Chapter 861 Come out


With a loud noise, there was a huge wave.

It stirred up waves that seemed to be able to destroy mountains and shake the heaven and earth.

There is someone in the big waves.

In a state of embarrassment, he was swept up in the monstrous blood, turned over and over again.

I don't know how long it took, but it finally hit the ground heavily.

There was a roar and the earth cracked.

It was originally a plain, thousands of kilometers in diameter, vast enough to build a large country with a population of more than a billion.

With a sudden shudder, it suffered an extremely serious collapse. Millions of cubic meters of stone and soil tilted down, and more than one percent of the entire structure was lost.

The scattered tide receded quickly.

Because there is an extremely terrifying wave roaring in the distance, and the huge potential allows it to continuously draw the blood and water around it and gather it towards it.

Facing this scene, the collapsed mountain was hit hard, and almost a liter of blood was vomited. In order to avoid being swept back by the tide into the terrible tsunami, the person who was holding on to the mountain wall with his hands couldn't help but Let out a strange cry.

He used his hands and feet to climb up like crazy.

This man's situation is very miserable.

The flesh and blood had melted away, and bones could be seen up to the seventh layer of the body. The internal organs were burnt, the intestines were pitted, the lungs were eight layers rotten, the liver was pitch black, and the heart was leaking.

The injury was serious.

Really heavy.

However, the strange thing was that he was so seriously injured, but he moved extremely flexibly and quickly. He climbed to the top of the mountain in a short time, then stood up and ran forward with his bare bones clicking.

There was another boom, the mountain collapsed, and an explosion of more than ten kilometers in diameter was heard.

The man running madly was also affected, and many broken stones flew towards him.

He ignored it and didn't feel anything at all. He just ran around like crazy. Even if his arm was hit by a stone, he didn't look back. Instead, he picked up his arm and continued running.

It wasn't until his right leg was blown away that he showed some emotions. He cursed and picked up his right leg that was blown away. He couldn't help cursing, then picked up the right leg and Jump on your left leg and continue running wildly.

After running for more than a hundred kilometers and making sure that it would not affect him for the time being, he stopped.

Exhaling a breath, he wiped his scalpless forehead and pressed the knocked-off arms and legs back to their original positions. This skillful operation was obviously not the first time he had done this.

This person is very special and extraordinary.

Even with most of his flesh and blood gone, he was still full of energy.

Moreover, if you take a closer look, you will find that his bones are quite unusual. There are fluorescent lights and scriptures on them, which appear to be sacred.

From beginning to end, whether they were tumbling in a sea of ​​blood or being smashed onto the ground, these bones were still intact and shining brightly.

The arm and leg bones were blown away just now, entirely because the connecting flesh and blood was gone. The bones themselves were not a problem at all.

The man who took a deep breath and made sure that he was finally safe finally sat down on the ground, blowing his tongue and blowing out air.

He was paralyzed with fatigue.

I have never been so tired in my life.

The seven little people in the body were all paralyzed. They were lying in the palace, straight up, feeling tired and uninterested.

Not just the spirit, Tao fruit, and body.

At this moment, in the vast galaxy, the fire flags that should have been so bright were all lying down. The flags were no longer flying. They were spread across more than a dozen planets, and the flagpoles were dim.

It's not tiring, after all, it's not a human being, it's a treasure.

I just felt that Jiansheng was a little gloomy, and I couldn't stand that I actually appeared in that place.

After a while, Xin Huoqi regained some energy and couldn't help but start to complain, "Boy, I said you were fine, what did you want to do in that place?"

It was disgusted and felt dirty.

Although the place is related to the saint, and he is also the legendary first saint in ancient times, who had the power to open the sky, it can be said that the entire ancient world was created by him.

As a latecomer, you should have 120,000 respects.

But when he thought of his location, Xin Huoqi really couldn't admire him at this moment, it was too strong.

That's right, the person who came out was naturally Li Su, who fell into the legendary reincarnation place of the sage who opened the sky because of the trap.

He made it out.

Before the great flood came and was about to submerge the entire world, he successfully entered the 'boat' prepared for him by the base, and was washed out of the saint's internal organs by the rolling flood.

The process is beyond mention.

Especially when the seat belt is broken, it feels like dying.

Fortunately, his body was strong enough. Otherwise, with the bungee jumping, roller coaster, and no safety belt, he would probably be shaken to pieces.

The scene was very bad!

To make matters worse, it didn't take long for his boat to start creaking, apparently unable to withstand it and about to break up.

Fortunately, at this time, the extraordinary things that were extinguished were restarted, the dormant Taoist fruits, avenues, and even realms returned, and the signal of the lost Xinhuo flag was also connected.

Watching the ship's hull disintegrate, Li Su raised the fire flag without hesitation and wrapped himself up.

After taking a nap and being handed over again, the Xinhuo Flag was still a little dazed, but when it was covered in blood, felt the nature of the blood, and felt the place where it was, it jumped. This flag made me jump into a rage, and I wanted to turn it into a hobby to kill. The Lord's cursed weapon was given to Li Sulai twice on the spot.

Too shabby.

No, it's too shabby.

It was simply incredible to think that he and the first saint of the world, who had only appeared in legends, actually met under such circumstances.

Lying on the ground, Li Su ignored the constant complaints in his galaxy. He was really tired.

It’s been really frustrating for too long.

It seems like a century has passed.

Especially in the later stage, even if the fire flag is used, it does not mean that you can sit back and relax.

The blood attack was severe, seeping in from outside the flames and melting into his flesh and skin.

Even if the Seven Saints Dao Fruit bloomed with supreme brilliance at the same time, it still could not stop the erosion. It almost disappeared. It could not withstand the high-speed regeneration and melted to the point where only bones were left.

At this moment, he was extremely tired. If the surrounding environment hadn't been wrong, he would have liked to just fall asleep and have a good sleep.

After resting for a while, as the galaxy lit up again, a large number of extraordinary particles were captured and absorbed by him. The cells on the bright bones quickly increased in value and covered them, and the injuries were repaired.

Li Su sat up directly, exhaled a breath, and then began to look around.

It wasn't the sea of ​​blood he jumped into, nor was it the place Qi Suo, the old man at the base, told him after he entered the 'ship'.

That's right, that old guy knew that the way to get out of there was the flood, and he also knew that the door at the end couldn't be opened.

When he thought of that old man, Li Su couldn't help but want to grind his teeth and have the urge to go to the bloody eyes again.

It wasn't that he was impulsive, the main reason was that this old bastard was too much and tricked him three times. No one could stand this kind of thing.

The next moment, Li Su's face suddenly turned aside, and he lay down on the ground without any Taiyi demeanor. His body tightened tightly, all his breath was suppressed to the limit, his eyes widened, and he stared hard. Looking at the vast coastline not far away.


Taiyi, and several.

Covered in blood, with frightened faces and panic, they flew past the coast, thinking of the distance before running away.

Their bodies are burning, and a large amount of blood is being released.

That is Blood Escape, which is achieved by burning life at an astonishing speed. It is an extremely simple but very practical spell that can be used in almost most stages and is extremely effective. Except for a few magical powers, it can be called a panacea-like existence.

They ran away so fast that it could almost be said that they were desperate. They threw in a lot of life energy and ran desperately.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he disappeared from Li Su's sight.

Just when Li Su was wondering what kind of danger this group of people had encountered? Or maybe it was when someone was chasing him.

Behind them, a dense crowd of figures appeared.


An army of several hundred men showed up.

There are soldiers wearing ancient armor and holding long swords.

There is a general sitting on a leather-armored horse.

Although these people's armors were tattered, stained with blood, and the patina was visible on their weapons, the entire team clearly looked disabled, but they gave people an extremely suffocating feeling, as if they had just come off the battlefield and were elite soldiers who had fought many battles.

The pace was very fast, each step covered a distance of hundreds of miles, and he chased the fleeing group of people.

As the team passed by, they could feel the billowing yin energy erupting around them. Even though they were far apart, Li Su, who was hiding, couldn't help but feel his soul tremble, feeling the special Taoist charm pulling at his soul.

As if feeling something, the general on horseback at the front of the army suddenly turned his head and looked directly at Li Su's seat.

Taking a breath of cold air, he unhesitatingly turned his soul to the highest level, changing the nature of the soul, causing the Tao Yun that pulled at the soul to lose its landing point and pass by him in a flash.

In the distance, the army general paused for a moment, then turned back and led his troops in pursuit without stopping.

It wasn't until the army disappeared from the sky and was completely invisible that Li Su, who was lying on the ground, couldn't help but let out a breath and broke out in cold sweat.

Not to mention the things in the front, those things in the back are obviously not living people, but an army of dead people!

Moreover, there is only one match for its special image in the Western Regions.

The underworld soldiers! ! !

How? ?

Li Su's pupils couldn't help but shrink, with a look of shock on his face.

In the Western Region, as a drop point in the underworld, it is not unusual to have such things, but underworld Yin soldiers, they have always only appeared near the underworld, that is, in the deepest part of the Western Region.

Was he washed away by bloody water to the deepest part of the Western Region?


Li Su shook his head directly and denied this reason.

The reason is also very simple. Regardless of the heaven or the underworld, the depths are a place where Da Luo may die if he is not careful, let alone a mere Taiyi? This can be said to be common sense in the entire mythological world.

Even if he really might be rushed here, what about those people in front of him? Taiyi has not arrived in the late stage, so he comes to the depths of the underworld to seek death?

Faced with this extremely contradictory situation, Li Su frowned even more.

what's going on?


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