"Thermal imaging..., motion sensors..., real-time monitoring..., it really refreshes the outlook on life. Is it necessary to be so cruel?"

At this moment, more than ten kilometers away, Li Su looked at the scrapped metal instrument in his hand. After entering the mythical world for so long, he did not expect to encounter a technological product here.

Moreover, Li Su seriously suspected that the person who placed the monitor was an obsessive-compulsive disorder and a voyeur.

It's okay if you say it's during the war. It's too much to arrange so many things during normal times, and to have them all activated.

At this moment, his body was green, and it was constantly changing with his movements, as if it had a layer of camouflage.

Not only that, his body temperature was also horribly low, like a cold-blooded animal.

Even the magnetic field has changed. Through its own internal adjustment, it has become as stone-like.

It's a pity that he has the supreme flesh and blood and can adjust his own cells. Otherwise, facing this kind of all-round surveillance, it would be very difficult to escape from the opponent's detection range.

However, the consumption is a bit high.

Although a lot of energy has been accumulated, considering the need to retain the power of a battle and a battery life of about an hour, the previously supplemented nutrition can only last for two days. If it exceeds, it will cause liver damage and courage.

Faced with his own predicament, Li Su couldn't help it and complained directly.

"You've already developed advanced technology. Logically speaking, you shouldn't have entered a modern society with a higher level of civilization. What the hell is this slave collar?"


Rubbing his eyebrows, Li Su kept walking through the mountains and forests without stopping.

When one's own strength and accumulation are insufficient, it is obviously not suitable to confront this kind of organization.


Nourishing winter!

After running for almost five kilometers, there was a strange noise.

Li Su couldn't help turning his head and looked at the place where the sound came from. A metal pillar about five meters thick and seven or eight meters high rose from the ground.

But when the top of it was opened, the next second it started to make a squeaking sound.

Hundreds, no, came forward and something black was sprayed into the sky from inside.

The moment those black spots reached their highest point and were about to begin to fall, they paused and made a sound.


Faced with this scene, Li Su couldn't help but pause, and his eyes widened in disbelief, with an expression on his face that said you must be crazy.

The regularity of the sound, coupled with its unique shape, directly awakened his long-ago memories.

Drone? ? ?

And, what about swarm drones? ? ?

As we all know, grass is a plant.

Li Su's face turned green. This lineup shouldn't be here to catch him, right? Probably not? If you use this kind of lineup to catch him alone, you can only say that the people in the organization opposite are really sick, very sick.


At this moment, it was almost 1,500 kilometers away from Li Su, and it was located at the first 'roundabout' of the river that extended upwards from the lake when he reached it.

The so-called spin is the special environment of this world.

The river is not a straight line up and down. As it meanders down, there will occasionally be large bulges that form an internal bevel. After the blood river water falls there, it will accumulate at that location to form a huge lake. It is higher than the bulge before it flows down again.

That roundabout is huge.

The lake covers an area of ​​more than 500 square kilometers and contains nearly 6 billion cubic meters of blood water, which is equivalent to a natural dam.

Not far from it is a very sci-fi building.

The whole building is basically made of steel, and it is flat from the inside to the outside. The buildings are mainly in the middle, and most of them are cylindrical.

Covering an area of ​​almost more than 200,000 square kilometers, except for the steel on the ground that has electricity flowing through it from time to time, there is not a single human being in sight.

Very suddenly, there was movement in this base.

One passage after another bulged out from the steel ground. Soon, the sound of neat steps was heard, and a large number of armed people wearing similar clothes to the person Li Su met before ran out of it.

A platoon of ten men, a company of a hundred platoons, and a brigade of ten companies.

An entire army of ten thousand people marched out.

Well, it's not the thousand people inside that Lao Niu suggested, but an entire brigade.

"stand at attention!"

"Take a break!"

"The target this time is an outsider. According to known intelligence, he possesses extremely powerful strength. When unarmed, his body value is comparable to that of a first-level warrior. He has superhuman five senses, environmental control, and Ming Dynasty. With An Jin, the level is extremely high, and it has the power to penetrate the defense of first-level weapons. Once all units find the target, they should entangle and surround it. Do not engage in close combat with them. Use weapons directly to consume them, delay them, and prevent them from leaving. Take off your clothes and wait for the general to arrive, do you understand?"


"Very good, dispatch. Coordinates are 333.448129. The target disappears here. Everyone activates their weapons to a minimum and will arrive at the mission location within half an hour."


Following the commander's wave, a thousand troops took off directly into the air, leaped into the forest, quickly identified a certain direction, and left quickly.

At the same time as the large army set off, in the center of the base, on the highest cylinder.

This is the command center!

There are hundreds of people inside, and most of them are extremely busy, constantly working on their own electronic instruments.

On the surrounding walls, there are electronic screens one after another. Most of the screens display real-time monitoring pictures of the location where Li Su disappeared.

Including thermal imaging, motion sensing, real-time images, sound capture, magnetic field sensing, etc.

A small part of the screen repeatedly played the scene of Chenlong and Li Su's battle, as well as the data on Chenlong's weapons for analysis.

In the center of the command center, there is a conference table with more than ten people sitting there.

These people include researchers wearing white coats and military personnel wearing military uniforms.

Among them, Luo Yu was also there, and she was called back.

Not just her, there were two generals sitting next to her in the same military uniform as her, but with slightly different colors.

One is mainly red and one is mainly yellow.

They were all quiet and said nothing the whole time.

At this moment, at one end of the round table was an old man wearing a white coat, with white hair and a white beard.

He looked excited and danced while issuing orders.

That's right, it wasn't General Luo Yu or anyone else in the military, it was this old man who was issuing the order.

"After the combat brigade arrived, the drone immediately turned on the electronic pulse. You idiots, keep an eye on the instruments for me."

After saying that, the old man turned around and returned to his seat.

He ignored anyone, even Luo Yu and the others, who had the status of general.

Lowering his head and looking at the tablet in his hand, the old man's face was filled with enthusiasm.

"Oh my god, it can actually self-synthesize biological proteins to form two types of toxins, blood and nerves at the same time. There are too few materials and too much time. It has completely lost its activity and cannot be studied in depth."

"Thermal imaging, magnetic field, motion sensing, and protective coloring have evaded detection by all electronic instruments. This means that he can not only synthesize biological toxins, but also self-regulate his physical condition."

"Unimaginable, unimaginable!"

"What kind of DNA is this? What is the spiral organization? What is the shape of the cell structure?"

"Damn it, that good-for-nothing Chenlong actually lost. Even if he loses, he should bring back some cell tissue!"

"Ah, I'm so angry!"

"Catch him. We must catch him. This goal is too important. I need his brain, spine, blood, muscles, skin, nails, and hair. He must be alive, alive."

"With him, biotechnology will undergo a complete transformation, and the problems that have troubled us for a long time will be completely solved!"

At this moment, the old man who spoke had a face that was a little ferocious and full of holiness. There was no doubt that he looked neurotic.

Obviously, he is sick...!

This disease, also known as scientist mania, usually occurs in some top masters in mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, etc.!

Once the disease develops, it often has the property of being out of control, let alone doing other people's business...

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