Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 899 The Meat Grinder on the Broken Bridge

Chapter 902 The Meat Grinder on the Broken Bridge

Let’s talk about Li Su.

After figuring out the insidious text and confirming the fate of the other three religions with his own eyes, he breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, if they had not responded, even though Jiejiao had realized through him that there was a traitor in the sect, they would not have been caught as easily as before.

But the city is so big, and there is still a fixed consumption of resources every day. Due to the long-term continuous suppression, most Jiejiao disciples don't have much money on hand. Even if they want to hide it, it won't last long.

If that happens, Li Su will inevitably have to do something wrong, such as transferring some money to Yang Ping, and also have to pay attention to the actions of the Black Mountain Sect at all times, which will undoubtedly waste a lot of his time.

Fortunately, the plan went well.

At least there will be no safety issues for Jie Jiao disciples in Fengdu City.

For this reason, he also contacted Yang Ping, and the other party was very excited.

Buddhism, Ghost Sect, and Xichan Sect met their end at the same time, and the news spread directly within the Jie Sect.

The haze that was weighing on the head suddenly dispersed, and the atmosphere was very warm.

Because of their patience, many people have suppressed huge anger. Many of the Jiejiao disciples who were killed by the Black Mountain Cult in the past year and a half were their senior brothers, or even direct blood relatives.

Watching them die, but being powerless and not even allowed to fight back, one can fully imagine how much anger was squeezing in their hearts.

Faced with this result, Jie Jiao's management in Fengdu City couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

They were not only angry but also under tremendous pressure to endure this order.

It can be said that the atmosphere within Jiejiao is getting worse day by day, especially this incident at the central mansion in the outer city.

Hundreds of people just gave up.

If they really died because of this, they might not be able to live in peace for the rest of their lives.

Fortunately, the development of things did not go beyond the worst direction. Someone captured the central government office and let the captured Jiejiao disciples go. Soon after, the other three sects ended up very suddenly, without mercy. All the forces of the Black Mountain Sect in Fengdu City were strangled.

Although the senior brother of the Black Mountain Sect finally escaped, being exposed to the existence of the Fifteen Fires was not so easy to kill. His immortality was too strong and he had already given birth to a trace of eternal true meaning.

This kind of surface level is too difficult to kill unless the opponent is really desperate.

The only person currently troubling Jie Jiao is the traitor who gave the location of the disciples in the outer city.

Jie Jiao didn't need to worry about it for the time being. Li Su naturally went straight to the battle station in the middle city and arrived at the second battlefield without stopping.


Undoubtedly, the battle here is even more brutal.

This time it was not an ancient castle, but a huge ancient bridge.

It was so wide that Li Su thought he was on a huge plain at first.

It was a broken bridge, split down the middle and completely destroyed on the other side.

The battle situation here is completely different from that in the castle.

It's no longer something like a corpse, it's directly a dead soul, with an astonishing aura of decay, just on the other side of the break.

They came over in a steady stream, and after reaching the edge of the broken bridge, they immediately hugged each other, and their souls began to twist, and they actually merged into one.

There were hundreds of thousands at one time, but in a moment they turned into huge giants one after another.

They stood up, jumped off the broken bridge, and fell into the river under the broken bridge.

The body moved quickly and quickly moved towards the location of the broken bridge.

At this moment, on the broken bridge, there were huge and incomparable crossbows. Countless Yin soldiers gathered there, and the whole body of the giant crossbows was glowing, and energy flowed out, forming an incomparable formation.

The next second, there was a loud bang.

The huge crossbow arrow turned into a stream of light, like a meteorite from the sky, and directly hit the dead soul who wanted to cross the river.

There was a loud bang.

The twisted giant composed of hundreds of thousands of dead souls collapsed on the spot, and its body couldn't help trembling. Countless dead souls were knocked down from it and fell into the river below.

With the sound of squeaking, the fallen dead souls began to scream, their bodies were quickly corroded, and they were swallowed up by the dark river without any light.

This time, there was no direct close combat.

Except for the Yin soldiers and Yin generals who controlled the ballista, the rest of them just stood aside and had no intention of taking action at all.

Most of the Yin soldiers always focus on the ballistae and are always ready.

Suddenly, something went wrong with one of the ballistae. A rotten smell appeared on the array pattern, and a strong death aura filled the air. In just an instant, the ballistae visible to the naked eye became obsolete, as if tens of millions of years had passed in an instant.

With a shout, countless Yin soldiers and Yin generals rushed forward.

They rushed to the ballista one by one, and as the front row of Yin soldiers touched their hands on the ballista, the terrifying Yin energy burst out directly.

The ballista was covered in an instant, and the endless Yin Qi rolled into the ballista, washing away the aura of decay and death that suddenly appeared on it.

Muffled sounds continued to sound, and the Yin soldiers who were too close kept falling down one by one.

Corruption spots appeared on their souls, and the smell of death was entangled with them. Within a moment, their souls withered away.

As they died, the empty seats were quickly filled, and a large amount of Yin Qi continued to pour out, until the terrifying power of decay and death on the ballista was completely washed away.

Faced with this scene, even Li Su couldn't help but take a breath, shocked by this crazy scene.

This can no longer be called a battle!

This is absolutely the most terrifying aspect of war, the meat grinder.

There is no skill at all in the battle between the two sides. It is just a matter of stacking lives. The struggle is to see who can't support it first due to the large number of people.

On this huge battlefield, Li Su also saw the figure of the monk.

Basically they are still auxiliary soldiers. They do not directly intervene on the battlefield, but help the wounded.

The dead souls crossing the river were not completely passively beaten. For example, for the ballista that had the problem just now, two huge dead souls came slightly closer. They raised their hands and threw out a ball of gray aura.

It was an aggregation of decay and death. It exploded immediately after flying over. A large number of Yin soldiers were affected and died quickly.

The mission of the monks is to help these injured Yin soldiers to gather spiritual energy and turn it into drizzle. If there is a problem in that area, they will cover that area and wash away the smell of decay and death through Yin energy.

After standing there and watching for a moment, Li Su turned directly to find the Yin soldiers who accepted the new auxiliary soldiers.

This time, Li Su did not follow the steps and participate in this crazy meat grinder. He was a fifth-grade yin worker. No, it should be said that he was already from the fourth grade now.

The comprehension of the third-grade Yin text brings not only the transformation of the soul, but also the improvement of the Yin position.

He doesn't need to participate in such a war, he can just find someone to go to the second origin.

As for this war, it's a pity that even if he is on the side of the underworld, he doesn't have much intention to participate.

Because it is meaningless, such a war can only be in the Daluo realm, and it must end up at the level of the ultimate Daluo, in order for fundamental changes to occur.

Otherwise, the power of Ether Yi will still have little effect. Even if he uses the treasure, it will at most make the situation slightly better.

After all, what he saw was only a corner of the battlefield.

In fact, this broken bridge is almost 100,000 miles wide, and the huge ballistae already exceeds a million. The number of people participating in the battle on both sides is not as simple as tens of millions or hundreds of millions, but behind it seems to be carrying tens of thousands, dozens of Tens of thousands of troops from planets with huge populations are fighting.

This is a war involving trillions of people.

This seemingly simple offensive and defensive battle over a broken bridge is undoubtedly equivalent in scale to a super war between two top civilizations, using the galaxy as the battlefield.

Hundreds of millions of people may die in the blink of an eye.

The Taiyi level is too insignificant here.


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