"In this case, Xichan Sect, Buddhism, and Ghost Sect probably won't be able to sit still."

Standing in the room with three people, Li Su thought silently for a while, then he took out a drop of blood and flicked it out.

In mid-air, the blood vibrated and quickly moved towards the south of the city.

After doing all this, Li Su waved his hand and called the Yin soldiers, "Please give me an order. All government offices in the outer city are not allowed to order forced recruitment without my order."

Yin Bing clasped his fists, "I have the order!"

Watching the other party leave, Li Su did not stop, but took direct steps and appeared on the edge of the outer city and the middle city.

He has been here before and recorded the coordinates of this place.

Unfortunately, the inscription was not full at that time, so Li Su temporarily gave up his plan to enter the central city.

Now that the awakening of Yin Wen has been completed, the matters in the outer city have been almost dealt with. As for the Black Mountain Sect, which has lost the central government office, and the order he gave before leaving, it will undoubtedly be very troublesome to capture the disciples of the Jie Sect.

With Yang Ping's mobility, the True Immortals of the Jie Jiao Sect should have been gathered together by now. Even if the Black Mountain Sect wanted to change the hiding place, it would not be possible in a short time.

Now that the other three religions are aware of the situation, they will definitely not be able to sit still and wait for death, and will react quickly.

Those who clean up the outer city, the middle city, and even the inner city will basically be their first choice, and they have all the excuses.

The actions of the Central Government Office and the Black Mountain Sect can be either big or small.

After all, although it only targets the Jie Sect, it actually threatens Buddhism, Ghost Sect, and Western Chan Sect.

The next person to be on tenterhooks is obviously not the disciples of Jie Jiao, but the Black Mountain Sect.

Faced with the simultaneous conspiracy of the three religions, the Black Mountain Church cannot withstand it. Unless it suspends its plan, pulls out the two thousand Taiyi, and starts an all-out war directly over Fengdu, otherwise it will never be able to rely on its apparent combat power alone. Probably beatable.

Will it do so? Most likely not!

We have been preparing for so long, but the plan has not been completed, and it should be more than half way. Moreover, the plan itself is to target Fengdu University. Doesn't stopping mean giving up the best method? .

What's more, when fighting in Fengdu City, having more people is not necessarily a good thing.

Don't forget, this is Fengdu, someone else's territory. If you hit someone with one move, but if you dodge it, accidentally hurt someone, or even accidentally kill thousands of people, the compensation will be unbearable for Li Su.

Once they can't afford the compensation, there is only one result: they will be forcibly recruited immediately.

Therefore, the interior of Fengdu City should be very safe, at least for Jie Jiao disciples.


Really annoying!

Originally, according to Li Su's original idea, after capturing the central government office, he would sit there.

Wait for the Black Mountain Sect people to come and die!

The best case scenario is that the top genius of the Black Mountain Sect comes and Li Su directly uses the treasure to beat him to death.

Without the top layer, even if Montenegro wants to jump next, he probably won’t have much strength.

As a result, something unexpected happened and he had to change his original mind.

Thinking of this, Li Su sighed, took his own steps, and crossed the distance between the middle city and the outer city.

His merits are enough, especially since Yin Wen has already met the requirements, and he didn't feel any hindrance when he came here.


The Yin Qi is getting richer, the spiritual energy is also very strong, and the extraordinary particles in the air are extremely active. Although there is only a layer of energy between them, it undoubtedly gives people the feeling of a completely different world.

Not only that, in terms of layout, the middle city is slightly different from the outer city.

There is the Zhengshen Mansion here!

The meritorious officers of the Six Cases and the Three Divisions of the Underworld are all here, located in the center of the middle city.

Looking up, you can see four extremely huge palaces, built using extremely special materials. They are engraved with formation patterns, and there is huge Yin Qi flowing in the patterns. They are extremely extraordinary. Looking from a distance, you can feel the precipitation inside. With great power.

Li Su breathed out, quickly withdrew his gaze, and focused on his surroundings.

He is looking for Yinwen, and his target is all the fifth, sixth, seventh and third grades in Central City.

Once the three religions take action, some are good and some are bad!

The advantage is that there should be no danger inside Fengdu City for the time being, but the disadvantage is also obvious. After the Black Mountain Sect suffered a big loss, it will inevitably speed up the plan.

As a result, the time left for him has undoubtedly become tense.

I don’t know what the Black Mountain Sect is preparing for? Has the plan reached that point? How long until completion?

Hopefully, there will still be plenty of time left.



A palm shattered the stone table in front of him.

At this moment, the inner city.

Black Mountain Sect stronghold.

The Black Mountain Sect's senior brother's face was livid, his eyes were spitting fire, his face was slightly distorted, and his mood was extremely angry.

Since the Wanshou Palace was suddenly destroyed, all the plans that had gone smoothly were completely disrupted.

In the Longevity Palace in the outer city, the fate of those who mastered the methods of Buddhism and ghosts, and the loose cultivators had to retreat in revenge.

After a period of investigation, it was finally determined that the person who made the move was not someone from the Buddhist Ghost Sect. The front leg had just arranged a plan to force the person who made the move out through the central government office.

But on the back foot came the news that there was something wrong with the first source.

They finally sent it in, and the skeleton of the immortal who was infected with one of the three origins of Fengdu was destroyed.

The moment he received the news, the senior Black Mountain disciple almost vomited blood.

It's a critical moment.

It can be said that it is crucial.

The plan had reached the point where it would succeed just by sitting and waiting, but suddenly it came to an end.

Yes, it doesn't stop, it breaks, like a cliff-like drop.

Nine out of ten, suddenly fell back to six out of ten, which is equivalent to months of painstaking efforts, and the efforts of the entire teaching staff have been in vain.

However, this is not over yet.

He had just sent people to the location of the first source to find out the cause, but the bad news came again.

The central government office was taken away.

The five Taiyi disciples he arranged to go were not only defeated, but were also killed by the people who had seized power through Fu Ya Yin Bing Yin General. Not only that, after more than a month of preparation, Thunder suddenly took action, and all the real and heavenly immortals who had been captured by Jie Jiao were released.

When hearing this result, one can imagine how Black Mountain's senior brother felt.

It's not going well, it's too bad.

what happened?

In the end what happened?

who is it?

Who is going against his Black Mountain Cult?

Are they the other three religions?

At this moment, the Black Mountain Master Brother couldn't help scratching his head. He was very irritable, very, very irritable.

After all, the Wanshou Palace and the Central Government Office are fine, and at least one can guess something, but what is going on at the source? Who destroyed it?


Or was it unintentional?

You must know that if you want to destroy that place, the conditions are very high. You need to understand a lot of Yin texts and reach the standard of king-level awakening. In order to implement the plan, they paid a huge price and finally sent the bones of the immortal into it.

As a result, it was destroyed inexplicably.

You must know the three origins. In their view, they are destined from the moment of success and cannot be destroyed by others.

Therefore, they didn't even send anyone to conduct surveillance.

After all, it is too difficult to achieve the conditions for king-level awakening. It is simply impossible. This is no longer a problem of understanding, but simply not enough time. If it takes hundreds of years or thousands of years, there is still a chance. In a few years or dozens of years, there is still a chance. Years are simply impossible.

Could it be them? Breaking the rules and getting fired?

Obviously, no one would have imagined that the culprit of all this is the same person.


A disciple ran in extremely nervously, "Senior Brother Qi!"

"What's the matter?" The senior brother of Black Mountain Sect couldn't help but frowned and asked with a gloomy expression.

"Something happened to all the people sent to the First Source. They were directly detained by the Yin soldiers, charged with espionage, and beheaded!"

The disciples of the Black Mountain Master's pupils suddenly opened wide and he looked at the other party in disbelief: "What did you say???"

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