Ying Zheng cleared his throat and said.

  "You should have heard what the national teacher just said. Do you have any different opinions?"

  The civil servants and military generals under the stage looked at each other, and then spoke together.

  "What the national teacher said is that the ministers fully agree with the measures of the national teacher."

  Ying Zheng nodded with satisfaction and said to Li Si.

  "Okay, then Li Si will leave the construction of the Ling Canal to you. You should be able to do it, okay?"

  When Li Si heard this, he was stunned at first, and then he was overjoyed.

  He hurried forward and said.

  "The minister leads the order, and the minister will never disappoint the king."

  Ying Zheng nodded in response.


  Then he glanced around and prepared to say the theme of the day.

  "In addition to building the canal and setting up a supervisory department, the National Teacher proposed several important changes when he communicated with the widows yesterday."

  "If these changes are completed, then the strength of my Daqin will be greatly improved."

  Having said this, he paused slightly, and then continued.

  "Of course, other than that, it may harm the interests of some people, but compared with Da Qin's fate, the few people feel that this is inevitable."

  "The following people will explain the pros and cons to you one by one. As for whether you understand it or not, it is up to you."

  In fact, Ying Zheng didn't need to talk to them so much.

  When will Ying Zheng's decision be affirmed by others?

  But these things are proposed by Su Wen.

  Since he told himself, he naturally wanted to make himself clear.

  After Su Wen left yesterday, he carefully thought about and extended the specific methods of those measures.

 070 and carefully thought about the pros and cons.

  In the end, he came to the conclusion that this matter had a great promoting effect on Da Qin.

  And the only resistance is nothing else, that is, these ministers in the DPRK.

  That is, because he is very aware of the reactions of these people, he has been hesitant in the past.

  And in the end, so many unpleasant things happened.

  He cleared his throat and looked straight ahead.

  "In addition to the problems raised by Feng Qing's family, there is another big problem that my Daqin encountered this time, and that is that our currency system is somewhat imperfect."

  "After the unification of the six countries, I unified the currency in Daqin into half liang copper coins and a small amount of gold."

  "In the past, it was not obvious, but when my business in Daqin developed, I found all kinds of disadvantages."

  "One of them is the accumulation of copper coins that Li Si raised before. Too many coins can't be spent, and they are all piled up together."

  "If the protection measures are improper, copper rust may develop on many copper coins, which will cause great losses."

  "In addition, due to the development of business, some businessmen may go to other places to purchase."

  "But the value of copper coins is too low, and merchants often need to carry a lot of heavy copper coins to other places, which is very inconvenient."

  "So on these two issues, the national teacher suggested a method to me.".

Chapter 173

  The ministers in the audience were also shocked when they heard Ying Zheng's words.

  They have always been pampered and don't have to worry about money, but they haven't thought about this problem.

  Indeed, as Ying Zheng said, apart from their aristocratic families, most of the money in circulation in the market is Qin Banliang.

  The purchasing power of the value of these copper coins is very low, and if you are only responsible for daily expenses, you will not feel it.

  But if you buy large items such as houses, it often takes several carriages to transport the money.

  This is not only inconvenient, but also prone to various accidents during transportation.

  And as Ying Zheng said, merchants come and go to buy goods from other places, even if they use multiple carriages, but the upper limit of their carrying is extremely low.

  In this way, the circulation efficiency of its commodities is greatly reduced, which is not conducive to the development of commerce.

  So when they heard Ying Zheng's words, they knew exactly where he wanted to reform.

  And the fact was exactly as they thought, and then they heard Ying Zheng speak.

  "Then next, I will give you a detailed explanation."

  "First of all, the half-liang coins circulating in the market will not go away for the time being, and a new type of currency, gold and silver, will be added, and the main currency in circulation will be silver."

  "In the commercial market, silver is the main currency in circulation. The unit of conversion is that one tael of silver is equal to 1000 copper coins, while one tael of gold is equal to 100 taels of silver."

  Hearing Ying Zheng's words, the ministers were shocked.

  They naturally know that this is definitely not the original brass, but gold and silver that have not been used as the main currency in circulation.

  However, the quantity of these metals is extremely low and extremely rare in Da Qin.

  Is it really feasible if these are used as the main currency in circulation?

  Thinking of this, Feng Jie couldn't help but stand up.

  "Your Majesty, do I think there is something wrong with this matter?" "

  "Let's not talk about the prices of those gold and silver, but in my Daqin, both gold and silver are extremely rare, and my Daqin's people are more than [-] million, so no matter how we think about it, we should not have enough quantities. It's just right for making money."

  Hearing this, Ying Zheng was also taken aback.

  He hadn't thought about this issue before. Although the number of gold and silver mines was relatively small, in his opinion, it was enough to make a small amount of money.

  Moreover, the half liang of money in the market will not be cancelled, plus the silver bills to be released, as long as there is a certain amount of gold and silver within the scope of the market, it should be completely sufficient.

  But now when Feng Jie raised this question, he was also a little sluggish.

  At this time, he couldn't help but turn his eyes to Su Wen who was beside him.

  However, Su Wen's face was as indifferent as always, as if he had already made up his mind about this matter.

  Feeling Ying Zheng's gaze, Su Wen said lightly.

  "You don't have to worry about this issue. I have already thought about it, and I will continue."

  In fact, many silver and gold mines in Daqin have not yet been discovered.

  However, among Su Wen's rewards these days, there happened to be a map of the distribution of rare metal mines in Daqin.

  Among them are rich silver and gold mines.

  Of course, he couldn't hand over these things to Ying Zheng unconditionally, but he was going to do it in a transaction later.

  In addition, the purpose of territorial expansion itself is to plunder a large amount of resources. Otherwise, what is the use of a large tract of land?

  Moreover, Daqin itself has several silver and gold mines, but due to its low technical level, very few can be extracted.

  This is also the reason why, under the current circumstances, a large number of them have not yet begun to circulate in the market.

  Therefore, as long as there are some special processes, a large amount of pure gold and silver can be extracted from it, which should be enough.

  After hearing Su Wen's words, Ying Zheng was completely relieved.

  He continued speaking right in the throat.

  "In addition to this, banks are opened in various places, and banks have functions such as currency exchange, deposits, and withdrawals."

  "There is no need to say much about the function of currency exchange. You can use copper coins to exchange silver taels, you can use silver taels to exchange gold, and you can exchange them with each other."

  "In addition, currency in private circulation can be deposited and withdrawn at banks, and silver taels can be exchanged for silver notes. Silver notes and silver taels have the same value and can be used directly."

  "In this way, the convenience of currency has been greatly improved. Those merchants do not need to accumulate a large amount of currency in their homes. They only need to carry extremely thin silver bills to purchase a large amount of goods when they go out."

  "At the same time, the number of issued silver bills should be controlled to be consistent with the amount of silver in circulation in the market. In this case, we can control the operation of the entire Daqin economy through recycling and issuance."

  ".ˇIn this way, the entire economic chain of Daqin will be completely connected, so next I will set up a central bank to control the banks in various places."

  Having said that, Ying Zheng stopped and turned his attention to the ministers.

  And the hearts of those ministers were also moved. If it was really according to what Ying Zheng said, then the power of this department was absolutely enormous.

  Because it directly controls the economic operation of the entire Daqin, they all have some ideas in their hearts at this time, and there is this department in their hands.

  However, due to the previous reasons, no one stepped forward to be this early bird, so for a while, the atmosphere of the whole court was slightly subtle.

  Everyone in this department wants to hold it in their hands, but in the imperial court, apart from Li Si and Feng Quji, no one else is qualified to take this position.

  Since the previous incident made Ying Zheng a little unhappy, Feng Quji also knew that he would not suffer the price, so he did not stand up.

  As soon as Li Si (of Zhao's) took over the task of building the Grand Canal, he felt that he might have a chance, so he stepped forward and said.

  "Your Majesty, this minister is willing to take charge of this matter."

  At this moment, Li Si's heart skipped a beat, because he knew very well the significance of the bank to Da Qin.

  If he can really take it into his own hands, then his power can definitely be raised a notch.

  However, he thought very well, but the reality was not as good as he wanted.

  Because in Ying Zheng's heart, he had already felt good, so the bank, the school, and the supervision department were all handed over to Su Wen's wives to manage.

  So no matter what kind of thoughts they have, it is impossible to touch the core positions of these departments, let alone control these powers.

  Ying Zheng glanced at him lightly, and then said.

  "I have already thought about who to give this matter to. The Li Qing family should try their best to complete the task that the good widow gave you."

Chapter 174

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