My name is Qi Jie!

He is eighteen years old this year and is the newest generation in the base. He became a glorious third-level soldier twenty days ago.

Originally, this day should have happened a month ago after officially accepting the base warrior assessment.

However, due to a sudden rebellion, the original assessment was ruined.

About a month and seven days ago, General Chihu of the base and China Unicom scientific researcher Yang Tao launched a rebellion.

To be honest, one day when I was in a civilian area, I thought the sky was falling.

From then on, the world was no longer the same as the one I knew.

However, at the most critical moment, the savior appeared.

His name is Li Su, and he is an outsider. It is very strange. You must know that 99.99% of those outsiders are extremely selfish, self-centered, and regard others as ants, but he is different. He saved the base and saved the country. Everyone.

Your Excellency Li Su!

We all call him that, from the bottom of our hearts.

He is strong but friendly, and treats everyone equally. He does not look down on or look down upon them because of their weakness.

I digressed a bit, but back to the point.

Originally, the warrior assessment was postponed because of the rebellion, and it has not been postponed to this day.

The fundamental reason why she became a third-level warrior today is that there are not enough soldiers in the base, and there is a huge gap. Unfortunately, many people like her were directly appointed, skipping the assessment, and became A third-level warrior.

After becoming a third-level warrior, she, along with a total of 1,999 people like her, were immediately dispatched from the base to the battlefield.

Originally, this was impossible under normal circumstances.

Even the third-level warriors who have officially passed the assessment will only get the chance to go out after almost three months of training to ensure that they are good enough to protect themselves.

Fortunately, this mission is mainly about logistics, not personal combat.

At first, I was relieved when I heard about the mission, but at the same time, I was also very nervous.

After all, even logistics does not mean safety. After all, this world is very, very dangerous.

Soon, we were sent to our destination, which was almost three thousand kilometers away from the base. We had already entered the sigmoid rectum. This is undoubtedly a very amazing depth. Normally, only generals and the top first-level warriors can reach it. come over.

Just when we were in shock, the senior sister appeared.

That was a senior in the base school, a very beautiful girl.

At this moment, her face was tired, her hair was yellow, she was dirty and bloody, her arms and thighs were thicker, and the dark circles under her eyes were extremely conspicuous, as if she hadn't had a good rest for a long, long time. To be honest, I was scared. It was really It’s hard to imagine that the beauty-loving senior would be so embarrassed.

Seeing us, the senior sister had a smile on her face. She couldn't hide her excitement and ran over to us and said to us, "Finally, the supplementary people are here."

Before any of us could say anything, the senior sister pulled me directly and asked everyone to follow her.

Soon, we were dragged into a very big tent by our senior sister.

It was built because of the heavy rain a few days ago. There are many of them nearby, hundreds of them.

When we entered, we were shocked.

Inside, there is a thigh, and there are many seniors. The seniors are working on that huge leg.

Some of them held electric saws, while others held sharp long knives, constantly cutting, decomposing, and peeling off the flesh and bones.

Looking at this scene, we were stunned.

Oh my God, how tall does this behemoth have to be to have such a thigh that is seven or eight meters long and weighs more than several tons?

You know, even in the textbooks, you have never seen such a huge existence.

However, before we could ask, the senior sister I knew next to me exhaled and said directly: "Your next task is to break down this thigh with us and learn it thoroughly."

Is this the so-called logistics work?

To be honest, I was relieved and slightly disappointed. This was undoubtedly significantly different from the warrior mission she imagined.

Soon, we began to study seriously.

After all, anatomy is a subject that soldiers must learn. In this way, they can be regarded as entering the workplace early.

Moreover, such a huge leg is very difficult to disassemble, and the muscle tissue is heavy and hard, which has a very significant effect on improving technology.

The only thing I'm not sure about is how much meat is there?

We just hope that we won’t be cut off until we perfect our technique.

Looking at her diary, Qi Jie couldn't help but froze slightly when she saw the words she had written lightly.

Because for twenty days after that, no matter how many bones they cut, there would be more, more dismembered bodies coming in.

Torso, head, thighs, paws.

Sixteen hours a day, twenty days in a row, recalling the feelings of these days, Qi Jie, no, I should say the two thousand people who came together, were stunned.

After work every day, I lie in bed in a daze. I don't even have the energy to speak, let alone eating.

The reason why it took six hours to recover was because the arms were turned on and the extraordinary factors entered the body for healing. Otherwise, he would not even be able to get out of bed the next day.

Extraordinary power is actually not used for fighting, but for recovering physical strength. Even textbooks dare not write this.

Even though this is the case, there are still people yelling and swearing every day.

"You bunch of bastards, hurry up. Please hurry up with your hands and feet. If this continues, your flesh will rot away."

Yes, that's it.

Qi Jie looked outside. It was a senior, a first-level soldier, an elite member of the base, who was yelling and cursing because the disassembly speed was still too slow.

At this moment, there are huge pieces of meat piled around the camp, all waiting to be processed.

Too much, too much.

Although she didn't count, she logged in information several times. After all, women were not as physically strong as men, so they had more time to rest.

One day, there will be about 20,000 tons of flesh and blood here, waiting to be processed.

Not just them, second-level soldiers, first-level soldiers, and even generals, yes, even generals, also participated.

Her former idols, General Luo Yu and General Huang Long, were all here, dismantling the huge corpse all the time, breaking it into dozens or dozens of small pieces, and then let other soldiers continue to decompose it.

At the end of the day, even the general and the others couldn't stand it anymore and sat on the ground, breathing heavily.

Not only that, there are thousands of drones flying back and forth between here and the base hundreds of times every day. After twenty days, almost a thousand of them have been used up. There are too many back and forths, and the engines are burned out.

Work overtime, overtime.

Work overtime, overtime.

Not just them here, but also over there at the base.

Except for a small number of computer experts, all the children over the age of twelve were called off to help with transportation.

There were simply not enough trucks to transport the goods, so all the manpower was used.

The entire base was in a state of overload, and everyone's nerves were stretched to the limit.


A terrifying sound sounded, and Qi Jie couldn't help but raise her head and look at the sky.

But I saw a black spot coming quickly, getting closer and bigger, getting closer and bigger, tearing the air and making an amazing roar.

Finally, when they arrived at the camp where they were, there was a loud bang and they hit the huge flat land that had been specially cleared not far away.

The flat land has sunk several meters.

The reason is also very simple, it was smashed down like this.

As for the thing that flew over, it was a dinosaur that weighed more than twenty tons and was more than ten meters tall. It looked so ferocious that when it was alive, everyone present except the general would have died.

Before the movement ended, the roaring sound sounded again, and one black spot after another flew rapidly from the sky.

Following a sudden tremor, dozens of giant beasts filled the open space.

Even though I have seen this scene countless times, I still couldn't help but be shocked when I saw it again. For a moment, the entire base, except the general, could not help but show a look of palpitations on their faces. In addition, he couldn't help but tremble.

Because the processing here hasn't been completed yet, almost more than 500 tons have arrived.

You must know that it is not yet ten o'clock, which means there will be another wave at noon, another wave in the afternoon, another wave at night, and another wave at night.

Looking straight at the terrifying mountain of meat not far away, everyone including Qi Jie couldn't help but howl.

Because if this continues, they will really die.

Taking a deep breath, General Huang Long not far away looked at Luo Yu with a wry smile on his face, "Luo Yu, please contact your Excellency. Give us some time. We need to take a rest. If this continues, the two of us will have nothing to do. Next People are afraid..."

After Luo Yu glanced at her subordinates who were on the verge of collapse, she bit her lips: "Okay!"

Soon, the call came through.

"What's wrong?" Li Su's voice sounded suspicious.

"Your Excellency Li Su, can you suspend hunting for one day?" Luo Yu was silent for a moment and then spoke with difficulty.

"Huh? Stop again?"

It's not the first time that we are enemies.

Luo Yu gritted his teeth, "I really can't hold on any longer. If this continues, I'm afraid...!"

"That's it, okay, don't do the rest, leave it alone, I will deal with it later. By the way, do you still have the regenerative cells?"


"Well, that's it, I'm killing a little bit, you guys have a good rest."

Subsequently, the communication was disconnected.

But seeing Luo Yu's face flushed, Huang Long couldn't help but lower his head.

As for the others, although their faces were also flushed, they still fell down immediately after hearing that they could rest for a day, and did not want to get up at all.

Not long after, accompanied by an astonishing roar, a figure that looked like a demon and a god appeared.

It's Li Su.

His aura was stronger, and his body contained astonishing power. Just his appearance made everyone's hearts sink, as if they were being suppressed by a huge weight.

Even at the general level, facing Li Su's momentum, he still felt suffocated.

At this moment, he was holding two extremely huge dinosaurs in his hands, almost over fifteen meters in length and weighing more than twenty tons.

As if he remembered something, Li Su looked at everyone apologetically and quickly calmed down his momentum.

He was seen carrying the dinosaurs to the place where the corpses were piled. He raised his hand and waved, and a two-foot sharp knife flew into his hand.

With a flash of the sword, the twenty-ton dinosaur disintegrated and its flesh and bones were separated.

One head, two heads, three heads.

In less than half an hour, he had processed and loaded more than 500 tons. The commander drone came over and started transporting them directly.

It took three hours to remove the bones and flesh in front of him.

After getting up, Li Su moved and was ready to continue hunting.

"Cough! Cough! Your Excellency Li Su." The communication sound came again, this time from inside the camp, from the base control center, Qi Lao's voice.

"Huh? Old man Qi, what's the matter?"

"Can we take a day off here at the base?"

Li Su was stunned for a while, "Isn't there more than 200,000 people in the base?"

Qi Lao sighed, "They have been used for a long time, and they are already paralyzed! And the drones and transport vehicles have been used for too long, so they must rest, otherwise some of them may be scrapped!"

After standing there for a while, Li Su said helplessly, "Okay, let's just take a good rest for two days."

After saying that, his figure moved and disappeared.

Suddenly, the entire camp was silent.

Looking at Li Su leaving, Qi Jie couldn't help but take a breath. This incident should be recorded in the annals of history, right?

Single-handedly, he killed the logistics force organized by more than 200,000 people!

No, this matter must be recorded in detail. It is best to reproduce this situation and scene verbatim, otherwise, tens of millions of years later, future generations may not know how to complain about them.

Not far away, Qi Jie blinked her eyes and thought of this involuntarily.

As a tired person who can still think about writing a diary, my thinking direction is indeed very different. I can always find important points that others cannot find.

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