Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 917 The Battle of Near Saints

Light, breaking clouds and piercing!

A huge and boundless flag spans the sky, with thousands of fires and mighty brilliance, covering the sky and the earth.

Afterwards, a figure exuded an astonishing aura, and the strange words turned into a high wall. The decadent aura spread with the wind, turning into the shadow of death, sweeping the world.

The two figures, one chasing and the other escaping, were so fast that it was unimaginable.

It was no longer just speed, but a higher level of movement.

The scope involved is not only speed, but also space, time, and even the level of cause and effect.

Don't look at the chase and the escape. During the whole process, there was a big battle happening every second. An astonishing, terrifying battle.

The burning fire flag, the gun body burst into astonishing brilliance, and an unfortunate article appeared on it, which is the supreme classic and the source of its enlightenment.

A lot of fire flames erupted as the gun body vibrated.

Forming light, the extremely dazzling light pierced the sky directly and hit the chasing figure.

The man held up the sky with one palm, and when he stretched out his hand, he seemed to have captured a universe in his palm. Billions of stars were floating in it, directly distorting the surroundings and affecting everything.

All materials are pulled and gathered by it, and the light formed by the flames is also caught by it and converges towards its palm.

boom! boom! boom!

The two supreme powers, the power of the near-sage, exploded directly in the opponent's palm. The palm instantly turned into pitch black, and all the light was dimmed, leaving only twisted power steaming inside.

The man squeezed hard, directly extinguishing the power in his hand, and then raised his hand to punch.

With a loud bang, the fist pierced the void, pierced the distance, and even pierced the cause and effect, appearing directly on the gun body of Xinhuo Banner.

The terrifying punch carried an astonishing aura of decay, and the moment it fell, all materials withered away.

Facing this punch, the body of the Xinhuo Flag was glowing, and a special wonder emerged, covering and wrapping it. There was a hazy scene inside, and everything in the world flowed alternately. Time, around it, passed by for thousands of years in one second. One hundred thousand years, one million years.

The sun and moon change, and mountains and rivers overturn.

For a short moment, it was as if he was watching the passage of stars and celestial bodies.

The fist of the near saint was actually directly transformed by the power of time, and the decaying death was directly washed away with eternal time.

The next second, the body of the Xinhuo Flag rolled up, like a knife, and turned into a divine blade. It turned in the air and slashed out directly.

The light of the knife is filled with luck and magic, forming a hazy atmosphere that carries the past.

That is the Blade of Time, involving the most powerful Tao power in the world.

In an instant, the light of the sword directly covered the pursuer. In an instant, the past bloomed, and the man was directly thrown into the past and exiled from the real present.


In less than 0.01 seconds, a terrifying black-green light erupted.

It is the ultimate state of decay, the withered light that destroys all matter in the world.

It broke out, exploding like a tsunami.

The exiled figure reappeared. It used absolute power and boundless decay to directly decay the time, annihilating the past in the vast decay.

When it came out, its eyes were like torches, and surrounded by the highest, a terrifying avenue turned into a grand sky, penetrating the universe.

Its eyes moved slightly, and its face was extremely cold.

Because in this fraction of a second, the fire flag has already escaped into the void, flew away, entered the past, and rushed to the future, trying to cut off the cause and effect with it.

"Stay something!"

With an angry roar, it struck a punch that shook the sky.

The past time solidified, the future time stopped, and the disappeared fire flag emerged, and it locked destiny through cause and effect, and forcibly projected it out.

The Xinhuoqi gun body shook, and in an instant, it forcibly moved its body. The breath of time flowed on its body. At the moment of strong contact, it turned the gun head and aimed at the opponent's fist. .


There was a loud noise, and both of them shook.

The terrifying black-green power of decay wrapped around the body of the Fire Flag, covering its entire body. The power of decay emitted shocking power to decay it.

However, on the fire flag, a large amount of the breath of time continued to flow, and a large piece of fire poured down, directly removing the power of decay and cutting it off.

It moved very quickly, but it still couldn't help but tremble slightly and take a breath.

Obviously, this punch had some impact on it.

On the other side, the Dead Soul Near Saint is not having a good time either. Its palm is dripping with blood, and there are wounds on it. It was stabbed by the fire flag.

Of course, it's not terrible.

The terrifying Xinhuoqi's gun not only pierced his arm, but also pierced directly into his past, attacking it from the past. In the blink of an eye, the wounds on the opponent's arms became bigger and bigger, and the injuries became more and more obvious.

Although the Dead Soul Near Saint was angry, he couldn't help but show a dignified look on his face at this moment.

When it comes to the power of time on the Three Thousand Avenues, even if it is placed in the holy realm, it will definitely belong to the most powerful holy way. This kind of attack that directly targets the past is quite difficult to deal with.

Where did the treasure come from? Why have I never heard of it in the mythological world before?

It shouted low, not daring to let the other party continue to chase after it. Although it has been a saint for a long time, the other party has traced it back. But in the blink of an eye, it has gone back hundreds of thousands of years. If it continues like this, if it finds you Before becoming a saint, that would be troublesome.

The aura of decay exploded, pouring directly into the palm of the hand, corroding and withering the flames inside, quickly strangling the power of time.

In an instant, the two sides were fighting together again.

The power of decay was scattered one after another, and the dead soul saint knocked down the fire flag from the past again and again, and the terrifying fist fell directly on its gun barrel and flame flag.

Similarly, the Xinhuo Banner is also rude. Almost every time the opponent attacks, it will turn its gun head and stab directly at the opponent's body, leaving holes one after another.

The power of decay is erupting, sizzling on the Xinhuo Banner.

The power of time is also shaking, expelling the dead soul to the saint again and again, looking back into the past, causing harm to him.

The saint is bleeding, the treasure is trembling.

The two sides fought so fast that they fought tens of thousands of times over a distance of thousands of miles.

"Leave your things behind, otherwise you won't be able to leave!"

The dead soul's eyes are extremely cold. After one hundred thousand years of planning and one hundred thousand years of preparation, it will never give up.

"It's a joke, I swallowed something before I spit it out!"

Xinhuoqi also sneered. How could it, with its naturally violent temper, spit out what it had eaten?

Why does it have to wake up? Do you really think he is a near saint?

Just kidding, as the most precious treasure of the human race, the great fire flag, how can a mere saint be qualified to frighten it?

Among the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, which one is not more powerful than this bastard in front of you?

It wakes up because of the crystallization of the soul.

It is a great tonic for the soul, and it is also a great tonic for Li Su.

Although it has woken up from ancient times, it has actually not recovered yet. Not to mention the injuries to its body, its soul has also been left with a huge wound. This soul crystal is undoubtedly what it needs most at the moment. It is truly the supreme supplement.

Otherwise, why would it spend so much effort to cover up Li Su's aura, run over quietly, and ask Li Su to prepare sufficient mana in advance to support it?

"In that case, just die here!" The dead soul, the Holy Saint, was furious. Although the thing in front of it was a treasure, it was not moved at all at this moment.

Unlike immortal weapons, treasures have their own will and are the highest level of existence. Unless they are willing, others cannot use them at all.

Unlike those guys who can't move their eyes when they see the treasure, it knows very well that even if a saint wants to refine the treasure, he needs the cooperation of the other party. If he doesn't take the initiative, even the saint will have difficulty surrendering in a short time.

Not only that, the most important thing is his preparation this time. This time's plan itself is to seize the treasure.

The treasure of the underworld!

After hundreds of thousands of years of management and preparation, it has no time to argue with the treasure in front of it.

Because compared to this treasure, the treasure from the underworld is more suitable for it. Once you master it, you can break through the limit of being a saint and achieve the realm of a true saint.

"It's just a near-sage. Maggots emerged from the chaos only after the destruction of ancient times. Is it true that there are no tigers in the mountains and a monkey is the king? Do you deserve it?"

Who is Xinhuoqi? It was forged from the vast history of the human race, and it was also the history of the Huaxia tribe in this world. What it inherited was the greatest spirit of the Huaxia tribe, defying the sky, the earth, and the air.

The Chinese people dare to fight against natural disasters.

Earth disaster, the Chinese people still fight.

Despite the divine disaster, the Chinese people still resisted.

The Huaxia clan has never lost in this life!

Therefore, Xin Huoqi has never lost in his life, huh? You said last time? The last time it was a sneak attack, I was careless. After all, lions also take naps.

"You have been a king in Shankaka for a long time, do you really take yourself seriously? You are a little worm in this world, you are not even a dish!"

"Bastard!" The deceased soul's near-sage's nose was so angry that he was so angry. As a near-sage for hundreds of thousands of years, who wouldn't bow to it? Who doesn't kneel down when he sees it? Doesn't that person tremble even when he sees it? How could he be humiliated by such words? Even the ancestor of Montenegro was still polite when facing it.

Now, a treasure that I have never heard of jumps out and is arrogant and domineering?

"you wanna die!"

In an instant, the war broke out again, and the terrible fighting was staged again.

An astonishing collision between the near saint and the most precious treasure.

Boom! ! !

A terrible battle, with arrogance impacting thousands of miles, a superficial battle, even if just a spark falls, it will undoubtedly have a huge impact on the entire world, enough to become a terrible disaster.

Fortunately, there is a curtain in this world, which is covered by the sky of the underworld. All powers are affected by it and are quickly suppressed.

The falling power will immediately attenuate when it is a certain distance away from the two, and the damage will be minimized.

Of course, even if there is a big curtain covering it, the power that escapes is greatly reduced, but it still forms a tsunami-like wave that stretches thousands of miles away.

At this moment, all living beings with a will in this vast underworld couldn't help but raise their heads and look at the terrifying waves and clouds in the distance.

Palpitations, palpitation, and feeling depressed.

An unspeakable fear filled my heart.

Unlike when Li Su fought against Duobao, everyone felt unprecedented fear at this moment, and the shadow of death seemed to be right in front of them.

I can't sit still!

All the monks opened their eyes wide and stared at the sky with shock on their faces.

who is it?

Who is fighting with whom?

"This aura should be that of a near saint of the Dead Soul Clan, right?"

At this moment, in the city of Fengdu, black and white were impermanent, and bull-headed and horse-faced faces stood in the void. Their eyes were looking into the distance, with solemnity and confusion.

"Who's the other one?"

Although suppressed by the big curtain, they still know how strong the Death Soul Near Saint is and how terrifying the opponent is at close range.

If it weren't for Fengdu City, Fengdu City was protected by a treasure, and almost all the high-level officials in Fengdu City had disappeared, there would be no way to resist the Dead Soul Clan.


Suddenly, there was a vibration in Fan Wushe's arms, and a yellowed ancient book flew out spontaneously.

The body is wrapped in light and shines divinely.

That is the treasure of the underworld, one of the three great ancient books, the Book of Life and Death!

As soon as he appeared, the pages of the Book of Life and Death couldn't help but turn. The fragrant words that shocked black and white and the thirty years of bull-headed and horse-faced words poured down from the Book of Life and Death.

“*\u0026…%¥¥¥% # ¥ # ¥%¥%!!!”

Black and white, with an ox's head and a horse's face, they were first shocked that the Book of Life and Death actually spoke.

Then they were shocked that they didn't understand the content, but it was definitely a foul language and full of fragrance.

Isn’t the Book of Life and Death sleeping?

Why did you wake up suddenly?

Also, what happened over there? Not only did he wake up the Book of Life and Death, but he also made it so angry?

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