In addition to the value of gold and silver itself.

  Gold reserves are also the premise and credit support for currency issuance.

  The amount of gold reserves of a country determines the use of national credit, and national credit determines the amount of currency issued.

  It can be said that gold and silver banknotes still affect everyone until modern times.

  This is exactly why Su Wen proposed this kind of monetary policy.

  Its purpose is naturally to maintain and regulate Daqin's economic market with the state.

  Only in this way can we move towards prosperity and strength in a stable and stable manner.

  However, as the first emperor of the feudal society of the Celestial Dynasty, Ying Zheng was naturally not very clear about this.

  After the reunification of the six countries, there were serious internal and external problems.

  Therefore, Ying Zheng did not study this issue carefully.

  But unified currency, unified weights and measures.

  It was a very correct move.

  So Su Wen admired Ying Zheng for throwing upside down.

  He looked at Ying Zheng's confused look and smiled, then continued.

  "Silver is the main currency."

  "These currencies need to be exchanged, so from now on, an organization is needed to be responsible for this."

  "And this organization was turned into a bank by me."


  Where am I, who am I, what am I doing?

  This is what Ying Zheng thought at this time.

  He considered himself to be an extremely intelligent person.

  But what Su Wen said, he did not understand at all.

  Su Wen saw the doubt in his eyes and continued.

  "Yes, it's a bank. We can establish a bank headquarters in the center, that is, in the palace, and then open branch banks in various places."

  "Banks have the functions of deposit, withdrawal and exchange."

  "On weekdays, the money that the people and businessmen can't spend can be deposited in the bank."

  "And this will use the silver bills, which are the banknotes I told you before."

  "Silver notes can be exchanged for the same amount of silver taels and have the same value according to the above specifications."

  "That is to say, the five thousand taels of silver notes can be spent as five thousand taels of silver."

  "In this way, there is no need to accumulate coins at home, and there is no need to worry about being stolen."

  "What's more important is that the banknotes are extremely thin and easy to carry, which can greatly facilitate those merchants to buy and sell goods back and forth, thereby further promoting the development of the market."

  "On the other hand, our headquarters bank can control the currency circulating in the market by recycling and issuing bank notes, thereby regulating the entire market to prevent market damage."

  "At the same time, some people save the silver taels that they can't use. We can invest in other things. We just need to return them when they want to use them."

  "Since this way, the entire economic chain of our Daqin will be fully operational, and there will be no other problems. What do you think?"

  After listening to Su Wen's words, Ying Zheng's face showed a hint of ecstasy.


  The image of genius.


  It's the idea of ​​a fairy.

  If he let him think about these things, he would not be able to think of them at all.

  But Su Wen solved it easily.

  He thought Su Wen was right.

  Under this measure, Daqin's entire economic chain is linked together.

  Not only greatly promoted the circulation of the market, but also the development of the economy.

  At the same time, this economic chain is firmly in the center, that is, in his hands.

  Since then, it has solved the problem of social stability.

  Those chaotic parties will surely make no waves at that time.

  It really is a perfect idea that kills multiple birds with one stone.

  "Guo, national teacher, you, you are really amazing."

  "If you want me to think about these things, it's impossible for me to figure it out."

  "I, I, I, I don't even know what to say."

  That series of new crops helped Da Qin completely solve the food problem.

  The hundred steelmaking, the three major artifacts and the series of new weapons greatly enhanced the military power of Daqin...  

  And now this perfect economic system has directly driven the economic development of the entire Daqin.

  The combination of the three greatly stabilized his dominance.

  It can be said that now even if someone wants to rebel.

  Then it must be just some jumping clowns.

  Water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it.

  Those who win the hearts of the people will win the world.

  In today's world, there are Su Wen's followers everywhere.

  At the same time, they thought from the bottom of their hearts that they were part of Daqin.

  Under this strong sense of belonging.

  Who will rebel?

  Could it be that you have enough to eat?

  Since then, the country's interior will not be more worried.

  More troops can be used to expand outwards.

  Sooner or later, he Daqin will be able to stand on top of the world.

  And all of this comes from this man who is like a fairy in front of him.

  At this time, Ying Zheng didn't know what to say.

  If it wasn't for Su Wen's disdain for this position, he would have wanted to retire and hand over the throne to him directly.

  But he knew very well that Su Wen was not such a person.

  Otherwise, with his strength, he would have already died.

  Su Wen glanced at him speechlessly, feeling that he was really making a fuss.

  "What are you, there are still problems to be solved, do you know how those banknotes came from?"

  Hearing Su Wen's words, Ying Zheng suddenly calmed down.

  He apologized to Su Wen and then said.

  "The national teacher's lesson is right, Ying Zheng 3.8 is still a little too impetuous."

  "It's just that Ying Zheng's heart is really too excited, because under this move of the national teacher, all problems will be solved perfectly."

  "Then ask the national teacher to express how to get those silver notes."

  This time Su Wen didn't answer his question directly, but stood up and took a bound book from his cabinet.

  After opening the book, there were a lot of crooked small characters written on the paper inside, which made Su Wen couldn't help laughing.

  Ying Zheng smiled awkwardly, naturally knowing what Su Wen was laughing at.

  Paper and brushes have not been around for a long time, so writing is not very good.

  In Su Wen's view, this is if it is the graffiti of those elementary school students who can't write well.

  However, he also understands that, after all, the emergence of a cultural way to be fully accepted does require a process. .

Chapter 157

  Su Wen carefully flipped the pages of the book, and then said.

  "Ying Zheng, what do you think of Daqin's current education and the use of talents?"

  Listening to Su Wen's somewhat modern tone, Ying Zheng also thought for a long time before responding.

  "The national teacher should be talking about the system of literacy and the selection of officials?"

  Su Wen nodded.

  "You can understand that."

  Ying Zheng supported his chin and fell into thought.

  The Qin Dynasty ruled the country with legalism.

  Legalism advocates "Take the law as the teaching and the official as the teacher."

  That is to say, private schools and education cannot be established in the marketplace.

  Except for the literati, there are no people with the ability to write in the whole society.

  If people want to learn writing, they can only learn from government officials. Government officials assume the responsibilities of education administrators and teachers.

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