Of course she didn't have any scruples about it.

  She is very satisfied with her current life.

  So it doesn't really matter how long she can live.

  But the Wang Jian in front of him was different.

  In front of her may always be a little brother.

  But outside he is the general of Da Qin who can shock the six countries.

  If he can live for a long time, then he will definitely be able to make Daqin more prosperous.

  She's a woman who doesn't know those national affairs.

  But she loves the land where she lives and lives, and loves this Daqin very much.

  So she also thought that it could get better and better.

  And she also knew that although her younger brother seemed to be completely abusive, if Da Qin was in trouble, he would definitely be the first to rush up.

  So without any hesitation, she shoved the medicine pill directly into his mouth.

  At this time, Wang Jian only felt that his body became extremely warm and comfortable.

  Then a warm current spread all over his body in an instant.

  He only felt his body shake, and then he felt that his body was much lighter.

  "Old, sir, you..."

  Liu Yunhui's heart jumped when she saw Wang Jian, whose appearance had changed drastically.

  Although she knew that this elixir should really increase lifespan.

  But she did not expect that Wang Jian would return to his youthful appearance after taking it.

  "What's wrong, Yun Hui, I feel a little weird, my body is a lot lighter, but I feel like I'm not being controlled, do I have stamina?"

  Wang Jian was also a little strange at this time. He originally thought that this time he was finished and must be controlled.

  But he didn't expect everything he thought to happen.

  Instead, he felt that his body was much lighter, and he actually felt that he was full of strength.

  Injuries from previous wars seemed to heal in an instant.

  This can't help but make him wonder, does this medicine have stamina.

  Or is it that he has been bewitched, and everything at this time is a 100 hallucination?

  Hearing Wang Jian's words, Wang Ben couldn't help but said diligently.

  "If you have the stamina, go to the pool and see for yourself."

  Although Wang Ben knew that the king only became young again after taking this medicine pill.

  But when he saw the changes in his father, he couldn't help but look horrified.

  This medicine pill is really like the legend, it can not only increase the lifespan of a person invisibly.

  It can even restore the appearance of youth.

  At this time, Wang Jian still looks like the old man just now. It is estimated that if he walks out with Wang Ben and the two of them, he can be regarded as his son.

  It is conceivable how perverted this Zengyuan Dan is. .

Chapter 213

  "What changes, don't fool your father."

  Wang Jian came to the edge of the pool suspiciously.

  Then he was stunned for a while when he saw the reflection in the water.

  He was all too familiar with the figure in front of him.

  Isn't that what he looked like when he was young?

  He spread out his hands and then his eyes touched, and found that the old folds on his hands had disappeared without a trace.

  Even the calluses he left behind when he used to hold a knife and a sword have all disappeared without a trace.

  He touched his face in disbelief and found that his face became extremely smooth.

  "Well, what the hell is going on here? Am I already bewitched?"

  He couldn't help but take two steps back and plunged straight into the pool behind him.

  The pool suddenly burst into waves, and the fish that were originally swimming freely were also instantly frightened and fluttered everywhere.

  "How is it? Are you refreshed now?"

  Wang Ben was also happy to see this scene.

  This bad old man has been confused, so he should have more bubbles in the pool to wake up.

  He walked to the pool with his arms in hand, and couldn't help laughing when he saw Wang Jian in the pool with a confused face.

  And Liu Yunhui also reacted from the shock, watching Wang Jian who fell into the water couldn't help but chuckle.

  "Laugh at the fart, and don't even pull me up". "

  At this time, Wang Jian's face was also flushed, not to mention being agitated by the water, and now he is really awake a lot.

  And he finally felt the change in his body at this time.


  Unparalleled vitality.

  Compared to when he was young, the vitality in his body was a little heavier.

  What surprised him most was that he found that all the old wounds on his body had disappeared, not even the scars.

  This made him startled.

  He was sober at this time, knowing that he must not have been bewitched.

  So there is only one possibility, and that is that Wang Ben was neither bewitched nor lied to him.

  This elixir is real.

  So since then, doesn't it mean that the national teacher is really an immortal.


  In myths and legends, a fairy who can climb mountains and seas.

  He couldn't believe how immortals actually existed in this world.

  And that immortal turned out to be the national teacher of his Daqin.

  At this time, it can be said that a storm was set off in his heart.

  He never thought about it, he didn't have contact with the outside world for half a year, and there was an immortal in Daqin.

  Wang Jian originally wanted Wang Ben to come up by himself.

  Who knew that Wang Ben rolled his eyes at him and then said.

  "You better come up by yourself, don't you try your skills?"

  To be honest, he was a little jealous of his father at this time.

  This elixir is truly an elixir.

  It actually made his father several decades younger.

  Although my father's previous body was not bad due to regular exercise.

  But if it is not bad, it has to be old.

  However, where is the old look from before, it is completely a young man in his 20s.

  This made him unable to help but make up his mind that he must emerge in the next battle.

  He must satisfy Su Wen, and where did he get the Zengyuan Dan from Su Wen?

  However, he soon thought of another question, that is, this Zengyuan Dan is so perverted.

  So what about the elixir of immortality (obtained)?

  Thinking of this, he couldn't help but jump in his heart.

  If the elixir of immortality is really as recorded in ancient books.

  Then one can live forever.

  Who asked, who can not be moved before longevity?

  Even if Wang Ben was not afraid of death, he even thought of dying gloriously on the battlefield.

  But now Daqin's life is better, and he knows the vastness of this world.

  Only a fool wants to die. Now that he has the opportunity to obtain the elixir of immortality, he must redouble his efforts. .

Chapter 214

  Hearing Wang Ben's words, Wang Jian was stunned for a moment.

  Then there was a move in my heart.

  In fact, since he retired, he has been missing the time he used to be in the military all day long.

  Wang Jian, one of the four famous generals in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, naturally needless to say about his skills.

  It's just that despite the growth of age, there are past injuries.

  Therefore, his skills gradually declined, and later he completely gave up dancing with knives and guns, and began to play with things like flowers, plants, fish and insects.

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