transcript.


Instantly, the sound of gasping came from the classroom.

Grade A!

Why do you have to be so good when everyone is C?

Many female classmates were filled with hatred. The beautiful and proud little girl was obviously not very popular. The ugly duckling among the chickens was either being targeted or on the way to being targeted.

Not far away, Wang Meng and Yang Kai couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Their results were also good, and they were very satisfied, but when compared with Eileen, it was no doubt that the self-esteem shoe in her heart that was usually brightly polished seemed to have suddenly stepped into the quagmire, which was very uncomfortable.

"Not bad, very good!"

Yi Devil, who rarely praises others, also had a look of admiration on his face at this moment. A-level evaluation, first-class university basically has no problem, but this is not the point. The point is A-level evaluation, world resolution and skills are not low.

You should be awarded the status of a non-commissioned officer. A non-commissioned officer is not a common street commodity like a soldier. Normally, you have to enter more than two times to obtain it.

However, it is estimated that Erin most likely doesn't care much.

Her family is not an ordinary family, and she works very hard. Such outstanding achievements can only be said to be worthy of her status.

After praising Irene, Yi Devil continued to register.

Soon, the results of Li Su's best friend, Wang Meng, and Yang Kai, who they could chat with, also came out.

A B, a B+.

Although he is still not as good as Irene, there is no doubt that his results are quite good, and he can be considered good at No. 1 High School.

With a bunch of Cs coming next, Yi Mo was not too disappointed. In fact, the results this time were pretty good, with one A and two Bs.

Finally, she walked to Li Su and asked him to show the panel. At the same time, Yi Devil thought that the next focus should be on Irene and the others. The university should also communicate well. Pheasant University could not be cheated, and famous universities must also Only when appropriate guarantees are given can she let go. As a teacher, she is very responsible and serious.

"I didn't expect that guy Li Su survived?"

"That's right, in terms of grades, this guy is the worst in Class 10, right?"

Looking at Li Su, many people looked shocked. When he decided to go in, many people actually thought that this guy must be among the people who couldn't get out. They didn't expect that he actually came out alive.

Good luck with shit!

World Fragments does not mean that you will definitely survive if you choose a corner. Natural and man-made disasters can be fatal. The medical level inside is so bad that you may die from a cold.

Yi Devil sorted out the thoughts in his mind, then looked down at the panel displayed by Li Su, and began to fill it out: "Li Su, let me take a look..., eh?"

There was a sudden pause in the words, and Yi Devil blinked his eyes, then stretched out his hand to rub it, and looked again.

She was sure that it was correct. She raised her head suspiciously and started to look at Li Su's face. She looked up, down, left, and right, and was sure that he was the least learned and unskilled one under her hand. The corners of her eyes could not help but twitch, and the corners of her mouth twitched. The hand holding the electronic pen couldn't help but subconsciously exert force, only to hear a snap and break.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?"

Many people had strange expressions on their faces. That guy Li Su couldn't have a D-level rating, right? No way? That kind of evaluation is basically equivalent to getting out without doing anything after entering. If these results are to be announced, it will be really eye-catching, almost blind.

Wang Meng sighed, it's okay, he is Class B, I will take care of him later.

As for Erin, who has the highest score in the class, she, as a top student, would never take a second look at a bad student. After all, she is so gorgeous no matter where she is and is the brightest kid.

At this moment, Li Su felt a little uneasy.

He could feel Yi Devil's disbelief, and he could also hear the discussion in the class. Yes, he showed an A grade. After all, if he was ranked first, he would not be the first, so he was quite happy to wait. Yi Devil praised him. After all, in his previous life, Yi Devil had only one look in his eyes during the three years of high school.

In this life, no matter what, you have to make the other person look at you differently, right? For example, becoming the pride of the other party or something...

But what does this look mean? Do you want to peel off the skin and look inside to see if my soul has been replaced?

cough! cough!

Looking at Li Su's hateful eyes, Yi Devil coughed dryly. He couldn't help it. It was so shocking. It was even more exaggerated than accidentally buying a lottery ticket on the street and actually winning.

"Li Su, um, Li Su, comprehensive evaluation..., eh?"

Yi Devil suddenly paused, lowered his head and glanced at Li Su strangely, and said softly: "Level A."

Hiss~! ! !

The whole class couldn't help but take a breath, this is... unscientific!

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