Feng Quji on the side suddenly walked over to Ying Zheng and bowed.

  "Your Majesty, there has been an empty mansion next door to the minister. The environment is good and no one has lived there, and the surrounding area is quite quiet."

  "Although the area is not the largest, Hechen's mansion is not too different. It is better to let the national teacher go there first, and then move there after the national teacher's mansion is built."

  Li Si originally thought that he would be able to perform in front of Ying Zheng and Su Wen this time.

  Who knew that he was cut off in the middle of the road.

  But at this time Ying Zheng was in front of him, and he didn't dare to talk nonsense.

  I can only stand there alone and my face is blue and purple for a while.

  Hearing Feng Quji's words, Ying Zheng looked at Su Wen and asked.

  "National teacher, look..."

  Su Wen had no opinion on this, so he nodded and said.

  "Okay, let's do this first."

  When Feng Quji heard this, a strong excitement flashed on the old face.

  "Okay, then I will personally bring the national teacher there in a while."


  The mansion was actually owned by Feng Quji himself, and it had just finished construction.

  Originally, he wanted to keep himself, but now he has encountered such a performance opportunity, how could he miss it?

  In his opinion, a house is a fart...  

  If you can attract the favor of the national teacher, even if you can't live forever, you will soar in the daytime.

  But at least his position will become more stable.

  Don't you see the arrogant Li Si beside him.

  Isn't it because he has seen the national teacher a few times that he is so highly regarded by the king?

  These days though he doesn't compete with Li Si.

  But he was sullen, he knew very well.

  Since there was no way before, so I can only endure it all the time.

  Now the opportunity has come, if you lick a wave, you will be a fool.

  And he also has his own little abacus.

  The house is next to his house, and they are all neighbors. It's not too much to visit occasionally.

  People come and go, if the national teacher can see the female children in his family, then he will probably be able to die.

  Different from his excitement, Li Si felt disgusting like eating a headless fly.

  He had the heart to refute it, but he really didn't have a mansion he could afford.

  So in the end he sighed and said nothing.

  The issue of where to stay has been resolved, Ying Zheng said to Su Wen.

  "National teacher, you and your wife must be hungry after traveling for so long, why don't we go to enjoy the banquet first."

  "Feast? By the way, where is Gao going?"

  Speaking of the banquet, Su Wen quickly thought of Gao Yao.

  This time, Lu Zhi, Lu Su, Shangguan Haitang, Duan Tianya, Cheng Zhengfei, and even Cui Wen's 3.8 son, Xiang Yu, all came.

  He only did not see the figure of Gao Yao.

  Hearing Su Wen's words, Ying Zheng said with a smile.

  "Brother Gao heard that the national teacher was returning today, so he went to the imperial kitchen in the palace early this morning to prepare a banquet."

  Although the chef in his own palace was already the best chef in the world before.

  But there is still a gap between them and Gao Yao's cooking skills.

  Gao Yao also knew that Su Wen liked the dishes he cooked, so he got up early to prepare a feast.

  Ying Zheng understood what he meant, but he didn't organize.

  After hearing Ying Zheng's words, Su Wen understood, and then he nodded.

  "Oh? Well, okay, let's go then."

  "National teacher please, three ladies, please..."


Chapter 142

  In the next few days, Yu Shu also followed Lu Su and the two women to take care of the business of Yongle Firm.

  And Su Wen himself was happy to be a little leisurely.

  One day, while he was sitting in the courtyard drinking tea alone, Fusu suddenly came to the door.

  "Teacher, the father invites you to go to the palace and say that there is something important to discuss."

  At the banquet of Su Wen's return, Ying Zheng proposed to help Su Bai Su Wen as a teacher.

  For this request, Su Wen did not refuse.

  After all, Fusu was much stronger than Hu Hai.

  At least his humility endeared him dearly.

  But he also knew that Su Wen was very quiet.

  So on weekdays, there is generally nothing to do and will not come to the door.

  On the contrary, Ying Zheng would come to ask Su Wen some questions from time to time.

  Su Wen also answered them one by one.

  And although he himself has the identity of a national teacher, he has never been to the DPRK once.

  Ying Zheng naturally did not dare to say anything.

  It's just that there is really something important right now, so I have to send Fusu over to invite him.

  Hearing Fu Su's words, Su Wen was stunned for a moment.

  Then he drank all the tea in the 16 cups, stood up and said to Fusu.

  "Let's go."


  "Your Majesty, do we really want to go to war with the Huns?"

  "Yes, Your Majesty, although the Xiongnu soldiers are not as brave as our Daqin soldiers, I have to admit that in terms of cavalry, they are indeed extremely strong."

  "Your Majesty, although I am a great Qin soldier, Gai Yong is unparalleled, but even if we win in the end, we will suffer at any time, and there will inevitably be other countries taking advantage of it."

  "Think again, Your Majesty."

  "Your Majesty, please think twice."


  Ying Zheng glanced at the minister under the stage lightly, and then said.

  "This is not the first time the Huns have invaded our Daqin territory. This time the widowers will not be soft-hearted."

  "In addition, this matter is not my own decision. You will know when the national teacher comes."

  According to Ying Zheng's own thoughts, this is not a good time to start a full-scale war.

  Although they have a large number of troops in Daqin, and the quality of the soldiers is extremely high.

  But it is impossible to use the whole country to resist the Huns.

  If the losses are heavy at that time, it will not only be Baiyue in the Lingnan area.

  Even the remnants of the six kingdoms in Daqin will definitely seize this opportunity.

  There will be chaos in the world by then.

  But after the last discussion with Su Wen.

  It was only then that he learned that this world was much bigger than he imagined.

  And he was just a frog in the well.

  A raging flame ignited in his heart.

  At this time, he not only regained his youthful appearance, but also regained his youthful ambitions.

  And his goal this time was even bigger than last time.

  He wants to go all the way to the west and let Da Qin's figure spread all over the world.

  If it was just himself, he naturally couldn't do this.

  But now with the help of Su Wen, he believes that no matter what happens, it can be solved smoothly.

  He naturally knew that Su Wen didn't like trouble, and he didn't like going to court.

  So he has never been forced to come.

  He even went to his mansion himself all the time.

  But he also knew that the crusade against the Xiongnu was not a trivial matter, and it was not something he could explain clearly.

  Therefore, I can only ask Fusu to personally invite him to come.

  When the ministers heard Ying Zheng's words, they all stopped talking.

  If Ying Zheng brought it up, they might object.

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