Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 921 Taking charge of the Six Cases and Three Divisions

Chapter 924 Taking charge of the Six Cases and Three Divisions

Fengdu City, the inner city!

Li Su is back.

He had toothache, headache, and lower back pain.

After getting the soul crystal, he once thought that it would be safe. The dead soul clan estimated that they would not be able to make any trouble. Even if they had ideas, they would basically not be able to do it in a short time.

Although, there is still one Black Mountain Sect left.

But does Li Su care? He doesn't care!

It's just that in Taiyi's case, although there are certain advantages in having more people, it has little effect on Li Su. If he wants to leave, the opponent will not be able to keep him.

And, he has already made preparations.

It was his plan to pass down the scriptures and let Jie Jiao's disciples learn from them.

This is not just as simple as benefiting his own family. Li Su's further goal is to win all the official positions in the inner and outer cities.

Let alone the battlefield, as long as Fengdu City is firmly in his hands, what can he do with more than two thousand Taiyi? Can there be more ghosts than the underworld?

In addition, because of Li Su's relationship with the second origin, he can directly obtain the throne of the King of Hell in the underworld, and there is basically no need to worry about Jiejiao in Fengdu City.

As a result, he did not expect that he took away the soul crystal carefully planned and prepared by the Dead Soul Clan, but he also awakened the Book of Life and Death because of the battle between the Xinhuo Banner and the Dead Soul Near Saint.

"In terms of soul crystallization alone, it would take about two years for the other party to lose its first and second origins. But now, it can be at most one year, or less than half a year."

Recalling the words in the book of life and death, Li Su's liver hurt.

He tightened the rope around his neck, which felt quite uncomfortable.

One thousand tons of soul crystals suddenly lost their fragrance.

After the Book of Life and Death was silenced, Li Su returned to Fengdu without stopping. Although he was confident that he would suddenly understand all the inscriptions in Fengdu, complete the awakening of the inscriptions, and obtain the status of Emperor Fengdu, this would undoubtedly require a process and time.

He has already felt the difficulty of the intermediate Yin Wen. Although it only took a few days, it seemed to take less time than the lower level Yin Wen. In fact, Li Su knew best how the difficulty increased.

Second, third, and fourth grade Yinwen will not be so easy, even he will probably spend a lot of time.

The third level of Yin Wen corresponds to the three realms of mortal, immortal, and Taiyi.

In fact, this is also the case. There are not many fourth-grade Yin texts, and the total number is only seventy-two. They have been imaged and belong to a more advanced application.

To put it simply, lower-level Yin characters are complex, with one character having many variations, ranging from several, dozens, to hundreds.

Intermediate level Yin script is a superimposed compound, which not only has the compound form of lower grade Yin script, but also adds stacking, a picture, a few words, dozens of words, hundreds of words.

As for the superior Yinwen, it is terrible, with a superimposed structure.

In addition to stacked duplexes, there is also more structure.

For example, the thing in front of him looked like a spiral. It took Li Su almost an hour to see it through and understand it.

It has been two days since he returned to Fengdu. He has learned seventy-two fourth-grade Yin scripts. So far, he has only learned twenty, and there are still fifty-one or two left.

It will take at least three days to master everything.

According to the findings of Jiejiao disciples, there are only thirty-six of the third-grade inscriptions, which is undoubtedly less than the fourth-grade inscriptions. However, considering the changes in the inscriptions in front of him, Li Su couldn't help but feel his head hurt.

There are so many rules. Not to mention the difficulty of understanding them, just observing them takes a lot of time.

Although there are some difficulties in understanding the inscriptions, there is still good news.

Mainly for the Jie Jiao disciples, with their two scriptures and the help of Long Gan, they have made quite good progress. After more than two days, the improvement has been quite significant, at least the number of Yin texts has increased by more than single digits. Although It's just the minimum tenth grade, but the rhythm is very good. If you wait three or four months, the results should be good.

Not only that, Li Su also took out a soul crystal weighing almost a ton for this purpose, broke it into pieces, and divided it directly.

This is a priceless treasure. It has great nourishment for the soul. Especially in this city of Fengdu, its effect is incomparable to that of dragon liver and phoenix marrow. Its value is even higher than that of a fire. In terms of Yin Wen cultivation, it is equivalent to all Jiejiao. The disciples have all stepped into a realm above mythology.

This is incredible, it means that even if the starting point is the same, the disciples of the Jie Sect can fully tie up with the other three sects.

This is scary, right?

After all, in the entire Fengdu, Jiejiao is undoubtedly the most populous religious force, with nearly 20,000 people, half more than the other three religions combined.

Therefore, the original plan was changed by Li Su.

Ten days later, regardless of how everyone practices, contact the other three sects and pass the first of the two scriptures to them.

Of course, there are huge benefits for Jie Jiao disciples, and Li Su, who has absorbed the soul crystal, has made amazing progress.

Although it is difficult to see through and understand it, it is extremely amazing to practice.

Almost as soon as he understood the meaning, the corresponding inscription content was already formed in his body, appearing on his soul, forming the last thing besides skin, muscles and nerves, bones.

As Li Su began to concentrate on conquering the last part of the Yinwen, Fengdu City also became unusually calm.

After all, there were three major battles in the inner city alone.

Once, the Black Mountain Cult was cleared out.

The second time, there was a civil war in Jiejiao. Senior brother Duobao was at war with a disciple of Jiejiao.

And in the end, two terrifying auras fought in the distance, leading to the underworld's treasure, the Book of Life and Death, one of the three ancient books.

This time, even if he was short-sighted, he was now aware of the hidden torrent beneath Fengdu City.

You must know that it has been almost a year and six months since the sudden appearance of the underworld, and the internal situation has basically remained the same as it was originally.

Six months a year is not much, but it is not much.

It’s enough for everyone to understand the various ways of Fengdu and start making some preparations.

Time passes little by little!

Just when everyone was calmly watching the situation in the underworld, suddenly, the Jiejiao took action.

Not long after the appearance of the Underworld, Jie Jiao, who had been suppressed by the Black Mountain Sect, under extremely high-profile circumstances, the second senior brother Jie Jiao entered one of the three divisions of the Underworld in Zhongcheng. He directly took charge of the Yin Law Department without mentioning the lawsuit. The boss.

Following his actions, the posts of Bo, County Magistrate, and other positions of the Yinlu Division were quickly taken down by the disciples of Jiejiao.

Before they could react, the third and fourth senior brothers of Jie Jiao immediately entered another department in the middle city, Six Cases of Merit.

He occupied the two divine positions of Tiancao and Rencao.

Second senior brother, third senior brother, and fourth senior brother.

These are all the top core members of Jiejiao. Not to mention the current management of Jiejiao in the underworld, the ones with the strongest strength are Taiyi's late-stage Perfection. As a result, they all took over the Midtown Department, which undoubtedly made everyone endure. I couldn't help but be stunned and extremely surprised.

You must know that as long as Taiyi cultivates, everyone is aiming at the seventeen divine positions in the inner city, the Ten Halls of Yama, the Five Directions Ghost Emperor, the Dongyue Emperor, and the Fengdu Emperor.

After all, compared to the low-level divine positions, those who have obtained these seventeen divine positions are the real core class and belong to the leadership position.

For the rest, what if you take them away temporarily? Just grab it back later.

At the beginning, everyone undoubtedly thought so. Many people directly believed that Jiejiao was completely desperate in this round and was eliminated early.

But when a Shangyu Taiyi realized that he couldn't compete with the Great Master, he voluntarily gave up and planned to get a position and get some resources, everything was broken.

The reason is very simple.

He is only an agent and does not have the power to appoint.

If he wants to remove the title of agent, he must perform his duties conscientiously in this position, perform it for more than a certain number of years, and the righteousness has never returned before he can be replaced.

The emergence of this news immediately shocked many people, and they also realized that once the post in the underworld, regardless of high or low, was taken away, there would be no way to get it back.

Understanding this, the other three major religions couldn't sit still and took action one after another.

However, even for the top leaders of Buddhism, Ghost Sect, and even Xichan Sect, Taiyi could only obtain the county magistrate in the third division at most, or even the following divine positions, which the master Bo could not reach, let alone the chief of the division. .

As for the meritorious officer of the Six Cases, let alone the position there belongs to the Secretary of the King of Hell, and the meritorious officer of the Six Cases has the same rank as the head of the three divisions of the underworld.

In other words, the other three sects’ geniuses do not have enough Yin duties!

And when this result appeared, both those who were killed and those who were watching the excitement suddenly realized a surprising problem.

That is, how did they do it?

You must know that only nine days have passed since the battle that day, and the Jie Jiao itself has been suppressed by the Black Mountain Sect for more than a year and almost quit!


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