Chapter 908 Ah! ah! ah! (superior)

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Very suddenly, there was a cry from the Jie Jiao Mingpai.

After a period of time, the atmosphere among the disciples was not very good, no, it should be said to be very heavy. Previously, when the Buddhism, Ghost Sect, and Xichan Sect dealt with the Black Mountain Sect, it was lively for a while, but then quickly became dull.

As one of the eight major religions in the world of mythology, facing the Black Mountain Sect, it turned out that the other three religions ended up safe. Such things can make you feel relieved and excited when you feel depressed.

But when that energy is over, what kind of mentality will it be like?

The group of Jiejiao disciples, which had always been lively, had actually been quiet for a long time. Unless there was a mission arrangement, few people would talk inside.

Especially the latest time, after asking everyone to endure it, it was equivalent to the inner city giving up on the outer city disciples, which were hundreds of them. After the Black Mountain Sect was targeted, the people in the inner city couldn't help but ask the disciples in the outer city to know the situation. The response I got was very indifferent, just a simple answer that I didn't know.

This kind of thing was almost impossible before.

At first, the people who asked in the inner city were a little angry. After all, not only were they in terms of status and strength, they were also the uncles of the people in the outer city.

But as soon as the anger arose, it suddenly died down.

Who answered? One of the more than 300 people they clearly gave up on.

You've put the other person's life on the line, and you still want the other person to look good on you?

Thinking of this, the people in the inner city were filled with hatred and anger. Of course, it was not directed at the people in the outer city. The disciples of Jie Jiao themselves were trained in a different way. They did not listen to the words of their elders and put their own hearts and minds on themselves. This kind of thing should be placed on themselves. For the sake of the overall situation, these four words sound good, but how cold are they when applied to people who have been abandoned?

Therefore, I hate myself for not being able to take action, and I am angry because I endure this time and time again.

It can be said that the atmosphere within the Jie Sect was filled with guilt and anger at the top, and grievance and pain at the bottom. Even though the Black Mountain Sect was strangled by the other three sects, it still could not be reversed and was actually torn apart.

Now, in this extremely cold atmosphere, someone suddenly shouted. You must know that this was not words, but a voice, a general venting of shouts, which suddenly alarmed many people.

"Tianhua, what's wrong with you?" Someone from Zhongcheng spoke immediately.

"Uncle Tianhua?" Yang Ping from the outer city also spoke. He knew that his uncle had gone to meet Li Su. Although he was sure there would be no problem, he was still a little uneasy, so he kept watching.

Soon, a large amount of information appeared, and countless people in the middle city and outer city immediately bubbled up.

Although the Black Mountain Sect was defeated on the surface, the disciples of the Jie Sect did not dare to relax too much. With the inner city having the highest combat power unable to rely on them, their identity as a disciple of the great sect was in name only, so they were still very Be careful, there are almost no people wandering around outside, and there is almost nothing else to do except practice, so most of the time is spent watching the situation inside, trying to know when to catch the mole.

As the strongest person in the outer city, and the person who reestablished the management order after discovering the inner ghost, he suddenly couldn't help but roar loudly in the group, which naturally attracted a lot of attention.

Someone in the inner city also spoke up, "Tianhua?"

However, his voice was quickly drowned out. After all, there were too many people speaking out. The total number of people in the two cities in China and abroad exceeded 10,000.

After a while, Tianhua finally spoke again. At this moment, he laughed. There was indescribable happiness in his laughter, and excitement was mixed together. "It's okay, I just got a little emotional suddenly. Don't worry."

"Is that so?"

"That's good!"

"Uncle, please take care of yourself."

Soon, there was another reply, and it took a long time before it subsided.

Soon, Tianhua spoke again, "Senior Brother Baimen!"

? ? ?

Many people were shocked, especially the people in the middle city and the outer city, because this person was the uncle of the inner city, and it was not yet clear whether he was the inner ghost.


"Where are you? I want to talk to you about something!"

"Tianhua, if there is anything you need, can't you just say it in the group?"

Someone spoke, and he was also from the inner city. He frowned slightly. Not to mention leaving his post without permission at this juncture. Although Tianhua had the qualifications to enter the inner city from the central city, going back would undoubtedly consume a lot of resources.

"No!" Standing in the inn, Tianhua said without hesitation.

"Tianhua, you!" The person who spoke was startled, obviously not expecting Tianhua to respond to him like this.

"That's enough!" Someone spoke again. This time the person who spoke had a very high status. He was the third senior brother. Taiyi was the highest at this stage besides the first senior brother and the second senior brother.

"Tianhua, we know you have emotions, that's all, Bai Men, you can talk to him later, we will prepare the resources!"

Today's Jiejiao is very tight in terms of resources. There is no other way. The Black Mountain Cult has been too hard pressed, so we have to make some preparations. If something big happens, we have to ensure that Taiyi can return to the middle city, or even to the outer city.

The junior brother who spoke was also based on this consideration. Unless there was something really big, just stay in the group. If not, you can also chat point-to-point. There is no need to meet in private.

But now, the situation is obviously different.

The outer city and the outer city have lost trust in the inner city. The previous decision was such a huge blow that a huge gap has been formed.

The seriousness of the problem can be seen when there is total silence in a group of more than 10,000 people.

Tianhua suddenly spoke up, and so many people in the Chinese and foreign cities responded. It was obvious that without their knowledge, what happened in the outer city and the middle city were unified again.

This is a good thing!

Bai Men and Tian Hua have a very good relationship. They have been inseparable for more than two thousand years. The other party who contacted him alone must have his own ideas.

Although people in the inner city are also anxious about the current situation, at this time, they cannot be anxious.

Let's first see what Tianhua will say when he finds Bai Men, and then discuss it.

"I am here!"

"Wait, private chat!" Tianhua interrupted.

In an instant, many inner city disciples couldn't help but clenched their fists, feeling a little angry, as they were completely treated as outsiders.

After Bai Men was silent for a moment, he nodded and said, "Okay!"

Watching the two people directly enter the private chat, in the inner city, in the Jiejiao stronghold.

Someone couldn't help but smashed the table next to him with his palm. He was very angry, very, very angry.

The other people's expressions were also very ugly. Although Tianhua didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, his meaning was very clear inside and out. If you don't trust them, they are not worthy of trust.

Soon, the only monk among the dozen or so people who still had his eyes closed opened his eyes. He raised his head and looked at the person in the first seat, and said: "Second Senior Brother!"

Obviously, he is the Baimen Tianhua is looking for.

"Go and have a nice chat!"

The second senior brother took a gentle breath and spoke calmly, but the tight grip on his hands under his sleeves revealed his innermost feelings.


Bai Men stood up and walked out without looking back.

"Second Senior Brother!" Looking at Bai Men leaving, someone couldn't help but frown. "Tianhua does this, after that."

The second senior brother shook his head and sighed, "Okay, stop talking."

"Second Senior Brother." Someone immediately spoke, wanting to say something.

The second senior brother directly raised his hand to stop the other party from continuing, "No matter what thoughts we had before, for the people in the outer city and the middle city, the whole incident started and ended with us giving up on them!"

"Patience and sacrifice require results, and it is obvious that we have not produced corresponding results."

"I know it's hard for everyone, but isn't it hard for people in the outer and middle cities? No, they will only feel it more than us. After all, we just make the decision, but they bear the consequences."

"How would you feel if this person were you?"

"Let's leave it like this for now. Bai Men doesn't need to worry about him."

"It's all my responsibility that things have turned out like this. I will ask for punishment myself after the matter in the underworld is over!"

When something happened before, he was the one who advocated patience.

Looking at the second senior brother, the atmosphere in the entire room became extremely silent for a moment.


On the other side, the white door.

After leaving the Jiejiao stronghold, he quickly went to the meeting point Tianhua said according to the information in the private chat.

Upon arrival, no trace of Junior Brother Tianhua was found. Bai Men immediately took out the life tablet and said, "I'm here, where are you?"



"Wait a moment, I'll be here soon!"

After a while, just when Bai Men was about to ask, a figure appeared not far away and strolled towards him.

There was a trace of confusion on Bai Men's face, because the person who came was completely different from Tianhua in terms of body image and aura.

Before his doubts ended, the other party suddenly disappeared. When he reappeared, he saw a fist as big as a casserole hitting his forehead and heart.

A bang!

The avenue was shaken, and stars appeared in the soul. He didn't even have time to say a word, he just rolled his eyes and passed out.


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