Chapter 956 Exposed

And when Li Su was charged by Xuanhuang Tara, on the other side.

Tens of thousands of miles away from the mortal world, in a certain space.

Zhu Zhong and others who stayed behind and did not join the Tinder Project looked extremely ugly at this moment.

There were not many people, only about a thousand people in total.

The largest number of them are undoubtedly scientists. If you want to move and avoid in deep space, they are indispensable, and the rest are all practitioners.

Almost three hundred people.

Among them, five are in the magical power realm, and the rest are all in the magic power realm.

Although it is said that it is not even in the Immortal Realm, it is undoubtedly the strongest combat power in Xia Kingdom at present.

"Is it possible for us to just watch like this?"

"The signal has been received. The auras of the marshal and the minister have indeed appeared. If this continues, they will inevitably be noticed by the monsters in the Earthly Immortal Realm. Before they fully recover, once exposed, the two adults will undoubtedly die."

Someone spoke, his face extremely heavy.

Following his words, the atmosphere on the field immediately became heavier and heavier.

"Zhu Zhong, we must act."

"You have also heard the news brought by the people who have returned from the Mythical World. Now a huge change has occurred in the Mythical World. Brigadier General Yiren and the others are deeply involved in it, and their life and death are unpredictable."

"There is another tyrant, and there is no news about him so far."

"Two adults, it can be said that this is my last hope."

Facing that man's words, as the top leader among the remaining people, Zhu Zhong couldn't help but change his expression, and there was a look of great struggle in his eyes.

All this time, he has been waiting.

No, it should be said that everyone in the entire Xia Kingdom is waiting for news about Yi Ren, Zhang Shengying, Zhu Chihu, Yingzhan, and Li Su who are going there.

I hope that they will successfully break through, become immortals, or even surpass immortals, and then return from the mythical world.

However, after waiting for several years, what happened was that something happened in the world of mythology. Yi Ren and others did not know whether they would live or die. Not only that, the one who had the greatest expectations, Li Su, the number one genius of Xia Kingdom who was favored by his father and ministers, started from scratch. At the end it seemed to disappear.

There is no doubt that this is extremely bad news for Xia Guo.

Even Zhu Zhong and others couldn't help but feel despair for a moment, unable to see the future of Xia Kingdom.

After half a month, the atmosphere in the final stronghold can be said to be extremely heavy. Everyone feels like a rope is tied around their necks, and their breathing may be cut off at any time.

And in this extremely dark time, the extremely special life lamp from the world of immortality, which carried the soul of his father and the minister, was supposed to be extinguished, but it suddenly started burning again.

Father, and Minister Zhang are being resurrected!

Faced with this news, Zhu Zhong was greatly shocked. It is completely conceivable that one of them was his biological father. Not only that, but those two people had presided over the existence of the Xia Kingdom for decades. They could be said to be the backbone of the Xia Kingdom. .

After this period of time, to be honest, Zhu Zhong was very tired.

A huge burden was all placed on him, and the heaviness in his heart definitely exceeded that of everyone present.

Within a few years, his apparently full head of black hair had turned gray, and his face had a lot of wrinkles.

You must know that Zhu Zhong is a monk at the magical power level, which corresponds to the golden elixir stage. Although he is not as good as the immortal state, his lifespan has still undergone a huge transformation. He can live for more than a thousand years. As a result, he is only in his early fifties now, but he is already Old appearance appears.

Breathe in, breathe in, breathe in again.

After repeating this process five times, Zhu Zhong slowly raised his hand and said with great difficulty: "No matter!"

Hearing Zhu Chong's answer, the people who were looking forward to it were stunned. One of them couldn't help shouting: "Why? Zhu Chong, why? Those are Marshal and Minister Zhang."

"There is no such thing in the Tinder Plan. Since it is not there, then we can't move and can only wait!"

"Damn it, Zhu Zhong, do you know that the marshal is a fool!"

Zhu Zhong's face became colder and colder, his body couldn't help but tremble, and he directly interrupted the man's words, "I know!"

"However, the person who compiled the Fire Plan is also a marshal, and one of the items in that plan is to ensure the implementation of the Fire Plan, taking precedence over all other options!"

"Just the returner's appearance here has already attracted the attention of the demon clan. Although he lured people away, it is impossible for the demon clan to let him go wherever he passes."

"Outside now, there may be monsters looking down at the watchers. Once we take action, we may be noticed immediately."

"The meaning of our stay here is just to supplement the Fire Plan. The purpose is to wait for a hundred years, hoping that the geniuses of Xia Kingdom can surpass and have the strength to fight against the demon clan. Only in this way can we take action and stop the Fire Plan."

"Other than that, other things have nothing to do with us!"

Seeing his whole body trembling, his hair turning from gray to snow-white in an instant, and his face suddenly aging for decades, several people present couldn't help but take a breath, and the thoughts in their hearts were blocked in their throats. For a long time, I couldn't utter a single word.

"Damn the monsters, damn the monsters!"

Several people lowered their heads, almost crushing their teeth, and their wide-open pupils were filled with scarlet red, unwillingness, and weakness.

However, at this moment, there was movement outside the stronghold in the deep sky.

It's the demon clan, it appears.

Black wings, scarlet eyes, eyes full of coldness.

It's the Black Crow Clan!

He is not the Crow King, but he possesses the perfect strength of the late Immortal Realm.

Not just one, but a full five of them, and they were all about the same strength.

At this moment, one of the people was holding a bloody and mutilated person in his hand. They were not dead yet. These people's chests were rising and falling very weakly, and they were extremely injured.

As soon as they arrived, one of the Crow Kings lifted the person in his hand. He reached out and grabbed the opponent's head, and his magic power spurted out.

In an instant, the man couldn't help but shake. Even though he was out of breath and fell into coma, he still couldn't help but let out a shrill scream.

That's soul searching, an extremely violent method.

The brain of the person who suffered it will be as if a red-hot shovel has been inserted into it and stirred inside. Under this kind of search, the soul will be torn apart bit by bit, annihilated, and will never be reincarnated.

Not long after, the person who screamed completely lost all movement, and his only breath disappeared.

he died!

With a sudden forceful grip with his five fingers, he directly cracked the opponent's head. Looking at the splattering blood, the Black Crow who made the move said coldly: "Yes, they should be around here!"

In an instant, the five black crows looked at each other, and the huge mana quickly gathered, exploding directly around the five of them.

There was a loud boom, energy rushed around like a tsunami, and the huge space couldn't help but shake.

Along with the rippling vibrations, a different reaction was obvious in a certain position.

"it's here!!!"

The eyes of the five black crows lit up, and they rushed over without hesitation in the next second.


The space was distorted and began to collapse. When it reached its limit, it completely burst with a loud bang.

The hidden space on the outside is broken, and the nature on the inside is immediately discovered.

The pupils of Zhu Zhong and others who looked solemn suddenly shrank, and their faces instantly turned extremely pale. Have they been found? ? ?

After breaking into the stronghold, one of the five black crows spoke coldly, his scarlet eyes showing extremely murderous intent: "Finally I found you, the remnants of the Xia Kingdom!"

In the stronghold, Zhu Zhong's expression became extremely ferocious at this moment, his eyes were filled with determination. He reached out without hesitation and slapped the table in front of him with his palm.

It was not an ordinary conference table. It was hollow, with a compartment underneath and a red button.

As long as you press it, the entire stronghold will be destroyed and all of them will die.

It was a self-destruction system that had been prepared for this desperate scene.


However, just when Zhu Zhong's palm was less than an inch away from the conference table, huge pressure suddenly fell, and the space seemed to be filled with lead at this moment, so heavy that he could not move at all.

Looking at his hand that couldn't move at all, it was clear that the veins were popping out one by one, and the skin was bleeding due to excessive exertion, but he couldn't even move it. Zhu Zhong, who kept calm and suppressed his emotions and didn't care even if his father might be resurrected, finally couldn't bear it, opened his mouth unbearably, and let out a desperate cry.

"Move, move, move for me!!!"

However, what responded to Zhu Zhong was not his body, but an extremely cold voice, "It took a lot of effort to find it. How could I let you die so easily? Come on, take your time. Where are all the people from the Fire Project sent?" Okay, explain it clearly bit by bit, we have plenty of time, cut into pieces with a thousand cuts? Cut in half? Divide into pieces?

It doesn't matter, you can choose as you like, we are not in a hurry, not at all! "


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