One day, two days, three days.

It can be said that the most embarrassing thing in this life is undoubtedly today, now, at this moment!

It's too awful.

Five days, five whole days.

Do you know how he spent these five days?

Not to mention anything else, only the two weird skills of exploration and hole digging have been cultivated by him to the point where he is close to the transcendent and holy.

Especially the burrowing technology. If anyone is interested, Li Suneng will chat with him for three days and three nights, telling the person how mice burrow, how centipedes burrow, earthworms, rabbits, etc. .

That's right, what he mastered was not the burrowing skills of one kind of creature, but the burrowing skills of dozens of creatures.

There was no way, in order to cover up his own aura as much as possible, Li Su did not dare to reveal his strength at all, for fear of leaving behind his aura.

Under the ground, there are many native creatures.

Not to mention how strong they are, most of these creatures follow the instinct of animals, which is to hunt for food they are familiar with.

When underground creatures hunt, they usually use sounds and vibrations.

In other words, you can confirm whether it is your target through the movement of creatures traveling underground.

For this reason, Li Su could only constantly change animals and use completely different movements to avoid being targeted by other creatures.

Even so, he was blocked several times and was targeted by underground creatures. In order not to expose his own aura, Li Su could only suppress his power to a very low level and compete with underground creatures.

As a result, he was chased for nearly 300 kilometers by a rat that looked like it came out of Resident Evil.

There is no way, although that thing is ugly, but it is in the Taiyi realm, there are a bunch of brothers, and a father who is close to Da Luo.

Although it was embarrassing, the good thing is that after that time, the biggest crisis did not catch up.

Obviously, although the woman who fainted was very deceitful, she did not lie about one thing, that is, as long as she kept moving, it would be difficult for the other party to lock onto him.

Faced with this dilemma, Li Su didn't think of using Yuqing Supreme directly to escape.

But when he just gathered his magic power, he found an astonishing force emerging from under his feet. It seemed that as long as he activated his spatial magical power, it would explode on the spot. Li Su was so frightened that he quickly stopped performing the spatial magic.

Not only was this force full of malice, Xinhuo Qi even took the initiative to 'wake up' and remind him.

This power is very special, entangled with special cause and effect, and infused with extremely special constraints. It does not have any lethality, but is a special 'signal'.

This kind of technique existed in ancient times and was a method used by powerful people in great realms.

It is the law of Taoism, which is possessed by ‘giving up’.

Unless one can be untainted by cause and effect, it is impossible to eliminate these methods, not even the most precious treasure can do it.

Faced with Xin Huoqi's words, Li Su fell silent on the spot, and the appointment continued.

Are you kidding me? You can't be affected by the cause and effect?

What is the state of riding a horse?

A saint, and not an ordinary saint at all, must be a saint from the way of heaven.

Damn it, one billion Dao realms, it’s so unreasonable to ride a horse! ! !

The same goes for the special way that the woman left in his body.

It is somewhat similar in nature to that breath, and similar to a contractual spell. As long as he takes the other party and keeps escaping, there will be no problem.

Once the thought of leaving her is revealed, the magical power will react.

In this regard, Li Suzhen was like a fish on the chopping board, with no way to resist.

The main reason is that the meeting between them was too coincidental, and it was like a trap. Li Su was sent to the other party, and he was attacked without any time to prepare. This caused his body, soul, and avenue to be entangled. .

At that time, the treasure didn't dare to move. After all, even if he was seriously injured, the opponent was still a billion-level Daluo. In reality, a skinny camel was still bigger than a horse.

Of course, the above problems are actually not big.

What really gave Li Su his headache and toothache was that there was no movement at all, that woman!

It doesn't matter whether he recovers or he dies.

How about some news?

For five whole days, there was no movement at all in his ghost realm. The soul had sunk into the depths of the spiritual platform, almost like an animal in hibernation.

And, the most important thing is that this kind of hibernation is not restorative.

Rather, it is similar to turning on a self-protection mechanism to shock various parts and reduce stimulation to nerves to avoid excessive damage or danger.

Although in such circumstances, it has the effect of enhancing resilience.

But it is obvious that people who fall into this situation usually find it difficult to adjust themselves. Nine out of ten people will die.

And this woman's condition was even worse than it actually was. Not only was she severely injured, but she could still feel the amazing power entangled in the injured area, causing continuous damage to her.

In other words, this woman's situation at this moment has entered a situation where she can't survive, but she can't die.

Although the other party's injuries have been declining, there is a high probability that he will die completely.

But considering the strength of life in Daluo Realm, Li Su had a feeling. Although this feeling was extremely ridiculous, he really felt that he might not live to wait for her to die.

Thinking of this, Li Su couldn't help but want to scold his mother.

The laws of alien races cannot be solved.

He couldn't open this woman's technique.

At this moment, Li Su felt like the cat in Schrödinger, entering a state of neither life nor death.

Although I was very angry, my trigeminal nerve was so angry that my menstruation was cramped.

Li Su still had to calm down and find a third solution.

He actually thought of a way to do it. He didn't take any action as early as two days ago. He just wanted to wait. Maybe the woman could wake up on her own.

As a result, what awaited him was that the injury worsened, which directly shattered his expectations.

Li Su directly separated his mind and brought the woman in the ghost realm directly to the Buddhist kingdom.

There is no way, this woman's appearance is too evil. Without BUFF and state, she can't stand it at all. The longer she looks at her, the more lethal she will be.

The truth is strange. It's not like he has never seen beautiful women before. Once beauty is suppressed through consciousness, it is just a mere skin. The so-called pink skull is nothing more than that.

But this woman is different. There is a kind of magic in her that seems to penetrate into people's hearts. Female hormones can no longer be described as emitted, so they have to use the word "spray"!

Entering the Buddhist Kingdom, it must be said that the lethality dropped sharply and quickly dropped to a tolerable range.

Without hesitation, Li Su stepped forward and stretched out his hand, peeling off the other party's coat in the blink of an eye. It was a goose-yellow dress with cracks in many places. The spiritual energy was almost gone, but it was still very heavy. , is a very high quality magic weapon.

The worst material used is red gold, and of course there are other precious treasures.

The person who refined this piece of clothing should be a big shot, at least Da Luo level.

Even if it was damaged and almost 90% of the formations engraved on it were destroyed, Li Su could still feel its amazing defensive power and its hardness was comparable to that of a planet.

Although the technique is a bit rough, the person who made the weapon undoubtedly put a lot of thought into it, and it has the flavor of an immortal weapon.

As the coat was taken off, the jade-white arms, the perfect semicircle of the mountains, and the long legs with astonishing curvature were immediately exposed.

Facing this scene, Li Su couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Don't get me wrong, this is not about smelling incense. In fact, this woman is too demonic. She only exposed a little more, but her hormones seemed to explode. Even if she is in the Buddhist kingdom, her heart is as solid as a rock. , still shaken.

It took several minutes for Li Su to calm down slightly, and he used his magic power to flip the opponent's body.

By the way, I'm not taking advantage, or charging interest.

He was rescuing people and executing the plan he made two days ago.

That's right, because of his special magical power, he couldn't save himself, let alone surrender. The only way was to intervene as an outside force, treat this woman, and let her wake up.

And if you want to heal, you have to see the other person's injury and touch the other person's injury.

Taking off clothes is purely a helpless act. As I said just now, although the spirituality of the other party's clothes is ruined, the material itself has a defense equivalent to that of a planet.

It's too troublesome to see the opponent's injuries through it.

Also, although he can feel a trace of this woman's power, it is very deep and terrifying. If that thing has an infectious nature and his consciousness touches it, and it is infected,

You can only take off the other party's clothes, look for the wound with the naked eye, and then test it.

However, this inner armor looks a bit familiar, right?

By the way, he had seen it before. Looking through his memory, Li Su quickly recalled the impression of the tall bellyband that covered most of the other party's body.

It was not long after he arrived in the mythical world, but he was framed by the fat Taoist next door, causing him to be fished away with a fishing rod and entered an isolated island in the world.

It was there that he saw this inner armor. If he remembered correctly, this should be an immortal weapon and was inherited from the ancient times.

When he saw it, it was already severely damaged, and the aura had almost disappeared.

At that time, he also took action to repair it so that it would not completely collapse and die completely.

Although he turned around and forgot about it after that, he didn't expect that today after he achieved Taiyi, he would meet not only its owner again, but also its owner!

Thinking of this, Li Suya hurt again and was in a very bad mood.

He rescued him with good intentions, but his master almost cheated him to death. He was really a white-eyed wolf.


Frowning slightly, Li Su discovered that the condition of the inner armor was not only like that of the outer armor, it was also very bad, with almost no aura left.

What's more important is the crack on the bellyband, about three inches from the navel, where the attack occurred. An extremely bad mark can be seen there, leaving a very clear fist mark.

This is an immortal weapon. Regardless of its thin layer, in fact, the density within a short distance is probably incomparable to even a thousand-meter-wide city wall.

But the strange thing is that the point of explosion is not here, but extends to the position of the heart between the two peaks.

This is very strange!

The fairy weapon is not an ordinary magic weapon. There is free space inside. Even if the wound cannot be repaired, it will be inside, not outside, and will not be exposed at all.

Unless the situation of this magical weapon is known, the point where the punch should explode should be at the location of the hit, rather than crossing the heart a few inches away.

After all, a few inches here might be miles or hundreds of miles away on an immortal weapon.

In a battle at the billion level, there will undoubtedly still be some delay, which is a very dangerous behavior, enough for the opponent to counterattack several times, causing injury to oneself.

Of course, I have to say that the other party chose well. Basically, he suffered a certain amount of injuries in exchange for the heavy injuries of the woman in front of him. Otherwise, Da Luo, who is in the billions of realms, wants to decide the winner. In a one-on-one situation, The winner may not be known for several years.

Shaking his head, Li Su no longer paid attention to the opponent's injury, but looked at the fatal heart position.

The black and red power lurks inside, and a shocking crack can be seen, reaching straight to the heart, and is constantly destroying it.

Even after just looking at it with the naked eye, Li Su still felt great pressure, and there seemed to be a road running through his brain and soul.

Unable to help but take a few steps back, he took a few heavy breaths, feeling a little frightened.

Worthy of being a Daluo of the Billion Dao Realm, this power, for Taiyi, is as exciting as a mortal facing arsenic.

Soon, Li Su's eyes lit up.

Facing the regular Taoism, he really had nothing to do, but facing this extreme power, he had a way to deal with it.

As long as the structure of the avenue can be analyzed to a certain extent, although he cannot completely eliminate this power, he can reduce its lethality by destroying its structure.

During the game, he is not needed. This woman should be able to handle it by herself!

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