The maid was completely panicked when she heard this. He didn't expect the Master National Teacher to handle the case here.

  "What are you talking about, the National Teacher is a god, how could it be because of this trivial matter."

  The guard yelled at this sentence.

  How could a person with such a powerful national teacher be injured and killed?

  "I don't mean to curse, I'm just worried that he is really, it's really not a place for people to stay there, so hurry up and destroy it."

  The maid is very scared now. He always feels that if he stays there for a second, death is a more dangerous step here.

  "Destroyed. The case hasn't been solved yet, so how could it be destroyed. Besides, don't think about any reason you have to explain that you didn't do it."

  The guard was very disdainful.

  At this point, what is he saying here?

  Are you saying he didn't kill people?The evidence is solid, isn't it?Why did he run away?

  He only needs to come here to clarify what he has seen and heard, why is he running?

  Just out of fear?

  He doesn't look scared at all...  

  "I told you don't stay here, didn't you hear what I said, or you'll be the next person to be blown up and mummified. Do you know how crazy that writing is?"

  The maid shook her head as she spoke, he was completely crazy, and he never thought that those butterflies would actually hurt people.

  He had never seen a butterfly that sucked blood.

  But just yesterday he really saw it.

  And although he only saw one, he saw the blood stains on the mouths of those butterflies.

  "Don't make any more trouble, please go back and join me as a national teacher. Otherwise, I can only execute you on 3.8."

  The guard felt that he was completely crazy, and he still had to think about it.

  "I didn't make trouble. I told you, you should leave there quickly. If they wake up, they will definitely kill you all."

  The maid smiled bitterly. In their eyes, she felt like a lunatic, and they didn't believe anything they said. .

Chapter 332

  "Kill me, do you really think I'm as stupid as you? Could it be that someone kills me and won't deal with them? Besides, you don't even look at who I am. I'm a close confidant of the National Teacher, you Do you think I will be harmed by them? Also, you might as well go and see yourself now."

  The guard's eyes were full of disdain.

  That's why a woman like him is so scared

  Who is afraid of men?

  Besides, he's just being cruel, nothing to fear, is it?

  "Aren't you stupid? Those are not things that you can deal with, you know? What's more, you have no clue at all now, otherwise what are you doing here?"

  The maid's eyes were full of disdain, after all, if it wasn't for him, he would have run away long ago, and he felt that it was a ghost house.

  If he really stayed anywhere, he would definitely die miserably.

  "Who are you calling stupid? Believe it or not, I'll arrest you now and put you in jail."

  Considered very angry, this is the first time he heard others say he is stupid, but he is called a genius, and now he is called stupid by an ordinary maid, does he think he can tolerate it?

  "It's safer to arrest than there, isn't it? Then arrest me if you think about it. Anyway, as long as I don't want to stay there, it's a haunted house after all. If you want to go, just go, don't involve me."

  The maid's eyes are full of despair. As long as he doesn't stay there, he can go anywhere. Anyway, he is helpless, and all his family members are dead. What is he afraid of?

  He just didn't want to die at such a young age, but he wasn't married and had children yet.

  Wouldn't he be wronged if he died there?

  "Why don't you want to stay here, what did you see, just now, let alone the way you look, you wouldn't dare to kill at all."

  The guard's eyes are full of seriousness, after all, he is the only breakthrough now.

  If you get any valid information from him, it will definitely solve the case very well.

  "I didn't see anything, I just vaguely saw the butterfly moving, and he had blood stains on the corners of his mouth, so I dared to judge that it was the one they killed."

  The maid's eyes were full of fear, after all, no one dared to come to this room except them.

  And the one person yesterday was definitely an exception. What he did here was definitely not simple.

  "Then do you know who he is? Isn't he the one cleaning with you?"

  The guard was very puzzled when he heard this.

  After all, some time ago, because a person told him that the person who died was in their house.

  Now some people say that they don't know what happened to them, and he is completely blind now.

  What he had thought before was that if this person was from here, he would go in just to clean.

  So, it was only natural for him to go in, if it wasn't for the people in the house.

  Then his motives must be impure,

  It is possible that this murder he planned by himself made these people panic.

  But if he was in the stockade, why would he die?

  And there is no trace of the crime at all.

  Thinking of this, I felt very terrifying, but the maid just stood there, without saying a word, her eyes were full of fear.

  "What the hell are you talking about, what happened?".

Chapter 333

  The guard was completely worried, he really didn't know what was going to happen, and didn't he just say that it was terrifying there, so hurry up to solve the case.

  But he didn't cooperate at all.If he didn't speak, he really thought he was dumb, like his friend.

  "What do you ask me to say, you won't believe it if I say it, so it's better not to say it and investigate it yourself."

  The maid looked at the guard with disdain in her eyes. If he was so capable, he would check it out on his own, and what would he do with himself.

  He didn't like someone to press him, but this guard was so arrogant, he thought he was a national teacher, so he could order himself like this?

  Besides, he was also an aunt by the queen's side before, so it wasn't because he made a mistake that he didn't come here.

  "Isn't it so difficult to ask you to cooperate? Besides, I didn't beat you, I didn't scold you, right?"

  The guard was very helpless when he heard this, he just wanted to seize the time to solve the case.

  But why is this woman so difficult?

  If it weren't for the fear of delaying time, she would have locked him up and executed him long ago.

  "If you dare to do something to me, believe it or not, I will never tell you, I would rather die than tell you". "

  When the maid heard this sentence, her eyes were full of disdain. He knew that he was the only key to solving the case now. If he died, how would he explain to the national teacher?

  When the guard heard these words, he wanted to tear him apart. The woman is really despicable, and he actually said that.

  "Are you an ancestor? Then how can you tell the crux of this case? I didn't intend to hurt you. Why are you so contradicting to me?"

  The guard felt very helpless, and now it is really a headache.

  He suddenly felt that women were so difficult to deal with.

  He used to think that women were the kind that were generous, honest, and very docile.

  But seeing him, he now feels that his understanding is completely wrong now, but the one in front of him is very troublesome.

  He just wanted him to help him solve the case, but as for him, he said so much, and it was really long-winded.

  And he has no way to take him, if it is normal, he will definitely arrest him directly.

  Pressed in front of the national teacher, but this woman can't do it!If you really offended him.

  He is definitely not cooperating with himself to solve the case, not to mention that he knows Lianxiangxiyu very well.

  ".ˇI said that you can just burn that house down. Why do you still solve the case? There is really a ghost in that house."

  The maid sighed, not knowing what they were struggling with.

  He said not to go near that place, why didn't he listen, and he had to take himself back.

  "Why do you think we have to solve the case (by Zhao Zhao)? So many people have seen it, don't we need to give them an explanation? Anyone like you, run away when you encounter a problem. Don't you know that you will take it wherever you go? Are you chasing it back?"

  Feeling very helpless, how could a city committee like him let him escape under his own eyes?

  What's more, he thought the guards guarding him were fools?

  You can take him away by knocking him unconscious, but he is different. .

Chapter 334

  "Well, I advise you to let me go quickly, I don't want to stay here, you know, I think I'll die if I stay here."

  The maid panicked, he was very afraid of that place.

  After all, he never imagined that the butterfly could suck blood.

  And so many will definitely kill them directly.

  Thinking of this makes me feel very terrifying, how could he be so young!

  "Do you think you can leave, or do you think I'm joking? I tell you, with me, you can't get out at all, you can either go back with me obediently, as long as the case is broken, where do you want to go? 177 is fine. But if you don't cooperate, I will arrest you directly."

  The guard's eyes were full of seriousness, and it turned out that he didn't want to make trouble with them anymore, he had been delayed long enough.

  It was almost night.

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