But it is impossible for him to give up the position of the captain.

  First, because this position was hand-picked by the national teacher, even if he wanted to, he would not dare to give it.

  Not even Ying Zheng dared to remove him from his position.

  Second, the main general is the real master of the army.

  Since he took office, many people in the army have been dissatisfied with him.

  So he also wanted to use this battle to show his strength.

  Although he was said to be stronger than Meng Tian, ​​Wang Ben and the others were much worse.

  But in terms of military use, he is confident that he will not lose to anyone.

  So in the next war against the Huns.

  He must show his super strength.

  So he can only say sorry to Wang Jian.

  Of course, Han Xin himself admired this outstanding veteran.

  When he was in the folk, he also heard the content of the next section is more exciting'!p){)8x There are many stories about Wang Jian.

  And he also regards Wang Jian as his idol, eager to become the second Wang Jian one day.

  And this dream, according to the original historical trajectory, he really did.

  After all, the title of Soldier Immortal is not something that everyone can acquire.

  Using soldiers like gods, these four words can be said to be reflected most vividly in Han Xin's body.

  But now Liu Bang is dead, and Xiao He has surrendered to Su Wen.

  Ying Zheng will not die either, the original history has completely changed.

  If it wasn't for Su Wen to discover him, I'm afraid he would only be able to live in poverty in this life.

  At this time, Wang Jian also set his eyes on Han Xin, and then his eyes narrowed.

  In fact, compared to Meng Tian and Wang Ben, the Han Xin in front of him didn't look like a general at all.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  Then he must not dare to petite this seemingly ordinary person in front of him.

  He didn't have that kind of killing aura on him, instead, there was a market atmosphere.

  However, it seems to be very mysterious inside him.

  Since this person can be valued by the national teacher, he must have a very good talent.

.... 0

  Thinking of this, he couldn't help but nodded.

  "It doesn't matter, I'm not the same as I used to be. From now on, it will be the world of your young people. I only need a position in the army to kill those damned barbarians."

  Although Wang Jian also wanted to be the main general in his heart.

  But he's not a fool, it's okay for him to be a rogue with Ying Zheng.

  If you play rascals with Su Wen, you may not know what will happen.

  So the lieutenant should be the lieutenant.

  Anyway, the purpose of all of them now is not a title land.

  It's the Yuan-enhancing Pill that can increase the lifespan of a Jiazi, and the immortality medicine that can make people live forever.

  It can be said that everyone is a competitor and a partner at the same time.

  Therefore, in the next battle, we must strengthen cooperation with each other while we are doing our best.Small.

Chapter 266

  Wang Jian could feel the strong self-confidence coming from Han Xin.

  Although the young man in front of him seemed ordinary, his aura was not as good as those of the soldiers.

  However, there was a confidence in him that he had never seen in his life.

  Generally speaking, this kind of person is either a fool or has a talent beyond ordinary people.

  But Han Xin doesn't look like a fool no matter what.

  So there is only one possibility, one forty is that this person really has a strong strength.

  It may not be able to compare with these veterans in their own strength.

  But I don't think it's bad when it comes to fighting with soldiers.

  After all, the national teacher is not a fool, and it is impossible to use a mediocre person as the main general.

  Everyone knows that the Huns can only win, not lose.

  Although Wang Jian is very confident in Daqin and the national teacher.

  But it is not very possible to say that three thousand soldiers and horses will fight a million Huns army.

  Under this circumstance, every candidate among those 3000 people will be revealed to be extremely important.

  And since Han Xin can become the leader of these [-] people.

  If there is no real ability, it is definitely impossible.

  Even if he has a good relationship with the national teacher, the national teacher can't make fun of this kind of thing.

  Thinking of this, Wang Jian didn't say anything but nodded towards Han Xin and sat down again.

  At this time, Han Xin was also a little horrified.

  However, he did not have any panic, this position was hand-picked by the national teacher.

  Not even Ying Zheng could replace him.

  What shocked him was that Wang Jian had really recovered to his youth.

  This made him have a strong desire for Zengyuan Dan.

  Although he is in his prime now, the days to come are still very long.

  But if you can live, who wants to die like this?

  If it can show its prominence in the next war.

  Then it is impossible to obtain a Yuan-enhancing Pill, and then you can directly increase the lifespan of a Jiazi.

  Of course, he didn't know that Zengyuan Pill had other effects besides prolonging lifespan.

  Otherwise, the desire in his heart will definitely be even more.

  Because as a general, his own strength has always been a shortcoming.

  He came from a poor family, but he didn't want Meng Tian, ​​Wang Ben and the others have been generals from generation to generation, and everyone started to practice martial arts since childhood.

  Although he also has some martial arts skills, he is at most about the same strength as those big-headed soldiers who have just entered the army...  

  Among the 3000 invincible iron cavalry squad, his strength can be regarded as the last one.

  Of course, Su Wen also knew these things.

  It's just that he really valued Han Xin's ability to use troops.

  After two words of greeting, Han Xin also sat down again.

  The feast that followed did not go wrong.

  And Wang Jian was also happy and drank two more glasses.

  But he's an excellent drinker.

  After taking Zengyuan Dan, his alcohol intake can be described as a thousand cups without getting drunk.

  So even though he drank a lot of Erguotou, his face didn't even turn red too much in the end.

  The other ministers were not as lucky as him, and they all drank red and flushed.


  Even some of the civil servants were finally drunk.

  On the other hand, none of the generals fell down, and even the face of Wang Ben who drank the most was only a little red.

  At the end of the banquet, Ying Zheng sent someone to send the drunken ministers to gather.

  And those generals rushed to the school grounds behind Han Xin.

  Because the time agreed with the national teacher in the afternoon is approaching. .

Chapter 267

  Su Wen also walked out of Yongle Business at this time, with a slight smile on his face.

  He first went back to his home and called Gui Hai Dao, and then the two rushed to the school grounds together.

  As for Cheng Zifei and Duan Tianya, they went to Pei County to pick up the goods at the request of Lu Zhi.

  So now there is only one knife left to help.

  Xianyang's school field or training field is located on the back mountain of Xianyang City.

  The overall open space is active and large enough to satisfy tens of thousands of people training at the same time.

  On weekdays, those troops are also trained here.

  It's just that it's noon now, which is generally a time for rest.

  But at the time of 16, there were also a lot of people in the school field.

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