Chapter 864 Very kind

Just like that, I waited for three whole days.

At least, that's how it feels.

Li Su is not in a hurry. He has a lot of resources left on hand, and the Nine-Nine Mysterious Technique has also been advanced. As of now, it is close to the level of two thousand tons, and it is still increasing.

With the resources on hand, the 100,000-ton level should be no problem, but the million-ton level is expected to be somewhat difficult.

But it doesn't matter.

After reaching the 100,000-ton level, he can almost start practicing the sixth, seventh, and eighth chapters.

As for the ninth chapter, that one is a bit weird. Li Su is a bit unpredictable. It feels right, but it has the rhythm of an old birthday star who has had enough of life and is planning to hang himself.

The Big Bang!

That’s the content of Chapter 9.

Its only requirement is that when the physical chapter reaches its limit and the sixth, seventh, and eighth chapters can no longer be pushed forward, the ninth chapter can be started.

Collapse all the power to form a cosmic explosion and reopen the world.

Facing the direction he had figured out, Li Su once wondered whether there was a problem with his talent bonus and had a BUG, ​​so he crashed.

How is this possible?

The big explosion here is not about concentrating the power and then exploding it, letting it ripple inside the body.

Instead, everything collapsed and then exploded.

After the whole thing is blown up, regroup.

The body, the soul, the Dao, until everything is reorganized, Chapter 9 will be considered a successful cultivation.

Listen, listen, is this human talk?

The avenue has been blown up, so why not reorganize the lights?

Although saints are supreme and none of them can be practiced easily and successfully, the technique of Pangu Saint, especially the ninth chapter, really confused him and he did not think that this technique had the feasibility of success.

Speaking of which, after Sage Pangu opened the sky, he immediately began to support the heaven and the earth. After the heaven and the earth were completed, he died.

The soul turned into the three pure spirits, the eyes turned into the sun and the moon, and the hair turned into the stars.

So, the question is, where does this Nine-Nine Mysterious Skill come from?

In addition to improving the Nine-Nine Mysterious Skills, Li Su is also consolidating his own cultivation, pushing his realm to the level of Dzogchen, entering the middle stage of Taiyi, condensing the Three Thousand Middle Ways, and forming the foundation of Daluo.

For three whole days, many Yin soldiers returned.

Many monks were captured, as well as mortals.

Most of them were not injured and were easily caught. After all, the number of Taiyi was not large, and only a few suffered some hardships. The Yin soldiers were originally big soldiers during their lifetime, and taking care of people was obviously out of their professional scope.

Although he was shocked to see a living person taking him into the city and being arrested, there was almost no communication and he was quickly sent in.

In other words, after three days, Li Su didn't get any information about Fengdu itself.

No one in the city has ever come out from the beginning to the end. In a sense, they can only enter but cannot leave.

In this way, it will undoubtedly be more difficult for him to obtain specific and detailed information.

Of course, Li Su didn't think about becoming a Yin soldier. He already knew the art of transformation and mastered the soul method, so it was not difficult for him.

But the problem is that the Yin soldiers who go out will not go in at all, and the only official in the city who will come out, he is standing in front of the gate at most, and his aura is connected with Fengdu, which makes Li Su quite afraid.

Thinking of this, Li Su took a deep look at Fengdu and made a decision. He began to retreat quietly, planning to leave the vicinity of Fengdu first and look for the living people outside.

Leaving aside the information about Fengdu, at least we need to know what happened in the Western Region first?

Why the sky never gets dark, and why the saints don’t respond to this, all these must be clarified.


"I'm very cautious. After observing for so many days, I still have no plans to come in."

"I said you are the one, yet you are so relaxed, even though you discovered it three days ago, what are you doing?"

"It's okay. He can't get out anyway. He will come back sooner or later."

"It's okay. You don't know what's going on over there? Nine of the ten thrones of Yama have been taken away, three of the Five Ghost Emperors have also been lost, and the throne of Emperor Fengdu has also been affected. Do you understand that we are now What's their situation? Once they succeed, Fengdu will become theirs, and I think you should understand what will happen during the game!"

"This son can cause Fengdu to react, which proves that he has inherited some kind of underworld way, even the way of the great emperor. If he participates in the battle, he may be able to regain the throne of the great emperor."

"Calm down, it's not often said. When encountering big problems, you need to be calm before you can achieve success."

"Damn it, Jingxin, you are so big, how can you tell me to calm down? Fengdu is almost someone else's property."

"There's no problem, didn't you notice?"

"What did you find?"

"This kid looks very friendly!"

"I love your big-headed ghost, your surname is Xie. Do you even know the current situation?"

The man, who was broad and fat and had a fierce face, was dressed in black and had the four characters "World Peace" written on his official hat, said angrily.

Standing next to him was a man with a smile on his face, a tall and thin figure, a pale complexion, and an official hat with the words 'make money at first sight' on his head.

Behind the two people, there were two giants standing.

Their Qi and blood are extremely strong, their eyes are extremely ferocious, and their bodies are covered with muscles, which contain incredible power.

One has the face of a horse, and the other has the head of an ox.

Seeing the two people quarreling, the bull-headed horse-faced people couldn't help but look at each other with helpless expressions on their faces.

here we go again.

No matter how long it takes, I still don’t get tired of it.

However, it must be said that the departing child really gave the two of them an indescribable sense of intimacy. It was so weird that they had not seen each other for a long time.

After all, what kind of place is the underworld?

It is the darkest department in the Three Realms. It manages the evil retributions of all living beings after their death. From top to bottom, they are filled with the smell of sin and wailing screams.

Although the Buddhist Bald Donkey Sanskrit sound is heard occasionally to lower the fire, listening to it too much is really not good for the body or the mind.

After all, they are Yin gods. Listening to Buddhist Sanskrit sounds is no different from self-transcendence.

Not to mention that the bald Ksitigarbha has no good intentions, his salvation is fake, and his brainwashing is real.

Take a look at the eight classes of deva and dragons in Buddhism. Where did Yaksha and Asura come from? Wasn’t it because he saved me?

For this reason, Patriarch Minghe was so angry that he often came to discuss matters with him.

In the underworld, even monks are full of calculations. Naturally, the word "kindness" usually does not appear. It is too far away from ghosts like them.

So, looking at Li Su walking away, Niu Tou MaMian couldn't help but thought, "How strange!" ! !

There are actually people who can make Guizha feel good and friendly. In a sense, this is a very special talent, right?

Or maybe it's a genius?

The man in white didn't look at the angry black guy, but turned around and said: "Nuutou, Mamian, you two follow quietly, don't let 'them' discover you."

The two giants nodded and quickly followed, not approaching, but just watching from a distance.

"And you, you'd better control your temper and don't be rude. We are all entangled with cause and effect. Once we take the initiative, cause and effect will become involved. Although 'they' can't do anything to us, they can kill us through the cause and effect curse." A Taiyi, but very simple.”

When the two people left, the smile on the man in white's face faded and he said coldly: "Don't move. It's not that you don't want to move, but that you can't move. There are too many eyes looking at us."

The man in black did not speak. He lowered his head, and red flames burned in his pupils. It was not ordinary fire or anger, but a karmic fire that burned away all sins.

"damn it!!!"


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