"Just like a person, if a person walks barefoot for a long time, the soles of the feet will surely grind into large blisters or even fester."

  "And the same is true for horses. You should also know that when horses run for a long time and long distances, their hooves are easy to break or even fall off."

  "Once the hoof breaks or falls off, then the horse is useless."

  "If this happens in the middle of a war, then needless to say, it must end up dead."

  "And this horseshoe solves this problem very well."

  "This artifact not only enables the horse's hoof to step on the ground firmly, but also greatly avoids damage to the horse's hoof."

  "Even if the horseshoe eventually wears out, it can be replaced as much as possible."

  "In this way, the problem of horses has been completely solved, so the next two artifacts are prepared for people."

  Speaking of this, Su Wen listened slightly, and then he set his eyes on Meng Tian in the hall.

  "General Meng Tian, ​​what do you think are the most common problems encountered by the cavalry when fighting?"

  Meng Tian was still thinking about the horseshoe that Su Wen just mentioned.

  As a general who has fought for years and months, he naturally knows a lot about horses.

  As Su Wen 3.8 said, during their long rush to fight, the horse's hoof sometimes breaks.

  Once worn, the horse falls over, and the soldier on its back usually falls half-dead.

  Greatly reduced the overall combat power of the Daqin army.

  So he had thought about how to solve this problem before, and even tried many methods.

  But in the end it was somewhat unsatisfactory.

  But now the horseshoe invented by Su Wen is a perfect solution to this problem.

  There is a very thick cuticle on the horse's hoof itself.

  Therefore, the horseshoes are nailed with iron nails, and the horses will not feel any pain.

  And in this way, the wear of the horseshoe is reduced, and the stability will be improved.

  And this is extremely useful in combat.

  It can be said that such a thing is much more useful than the previous steel knife. .

Chapter 147

  "General Meng Tian, ​​the national teacher is questioning you."

  "Hey, General Meng Tian, ​​speak up."

  "What are you doing, General Meng Tian, ​​the king's face has changed, please answer quickly."


  Seeing that Meng Tian didn't speak for a long time, all the ministers beside him reminded him in a low voice.

  Ying Zheng's expression changed when he saw that Meng Tian didn't reply for a long time.

  "Meng Tian, ​​the national teacher is asking you something, why don't you speak?"

  In his opinion, the hundred steel refining and the three major artifacts that Su Wen made are things that can change the entire Daqin.

  To say that Su Wen is the greatest hero of Da Qin, there is no problem at all.

  Therefore, while Ying Zheng has a deep respect for Su Wen in his heart, he also has a very strong gratitude to him.

  If the previous new agricultural products have completely helped Daqin solve the hidden dangers of food.

  Vaccines solve the hidden dangers of plague.

  The appearance of paper and brushes promoted the spread of Daqin culture and education.

  Well, the Hundred Steel Smelting and the Three Great Artifacts that have been made now have a great role in promoting Daqin's military and overall national strength.

  It can be said that Daqin solved the problems that he and even his father's seven generations had not solved with the strength of one person.

 16 Everyone says that meritorious power builds the master, and the king is like a tiger.

  However, in Ying Zheng's heart, he never had any thoughts about Su Wen.

  In his opinion, Su Wen is the messenger sent by God to help him unify the whole world, a real immortal.

  And although he is noble as an emperor, how can he be compared with an immortal?

  So apart from the admiration and gratitude in his heart, he didn't have any other bad emotions.

  And now Meng Tian dared to ignore the words of the national teacher, which made his face a little bad.

  Meng Tian is his subject, and he still respects the national teacher extremely, so what is a great general?

  Hearing Ying Zheng's words, Meng Tian woke up from the shock just now.

  He raised his head and saw Ying Zheng's somewhat unkind face.

  He couldn't help his face change, and hurriedly stepped forward and bowed.

  "I also ask for your forgiveness, the king, and the national teacher. Meng Tian was immersed in the shock of the horseshoe just now. The national teacher is really an immortal, and Meng Tian really admires it."

  "But Meng Tian knew that he was neglected just now, and asked the national teacher and the king to convict him."

  When Ying Zheng heard Meng Tian's words, his face improved a bit, he turned to look at Su Wen and said.

  "National teacher, do you see this?"

  In fact, he was also a little complicated at this time. On the one hand, Meng Tian ignored the words of the national teacher, which means that he did not respect the national teacher and should be punished.

  On the other hand, Meng Tian is his favorite general, and he has made great contributions to Da Qin throughout his life.

  At the same time, he has been a general of the family for generations and is a hero of Da Qin.

  So from the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to blame Meng Tian.

  So for a while he was in trouble, so he asked Su Wen directly, wanting to see what he meant to do.

  If Su Wen forgives him, then naturally everyone will be happy.

  If Su Wen didn't forgive him, he would lick his old face and beg for Meng Tian's life.

  But why is Su Wen so stingy, it's just that things didn't respond to his words.

  Is it possible that he would also take someone's life for this?

  That must be a bit too brutal.

  Moreover, Meng Tianwei's understanding of the role of horseshoes is definitely higher than that of everyone present except him.

  So the shock in his heart must be even greater.

  And he felt that before that, Meng Tian must have thought about how to solve the problem of horseshoe damage.

  Just haven't found a good way yet.

  So it's quite normal to be shocked at this time.

  Of course, although the horseshoe has a great effect, if there is no blessing from the other two artifacts, the basic danger of cavalry has not been solved.

  He waved his hand towards Ying Zheng, and then asked Meng Tian.

  "Meng Tian, ​​let me ask you, what do you think is the most serious problem among the Daqin cavalry?"

  Meng Tian was hesitant this time, and hurriedly responded.

  "In addition to the problem of horseshoe damage that the national teacher said before, there is another problem."

  "The Daqin warriors are not like those Hu people who spend almost their entire lives on horseback, so even after hard training, the difference in riding skills between the two is still too big."

  "The main reason is that, on the back of a horse, not only is it bumpy, but at the same time, you have to use your legs to control the connection between your body and the horse."

  "Once the war begins, when the two sides confront each other, many will be shot down due to the impact of the collision of forces, so generally speaking, it is difficult to exert their true strength."

  Having said this, he listened.

  He trained for Daqin day and night, and naturally he was very familiar with each type of army.

  Compared with the cavalry, his Daqin infantry was invincible in land combat.

  Then there are many grasslands in the Xiongnu area, which is more suitable for cavalry fighting.

  If there are no cavalry, then he has only one way to deal with it, and that is to take advantage of the terrain, seize the commanding heights, and use a long-range attack to instantly destroy the Xiongnu's army.

  Daqin's crossbow arrows can be said to be the world's number one in this era, so there is no problem in doing this.

  Therefore, if there is no Su Wen, so many Xiongnu, he also has some chance of winning.

  Su Wen nodded in satisfaction when he heard Meng Tian's answer.

  "You're right. The purpose of riding is the fit between the rider and the horse. How to alleviate the impact of the collision on the horse is the key to solving the problem of poor equestrianism."

  The following two things completely solve this problem.

  As he said that, he took the remaining pictures and faced them to the minister under the stage.

  "The two things are the Takahashi saddle and the stirrup."

  "The function of the 053 is to allow the rider to stay on the horse's back firmly."

  "The Takahashi saddle can control the rider's body shape to prevent falling off the horse, and the stirrups play a great role in releasing force, which really allows the warrior to realize the unity of man and horse, and can play his due strength in war. "

  Although these two things are extremely simple to make, they are not things that exist in this era at all.

  It can be said that with the combination of horseshoes, Bai completely played the role of cavalry.

  In this era of cold weapons, it can be said to have a revolutionary role.

  When Su Wen finished speaking.

  Those civil servants were okay, in addition to being shocked, they were able to hold on to it.

  But those generals couldn't sit still.

  With these three artifacts, their warriors can completely transform into cavalry.

  It has more room to play on its own. With these conditions and blessings, what are those Huns worth?

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