Now the types of agricultural products have bid farewell to the previous single, and become diverse.

  At this time, he suddenly thought of something, and put his eyes on the side dishes on the table.

  "Are these two the new type of vegetables?"

  This is the vegetable that Liu Yunhui purchased before.

  He didn't know what it was, he just thought it was delicious.

  He also asked casually once, and then he was not interested.

  In his opinion, it's all good to eat, but what it is has nothing to do with him.

  But at this time, it seems that these should be the new crops cultivated by Su Wen.

  Wang Ben was also slightly taken aback when he looked at the side dishes on the table.

  "Why, don't you know that you eat it every day? Didn't Aunt Liu tell you that the red one is a tomato, also called a tomato, and the green one is a cucumber."

  "I remember sending someone to loosen some sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn, etc. for you. Those are the grains worth thousands of kilograms per mu."

  "I thought you knew, but after a long time, you only know what to eat."

  He didn't expect that his father didn't even know these things.

  To be fair, the food that the palace sent to them has long since been replaced by sweet potatoes, corn and the like.

  Although Wang Jian has retired and returned to the mountains, the salaries of the imperial court are still indispensable.

  Therefore, except for the daily need to go out to buy some vegetables, the rest of the things can't be eaten at all.

  It's just that he didn't expect that this old man was so confused that he didn't notice that the food was different?

  Hearing Wang Ben's words, Wang Jian's face also turned red.

  Where would he think about these issues, it would be fine if he could eat it anyway.

  And he prefers to eat meat, and he also likes the red and green vegetables.

  I don't eat anything else at all.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  As for the sweet potatoes and corn that Wang Ben mentioned, he has eaten them.

  And when I eat it, I feel astonished.

  He originally thought that the special products offered to the palace from other affiliated countries were then sent by Ying Zheng.

  The ghost knows, now Daqin is eating this stuff.

  He had thought about this before.

  Because things like sweet potatoes are not only delicious, easy to make, but also very filling.

. . . 0

  If it can be used as military ration, then it must be very good.

  It's just that he thought at the time that this kind of thing must be extremely rare.

  As everyone knows, this Da Qin has already changed.

  But even so, he still glared at Wang Ben and said viciously.

  "Can you blame me? You can't see a single person in this dilapidated yard for a year. No one knows when I die, and you haven't come to see me for half a year. I haven't settled the bill for you."

  Having said that, Wang Jian was actually not angry at all.

  After all, he also knew that he had gone too far last time.

  Of course, the most important thing is that this time, the son not only brought himself such a big surprise as Zengyuandan.

  It also brought him shocking news.Small.

Chapter 236

  Hearing Wang Jian's words, a hint of helplessness appeared on Wang Ben's face.

  "Father, it's not that I don't come to see you, but there have been too many changes in Daqin recently."

  "The Xiongnu in the north and the Baiyue region in the south are a little unstable. To be honest, it hasn't been long since I came from the north."

  To be reasonable, even if he was angry with Wang Jian in his heart.

  But Wang Jian was always his father.

  And he knew very well that Wang Jian was actually thinking about him and the Wang family.

  The achievements of the Wang family in founding the country are really too dazzling.

  If you don't retreat in time, you will easily be regarded as a thorn in your side.

  And Ying Zheng will also be wary of them.

  Gong Gao Gaizhu This is not just talk.

  Therefore, after the establishment of the country, Wang Jian, like Ying Zheng, asked to return to his hometown, and directly surrendered his military power.

  Because he is very clear, if he is already an official in the court.

  So even if Ying Zheng didn't say it, he would definitely feel bad about his royal family in his heart.

  He didn't want the Wang family to go deep into the maelstrom of the imperial court.

  And now there are many new generals in Daqin.

  Even if Wang Ben retires, then Da Qin's safety will not be a problem.

  And Wang Ben himself knew this very well.

  But his son Wang Li is still too young and extremely moderate.

  He couldn't afford the position of the leader of the Wang Family Army at all, so he had no choice at all.

  In addition to the northern Xiongnu, the southern Baiyue is in a hurry.

  How could he just go away at such a time?

  When Wang Jian heard Wang Ben's words, he could not help but sigh.

  "Alas, Xiongnu, Baiyue, they have been eyeing us since the beginning of Qin's establishment."

  "Since the national teacher has calmed down domestic affairs this time, then leave the rest to me, Wang Jian."

  At this time, Wang Jian has recovered to the physical fitness of his youth.

  There is absolutely no problem with leading troops into battle.

  Moreover, he is extremely confident, even Meng Tian, ​​who is currently the most popular in Daqin, is just a child in front of him.

  He, Wang Jian, was one of the four famous generals in the Warring States Period. Naturally, he had two brushes.

  He was thinking now that he would return to the palace tomorrow, and then asked Ying Zheng to let him lead a [-]-strong army to pacify the Huns.

  Thinking of this, he patted his chest and vowed to Wang Ben.

  "Just look at it, I'll leave this to your father. It's time for the world to see my Wang Jian's style again..."

  "On another day, I will ask that kid Ying Zheng to ask for orders, and personally lead a 1-strong army to the Xiongnu. I will definitely travel to every corner of the Xiongnu within a year."

  Hearing Wang Jian's words, Wang Ben's face was a little strange.

  The news of his father is indeed a bit too backward.

  When there was no national teacher before, the Huns and Baiyue were naturally a threat.

  However, when there was a national teacher, all the officials and soldiers in Daqin had long ignored them.

  After Su Wen explained to them today, they even realized this extremely vast world.

  It can be said that their current vision has already reached the entire Eurasian continent and the American continent on the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

  And it took 3.8 hours a year to wipe out the Huns with [-] troops.

  When these words came to Wang Ben's ears, they felt a little strange.

  You must know that the national teacher has already said it.

  It is necessary to directly build an invincible iron cavalry of [-] people, and use these [-] iron cavalry to break down the Xiongnu within [-] days.

  Dad, it seems you are still behind.

  But right now, there is a burst of happiness on his father's face.

  So he didn't speak at this time, but took a sip of the wine glass. .

Chapter 237

  Seeing that Wang Ben didn't speak, Wang Jian continued to say excitedly.

  "Son, when the time comes, we and Li'er will be the two of us. I'll be the main general and you two will be the lieutenants. As long as you follow my instructions, those Hu people will not be able to make waves at all."

  "I only need to use an army of [-] to destroy his army of one million."

  When he said this, he paused slightly because he thought of a question.

  "However, since there are many grasslands and mountain roads within the Huns, cavalry combat is the most suitable."

  "But although my Daqin soldiers are brave, they are indeed inferior to those Hu people in terms of cavalry."

  "If you attack rashly, even if you win, you will suffer heavy losses."

  "If it wasn't for the national division to handle domestic affairs, I'm afraid that this battle would really not be able to start."

  As a general, you must always consider for the entire Qin Dynasty.

  At this moment, Wang Jian was thinking about the gain and loss of this war.

  The Huns were really nothing.

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