At this time, Su Wen couldn't help but nodded.

  This reminded him of an ancient poem.

  "King Qin sweeps Liuhe, and the tiger looks at He Xiongzai! Swipe his sword to destroy the clouds, and all the lords come to the west."

  This ancient poem was written by Li Taibai.

  In it, it is described that Ying Zheng once swept the six kingdoms with the might of a tiger watching a tornado.

  With the sword of the emperor and the sword of the sword, the domineering arrogance of all the princes of various countries to migrate to Xianyang.

  In the previous time, although Ying Zheng's body recovered young.

  But he still lost a sense of arrogance and courage.

  However, today, he saw these two points again in Ying Zheng.

  This is the Qin Shihuang in his impression.

  Ying Zheng's gaze was like a sharp sword swept across the faces of the ministers in the audience.

  Wherever they passed, all the ministers, without exception, lowered their heads and dared not look at them.

  They are definitely a little different from today's king.

  I'm afraid what happens next will be anything but ordinary.

  To be honest, everyone felt a little more fear at this time.

  The so-called companion is like companion tiger, the higher the position, the more consideration is needed.

  Otherwise, in the end, I'm afraid I don't know how to die.

  Li Si lowered his head and thought about what Ying Zheng was going to tell them next.

  Right now, this is definitely not the case.

  And seeing Ying Zheng's constant glance at him, it is very likely that this matter has something to do with him.

  But no matter what, this time he can only support it, never oppose it.

  Because he can see it out, Ying Zheng is definitely determined this time.

  If you stop it, then whoever stops it will definitely die.

  After Ying Zheng looked around at them, he looked straight ahead and said lightly.

  "In addition to the currency and market issues just mentioned, I still have a problem in Daqin."

  "Then next, I will announce my decision directly."

  This time he wasn't talking about gain or loss.

  Because no matter how you say it, the facts will not change.

  The interests of these ministers have been greatly damaged.

  And after he said these words, the hearts of the ministers seemed to sink to the bottom.

  In the past, Ying Zheng would ask them for some advice no matter what the event was.

  However, not this time.

  This time he was going to announce his decision directly.

  That is to say, this time his decision does not allow anyone to change it.

  And what they think most at this time is how much impact this reform will have on them.

  Such a decision would be made directly.

  And this time, Ying Zheng didn't ask them to wait any longer, but said.

  "From the next day, schools and private schools will be opened in all parts of Daqin, and institutions of higher learning will be opened in the center of Xianyang."

  "All the people of Daqin, no matter how high or low, poor or rich, can enter private schools to study."

  "At the same time, the subjects are set to five subjects: Sinology, Science, Geographical Miscellaneous, Ideological and Political and Military Theory."

  "Anyone who graduates with honors in a local school will be eligible to enter an institution of higher learning."

  "The institutions of higher learning are the selection agencies for my Daqin officials. Those who successfully graduate from the institutions of higher learning have the opportunity to enter the official career."

  "Those with excellent grades can directly enter the DPRK as an official, while those with poor grades can return to the locality to serve as teachers, responsible for continuing to teach students."

  "In addition, since there are currently no suitable teachers in my Daqin, a special institution has been established to train teachers."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  "Anyone who is a teacher of Daqin will be specially awarded the title of professor, and at the same time, he will be awarded a title and a land reward to reward those who have provided a large number of talents for our Daqin."

  Having said that, Ying Zheng did not go on.

  It was already obvious what he meant.

  In the future, Daqin's selection of officials will rely entirely on real learning.

  The phenomenon of randomly recommending one's relatives, friends or some people who use each other as before can no longer happen.

  Commoners and nobles have the same rights.

  As long as you study hard, you can get the opportunity to enter the official career, be able to enter the dynasty as an official, and honor your ancestors from now on.

  It can be said that the Daqin in the future is no longer a feudal society informed by the bureaucratic class.

  But a fairer people-oriented society.

0 ...... 0

  In this case, these nobles no longer have any advantage.

  Because among the nobles, there are many outstanding young talents.

  But more of it is a waste of eating and waiting to die.

  And Ying Zheng's move was to kick out those wastes.

  And because the common people are well aware of the difficulties of life, they must have a stronger motivation than the nobles.

  Under this circumstance, he would definitely become more aggressive in exchange for the opportunity to become an official in the dynasty.

  In this way, Daqin's talents are increasing day by day.

  At the same time, the reform of the education system has also enabled the people who were originally ignorant to have their own ideas.

  So that it will not be used by intentions, greatly strengthening the dominance of Da Qin.

  It can be said that the impact of this reform must be extremely far-reaching.

  However, when the civil servants and generals present heard the news, their expressions changed drastically.

  Those generals were fine, because most of their hearts were for the sake of Da Qin.

  As for who is the official, they have no opinion.

  However, the ideas of those civil servants were different from theirs.

  Many of these people are from the legal schools of various schools of thought.

  Just like Li Si, he is not optimistic about this system at all.

  In his view, if you want to control a country, you must start with ideas.

  Only by controlling education can the goal of stabilizing the regime be achieved.

  Ying Zheng's move completely released his ideological control over the people, which was completely different from his thoughts.

  So this made his heart sink to the bottom all of a sudden.Small.

Chapter 176

  The policy of "governing the country by law, and taking officials as teachers" was proposed by Li Si.

  Now Ying Zheng's move is to completely overthrow it.

  In other words, their legalist foundation was completely shaken.

  This was undoubtedly a major blow to a group of ministers from Legalism headed by Li Si.

  In addition, although Ying Zheng's description is not very detailed.

  But there is a meaning between the words.

  That is the election of officials and talents in the future, and their family members will no longer have any advantages.

  Even to a certain extent, civilians are more likely to hold office than they are.

  After all, the power between the two is completely different.

  Some noble children have a good family background since childhood. Although they have good teachers to teach them, they may also be extremely talented, and naturally have a relatively high chance of entering the dynasty.

  But more are some trash children who don't seek to make progress, mess around every day.

  And those commoners have had a hard life since childhood, and they will naturally work extremely hard in order to win the first-line disappointment.

  If this system reform is successful, it will not be long before there will be many new faces in the officialdom.

  By then, any factionalism is a complete joke.

  This has a great influence on almost every official.

  Although they can be manipulated behind the scenes to achieve cronyism.

  But they didn't think Ying Zheng was a fool and didn't consider these issues.

  On the contrary, it is very likely that he has already had his own plans.

  As he said, this is a decision, not a proposal, and no questioning is allowed.

  At this time, all the ministers, including Li Si, were pondering the countermeasures.

  Obviously, this time Ying Zheng is absolutely determined to make changes.

  And this system was proposed by the man who looked like a fairy.

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