The lonely moon hangs high, the vast land, an old castle, and a battle.

On the ancient castle, you can see huge cannons mounted on high platforms, roaring with thunder and resounding with dragon roars.

What was launched was a huge sword of a hundred feet, which erupted with an astonishing roar and completely penetrated the battlefield.

In the sky, the giant ship moved forward slowly. It looked like an ancient ship, with sails, and a red antique red lantern hung on the bow. At this moment, it was spitting out thunder snakes, and countless cannon fires were accompanied by whines. The screams kept pouring out.

The giant ship was surrounded by sword fairies, who stepped on the void and held sharp swords.

As the artillery fire flew downwards, it continued to fly over the battlefield. In the flash of sword light, a large number of heads flew high into the sky.

On the earth, there is a chariot flying across the ground. The chariot is pulled by an ancient sacred cow, shining with five-color divine light. The driver is a big man in iron armor, holding an ancient halberd. But with the thunder of the sacred cow, the chariot shines with golden light, and the big man holding the halberd once Yue Hui once again swung the halberd in his hand and slashed one after another towards the opposite side.

Opposite, there are strange and strange corpses, as short as a human and as tall as a mountain.

They roared and roared, pounced forward and followed, like mountains and seas, constantly charging towards the castle again and again.

This is a war beyond words.

Corpses have covered the earth, and blood has flowed into rivers.

There were more than hundreds of millions of fallen immortals and corpses. Before they had time to bury them, let alone deal with them, they were trampled into mud and shattered into pulp.

In the atmosphere, the smell of blood was so strong that it was suffocating.

The terrifying breath of death is enough to make a normal person fall directly into madness after setting foot here, and be pulled closer to the abyss by this terrible killing.

"Auxiliary troops prepare~!"

The old castle, beside the huge city wall, in a long passage.

There were almost a thousand people squatting there, carrying huge boxes one after another.

Upon hearing the preparations, the hundred people at the front immediately crouched down and made sprinting movements.


Following the leader's command, a team of one hundred people immediately rushed out. At the same time, a huge airship fell from the sky and landed on a platform not far from the team of one hundred people.

One hundred auxiliary soldiers rushed over and quickly walked to both sides of the airship. While taking down boxes one after another, they loaded the boxes in their hands onto them.

The speed was very fast, and the equipment was completed in less than ten seconds.

The giant ship immediately took off and rushed towards the battlefield again, while the auxiliary soldiers rushed towards the other channel carrying boxes that were obviously much lighter, and quickly disappeared.

This kind of scene can be seen on the top and bottom floors of the entire castle.

Group after group of auxiliary soldiers rushed out very quickly to supply the giant ships, forts, and tanks.

"Xiao Li, are you nervous?"

"Haha, don't be nervous. This battle may seem amazing. In fact, it has little to do with our auxiliary troops. Just do what you are doing well."

A veteran who obviously had past experience looked at the new recruits who had just joined not long ago and imparted his experience.

He looked very relaxed and showed no sign of nervousness at all. He was obviously used to this high-tempo change of clothes and understood what he needed to pay attention to.

After listening to the other party's words, the recruit thought for a while and said seriously: "Well, I'm not nervous."

"Just don't be nervous. Just follow me and run over."

"no problem."

The recruit raised his head, revealing his face in his twenties, which seemed ordinary but a little extraordinary. It was obviously an eye-catching type, and the more he looked at it, the better he looked.

Soon, it was their turn.

As the guide outside waved, the veteran immediately rushed out with the new recruits.

Quickly running to the belly of the giant ship, the veteran took a breath and said quickly and urgently: "Remember what I told you!"

The recruit nodded, followed the operation method he learned before, turned on the supply switch of the giant ship, took out the empty box inside, then lifted the box in his hand and pushed it in.

Open it, pull it out, put it in, lock it.

The process was smooth and smooth, and he didn't look like a new recruit at all.

"Not bad." Faced with this scene, the veteran who originally wanted to make a few remarks suddenly smiled.


At this moment, a huge roar suddenly sounded outside the castle.

A giant corpse, half of its body was broken, cut open from the neck to the abdomen, exposing the rotten internal organs.

It's big, very big.

It's nearly thirty feet long, almost a hundred meters.

It was about to fall, about to die completely, but at the last moment, it suddenly raised its hand and shook its shoulders suddenly.


A shrill sound broke through the air, and the rotten spear held in the hands of the huge ancient corpse was thrown out and flew directly towards the location of the castle.

Boom! Boom!

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The castle reacted immediately. There was the roar of artillery fire and the sound of a giant sword, which directly hit the thrown spear.

Almost instantly, the spear shattered into pieces and was shattered into pieces all over the sky by the terrifying force.

Most of them were destroyed directly, and only some of the remaining spears continued to fly towards the castle and towards the positions of the veterans and recruits.


Facing this scene, the veteran's expression changed instantly, and he screamed, "Damn it, I've never encountered such a natural disaster a hundred thousand times."

Having said that, the veteran didn't hesitate. He didn't even care about what the giant ship would do. He ran extremely fast and rushed directly to the passage at the other end.

Of course, not only the veterans, but also the experienced people in the team also fled at a speed that was so fast that even a rabbit couldn't match it, bursting out with unimaginable speed.

The giant ship itself also flew up after a slight shock, regardless of whether the supplies below were completed.

But in the blink of an eye, there were only a few recruits left on the platform who had obviously encountered this situation for the first time, including the handsome young man who had been told by the veterans.

At the other end, the veteran who ran into the passage finally remembered something. When he turned around and saw the recruit standing there blankly, he couldn't help shouting, "Asshole, what are you waiting for? Run!"

Unfortunately, it's too late.

The speed of the spear was much faster than expected. The veterans left, and the giant ship's evacuation was already the last chance. It was obviously too late to recover at this moment.

It was not just a matter of time, but as the spear edge approached, an extremely terrifying force of decay spread out in an instant, rapidly decaying the bodies and minds of the recruits left on the platform.

Not even a bit of strength was exerted. Except for the relatively good-looking recruit, the rest of them had problems in a few moments. There was an aura of corruption from the inside out, the body was aging, and the soul was withering.

They just wailed to the end, in great pain, just like mortals, pursued by death.

Among the few, the only recruit who was fine had a strange look in his eyes.

This power was not unfamiliar to him. He had encountered it before before entering Fengdu. It was the same as the dead soul.

He carried it, and the light shone on his body, and a grand chapter appeared in his flesh and blood. Although the power of decay was terrible, it could not wither his flesh and blood soul. There was an immortal aura in it, and the taste of eternity ran through it.

The visitor was naturally Li Su, who signed up not long ago and came to the Fengdu battlefield.

Before Li Su could take action, another bolt of lightning flashed and struck directly on the remnant of the spear that was about to reach the platform, completely shattering it in an instant.

In an instant, the power of decay covering the platform quickly dissipated, and its concentration dropped rapidly. Although it did not disappear completely, it was much better than before.

Soon, someone rushed out of the passage, ran to the recruit who had only endured the power of corruption for a moment, and suffered huge physical and mental injuries. He quickly lifted the person up and returned to the passage without looking back.

As for Li Su, the veteran who ran away for the first time also came out. Without saying a word, he pulled Li Su and ran back into the passage.

After entering, the veteran couldn't help it and said angrily: "I said you kid, what did I tell you before? Don't look at anything on the battlefield, just look at me. Follow your steps, what do you think you kid, eh? ?”

The veteran paused for a moment, with a look of surprise on his face. He couldn't help but look Li Su up and down, and said with some surprise: "That's strange. Everything related to dead bodies contains extremely terrifying power of decay. If you can pollute reality and wither the extraordinary, why are you okay?"

Li Su smiled and said nothing.

The next moment, the veteran shook his head again and said without pursuing it: "Forget it, let's go, the mission is not over yet. And boy, Lao Xie, I don't know what your situation is, and I don't want to know, but I remind you, do you want to Do what you want, do what you want, but don't harm anyone, otherwise Lao Xie will never be done with you, do you understand?"


Follow Lao Xie and start the auxiliary mission again.

Almost four hours later, Lao Xie finally led Li Su to retreat from the battlefield.

"Grandma, I'm so exhausted. This time it's really bloody mold. My bones are almost rotten."

As soon as he got off the battlefield, Lao Xie couldn't help but complain.

Because of the battle with the dead, the outside of the castle was covered with a large amount of decaying aura. If ordinary people went out, they would be infected by Xunru. The monks were better, but it was not easy. They moved so fast. In fact, it was Try to reduce the time outside as much as possible. Unfortunately, bad luck, the giant zombie threw the weapon over.

Although it was eventually eliminated, it also caused the concentration of the decaying atmosphere near the platform where Li Su was located to be almost four to five times that of other places.

This caused the recruits who had been infected before to leave the field directly to recuperate, and many veterans complained.

For most of the day, Li Su probably felt nothing at all. His soul light was still shining, and he was not affected by the decaying aura at all.

After leaving the city wall, Li Su and Lao Xie returned to the place where the auxiliary soldiers rested.

After saying hello to the other party, Li Su returned to his residence without going in. He stood directly at the door and quickly looked at the huge wall of the castle.

The wall is extremely special. It seems to be made of bronze. It is engraved with strange lines. If you observe carefully, there seems to be energy flowing in the lines.

The four walls are like this, and every surface has this kind of pattern.

They are independent but seem to be one body. They continuously resonate and form an extremely special rhythm. They cover the entire castle and continuously penetrate into everyone's bodies. They beat everyone's soul like a massage. While dispelling the power of decay, they also silently of strengthening the soul itself.

It is very magical. They seem to be like a set of exercises that do not require people to practice them specifically. Instead, they use this special way of resonance to directly allow everyone inside to be in the process of accompanying them all the time.

It has been almost a week since I came to the battlefield.

From the first day he arrived, Li Su was attracted by the special patterns on the walls of the castle, and he immediately felt how special it was.

The reason is also very simple. The inscriptions in his soul resonate very strongly.

As the lines on the mural vibrated, something was being nurtured and gradually taking shape deep in his soul.

Sure enough, the operation of Yinwen must enter the battlefield to be completely complete.

After the attack on the Wanxiang Palace that night, the Buddhist disciples and the Ghost Sect disciples ended up unexpectedly. The Wanxiang Palace was completely silent, and everyone was unable to retreat, and they even stopped targeting Jie Jiao.

Although Li Su was once shocked that the effect was too good, his original purpose was to buy time.

Since the other party chose to stay still, he naturally went all out to understand the insinuations.

The tenth grade, the ninth grade, and the eighth grade were all recorded by him one by one and engraved on the soul.

As he understood, there were more and more inscriptions on the surface of the soul, and the overall strength increased again, not to mention rising by a whole level. Li Su found that as the soul improved, his realm was also affected. Taiyi The initial consummation begins to move rapidly towards the Great Consummation.

Finally, on the fifth day, after Li Su looked at all the objects in the outer city that contained inscriptions, the surface of his soul was completely covered with inscriptions, leaving no gaps.

Originally, after the epiphany in the outer city was completed, he should have gone to the middle city.

But feeling the condition of his soul, Li Su unexpectedly discovered that the inscriptions on his soul were not perfect, and there was something missing.

Undoubtedly, this is very uncomfortable.

Especially the strange feeling that keeps coming from the soul, it is like an obsessive-compulsive disorder seeing asymmetry between the left and right. If it is not corrected, it will not be able to sleep.

For this reason, Li Su was looking for Yang Ping to confirm that the last piece he showed him before was the last one in the outer city. He couldn't help but release his flesh and blood clone, and a big blow came to all the places in the outer city. examine.

As a result, Li Su was greatly disappointed.

He even found another place in the outer city that contained seventh-grade Yin text, but he couldn't find any place where he felt lacking.

After spending three whole days unable to find the missing part, Li Su could only run to the location of another seventh-grade inscription with a look of helplessness. He planned to go to the Central City to take a look after comprehending the last inscription.

The location of the seventh-grade inscription is the lobby of the battlefield recruiting office, and it carries the sword of the highest commander of the recruiting office, Colonel Yihui, which is of the same level as the county magistrate Fuban.

After completing the comprehension and determining the seventh level, and the above inscriptions involving more internal parts, corresponding to the flesh and blood parts, Li Su was originally slightly disappointed and planned to leave.

But when he walked to the door, the Yin soldier at the registration point looked at the monk who was pleading for the forced sign and said calmly: "It's useless to give you more time. What you lack is not here, it is on the battlefield."

This made Li Su, who was about to leave, stunned on the spot, and his whole body froze in place as if struck by lightning.


Yes, the battlefield!

Although there are three ways to make money in Fengdu, the first one is actually just a living. No, to be precise, it should be prepared for ordinary people.

The battlefield and the inscriptions are actually aimed at the monks.

Since what we learned in Fengdu City was Yinwen, what about the battlefield? What does the battlefield bring?

With the emergence of this idea, Li Su could no longer suppress it, turned around and ran to the recruitment office to register, intending to go to the battlefield to see if he could fully understand what he lacked here.

The result was as expected.

From the first day he arrived at the battlefield, he immediately discovered that the missing parts of his soul's surface had been replenished, as if he had found a way out, as if the stagnant time was running again, and he felt instantly comfortable.

Lowering his head, Li Su silently felt the situation inside himself and curled his lips slightly.

The outer city of Fengdu has the third level of Yinwen.

And in this battlefield castle, the auxiliary soldiers were just third class.

Now he is still at the lowest level, that is, a third-level auxiliary soldier, and the parts that resonate with his soul are all tenth-level Yin Wen.

At this moment, they are being activated, transformed, and filled with spirituality.

In other words, Li Su needs to accumulate enough merits in this castle until he becomes a first-level auxiliary, and he should be able to fully activate his 893rd grade Yin Wen.

Although activation is much slower than comprehension, the main reason is that meritorious deeds are rare. It will take about two or three days for him to be a second-level auxiliary.

"Boy, what are you doing standing outside in a daze? You haven't changed your clothes yet. It's dinner time. If you go late, you'll be gone."

After standing at the door of his residence for almost an hour, Lao Xie's voice came.


Li Su came back to his senses, nodded and said with a smile: "Wait a moment."

The benefits of coming to this battlefield are not only the ability to activate the Yin Wen in his body, but eating is also a huge benefit.

Although it’s unclear what materials are used, the appearance and taste give people an unidentified feeling.

But the benefits are real. Both his body and soul have received great nourishment. Not only can it help him stabilize his state and accelerate his transformation from Perfection to Great Perfection, but his progress in Nine-Nine Mysterious Skills is even more amazing.

In about a week, he had already broken through the 10,000-ton level.

"Lao Xie, I have led not only 1,000 but also 800 new recruits. Although they have unique personalities, when it comes to weirdness, your boy is definitely the number one!"

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