Except for the little eunuchs who do chores, these royal chefs are all capable people themselves.

  So it didn't take long - to learn about it.

  And Ying Zheng was not stingy, he gave Gao Yao a restaurant directly, and he personally mentioned a plaque.

  If it is said that Yongle Firm is the largest and most popular firm in Xianyang.

  Then the Gaoyao Yonglezhai is the most popular restaurant in Xianyang.

  With the title of God of Cookery, which was canonized by Ying Zheng, as well as a plaque written by himself.

  Even if it is made of pig feed, someone will definitely eat it.

  What's more, Gao Yao himself is the best chef in Da Qin.

  So it can be said that he is very busy now.

  In fact, it seems that among these people, only Su Wen has nothing to do all day long, basking in the sun leisurely.

  As for the other people, including Cheng Zhengfei, they are all too busy.

  Since Gao was busy, naturally there was no way to invite him to arrange the banquet.

  So Ying Zheng could only leave it to those royal chefs to carefully prepare these things.

  If the cook is not good, then the materials will be collected.

  It can be said that the ingredients used in the dishes at this banquet are extremely rare in Da Qin.

  Some are even found in very remote places.

  Su Wen doesn't care about these things. He is used to eating the dishes that Gao wants to do, and he doesn't feel any taste when eating other dishes.

  In terms of appearance, these things are not as good as the high-quality ones, and the taste is also worse.

  Fortunately, the ingredients are precious, and Su Wen has never seen many things, so it tastes very good.

  He took a casual bite and nodded.

  "not bad."

  When Ying Zheng saw this scene, he also secretly claimed to be tongue-in-cheek.

  Among these things, there are some things that even he has not eaten.

  But looking at Su Wen's appearance, he obviously didn't care.

  But he felt normal.

  In his opinion, Gao Yao is also an immortal, a god of cook who specializes in cooking for Su Wen.

  In the fairy world, what ingredients are not available?

  These things may be extremely rare here, but in the Immortal Realm, I am afraid that even weeds are inferior.

  Thinking of this, Ying Zheng suddenly wanted to know where Su Wen came from.

  He has long heard that there are overseas immortal islands outside Daqin.

  Immortals live on the immortal island, but ordinary people cannot step into it.

  He thought that he would have to go to the immortal island to find the figure of the immortal.

  Who would have known that he met Su Wen when he passed through Pei County.

  It's just that he didn't know whether Su Wen came from the immortal island.

  Or gods from other places.

  Thinking of this, he asked Su Wen tentatively.

  "National teacher, I wonder if you are from overseas Xiandao?"

  After hearing his words, the ministers below also stretched their ears one by one.

  In fact, they were also very curious about where Su Wen came from.

  According to the information they knew, it seemed that Su Wen appeared out of thin air.

  The place where it first appeared was in the woods on the outskirts of Kuaiji City.

  There is no other information at all.

  It was as if this man had just fallen from the sky.

  In addition, Su Wen made a series of things they have never seen before, as well as his own strength.

  That's why they regarded Su Wen as a fairy.

  After hearing Ying Zheng's question at this time, the lobby that had been noisy just now suddenly became quiet.

  And Su Wen was also stunned.

  Overseas immortal island?

  He came from modern times, where is there any overseas immortal island.

  But he, who is familiar with history, knows exactly what Ying Zheng is referring to.

  He also remembered that it was recorded in historical books that a warlock stated that there were three islands in the sea: Penglai, Abbot and Yingzhou.

  These islands are the places where the gods live, and there are even "elixir of immortality" in them.

  Those who take the "Elixir of Immortality" will be able to "live forever".

  After hearing this, Ying Zheng was very moved, and fantasized about becoming an immortal immortal.

  In 219 BC, Xu Fu, a native of Qi, wrote about the fairyland on the sea.

  So Ying Zheng sent him to send thousands of boys and girls into the sea to find immortals.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  Then Ying Zheng went to the east coast, the Jianghuai Valley and the north to cruise continuously from 219 BC to 215 BC.

  Wherever he goes, there are engraved stones extolling his merits.

  In 214 BC, Ying Zheng asked Lu Sheng from Yan to seek traces of immortals such as Xianmen and Gaozhi, and later asked Han Tong, Duke Hou, Shi Sheng and others to ask for the immortality medicine of immortals.

  And there are Confucian scholars admonishing him for his obsession with longevity.

  And this also contributed to the subsequent burning of books and Confucianism.

  However, as far as the current time is concerned, Xu Fu should have just left the sea not long ago.

  And Ying Zheng is also the first time to parade, but he met Su Wen on the way, and obtained Zengyuan Dan.

  Although only one Jiazi's lifespan is increased.

  But for now, isn't this the equivalent of living again?

0 ......  

  Therefore, Ying Zheng is not very worried about whether Xu Fu will come back.

  In his opinion, there is a national teacher, and other immortals are nonsense.

  With such a great god, are you afraid that you will not get the elixir of life in the future?

  But whether he cared or not, Su Wen knew that Xu Fu didn't go to Penglai, Abbot, or Yingzhou at all.

  Instead, he fled directly to the island country by the signs of the elixir.

  And this island country is also the first place Su Wen plans to take after conquering the Huns and conquering Baiyue.

  In addition, there is the vast Eurasian continent, and the uninhabited American continent, which is his target of conquest.

  Since coming here, what Su Wen wants to do is to completely change the future history of Huaxia.

  Let the entire China truly stand on the top of the world.

  He glanced slightly at the ministers below, then glanced at Ying Zheng again, and then said.

  "I'm not from Xiandao. The place I came from is very far from here, and you can't reach it in your life."

  He felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said.

  He came from the modern era more than 2000 years later. The distance from Daqin at this time is not a space interval but a time interval.

  And this gap is simply impossible to cross.

  Even in the original plot of the myth.

  After Yi Xiaochuan and Gao Yao traveled here, they could only rely on time and more than 2000 years to get together with their families.

  Of course that's also because of the elixir of life.

  If there is no elixir, it is estimated that the ashes will be turned into powder.Small.

Chapter 151

  A place they can never go to?

  Including Ying Zheng, everyone present was shocked.

  At this time, in their hearts, Su Wen's status has risen a bit unconsciously.

  Originally, they thought that the national teacher was an immortal from the overseas immortal island.

  But the national teacher actually said no.

  And it is said that it is a place they will never reach.

  Could it be the legendary fairyland?

  And the national teacher is the true immortal from the fairyland.

  After getting this answer, everyone seemed more respectful.

  At the same time, they moved carefully one by one.

  The national teacher is a god.

  Ordinary things are impossible to please the national teacher.

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