That is whether the drug is extremely difficult to obtain and whether it is extremely expensive.

  After all, it can be said that in the whole world, only that national teacher has the method of making this medicine.

  And looking at its effect, I am afraid this drug is also an elixir.

  Then since it is an elixir, it is naturally priceless.

  Even if the national teacher takes it out and wants to sell it.

  The cost required should not be affordable by ordinary people.

  So there should be very few people who can use this medicine.

  But this medicine is a life-saving medicine, and it is already a blessing for Da Qin to be able to manufacture it. What more can he ask for?

  Thinking of this, he couldn't help sighing, and then said.

  "Well, even if these medicines can't benefit and treat every citizen of Daqin, but at least it has reduced the number of deaths, my people in Daqin should really thank the national teacher.".

Chapter 225

  Hearing Wang Jian's words, Wang Ben's expression was also a little strange.

  This sounds a little awkward.

  What do you mean by not being able to benefit everyone?

  What does it mean to reduce the number of deaths~?

  This vaccine has obviously been spread throughout Daqin-.

  Now everyone with household registration in Daqin must go to the local hospital to get a vaccine.

  And all the vaccines are free.

  And this is what Wang Ben admires most about Su Wen.

  You know, for vaccines, Su Wen can sell them for a good price.

  Or directly in exchange for something he wants.

  But he didn't. The vaccine was completely contributed by him for free, and he didn't think about getting a little return.

  And this naturally aroused the respect of all Da Qin people.

  In their hearts, the national teacher is the god sent by God to save them.

  Brings infinite light and hope to them.

  But in fact, the reason why Su Wen contributed the vaccine for free is very simple.

  On the one hand, because he himself lacks everything, he naturally does not choose to oppress the poor people.

  The most important reason is naturally to complete the previous main quest.

  The requirement of the main quest is to let him greatly improve his favorability within Daqin within two years.

  Vaccines are an important part of this.

  And the final result was very good.

  It only took half a year for his reputation to spread throughout Daqin.

  And his fame directly surpassed that of Ying Zheng, and he became the Great Qin National Teacher who was revered by the entire Great Qin.

  Of course, these things are only known to Su Wen.

  As for the others, they naturally admire Su Wen's actions.

  As the general of Daqin, Wang Ben loved this country very much.

  In his view, the merits of Su Wen's actions are simply incalculable.

  It can be said that the vaccine developed by Su Wen has saved the lives of countless Daqin people and Daqin soldiers.

  So even the arrogant Wang Ben had to admire him.

  Thinking of this, there was a hint of respect in his eyes, and then he looked at Wang Jian and said.

  "Father, I'll tell you the truth, and I won't cheat with you. In fact, this vaccine has now spread all over my Daqin."

  "Vaccines are provided by the National Teacher to the major medical centers in Daqin. Every citizen of Daqin must go to the medical centers in various places to be injected, and all of them are free."

  "I said so, you should understand what I mean."

  After speaking, Wang Jian ignored the surprised look, and took a sip from the wine glass on the table.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  After a sip of wine, he only felt that his whole body was warm.

  It is very comfortable under the sunlight.

  "You, what do you mean, there is a lot of this medicine? Then the National Teacher provided it to every commoner in Daqin for free?"

  Wang Jian's eyes stared at the boss at this time.

  Unbelievable face.

  He had thought that this medicine should be extremely rare.

  After all, the medicine that can resist the plague is just an elixir.

. . 0

  And even if its production method is simple, the medicine itself is from the hands of the national teacher.

  He can use it as a condition to wantonly exchange for various benefits.

  I believe that no one in the entire Daqin, including Ying Zheng, can resist this temptation.

  However, he did not.

  He actually handed over the drug directly, which made him stunned for a while.

  Fairies are indeed fairies.

  Now he suddenly understands why the National Teacher is admired and admired by so many people.

  With this kind of courage and mind, even he has to admire.

  Invisibly, his respect for Su Wen deepened.

  And the previous doubts also made him feel ashamed.

  He couldn't help scolding himself in his heart. Is it necessary to bewitch him for such an immortal figure as a national teacher?Small.

Chapter 226

  Wang Ben put down his glass and nodded.

  "Yes, it is indeed the case. The national teacher only made one request to the king, and that is to supervise the medical centers in various places, and not let people seek benefits from them."


  Is this a requirement?

  Wang Jian also felt speechless for a while.

  If the vaccine was developed by him, I'm afraid he can't be so selfless.

  In his opinion, it must be extremely difficult to obtain this vaccine.

  Otherwise, this plague would not have plagued Da Qin for countless years.

  And the national teacher actually contributed it selflessly, which made him a little stunned.

  He originally thought that the national teacher should have some purpose.

  After all, in his view, everything is not for nothing.

  This time it seems that he is indeed taking the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

  Wang Jian sighed in shame.

  "Oh, it seems that my vision was narrow before. The national teacher is worthy of the name of the immortal. What he did for Daqin has benefited my Daqin endlessly. It can be said that I have completely gotten rid of the threat of the plague to my Daqin."

  "No wonder you said before that it was my great Qin's fortune that the national teacher was in my Daqin. Now it seems that my Daqin has indeed climbed high."

  In his opinion, having a fairy-like figure like Su Wen is of great benefit to Da Qin.

  Even the Huns and Baiyue did not dare to attack Daqin rashly.

  The presence of such a character is a deterrent in itself.

  But what Wang Ben said next made his heart jump again.

  "Where is this going? This matter is indeed beneficial to Da Qin, but this is just one of them."

  Speaking of which, Wang Ben deliberately sold a pass.

  I saw him cough, and then turned his eyes to the empty cup he had just placed on the stone table.

  When Wang Jian saw this scene, his face darkened.

  He naturally knew what Wang Ben meant.

  He couldn't help scolding Wang Ben in his heart for being really a little bastard.

  But right now he is also very curious about Su Wen's affairs, so he doesn't bother to care about him.

  He took out the wine bag around his waist with some pain, then opened the wine cork and carefully poured a glass for Wang Ben.

  In the process of pouring the wine this time, he can be said to be extremely careful, lest there be a little splash.

  After all, he has just realized what kind of character a national teacher is...  

  Then since this wine was made by him, it is absolutely precious.

  So he is also distressed about this wine.

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