Chapter 916 Arrangement

Dead soul?

Li Su frowned slightly. He didn't think it was just a coincidence that he appeared so suddenly in the distance.

Although Duobao's escape direction was strange, the general direction had not changed.

The group of things at this moment were not far away from him. Judging from Duobao's situation, they would probably be able to reach them after moving a few times at most.

It’s hard to believe that in the vast Western Region, a place where dead souls are haunted has happened.

You know, although Li Su also encountered a dead soul, it was just a coincidence, and the dead soul was chasing other monks at that time and had already left his territory. Otherwise, Li Su would have to encounter a dead soul if he wanted to. I walked for several days and had to change directions.

And being chased by him, Duobao should be very clear that if he can't find a way to get rid of him, the only end that awaits him is death.

Therefore, he did not think that the other party was running around blindly and that he only encountered the dead soul by chance.

In order to avoid being chased by yourself, go deep into another tiger's den?

This possibility is certainly possible!

But how did the other party know that if they came this way, they would encounter dead souls?

According to the memories of Jie Jiao's disciples, when the underworld covered the Western Region of the Mythical Realm, it didn't take long for the five major sect disciples to enter Fengdu City one after another. Not long after that, the Black Mountain Sect began to attack Jie Jiao, and this senior brother of Jie Jiao began to attack him from then on. Retreat, no longer appear.

Under such circumstances, how did he know that the dead soul would be here?

Li Su blinked his eyes, and he directly mobilized the Fire Flag, and at the same time the Soul Daoguo opened his eyes.

A large number of people were attracted to him and integrated into his body.

While suppressing his anger, black mud surged up from the ghost realm beneath his feet, quickly covering him.

Originally, if the dead souls just appeared outside Fengdu City, Li Sudao wouldn't care too much, but obviously this ethnic group also appeared in the battlefield and infected the first and second origins of Fengdu City, that is, It is said that they are also involved in Fengdu City, and the level of conquering it is quite high.

This race, at first glance, is not a good person, and is obviously the villain in the book.

For the sake of the safety of hundreds of millions of people in Fengdu City, Li Su would definitely not let them succeed.

Just kidding, Li Su won't do it if he eats it alone, but at least 80% of the resources belong to him. How can he let such a thing covet him?

After thinking for a while, Li Su took out his life card from the ghost realm.

I originally planned to go back and organize it, but now it seems that I need to delay it for a while.

As soon as he had an idea, he sent a message directly to the group of fate cards.


Following Li Su's slight cough, in an instant, the internal group of Jiejiao, which had become extremely fierce due to a big battle, immediately fell silent.

Unlike ordinary disciples who speak out, Li Su has great authority as a Taoist disciple of Jiejiao.

In the same realm, Li Su's status among Jie Jiao is undoubtedly at the top.

Even if he is at a higher level than him, Daozi's authority is still extremely high. Although he cannot completely cover the opponent's territory, he is basically not under the opponent's jurisdiction.

In the entire Jiejiao, the only ones who can directly issue orders to Li Su are the saints of Jiejiao and his nine elders.

As soon as he opened his mouth, his voice almost directly passed into everyone's hearts, and they immediately realized who the person who spoke was.

Coupled with the battle just now, Bai Men immediately revealed Li Su's identity and told everyone why Jie Jiao had been suppressed so miserably recently and who turned the tide.

Then Tianhua and Yangping spoke.

Especially Yang Ping, he was the most excited. The respected gentleman turned out to be his master. Holding the life card, he couldn't help but yelled three times. At the same time, he immediately began to doubt Wanshou. The palace's destruction is most likely related to His Highness, although I don't know why it was caused by Buddha's aura and ghostly methods.

What a coincidence after all!

He immediately diverted the attention of the Black Mountain Master and relaxed the rope around the Jie Master's neck.

So, after a while, Mie Wanshou, the central mansion of the town, discovered that there was a traitor within the Jie sect, and finally single-handedly found the traitor and hunted him down personally.

One by one, listening to Yang Ping's words, one can imagine how shocked everyone's hearts were.

The name Daozi is no stranger to Jiejiao.

Ninety-nine percent of people have received favors from him. After all, the priceless monkey wine incident has not been over for long.

Now, they were trapped in the abyss and pulled out of the incomparable despair.

You can completely imagine the mood of many disciples at this moment!

In an instant, the nearly 20,000 disciples in Fengdu City couldn't help but take a breath and speak.

"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness!"

With each sound, indescribable emotions poured out and surrounded him.

This simple sentence is filled with extremely intense emotions, including excitement, joy, and finding the backbone.

At this moment, all the Jie Jiao disciples seemed to have returned to the normal Western Region, with the Saint and the Nine Elders on their backs, and the whole world was at ease.

Feeling the extremely excited emotions in the group, Li Su couldn't help blinking his eyes and coughing unnaturally.

Really, a pair of eyes were burning and anxious.

After being excited for almost a minute, the voices in the group gradually subsided.

It wasn't until everything quieted down that Li Su said, "Second Senior Brother!"

Second Brother Jie Jiao couldn't help but clenched his fists. As one of the parties involved in the whole matter, he had too many thoughts and guilt in his heart. He suppressed the words that came out of his mouth and said slowly: "Your Highness, the disciple is here."

"You organize it. I have passed down the two Heart Sutras of Tianhua, which correspond to the outer and middle Yin texts of Fengdu Yin text. After practice, it can warm your souls and withstand more Yin texts. You organize the people and everyone returns to the outer city to understand it again. ."

Following Li Su's words, everyone couldn't help but be startled.

To warm the soul and bear more sins?

"According to my calculations, after learning these two scriptures, you should be able to withstand at least five hundred to one thousand more low-grade Yin scriptures, that is, eighth, ninth, and thirteenth levels. Everyone will slowly understand it, and wait until the soul begins to feel If you feel pain, go to fight. There are special particles there that can activate the Yinwen and make it awaken."

"Although this awakening will have different effects depending on the number of inscriptions comprehended, it should be able to increase the strength of your two third-level souls."

"Then before you study, first exchange for some dragon liver and phoenix marrow. I will transfer two thousand yin gold yuan to you. If you measure it, it will be one yuan for a hundred people to build the foundation, and one yuan for ten people for the golden elixir. Eat it first and then start practicing."

"Next, all the disciples of Jiejiao will focus on the outer city and improve themselves as much as possible. After completing the training, they should be able to obtain the Yin position. The disciples of the three levels of foundation building, golden elixir, and heavenly immortal should try their best to win the ghost position. As for the identity, as for the true immortal, it can be done by ghosts depending on the situation. If you can go to Zhongcheng, the three divisions of the underworld will be the main ones. As for Taiyi, the target will be the three divisions of the underworld and the six cases of merit and cao."

"The third division mainly focuses on judging cases. Get as many positions as possible here. Especially the Yin Law Division in the branch is the most important. The Reincarnation Division and the Yin Cao Division can be ignored."

"If the Three Divisions and Six Cases occupy more than three levels of righteousness, then take the initiative to contact the other three sects, namely Buddhism, Ghost Sect, and Xichan Sect, and delete the last line of the two scriptures I passed on to you as a favor. By working together, the four companies will take over all the positions in the two cities."

After explaining the arrangements for Jiejiao in one breath, Li Su paused and said, "Do you understand?"

clear? Still don’t understand this?

It was almost like holding them hand in hand and telling them what to do.

"Disciple understands."

Senior Brother Jie Jiao took a deep breath. While he nodded, he couldn't help but worry. His Highness could obviously take them with him personally. Did Duobao escape? Your Highness, is he going to continue chasing?

He couldn't help but said: "Where are you, Your Highness? Aren't you coming back?"

"Don't worry about the traitor. I discovered some things here and I need to take a look. Don't worry. I'll tell you this. After I come back, I will stay in the inner city. You have to control the specific situation."

"Okay, that's it."

After saying that, Li Su once again used fire to seal the breath of the life card and threw it into the ghost realm. Then he moved and flew directly towards the direction of the dead soul without any hesitation.

As Li Su's aura disappeared, at this moment, there was silence among the Jiejiao group for a long time.

But it was obviously different from the dead silence before. At this moment, all the Jiejiao disciples' faces were glowing, their eyes were bright, some were hot, some were excited, some were longing, and some were impulsive.

Unlike that senior brother, His Highness Daozi not only stood in front of them, but also shed endless light, forming a road behind him, a road for them to go up.

"Ah ah ah, I must become a ghost!"

"it's me!"

"Bah, it's me!"

Listening to the noise in the group, it was like returning to the time before the underworld appeared. In the inner city, the second senior brother Jiejiao turned his eyes and looked at the other junior brothers. He took a deep breath and said, "Everyone, I don't think so. Do you need to say more?"

"His Royal Highness Daozi not only saved us and everyone, but also arranged the next road for us."

"We have already made a mistake once, and it was His Highness who made up for our mistake."

"Now His Highness has issued an order!"

He did not continue speaking, because at this moment, the emotions in everyone's eyes were very simple.

I won’t let His Highness down, no!


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