The entire sphere in front of him is also about one meter in diameter.

  If the whole sphere is spread out, it is about 3 square meters.

  The Huaxia region that Su Wen refers to is still the complete version in the case where the later generations have a complete territory.

  Even if you add the four surrounding areas of the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea, and the South China Sea.

  Its total area is just over [-]% of the world.

  Therefore, on this huge globe, Huaxia occupies a very small position.

  And according to the territory occupied by Daqin today, its area is even smaller.

  Those civil servants and military generals looked at the globe in front of them, and the shock in their expressions was self-evident.

  In any case, they could never imagine that the country that they had worked so hard to build for generations was just a drop in the ocean of this world.

  No wonder Ying Zheng had been clamoring to defeat the Xiongnu and start the Western Expedition.

  As for the large piece of land west of Daqin, they don't know how long it will take them to completely conquer it.

  At this time, their minds had completely changed.

  Before, they had thought about how to use some disgraceful means to retain most of their own interests during this change.

  But now they don't have that idea at all.

  As Ying Zheng said before.

  Their vision is too small.

  Every day here in the palace, we fight for the best, but I don't know how vast the world is outside.

  And if you want to accomplish these things, you simply can't do it with the help of people like them.

  Even according to today's terms, the entire Daqin will not have more than 2000 million people.

  Even if all its members are sent to the expedition, it will only be able to occupy the foot of the iceberg in the entire world.

  Therefore, the increase of personnel and the cultivation of talents will become the top priority in the following days.

  Under such circumstances, if Daqin continued to fight in-fighting, he would not go into decline.

  But it is inevitable that Da Qin will be hurt, let alone any development.

  At this time, they finally understood why Ying Zheng asked Su Wen to tell them these things.

  That is to tell them to take the long view.

  Their interests can't help but not be harmed, and even more.

  Because these people will be the elder-level tasks of conquering the world.

  At this time, their eyes were a little more complicated.

  Many of them are veterans of the Qin state, and some of them have served the Great Qin for generations.

  So in terms of belonging, each of them has it.

  And now that Ying Zheng is still alive, there is another Su Wen that they will never see through.

  So they don't dare to have any trouble at all.

  Ying Zheng looked at the globe in front of him with a complicated expression, and said casually.

  "National division, if we successfully capture the Xiongnu and Baiyue, then should we proceed to the north or the west". "

  The east of Daqin is the ocean, and the south of Baiyue is also the ocean.

  The northern part of the Xiongnu and the western part of the Daqin were extremely vast land.

  According to Ying Zheng's idea, it would be the right move to fight directly from the Xiongnu to the northernmost point.

  Because the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is located in the western part of Qin State, its terrain is extremely high, and the transportation is very inconvenient with its many continuous mountains.

  If you rush to the west, I am afraid that the entire Daqin army will not be able to support it before reaching Europe.

  Hearing Ying Zheng's words, Su Wen was stunned, but quickly responded and said.

  "The weather north of the Xiongnu is extremely cold, and it was difficult for our Qin soldiers to adapt to it in the past."

  "And because the environment there is very harsh, it is not suitable for reclamation."

  "And I have many mountains in the west of Daqin, and the climate and terrain are extremely harsh, so it is indeed a problem to start the westward expedition from there."

  Speaking of which, Su Wen also fell into contemplation.

  It is not impossible to directly attack the Xiongnu and fall north.

  However, the geographical environment in the north is too poor to be suitable for human habitation.

  However, it retains extremely rich natural resources.

  So sooner or later it needs to be conquered.

  And Daqin all the way to the west, the spear is definitely not going to go straight, after all, there is the barrier of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

  On the contrary, it is possible to knock down Mongolia and the territory of the southwestern region first.

  Then along the Peacock Empire all the way to the Seleucid Dynasty, and then to the Roman Empire on the Mediterranean coast.

  And then directly conquer the entire Eurasian continent.

  And ancient Egypt in Africa should now be in the Ptolemaic dynasty.

  But the natural conditions over there are extremely poor, and it is not suitable for the Qin people to live in, so Su Wen plans to talk about it later.

  As for the American continent on the other side of the ocean, Suvin's most important target is.

  At this time, there was no human settlement on the American continent except for some relatively primitive aborigines.

  However, its geographical environment is exceptionally superior and its resources are extremely rich.

  If a group of Qin people are migrated to the past, another even more powerful Qin can be created.

  Thinking of this, Su Wen thought of a very serious question.

  That is, the population of Daqin is too sparse.

  The total population is only more than 2000 million people. Even if the Xiongnu and Baiyue are added, the population will not exceed 6000 million.

  Since then, even if a large country has been laid down, it must end up in ruins in the end.

  Logically speaking, there was no family planning policy in ancient times, and almost every family had many children.

  However, due to insufficient medical conditions, as well as years of wars and natural disasters, the mortality rate should not be too high.

  In addition, just like the people of the Great Qin Dynasty, heavy corvée and taxation.

  As a result, those people can't even afford to eat, so what can they use to support their children?

  Life is better now, so for a certain period of time, the population should skyrocket.

  But in Su Wen's opinion, it is still a little slow, so he is going to propose to Yingzheng to set up some measures to encourage fertility.

  I hope that (Zhao Zhao) can greatly increase the population in a short period of time.

  At the same time, within this period of time, Su Wen was ready to speed up reform efforts.

  Be prepared from the aspects of education personnel training, economy, medical construction, etc.

  to cope with the subsequent surge in population.

  At the same time, they began to attack the Xiongnu and Baiyue in Lingnan, and incorporated their territory into the territory of China.

  After thinking about all this, Su Wen glanced at Ying Zheng and the surrounding ministers, and then said.

  ".ˇ My Daqin's goal is to occupy the entire world, but this is not a goal that can be accomplished in one generation."

  "So I hope that you will cooperate with all your efforts. It is not a dream to be crowned as a king."

  "You should clearly see that such a large land, even if it is divided into every citizen of our Daqin, it is impossible to completely occupy it."

  "So I propose to issue a decree on the same day to encourage fertility, and at the same time enact some laws to protect women and children.".

Chapter 184

  In ancient China, the idea of ​​patriarchal preference was too serious.

  As a result, many girls in ancient times died before they grew up.

  Even after growing up, there are no human rights at all, just like a tool, there is no status at all.

  In Su Wen's view, this is a manifestation of the abnormal backwardness of society, which is not conducive to the subsequent stable development of Daqin.

  And this is what Su Wen has been considering.

  But he also knew that this was due to the current social situation.

  Since the Shang and Zhou dynasties, China has established a patriarchal system.

  Men are engaged in farming and hunting while women are less productive than men because of their physicality.

  This results in women becoming the economic subordinates of a patriarchal society.

  The reason is because women have lost the ownership of family property in this society.

  They had to rely on marriage or blood ties to be attached to men, thus becoming slaves in the family.

  Some were sold as slaves, some were sold as wives and concubines, some were sold as child brides, and some were even reduced to prostitutes. Now they are in the most miserable situation.

  And all of this is due to women's inability to be financially independent.

  Then with the development of industry and the emergence of some light textile industries, those women gradually gained a place to live on their own.

077 From then on, the status of women began to gradually improve.

  However, for now, Daqin's women are indeed like tools.

  Under the circumstances that economic conditions do not allow, some people who give birth to useful baby girls rarely grow up successfully.

  Even when they grow up, they usually end up being sold.

  And all this makes those people hate the girls at home more and more, and feel that as long as they give birth to girls, they will lose money.

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