Very lush.

With his eyes, if he looked inside, he couldn't see anything more than twenty meters away.

Hearing needs to cover a longer distance, but it's a pity that transcendence does not exist. It is only about a hundred meters, which is basically the limit.

The sense of smell, on the other hand, plays a great role here, and I can smell a lot of smell, which is the smell of flesh and blood.

Unfortunately, there is no way to make a specific identification.

It's not that he doesn't have that function, but once that function is turned on, the physical energy consumption will be astonishing, and the consumption of brain cells will not be low. In order to ensure your own combat effectiveness, you need to avoid excessive consumption as much as possible before getting the first piece of food.

After all, he didn't know how powerful the wild animals here were. If they were all Tianshan ice silkworms, dead wood clams, etc., and their physical strength dropped too much, it would undoubtedly be fatal.

I quickly identified a scent from various scents that was not very strong. It could also be said that the smell of sweat was relatively small. After all, the smell was relatively small, which meant that the individual was small, so the body odor was light. Suppressing his movements as much as possible, Li Su quickly trotted in the direction where he was.

It’s not that far, almost eight kilometers.

What the hell, even though I heard that Wangshan could run to death, I didn’t expect that it could actually exhaust a person to death.

Target found.

Then Li Su's heartbeat almost stopped, his steps stopped, and he turned around and ran as fast as he came.

In just over ten seconds, after running more than two thousand meters and his liver shrinking a lot, Li Sucai stopped with a cold sweat on his head. His breathing was as heavy as a cow, and he kept exhaling.

At this moment, where Li Su was aiming at the target, he saw a huge head raised, its cold eyes scanning the surroundings with some doubts.

Strange, you clearly sensed something approaching just now? Why didn't you turn around?

He shook his head and quickly put his head back.

Fuck you...!

Li Su, who was still in shock, had his hearing amplified to the limit. After listening for a long time, and after making sure that there was no movement behind him, he couldn't help but exhale frequently.

What he found was a snake, with its bare head more than one meter wide.

Most of this thing's body is hidden in the cave, and only its head is exposed outside.

If Li Su hadn't been sharp-eyed, realized something was wrong, turned around and ran away, it would be hard to say who would eat whom right now.

No, you are a big python with a body width of one meter. Shouldn't this be the tyrant of the forest? Shouldn't we be unruly? What does it mean to hide most of your body and show your head?

Are you deliberately lowering your aura? Are all the wild animals in this world curled up like this?

For a moment, Li Su couldn't help but feel pain in his head.

This wave of losses has been severe, and his liver has shrunk by one-eighth. Although he may not need the other parts except the heart and lungs for the time being, once they are really lost, it also means that his situation will also become worse. It's extremely dangerous. You need to find food as soon as possible, otherwise you will really die.

Putting a scarlet label on this taste, Li Su quickly turned his head and aimed directly at the next one.

There was nothing he could do, he was already feeling thirsty and hungry, and the level was increasing rapidly. He had been in this world for almost half an hour, and he had to find food to supplement himself.

Taking action again, this time Li Su set a distance for himself, five kilometers. If he didn't meet him after five kilometers, he would change to the next one.

After all, the range of activities of small animals cannot be too far. Too far may mean that the other party is not a small animal.

Li Su took action again.

This time, he was lucky. He locked onto a smaller aura, which was not far away, just over two kilometers away.

One is about as thick as an arm... It should be a python, right?

There was no time to think so much. Li Su rushed forward, stretched out his finger, and used two-tenths of the left kidney and one-eighth of the liver to replace a small bone spur. Before the opponent could react, he penetrated it with one finger. The opponent's head.

It was very shocked, and wrapped around Li Su with a crash, tying up Li Su.

Damn it, you underestimated the opponent's body instinct.

His brain was obviously pierced, but his body was not dead.

Along with a shaking and rattling sound, Li Su felt as if his bones were about to crack.

It took more than ten seconds before his strength began to decline and he completely collapsed.

His face turned red from holding back his breath. Li Su almost stopped holding his breath and passed by. As the other person relaxed, he also sat down on the ground, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Damn, is the power so great?

I almost strangled him!

You must prepare weapons next time, even stones.

After taking a few deep breaths of fresh air to get enough oxygen for his almost strangled self, Li Su lowered his head and without any hesitation picked up the large python that was as thick as his arm and over one and a half meters long.

He just opened his big mouth, skinned, and bled, and forgot about it. After extracting some muscle energy to strengthen his teeth and stomach, he went down hard.


Taste, sour and refreshing!

Even if he turned off his sense of taste in advance, he could still feel a breath rushing straight to his forehead, making him feel uncomfortable all over.

After three strokes and five divisions, it took less than three minutes. He had eaten about forty kilograms of meat, not even a hair was left, and it had completely evaporated.

The feeling of happiness born from a full stomach made Li Su couldn't help but let out a long sigh. His whole body felt instantly comfortable and his water content was also replenished.

Not a python..., a snake.

Feeling the reaction from the cells, that slightly dizzy feeling.

Blood poison is very powerful and highly nutritious. Especially after it is fused with blood, it forms a large amount of saturated fat, which is fatal to most organisms. However, for Li Su, it is equivalent to high-grade protein. It's just a side effect of dizziness.

Not bad, the overall nutrition is almost equivalent to fifty pounds of beef. Not only did I replenish my previous consumption, I also stocked up on some.

At least I guarantee that with my current physical fitness, I can last for about a day.

Of course, this is not enough, far from it.

In fact, the so-called happiness of being full disappeared in just an instant, and hunger filled the whole body again.

Although there are no extraordinary particles, his flesh and blood has always been mutated. Not only does it possess strange properties, it also has the ability to store nutrients.

Although compared to extraordinary particle energy, the efficiency of storing nutrients is very low and the quantity is not large, there is still no problem in eating thirty to fifty tons of flesh and blood.

After all, he is equivalent to a terrifying beast in his own right.

Taking a breath, Li Su stood up and started to act again.

Snakes, snakes, snakes.

No, what about mammals?

After harvesting almost seven or eight snakes as thick as an arm in a row, Li Su couldn't help but slap his head. Did he come to Snake Island? Why are all the snakes in sight?

Although you should be thankful if you eat some, snakes don't have much water in their bodies. After eating a lot of meat, this small amount of water will be seriously consumed.

Therefore, although his hunger was effectively relieved, his thirst was not.


Just when Li Su was about to expand his breathing range, his expression suddenly became startled and he couldn't help but turn his head.

Eyes, a pair of extremely cold eyes, were looking at him silently more than ten seconds away from him.

It's very big, almost as big as a fist, and its body is almost covered under the grass, so you can't tell what it is.

As the two sides looked at each other, the creature moved and walked out from the shade of the tree. Blood began to appear in the originally cold twins.

He was almost two meters tall and was covered in mud of unknown composition.

Obviously, the other party covered up his scent with the soil, so that Li Su did not notice its presence at the first time.

However, at this moment, he didn't have time to think about how the other party concealed his scent.

He looked at it standing on two feet, with slender claws and thirty or forty fangs. Under the black mud, it looked like it was covered in scales.

Li Su couldn't help but be a little confused, what the hell... couldn't it be a dinosaur?

Ga~, Ga~, Ga!

A very special tone came from its mouth. The dinosaur looked at Li Su, about ten meters away from him, and kept shouting, but did not launch an attack immediately.

Listening to this slightly familiar voice, he looked at the other person, who looked slightly familiar even though he was covered in mud.

Li Su couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. This thing shouldn't be the thing he had seen in those Jurassic movies...

Soon, far away.

Ga~, quack~, the sound of quack is ringing, and every time it passes, the distance becomes surprisingly close, and the number is also extremely amazing.


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