With a loud bang, Li Su flew away, completely uncontrollably.

Very tragic.

The first thing that came was the sonic boom, which was a huge atmospheric circle that hit him instantly.

The whole person felt as if he had been run over by a tank. If his body was not strong enough and quite inhuman, the first wave of impact would have killed him on the spot.

Even so, Li Su still couldn't hold it back and spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

There was a lot of foam in the blood, which was formed due to the impact of the inertia. The air was highly compressed and burst his internal organs.

Thanks to the Flesh Supreme's immediate activation, the regeneration factor quickly healed his injuries, allowing him to pay only a mouthful of blood as the price.

However, the next second, his body was ignited, and the terrifying high temperature almost melted him.

The moment the terrifying high temperature ignited him, fortunately, the cells began to regenerate continuously in the next second. The new skin and flesh continued to expand, taking off the ignited shell, and peeling off about five layers of it in dozens of layers per second. The heat was blocked out.

You must know that the damage of hydrogen bombs is not only burning. These radiations, in the strong big explosion, are very terrifying, just like the bullets coming out of the barrel. Although they are extremely small, they are destructive to cells beyond imagination.

Even with the highest level of flesh and blood, faced with such large-area, penetrating, and high-concentration astonishing radiation damage, he still almost got deeply involved and was seriously injured.

Fortunately, at this moment, Jiujiu Xuan Gong is also playing a huge role.

Although he hasn't been practicing for too long, the owner has mastered it at a superb level, and his progress every minute is extremely terrifying. Coupled with keeping up with nutrition, Li Su has actually reached a height that others may not be able to achieve after decades of practice.

Its existence reduced the effects of the terrifying high temperature and radiation. Although it did not even reach the first level of the whole body, it gave him room to breathe and prevent him from being completely injured.

Even so, Li Su was still having a hard time.

Even if he had anticipated it in advance, ran a long distance ahead of time, and was not at the center of the explosion, this would still be the case.

It's too powerful.

When he landed, his whole body ached, as if he had been cut into pieces by a thousand knives. He opened his mouth and vomited out about two kilograms of waste blood.

Standing up, Li Su's pupils were burning with fire.

Almost died!

He never expected that the other party would actually fall out with him at this time. It was also because he was too careless, because he relaxed his vigilance after two transactions.

Although I can't figure out why the other party turned over the table.

But this does not prevent him, Li Su, from taking revenge.

Without thinking, Li Su moved and headed straight for the opponent's base.

If the tiger doesn't show off its power, why should I be regarded as a sick cat?

Do you think that with the hydrogen bomb in my hand, I won’t dare to approach? Li Su sneered, cells can do too many things.

Li Su was furious.

Not only was this behavior done for the second time, but more importantly, the other party gave him half of what he wanted, but not the key part. After this explosion, there was naturally no follow-up.

Was it targeting regenerative cells from the beginning?

The so-called antibodies are just deliberately distracting him?

Li Su was extremely fast, and the opponent threw a hydrogen bomb. Although it almost killed him, it also made things easier for him.

In this way, the nearby electronic instruments will lose their function, which is just convenient for him to kill directly.

Li Su, who was so angry that he went crazy, how terrifying was his speed?

He was already extremely powerful, and he had practiced the Nine-Nine Mysterious Technique, further breaking the upper limit of human beings. Even without weapons, he was now equivalent to an extraordinary creature.

Running at full speed, the speed is close to 500 kilometers per hour, almost 277 meters per second, which is infinitely close to the speed of sound.

Although compared to Taiyi's speed, it was as slow as if he was not moving, and it was far beyond the human level.

The average mana realm or foundation building stage is not as fast as him.

Hurry up.

In a little over two hours, Li Su ran to the approximate location of the opponent's base.

The reason why I say it's approximate is that it's not included in the other party's information. I just got a rough location based on the information I got before.

You have to find the specific ones.

After all, it has been so long, and the traces of the hydrogen bomb launch have long disappeared.


When he ran to the approximate location, Li Su, who originally planned to find a relatively high place to take a look at the surrounding terrain, was stunned.

Because, not far away, about a hundred kilometers away, billowing black smoke was clearly visible.

Undoubtedly, in this extremely dense forest, that thing is too conspicuous.


Li Su couldn't help but frown. His originally furious mood was instantly suppressed, and he calmed down.

Although he was angry and angry, he was not stupid.

You will not be so blind as to lose your mind because of your anger.

Recalling the first scene, Li Su was still a little wary. A series of words almost sent him away.

In this old mountain forest, bursts of black smoke suddenly appeared from somewhere, which really made him wonder whether this was a trap deliberately luring him there.

After thinking about it, Li Su did not stop and still rushed directly towards the location of the black smoke.

As he walked, his arm began to move. A large number of cells were expanding, and a small pimple soon formed.

It contained quite amazing energy, and as Li Su raised his hand, he waved it. That part of flesh and blood separated directly from his body and began to expand rapidly.

The next second, Dan saw it expand visibly to the naked eye, sprout wings, and transform into a foot-long black eagle.

With a soft cry, it flapped its wings and soared into the sky.

Its eyes moved slightly, and it ran straight towards the black smoke a hundred kilometers away like lightning.

One hundred kilometers, very far.

But for the birds, it was not far away. Within a few minutes, the location of the black smoke was clearly visible.

Not long after, the black eagle that flew out came back.

It jumped down, landed on Li Su's arm, and then began to twist, changing from the black eagle appearance back to the fleshy tumor, and integrated into Li Su's body.

In an instant, what the other party saw appeared in Li Su's mind.

Facing the similar appearance in his mind, Li Su was in a daze and couldn't help but have a weird look on his face.

The scene where the black smoke was located surprised him, very unexpected.

If you want to call it a bait, I have to say that the other party is really wealthy. After all, it is a base covering an area of ​​thousands of square meters and has a high-tech style.

Just where Hei Diao visually inspected, there were almost hundreds of thousands of tons of steel, right?

Not to mention that on that steel base, it was very lively and fighting was going on!

The black smoke was generated from the center, where there were originally more than ten huge cylindrical buildings.

Several of them were broken, billowing black smoke came out of it, and from time to time you could hear movement and loud noises coming from inside.

what's the situation?

Standing there, Li Su couldn't help but be a little confused for a moment.

The main reason was that the people on both sides were dressed similarly. It didn't look like another force was fighting, but more like an internal struggle.

Moreover, the fighting in front of you at this moment does not look like an act. Both sides are really rushing for each other's life.

Not only that, there are various signs that this battle may have lasted for a long time. It must have been like this for at least one day, right?

Coming to such a result, Li Su was even more confused for a moment.

After all, he was hit by the opponent's hydrogen bomb two hours ago.

There was a civil war here a day ago? Then two hours ago, before the civil war ended, a hydrogen bomb was fired at him?


What about logic?

What's the logic behind hitting him? ? ?

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