The front is advancing.

In the war between dead souls and ghosts, the ghosts have a greater advantage, even if the third battlefield still maintains a 6-4 split.

The sudden disadvantage was mainly due to the fact that some monks, to be precise, the people of the Black Mountain Sect, suddenly carried out large-scale self-destructions in the Yinhun's territory. This not only destroyed a large number of key strongholds, but also caused the Yinhun side's connection to be interrupted. , leaving behind decaying contamination that will take considerable time to clean up.

In addition, the dead souls concentrated all their forces to invest in the third battlefield on a large scale, catching the Yinhun side by surprise. The current Yinhun side was almost pushed away from the location of the central Fengdu Emperor Palace, including the Ten Halls of Yama and the Five Directions Ghosts. Almost all of the Emperor and Dongyue Imperial Palace were lost, leaving only less than two-thirds of the entire eastern front of the Fengdu battlefield.

It can be said that in the first month, Yinhun almost lost more than 65% of its territory.

After being caught off guard at the beginning, the Yin Hun quickly reacted and began to deploy a large number of troops to engage in a desperate confrontation with the dead soul.

After two months of non-stop fighting day and night, the two important fronts were successfully advanced and returned to their original positions step by step.

Especially on the southeast line, it is not far from the location of Yama Hall. If the dragon corpse at the forefront is laid down, the tug of war between the two sides will basically return to the vicinity of Yama Hall. The battlefield can advance hundreds or even thousands at a time. kilometers distance.

The dragon corpse, as the key to the competition between the two sides, actually has huge strategic value.

First of all, it is a highland, rising more than a thousand meters from the ground. The rugged body, especially the corpse that has lost its vitality, has not completely decayed, but maintains the appearance before death. Its nerves and blood vessels are themselves channels. It is equivalent to a natural fortress bunker.

In addition, as a corpse, unlike dead objects, it can be filled with yin energy.

The dead dragon itself is a practicing individual and can store a large amount of Yin energy. Once it is defeated, it will be extremely important to the Yin soul.

Then there is the due east route.

As the place where the fighting is the most brutal, there is no strategic location like the dragon corpse, let alone a strategic location. In this direction, it can even be said that there is no village in front and no store in the back.

The nearest Yama Hall is extremely far apart on the left and right, almost a thousand miles on one side and more than three thousand miles on the other side.

And at this distance, there is almost a flat plain without any large bunkers.

As for the Dongyue Emperor's Palace, it is extremely far away. Unless you change the route, before you arrive at the Fengdu Emperor's Palace, the road ahead can basically be said to be flat.

It can be said that this path was actually deliberately chosen by Yinhun.

Its purpose is also very simple. The battle line is to penetrate directly into Huanglong. By continuously investing a large amount of troops, ignoring places that can be used as fortresses, they can directly attack the palace of Fengdu Emperor.

This is done for two reasons.

One, forced.

After the dead souls occupied the Fengdu Emperor's Palace, they began an unprecedented pollution process. The speed was beyond imagination. In just two months, the pollution had exceeded 85%, and even affected the first place. , the second origin.

If you continue to let the other party go on like this, the third origin is likely to be completely contaminated by the other party.

As the biggest source of the underworld, the ghosts naturally cannot allow this kind of thing. Once it becomes like that, the situation will never be reversed.

Secondly, this road is the fastest.

In the absence of strategic fortresses and lack of upper and lower space, the number of troops that can be deployed is naturally limited, and the two sides can almost only engage in hand-to-hand combat.

Of course, as a result, the mortality rate is also horribly high.

In the early stage of Taiyi, the inventory time will hardly exceed half an hour.

It can be said that this road is almost made of blood. In less than a month since Li Su came here, the number of Yin generals who died has probably exceeded an astonishing one million.

One million Taiyi, what is that concept?

Sure enough, in terms of war potential, the underworlds of the three ancient realms were truly terrifying.

This force is simply as endless as the sea.

After all, I glanced at the Yin General not far away who was beaten to pieces by several dead souls a day ago. Now he is alive and kicking on the battlefield again.

Facing such an army of ghosts that can be resurrected and are not afraid of death, only dead souls with the same situation dare to start a war like this.

Otherwise, if it were replaced by a living being, I'm afraid it would have collapsed long ago.

Looking at the constant fighting going on around him, Li Su's eyelids couldn't help but twitch at this moment.

You must know that the scene in front of you is not the heyday of the underworld. Judging from the current situation, it may not even be one tenth.

Such a force, such an existence, was directly defeated during its heyday in ancient times.

Although there was a sneak attack by the opponent and the leading party, the combat effectiveness of such a huge empire in the Three Realms can be imagined.

When Li Su thinks about facing such an enemy in the future, Li Su will inevitably have the urge to destroy him when he is tired.

What the hell, how do you do this?

After being melancholy for a while, Li Su cheered up again. As a human race, not to mention other advantages, but in terms of living better than death, he was definitely first-class.

Although his life strength is far less than that of Xiaoqiang, his desire to win is definitely at Xiaoqiang's level.

No, his vitality is much stronger than Xiaoqiang now.

If you really can't defeat it, the worst case scenario is that you can hide everyone in your stomach and run away first. The great strategist Mao Zedong said, if you lose people if you save land, you will lose both people and land. People and land are saved, and people and land are saved.

As the successor of the red flag, if you can't defeat, run away first. Guerrilla warfare is a legacy engraved in your bones.

After comforting his young mind, Li Su coughed dryly and returned his eyes to the battlefield again.

Time, almost another day passed.

During this time, he swallowed almost a dozen more dead souls.

The ghost realm beneath my feet was shaking, and the struggle was a little fierce. The guy who swallowed it last time was quite strong. It has been almost two hours, and he is still struggling.

It is estimated that he should be a commander, whose strength exceeds that of Taiyi Ten Fires, and is considered to be above the myth.

Judging from the movements, it was most likely that he had thirteen fires or even fourteen fires during his lifetime.

Unfortunately, the soul is completely rotten, the spirit is almost rotten, and the structure of consciousness is mainly based on the huge power of decay, making it difficult to read the information inside.

The dead soul clan indeed belongs to a brand new species.

The existence structure basically cannot be found to be similar to that of ghosts. In essence, they can no longer be regarded as soul bodies.

The soul can no longer be regarded as their core, but the power of decay in the body, where their avenue, cultivation, and consciousness are all stationed.

For this race, the soul is more like nourishment and food.

By constantly devouring it, you strengthen your own power of decay.

Li Su couldn't help but let out a breath as he watched the movement in the ghost realm under his feet gradually diminish until it was completely calm.

He has to slow down!

Although it is not difficult to swallow, the mental pollution is really unbearable. At this moment, my breath feels really smelly.

He reached out and pierced the head of the dead soul that appeared in front of him, and the power of Yin exploded, exploding through the soul in the opponent's body, and directly freezing the opponent's consciousness to death.

Looking at the dead soul shattered on the ground, Li Su couldn't help feeling regretful and heartbroken.

With the supreme soul, of course he does not have to destroy the opponent by swallowing this move. It is also possible to do it directly. Taiyi estimates that it will take some effort in the later stage. In the middle and early stage, it is not difficult to solve, and it is basically impossible. Expose yourself.

The reason why we don't do that is naturally simple.

To Li Su, these dead souls are all money!

In this kind of killing, a large amount of soul crystals will remain in the opponent's decaying power, which is very troublesome, time-consuming and labor-intensive to refine.

It is far better to devour the opponent through the ghost realm and squeeze it out directly through a juicer while keeping the opponent alive.

In the initial stage, 100 kilograms in the body can be squeezed out almost 80%, which is 80 kilograms.

But if you kill them directly, they are basically equivalent to a pile of waste. It doesn't matter whether you collect them or not.

The main reason is that the power of decay is very strange, like living creatures. Although they will pollute the surrounding materials to a certain extent, some of them will disappear, as if they have returned.

This is also true of ghosts. After being dispersed, their souls will also dissipate.

However, after the dissipation of the ghosts of the underworld, they will be reorganized and restructured in the depths of the underworld after a certain period of time.

What about dead souls with the same properties?

Therefore, Li Su did not dare to retain too much of the power of decay to avoid being noticed by the dead souls because of this retention, and there was no way to ensure that holding too much of the power of decay would cause changes.

After all, unlike the Yin Soul, the nature of the decaying power of the Dead Soul is too close.

Although they seem to be a group, the power that carries them is extremely single. It is completely different from the structure of the ghosts. In nature, it is more like evil nature, relying on a greatness and relying on it to survive.

Li Su didn't want to possess this kind of biological property.

After killing more than ten people, Li Su quickly changed places. This principle of changing places with one shot has been implemented perfectly by him since he entered this place.

He didn't want to take one of the Hundred Thousand True Immortal Cannons, even if it cost him his life.


Looking at the distance, Li Su took a breath, and the outline became clear.

The Fengdu Emperor's Palace is not far away. His real mission is about to begin, and he needs to make some preparations.

This action is no joke.

The experiences of the first and second origins have already explained everything. Don't think that his life is 'simple' just because the third origin is the same.

This is the last source, and it is also the only remaining territory for the dead souls. It is not surprising what kind of preparations the other party will make.

After all, once this place is lost, it means that the plans of the Dead Soul Clan will be completely shattered.

Therefore, the problem Li Su faced was not only how to get in, but also how to get out.

As for dead souls, they will definitely go crazy.

At least, if this happened to him, he would go crazy.

Li Su could already imagine the reaction of the Dead Soul clan after he succeeded. Jinsheng, Daluo, Taiyi, and the entire Dead Soul clan were in a crazy pursuit, and he was the one being hunted.

? ? ?


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