Chapter 948 A crushing defeat

boom! boom! boom!

Beat up the drowned dog and send Coke in the snow.

At this moment, Xin Huoqi had no idea that he was a treasure, nor did he have any concerns about his identity.

It's laughing!

Laughing like crazy.

The tip of the spear was pointed straight at the Dead Soul Saint, stabbing at the opponent again and again.

It was extremely fast. Under Li Su's blessing, the gun shone with astonishing brilliance. Time was going backwards. Although it was far less astonishing than the previous explosion outside, it was still extremely terrifying.

In just a moment, the Dead Soul Near Saint had been stabbed dozens of times by it, leaving more than a dozen holes as big as tennis balls on his body.

His head was pierced by the fire flag, and the milky white brain mixed with bright red blood kept flowing out of it.

This is not just a simple shot, there is also the ultimate power of fire inside. The holes are burning one after another, with white smoke and black smoke rising, and the smell of barbecue and burning is constantly flowing from them. come out.

At this moment, the face of the Dead Soul Near Saint was ugly, twisted and terrifying.

There's no way, after all, the brain has been stabbed through, and it probably wouldn't look good on anyone else.

It was trying to resist and keep retreating, without even the time to speak.

Without the third origin, it was suppressed too hard and could not display its due strength on this battlefield.

Back off, back off, keep backing off.

Faced with the pursuit of the Xinhuo Banner, the Death Soul Saint just retreated again and again, constantly widening the distance.

It's a pity that although he worked hard enough, he was still unable to recover due to the limitations of his realm.

The thighs were cut off, the arms were swept off, and the head was shattered inch by inch under the wild bombardment of the fire flag.

Even if the eternal light and immortal power are erupting, the repair is still not as good as the destruction. The body of the dead soul saint is wiped out and burned bit by bit by the fire flag.

In less than two minutes, as the Fire Flag bombarded the opponent's body again, the Dead Soul Near Saint was directly smashed to pieces.

It’s not just the dead soul who is close to the saint.

With the return of the third origin, the three origins resonated, and the battlefield was completely turned upside down.

A large number of ghosts appeared and strangled the dead souls in all directions, completely turning the tide of the battle.

A large number of dead souls were quickly killed and sent back directly.

Not long after, the momentum of the Dead Soul Clan completely collapsed, and they could no longer mount effective resistance. Each stronghold was quickly cleared, and a large number of fortresses were directly recaptured. Then one was completely taken back.

What is called a crushing defeat was directly staged. In less than an hour, the dead soul side lost tens of millions of square kilometers and was pushed to the edge of the corner.

The balance of the battlefield was completely tilted, and the dead soul clan's hundreds of thousands of years of planning was completely ruined.

Faced with this scene, the dead soul prince turned pale, the dead soul Daluo lost his mind, and the eldest brother of the Black Mountain Sect, Yushan, looked like a dead man.


The dead soul side with the near-sage actually lost?

At this moment, his whole body was shaking and he couldn't help shaking.

Damn it, damn it.

Trash, all fucking trash.

Having a near sage and a great Luo, yet they both lost. What is this if not a waste?

Yushan couldn't help but curse in his heart and hated him so much.

The Black Mountain Sect invested a lot of effort into this plan. Not only did they take out more than two thousand hidden Taiyi, but they also paid a huge price in materials before doing so.

As a result, it was all gone.

He could already imagine his ancestor's face, and he could already imagine his own ending.

With this result, how could he not panic?

However, at this moment, no one paid attention to him. The dead soul prince beside him was far more uncomfortable than him, and even more lost. He even had no intention to pay attention to the development of the battle situation.



On the southeastern front, several disciples had stunned expressions on their faces.

You must know that the fighting was extremely brutal not long ago. It was just an offensive and defensive battle on a dragon corpse, which already made them exhausted. They couldn't help but start to doubt whether they really had any effect in this battle.

After all, whether they are dead souls or ghost souls, there are too many monks on the surface level of Taiyi.

In such a battle, the total of 200 people on my side is not enough. Even if Jie Jiao's side performs the most brilliantly, what's the point?

If the number of people they fought was placed on the entire battlefield, it would still be a drop in the bucket.

Undoubtedly, this gave them a huge blow. Because of their own strength and invincibility in the mythical world, their mentality once drifted.

After all, the ancient world is too far away, and without actually seeing it, no matter how brilliant the description is, in their eyes, it is just a mere record in their hearts, and there is not much sense of reality.

Now this battle has completely awakened them and made them realize their own insignificance.

On such a battlefield, Taiyi is not important at all. If he is not Daluo, what if he is the Fifteen Fire Tianjiao? Just cannon fodder.

That's right, cannon fodder!

Facing the ancient underworld with tens of millions of Taiyi, people like them, saying it is the icing on the cake is just a compliment.

If it weren't for the mechanism that allowed them to deal huge damage to the dead souls on the battlefield, if it were outside, it would be a completely different story.


He actually won.

At this moment, Black and White was a little confused. Although he had expected a lot, such a result only existed in his imagination. In fact, he did not dare to think about it at all.

After all, the Dead Souls side had too great an advantage.

Moreover, there are actually traitors on the side of the living people. It can be said that in addition to geography, the weather, people and people are all on the side of the dead soul, and even the geography is gradually tilting towards the other side.

In the end, everything was turned around by one person, a mere Taiyi.

However, thinking of the strength shown by the other party and the treasures he possessed, Xie Bian couldn't help but take a breath.

While I was excited, I always felt a little nauseous.

Inexplicably, I couldn't help but want to sympathize with the dead soul. How long had the other party prepared and waited for this day? In the end, everything was ruined by a person who had been in the underworld for less than half a year.

If this person were a saint, the other party would probably feel better.

It's just Taiyi. This horse riding is physically unacceptable. How big of a psychological shadow will it cause?

At least, if it were him, he would definitely not be able to bear it and would become depressed.

However, no matter what, as long as you win, that’s fine!

In this way, it can be regarded as a complete sigh of relief. Although what will happen next is somewhat terrible, ushering in the lowest realm of the underworld lord in history, it is still much better than a dead soul taking over the underworld.

As a native of the underworld and a defender of order, there is really no way to accept that the underworld has become the home of anti-order aliens.

"Let's go!"

Xie Bian glanced at Fan Wushe and said, "Get ready to welcome the new Emperor Fengdu."

Mastering the upper, middle and lower grades of Yinwen at the same time, and having the merit of repelling the invasion of dead souls, there is no doubt that this little guy named Li Su has all the conditions to take over Fengdu.

His secret position is enough to be promoted to the first rank.


Fan Wushe nodded.

The four of them jumped up and headed directly in the direction of the Fengdu Emperor's Palace.

At this point, no matter how many thoughts and ideas the Dead Souls have, they can only give up. Losing their roots, they no longer have any possibility of taking over Fengdu.

Not only is the difficulty of re-infection increasing, but it also requires a lot of time.

They still have to face the problem of being the master of Fengdu.

And this is undoubtedly the most terrifying part. Once Fengdu has a master, it will not be passive defense like before, but can launch active attacks.

If Emperor Fengdu was still there, there would be no possibility of dead souls infecting the underworld, not even a trace.


At this moment, Fengdu Emperor Palace.

Li Su is still there, and his inscriptions are still being cast and forged. As long as this process is not over, he will naturally be unable to move.

When Xin Huoqi went out to beat someone before, he left him here and went out on his own.

Faced with this result, Li Su could only express that he was very hurt.

If it weren't for the original energy that also covered him and wrapped him in it, he would definitely protest against Xinhuo Qi's behavior.

However, he didn't have time to think about that at this moment, but looked at the treasure that appeared in front of him shortly after the third source was activated with a look of surprise.

Book of life and death!

It appeared again, right in front of Li Su.

For a long time, he couldn't help it anymore, "Don't you say something?"

He is self-aware and does not have that kind of family. All the treasures in the ancient world will recognize him as their master, especially the book of life and death in front of him. Although it is strange to say this, it is different from the fire flag, so it does not move after it appears. Looking at himself, he looked quite penetrating.


"This is the first sinister text, take a look."


Li Su was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but look at the words floating on the book of life and death. The words were far beyond imagination.

However, before he could see it clearly, the text moved and plunged directly into the center of Li Su's eyebrows, embedded deeply and penetrated into his brain.


Not only was he hesitant, Li Su started to wail directly, feeling as if someone had inserted a red iron rod into his brain.

The brain was cooked on the spot.

I couldn't help but my vision went black, and everything became hazy.

"Ah, I'm sorry, after comprehending the lower, middle and upper grades of Yinwen, the first-grade Yinwen does not need to be understood, it is."

"By the way, the underworld and the heaven."


"Destiny, you really don't."


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