Chapter 868 Entering Fengdu

That day, there was a huge explosion.

Then the entire sky turned black.

After that day, it never got bright again, and night became the main theme of this world.

The only thing that is known is that after that day, the Yin soldiers appeared, the dead souls appeared, and the Night Walker God who could not be killed and would inevitably appear once encountered, flew in the sky.

Many people died.

The monks above Taiyi Dzogchen have all disappeared.

There is a rumor that something went wrong in the underworld deep in the Western Region, and a big explosion occurred, causing it to emerge from the abyss and revive.

There is also a rumor that there is a war between the great religions, and the saints are fighting, and they are tearing apart the depths and letting the underworld see the light of day again.

The above is the information related to the Western Regions that Li Su obtained.

The exact truth is unknown.

But there are two things that are certain.

One is the Big Bang, and the other is the underworld coming back to light.

The changes in the Western Region began with that earth-shattering explosion, and then darkness enveloped all places.

Not just within the depths, but beyond the depths.

Rather, it includes the depths, all places in the upper domain, middle domain, and lower domain.

Not only that, among the above contents, what worries Li Su the most is the issue of time.

According to the memory of the female cultivator, the appearance of the underworld did not occur in one or two days, one month or two months, but three years ago.

Li Su couldn't help but feel his world book and wanted to take a look at the schedule.

As a result, it was discovered that the one-year period had stopped.

Just after he came out of Saint Pangu's intestines and came here.

Although he still didn't understand what happened specifically, the content did make Li Su's mind explode.

Especially those two rumors.

The first one was fine.

The second one is undoubtedly a bit weird.

Are the saints fighting? Even if we talk about rumors, this kind of thing involves a great religious saint, which will inevitably make people think too much.

Who and who?

And why?

Thinking of his disappearance, Li Su couldn't help but touch his cheek. It shouldn't be possible, right?

Is the Saint of Jie Jiao having a fight with the Black Mountain Ancestor? Has it affected the deepest parts of the world? No, no, no, how is that possible?

Besides, the time was wrong.

According to the time in the female cultivator's memory, the big explosion occurred deep in the Western Region, not after Li Su was trapped in the trap, but almost a month and a half after that.

It's impossible for the saints and the others to fight for half a month because of their own affairs before it spreads to the depths of the Western Region, right?

Not logical, right?

Li Su took a breath and no longer struggled with the above issues, but began to summarize the known information.

In the past few years, the female cultivators did not just squat there and wait for death. Instead, they made many attempts, such as constantly breaking through to the border, hoping to find a city that could be teleported to the Eastern Region and leave this ghost place.

As a result, the city is still there, but the people inside are gone, and the formation cannot be driven and is restricted.

Then there is the matter of leaving. When they reach a certain point, no matter how far they go, as long as they look back, they will inevitably end up in a certain position, like a ghost hitting a wall, unable to leave at all.

In other words, if you want to break the situation, Fengdu may be an unavoidable hurdle.

As for the dead souls that appeared together, there was obviously no possibility of cooperation here. Living people were nothing more than food to them.

However, there is something strange about these dead souls.

Their nature is very similar to evil creatures, especially the power of decay, which is very contagious. That is to say, when they met Li Su, the female cultivators ran away desperately because they knew that they could not defeat them. Taoist and magical powers are ineffective against it and will be corroded by its power.

The only difference is that the evil nature of these things is not felt in the body.

Or is it because it's just a clone?

Thinking of this, Li Su couldn't help but take a breath, and the flow of mana became a little impatient.

Although the intestines of Saint Pangu seemed to be nothing on the surface, they actually put a lot of pressure on him, especially the scene behind the door, which made him a little anxious.

No matter how good the talent is, no matter how powerful the Taoist magic power is, if the realm is not enough, facing an army of hundreds of millions, the role that an individual can play is still very low.

Da Luo realm is imperative.

There is also the test of Master Pangu Banner and the others. If possible, prepare immediately after the Ten Thousand Years War is over and the people of Xia Kingdom have been settled.

You must fight out from here before that day comes, no, before that day comes.

In ancient times, they had already suffered a huge loss from a local battle.

It was clear that the saint had not lost, but the prehistoric world was broken, causing a huge fault in the entire ancient world. If this were not the case, in terms of the Taoist scriptures left by the Emperor of Heaven, would there be such a situation of being blocked at the door of the house? They had already fought back.

This incident reminded Li Su that he could not wait for the other party to come in, but had to get out before then.

Otherwise, what if he is powerful?

Because if he misses even a little bit, it will be an extremely terrible disaster for the world here.

The appearance of the underworld may not be a bad thing for him.

You can just take advantage of this time difference to perfect your own realm.

He practiced Taiyi too quickly in the early stage. Although the method was more dangerous and his foundation was still solid, there were still many gaps in the details, which made him have to stay in this realm for a while and keep grinding to consolidate those gaps. .

This will undoubtedly take a lot of time. With the treasure being exposed, it is not easy to find the right time without relying on a great religion. The main reason is that it is too expensive.

His own cultivation needs are very high, and he basically has no spare money left.

I made seven or eight thousand before, but when I turned around, I made less than one hundred.

Fellow Seventh Saint is simply a gold-eating beast. No matter how strong he is, he uses dozens or hundreds of times more power than others.

Not to mention that there is now another Jiujiu Xuan Gong. Although it remains to be determined whether it is the skill of Saint Pangu, even the first eight chapters have basically established that this method is in the super-grade category.

Coupled with the physical method, this is quite attractive to Li Su.

For the group of people outside the door, Dao Dharma alone is not enough, the physical body is also more advanced.

If that doesn't work, he can still jump into the group of monsters with the Zhuxian Sword and fight Wushuang. He can turn his magical power into a sword and use his body to chop. The three-kilometer-long knife, one horizontal and one bunched, can kill as much as the Taoist magic explosion.

Anyway, as long as it can improve his strength so that he can have more trump cards and explode more, Li Su will not hesitate.

When it came out, it wasn't very fast.

Went back quickly.

After a short while, the brightly lit Fengdu City appeared in front of him again.

The bones creaked slightly, Li Suhe changed his appearance, replaced the face of Jie Jiao Daozi, and restored three-thirds of his original appearance.


Why three points, you ask?

Just kidding, what does he mean by ten?

You know, for a long time, he didn't dare to look in the mirror, mainly because he accidentally stared at it.

Cultivation itself has the effect of increasing appearance.

Where is Li Su?

Starting from the martial arts realm, most of the techniques practiced can have the effect of changing one's appearance.

This is true even with the indestructible magic power.

Not to mention the Tao Heart Seed Demon, the flesh and soul are supreme and the soul is supreme. Although these will not mainly enhance appearance, they will eliminate flaws and make Li Su's life more perfect.

This means that if you reveal your true face, the effect is comparable to blowing up the street. You will probably be stuck in traffic before you even take two steps.


Having said all this, the main purpose is to let everyone understand that his appearance has now become a weapon.

I used Taoism to reflect my face. Although the aura was suppressed and the sharpness was weakened, the face was still so outstanding, and it had the effect of becoming more and more exciting the more I looked at it.

Alas, it’s hard to give up on natural beauty. If you really can’t do it, find a mask or something to block it when you go in.

Dress neatly and take steps forward.

He didn't attract any shady soldiers, and then after a long time of wandering, he was caught. He walked directly towards the main gate of Fengdu, preparing to enter the city automatically.

Just kidding, those who were arrested before came to seek treatment.

Whether it’s medical treatment or accommodation, there are fees.

Before the person even entered, he owed a huge amount of money. Li Su would not take advantage of someone like this.

As soon as I got to the door, the door opened by itself.

It's not like before, just open a small gap and pass people.

But it is almost half open, and the scene inside can already be seen.

It was the same official from before. He was still smiling, very kind, and seemed to be a little more happy. After he came out, he immediately stepped aside and said softly: "Welcome, please come in!"

Li Su was stunned for a moment, this attitude was very good, like a spring breeze.

Is it because of the automatic door-to-door service?

Sure enough, forced braking is not as good as semi-automatic, and semi-automatic is not as good as fully automatic.

In this way, the good impression has been lost. I wonder if there will be any preferential treatment after entering? With curiosity, Li Su took a step forward and walked towards Fengdu, where the flames were blazing into the sky.

I don’t know, what is the so-called battle? How to clear customs?

Seeing Li Su disappear through the gate, the official smiled and said, "Master Qi, the child is back."

"Are you here? Very good, tell all units, don't be too excited, don't ignore it just because you feel friendly, treat everyone as equally as possible, and never let the people on the Dead Soul side notice and make trouble before he completes the inheritance. ."

"Do you understand everything?"

"Understood!" A booming voice sounded, the city wall was shaking, and countless Yin soldiers were among them.

Well, the official's good attitude obviously has nothing to do with whether Li Su takes the initiative or not!


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