"Where did you hear this sentence, you definitely didn't think it up yourself."

  When Wang Ben said this sentence, he was also startled.

. . . .

  This bastard is a big boss, how can he say such a level of words.

  This must have been heard from somewhere else.

  But he naturally understood the meaning of this.

  As he said, the common people are water, and his Daqin regime is boats.

  If you can win the hearts and minds of the people and obey the will of the people, then the people will naturally support your regime.

  Then only in this way can Daqin's rule be stable forever.

  On the contrary, if the people in the entire Qin Dynasty are not living well, people starve to death, and people die from illness, who will support you?

  In fact, he has always had a regret in his heart, that is, he helped Ying Zheng establish the Great Qin, but he failed to assist him in implementing the benevolent government.

  Not to mention the other is that the onerous corvée and taxation make the people miserable.

  In such a situation, how can we talk about people's hearts?Small.

Chapter 231

  At this time, Wang Jian finally understood what the meaning of Wang Ben's paintings was.

  It turned out that the biggest problem after the founding of the Qin Dynasty was the survival of the people.

  As far as itself, Daqin had just established the country, and the people's hearts were already extremely loose.

  Especially for the people of the other six countries, there was a slight suspicion of the newly replaced monarch.

  Coupled with the high taxes set by Ying Zheng, as well as the extremely onerous corvée, these people were miserable.

  Coupled with years of natural and man-made disasters, in addition to taxes, the remaining food in many people's homes is simply not enough to support a family's life.

  Some places are deeply affected by natural disasters such as floods and locust plagues, resulting in the end of a year's crops in those places.

  And this has also led to a lot of people starving to death almost every day in Daqin.

  In this case, how can there be any support for the people.

  Although the strength of the people themselves may not be strong, if things go on like this, being bewitched by the remnants of the six kingdoms will inevitably cause turmoil in the entire Daqin.

  On the contrary, if Daqin can deeply gather the hearts of the people.

  So even if those remnants of the Six Nations wanted to rebel, but without the support of the people, they were nothing but a group of paper tigers. How could they be compared with the millions of soldiers in Daqin.

  Those who win the hearts of the people win the world.

  Water can capsize a boat, and it can also carry a boat.

  These two sentences deeply confirm this truth.

  From Wang Jian's point of view, Wang Ben couldn't say such a thing no matter what.

  And this kind of words should not come from Ying Zheng's mouth.

  After all, if he knew this, he would not have set such high taxes and such heavy corvée.

  So there is only one possibility, and that is that these words definitely come from the mouth of the national teacher.

  This can't help but make him more curious about this national teacher.

  Hearing Wang Jian's words, Wang Ben smiled bitterly.

  He scratched his head, then said with a grin.

  "Of course I didn't say this. It was said by the national teacher, and now the king has made a plan for governing the country."

  "Like what Li Si said before, to rule the country according to law, although it does have some effect on the consolidation of our Daqin regime in the short term, but in the long run, there will be many problems."

  "The national teacher thinks from the point of view of the common people. As long as the problems of the common people can be solved, then some of the problems that Daqin is facing now will no longer be problems."

  "If there is no support from the people, then what are the remnants of the Six Nations?"

  Having said that, think about it...  

  If these words did not come from Su Wen's mouth before, but from the mouth of an ordinary person.

  Then Ying Zheng is absolutely impossible to believe, as for those ministers, there is no need to say more.

  It is precisely because Su Wen received their respect that they carefully thought about the specific meaning expressed in Su Wen's paintings.

  Humans are inherently strange animals.

  They revere those who are stronger than them, but despise those who are weaker than them.

  In this world, all the right to speak is more valuable than that of the strong.

  And as the weak one can only obey.

  If Su Wen hadn't raised the importance of people's hearts, Ying Zheng's domineering temper would never have thought of the people.

  Because in this era, the division of grades is extremely strict.

  Even if it is one level lower than others, the gap between the two cannot be crossed at all.

  But in their eyes, Su Wen is an immortal.

  Then even Ying Zheng had to obey him.

  This is why Ying Zhenghui made these two sentences the basis of the founding of the country. .

Chapter 232

  "Well, the two words that the national teacher said are really thought-provoking."

  "Although Daqin was conquered by our army, if we want to stabilize it, we really have to consider the people's problems."

  "It was true that I was negligent in the past. After helping that kid Ying Zheng conquer the country, he wanted to retire earlier, but he forgot to assist him in implementing benevolent government."

  "As a result, the regime was not completely stable, and the people of Daqin became a little miserable."

  "Although it is due to the rule of Daqin, the people's hearts are loose, and some very serious problems will inevitably arise over time."

  "The national teacher is really a god. He can imagine this kind of problem. It really makes me feel a little ashamed."

  As Ying Zheng's grandfather, Wang Jian failed to help him stabilize his regime, which was a dereliction of duty in itself.

  Although there are some other reasons for this, the essence has not changed in the slightest.

  If there is no national teacher, then I am afraid that it will not be long before Daqin will fall into turmoil.

  Wang Ben nodded and smiled.

  "Father, you're right, the national teacher took this into consideration, so he did one thing next to solve the most important problem among the people."

  "The most important question?" Wang Jian was also taken aback.

  Soon Wang Ben nodded and responded.

  "For the main issue, which is about eating."

  "Since you should know that there is a saying that the people take food as their heaven, and only the people can eat well, wear warm clothes, and live a good life, so they won't think about some other messy issues."

  "To be honest, if I, Daqin, can really make those common people have enough to eat, and everyone has money to spend, then who would be idle and have nothing to do and rebel against the remnants of the Six Nations."

  "To put it bluntly, if you solve their food problem, you will also solve their survival problem. In this way, my Daqin will have popular support."

  "It's because of the people's hearts, and the gold and the stone are open. If you really encounter the troubles of those six countries, I'm afraid those people will not agree. In this way, won't my country in Daqin be completely stable?"

  After hearing Wang Ben's words, a look of shock appeared on Wang Jian's face.

  Indeed, as Wang Ben said, the people take food as their heaven.

  In fact, as far as the people are concerned, who is the monarch has nothing to do with them.

  They only care about whether they can eat enough every day and whether they can survive.

  If it can satisfy them, then they won't care who is the emperor.

  It's just that he couldn't imagine how the national teacher solved the problem of Da Qin's food.

  You must know that it was not that Da Qin did not want to solve this problem, but that he could not solve this problem at all.

  Qin's army needed a large amount of food to support, millions of troops plus hundreds of thousands of corvés that could not submit to production117.

  This can only rely on squeezing farmers to obtain those food supplies.

  If the weather is good, then it is good to say that at least the basic life of farmers can be guaranteed.

  But if you encounter natural disasters such as drought, flood, locust plague, you will not only be unable to pay the heavy tax, but will even end up starving to death.

  So when Wang Jian heard Wang Ben say that the national teacher had solved the food problem in Da Qin, it was too unbelievable for him.

  Although he already believed that Su Wen was an immortal.

  But she couldn't help thinking, can these problems really be solved by a god? .

Chapter 233

  After hearing Wang Ben's words, Wang Jian cast his eyes on his face and nodded thoughtfully.

  "Indeed, according to what you said, if the national teacher really solves the problem of Daqin's food, then those remnants of the six kingdoms are indeed nothing to be afraid of."

  In the eyes of the common people, it doesn't really matter who is the monarch or who manages the country.

  As long as the person who runs the country can really think about them.

  As long as they can have enough to eat and not starve, they can survive.

  Then people will naturally not be dissatisfied.

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