The tents are lined up on the grassland, forming a continuous line, like a large city in the Central Plains.

  Overlooking the earth, you will find that all the tents are in regular shape, arranged neatly around a huge tent in the center.

  Around the city formed by these tents, there are wooden carts, like a city wall, surrounding the city in a huge circle.On the periphery of these vehicle walls, groups of Huns cavalry patrolled back and forth from time to time.

  In mid-air, a young eagle's neigh was heard.

  Soon the figure of the young eagle fell outside a tent in the center.

  Immediately, a young Xiongnu with pigtails trotted to the eagle's foothold, swiftly untied the white cloth from under his feet, glanced at it quickly, his expression changed, and immediately ran to a tent.

  Soon, an old man over fifty years old hurried out of the tent.

  Although the old man was in the Xiongnu camp, he was wearing the long robes worn by people in the Central Plains, and his head was tied in a bun according to the rules of the Central Plains.

  "Wen Shiqi meets Modun Chanyu." The old man Wen Shiqi stopped in front of the biggest tent and said loudly.

  "Mr. Wen comes in directly." A rough voice sounded.

  Wen Shiqi bowed his head and entered the tent.

  Although it is mid-winter season outside, it is as warm as spring in the tent.

  There was a man sitting on the big tiger-skin chair in the center, and in front of him stood a wood fire, on which a lamb was roasting sizzling with oil.

  Mao Dun had a face with a Chinese character, about thirty years old, with bright eyes.Two beauties of Xiongnu sat on his left and right, letting Modun's hands wander in the **.

  Another slightly older, but coquettish woman was picking out a piece of lamb with a knife and feeding it into the mouth of Mao Dun Shanyu.The woman beside him immediately took the rhino horn cup and held the spirits.

  Vinsky frowned slightly.

  Although Modun Chanyu seems to be bold and uninhibited, he is a person with a delicate mind.

  He laughed and said, "Mr. Wen, the habits of our grassland people are different from your so-called Central Plains culture."

  Wen Shiqi looked at the half-naked woman who was cutting the mutton, and said in a deep voice, "If it's different, you shouldn't take the woman who is the old Shang Chanyu. After all, she is yours in terms of status..."

  "What's your status?" Modun Shanyu interrupted Wen Shiqi with a smile, and said, "The most rare thing in our grasslands is women. Without a woman, who will give you a child, and without a child, who will inherit your lineage? I won't be like that. Emperor Qin is so ****, let his woman be buried with him."

  Wen Shiqi shook his head and smiled bitterly. He and this Mo Dun Shanyu discussed a lot about this topic, but they couldn't convince each other.

  "My woman was shot by my own hands. Winter is coming, you should always let me have a woman to warm the bed, and you must seize the time to make people in winter. After a few springs and autumns pass, the cubs will grow up, and there will be more A group of men on horseback." Mo Dun said with a big laugh.

  Wen Shiqi smiled helplessly and said, "I won't talk about this today, I'll bring Shanyu a piece of news. The last branch discovered a batch of treasures left by King Wuling of Zhao State. A big change requires a lot of money to stabilize the military. So I think these treasures must be available."

  "A treasure that comes and goes less often, is it useful?" said Modun Shanyu.

  Wen Shiqi raised his head and said confidently: "In those days, King Wuling of Zhao, in Hu clothing, led the army to build the Great Wall to resist our attack. As far as I know, in order to stabilize the military's heart, he almost sold all the gold and silver jewelry in Zhao state. I collected it and prepared to send it to the frontier soldiers. It was precisely because of the actions of King Wuling of Zhao that although he obtained the treasure, he offended all the scholars and officials of the Zhao country and finally died tragically. However, his treasure, which was rich to rival the country, was hidden. down."

  "Rich enough to rival the country?" Modun Shanyu's hand finally left the chest of the woman beside him.

  "Rich enough to rival the country. And the location is on a mountain ridge at the junction of the Lao Zhao country and our prairie. It is said to be called Lu'erling..." Wen Shiqi said in detail.

  A little Hu woman serving next to Shanyu in Maodun lifted the jug and poured the last glass of wine for Shanyu, then shook the empty jug and quietly retreated.When she was drinking, she unconsciously gave a note in her hand to an old Hu man outside.

  Soon, a carrier pigeon took off from the outskirts of the Hu people gathering place and flew straight to the Central Plains.


  "The legacy of King Wuling of Zhao is very important, and we must get it in Qi State. Especially when King Wuling carved He's jade into a jade seal, it is said that it is also in the treasure." An old man opened his dazed eyes and said in a low voice.

  "Isn't the Chuan Guo Jade Seal engraved by the First Emperor of Qin?" Tian Heng of Qi State had already become king, and he asked suspiciously.

  "The first person to engrave the imperial jade seal was King Wuling of Zhao. The first emperor was a hostage in Zhao State in his early years. He must have heard of this, so after unifying the world, he counterfeited a jade seal of the state. It is said that this treasure can make people own the world. , we must get it."


  Continuous large camps are stationed along the river.

  The big flag floating on the camp was rattled by the cold wind.The big word above is even more spread out in the wind.

  "The Imperial Jade Seal! I'm not rare. But the treasure can be used to reward my [-] veterans." The tall and strong Xiang Yu's eyes glittered, and Xiang Liang, who was beside him, nodded, feeling that his nephew was right. .


  Daqin, in the direction of Wuguan.

  A team is slowly moving forward.

  Liu Bang, who was about [-] years old, got news of Wuling's relics in the wind.

  Liu Bang squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then said: "I cut a big snake up and follow the astronomical phenomenon. Who, Xiao He, think about it for me, how to get so many treasures into our hands. Oh, when I say baby, I am I think of Mrs. Cao, and I don't know if she is doing well. Her husband's bed skills are not as good as mine!"


  As if controlled by an invisible big hand, within a few days, all forces have received news of the Martial Spirit Relic.

  Xianyang Palace, in Wuxin Hall.

  Almost at the same time, Su Wen received news from Wang Ben's army about Li Jian's description of Wuling's relics and Han Tan from Jianghu.

  "Daqin's finances are tight, and now various taxes are being lowered. Money is even more stretched. If you want ministers to do things, you still need money. This treasure of martial arts must be found 200 and brought back safely." Su Wen tapped the table with his fingers, thinking secretly.

  "I didn't expect that King Zhao Wuling still left such a big hand. The minister sees that Wang Ben is ordered to do it, there should be no problem." Meng Yi put down the report in his hand and smiled.He is the minister in charge of general logistics, and it is the hardest for him to have no money.Now that I hear that I will be rich, I am naturally elated.

  Meng Tian shook his head and said, "Wang Ben's subordinates are the main force in our Qin Dynasty to suppress the Yan and Zhao areas. It's enough to make them feel at ease in the war. It is absolutely impossible to ask for complete blame. It is unclear whether the news of this martial art relic is accurate or not. Alarming the army is the last resort."

  Su Wen nodded. Naturally, the national army could not be easily mobilized for this non-existent matter.

  "The most important thing now is to recruit scholars. Once the experiment is successful, it will open the door for ordinary people to be promoted to scholar-bureaucrats. Give the ordinary people hope, and there will be fewer rebellions. This belongs to Wenzhi, and Li Si and Meng Yi will do it quickly. As for The matter of the Martial Spirit Relic is not very technical. I would like to see it in person." Su Wen said.

  "This is impossible. Martial arts relics are important, but the emperor's decision to open a department is also indispensable. The minister cannot agree with the emperor's actions." Meng Yi cupped his hands and said solemnly.

  "I will not delay in opening the division and taking scholars. The relics of the martial arts will definitely lead all forces to enter the Zhao country. If there is such an opportunity, I will meet for a while." Su Wen's eyes shone with light.He doesn't want to cross over once, just sit back and enjoy the success in the palace, and this is not the time to sit back and enjoy it.

  "In history, the State of Zhao played a very important role. Zhang Han attacked Zhao, Xiang Yu assisted Zhao, and finally fought Julu, which was the turning point of the Qin Dynasty's war in the last years. Now everything points to the State of Zhao, and I want to make this turning point right. Daqin is beneficial." Su Wen thought to himself, but he couldn't tell these to several ministers. .

Chapter 378

  "Your Majesty, the country cannot live without a king for a day. Please think twice before proceeding." Meng Yi stopped him again.

  Su Wen also calmed down and said, "Now Daqin is riddled with holes. There are chaos and rebellions everywhere. The remnants of the six kingdoms are all on their own. Even if we live in Xianyang and don't go out, what can we do? Bundle."

  Seeing that Emperor II had made up his mind, several ministers did not dare to dissuade him.They all sighed secretly how the emperor's mind changed so much.

  Su Wen urgently summoned Han Tan.

  Since he returned to Xianyang, Zhuang's actions have disappeared.This quietness seems to herald the coming of big storms.

  Han Tan's thin figure entered the Wuxin Hall and was called to him by Su Wen before he could see the ceremony.

  Su Wen briefly and succinctly recounted his thoughts about the Wuling relic and his plans to go there in person.

  When Han Tan heard the Martial Spirit Relic, his eyes lit up and said: "The minister has also been inquiring about this Martial Spirit Relic in many ways. There are clues that this matter has something to do with the grave. It is better for the emperor not to go to dangerous places. Take the thirty-six souls of Da Qin to solve it."

  "I also heard that several anti-kings have taken action, and many of them sneaked into Zhao State with their own experts. The Luerling generation, I know a little bit, there are horse thieves, and it is not safe." Han Tan added.

  All the anti-kings went in the direction of Luerling, just taking this opportunity to meet these chaotic ministers and thieves for a while.Su Wen thought to himself.

  "I will go, it is certain. I want to bring Upu and Meng Hang. As for the other candidates, you can help me choose. It is said to the public that I have recently corrected the accumulated memorials, there is no urgent matter, and there is no need to worship. Just fine."

  Seeing that the emperor had made up his mind, Han Tan nodded.If the emperor listens to the advice, it is best. If you insist on going, you must consider the safety law.

  "How is the emperor's swordsmanship practice?" Han Tan asked indifferently.

  When it comes to swordsmanship, Han Tan can be regarded as an emperor.

  Seeing Han Tan asked, Su Wen nodded and said, "I think I can protect myself."

  "The emperor is a great talent." Han Tan complimented him and continued: "Meng Hang and Wupu can travel with the emperor. In addition, let Die Cui and Xia You follow, the minister can feel at ease". "

  Su Wen nodded, Han talked carefully and thoughtfully.Bring the girl Die Cui and the genius doctor Xia You, and you can live a worry-free life along the way.

  "In addition, please ask the emperor to give the minister the next decree and find an excuse to let the minister go out to Xianyang to do business. The minister takes the thirty-six souls of Daqin to protect the emperor secretly. If Chen Jia stays in Xianyang, it is enough to shock the people in the grave." Han Tanxiang After thinking about it, he said again.

  "I agree." Su Wen nodded, Han Tan's plan was already well thought out.I was carrying the tiger talisman to mobilize Wang Ben's army, and when there was a change, it was safer to mobilize the army directly.

  He crossed over and finally killed Zhao Gao to relieve the crisis of life and death.I don't want to take my life lightly, but I can't stay in Xianyang, let the wind blow, and I don't want to participate.

  Soon, a decree came out from the Wuxin Hall: the emperor wanted to correct the accumulated reports, and at the same time prepare for the examination for the examination of scholars, temporarily stop the pilgrimage ceremony, and keep the ministers well.

  Han Tan also received an imperial decree from Su Wen to transfer him out of the imperial capital of Xianyang.

  He acted quickly, and before Su Wen left the city, he had already left Xianyang with the thirty-six souls of Da Qin.After Han talked about Xianyang, the sentries of all parties could not catch their traces.

  In the afternoon, the north gate of Xianyang City.

  There was a group of six people, dressed in sackcloth and sackcloth.The leader was a young scholar dressed as a young scholar, and besides an ugly village girl, two of the other four were strong and two thin, all dressed as men.

  These six people are naturally Su Wen and his party.

  The ugly village girl is exactly what Xia You is playing.She was ugly, and she didn't attract attention by pretending to be a village girl.The two strong men carrying the burden were Wu Pu and Meng Hang.One of the two thin men dressed as Die Cui was dressed as a man, and the other looked closely, and it turned out to be Lou Jing.

  Lou Jing has been inseparable ever since she recognized Xia You's benefactor.

  I got the news today that Xia You was going to accompany a prince and grandson, so he just followed.

  Xia You had no choice but to report to the Second Emperor.

  Su Wen had met Lou Jing and knew that this woman's archery skills were no trivial matter.She was determined not to bring Lou Jing, but on second thought, she agreed.

  A group of five will be a group of six.

  After walking out of Xianyang for a few miles, I turned around a forest.

  I saw a large car parked at the intersection ahead, and in the car sat a young coachman holding a whip.There were four steeds beside him.

  The young man saw Su Wen and the six people from afar, jumped out of the car swiftly, bowed and said, "I have been ordered to wait here for Young Master Qin Hu for a long time, please get in the car."

  This was an agreement between Su Wen and Han Tan. After he got in the car, he motioned for Xia You to get in the car.The other four were all martial arts practitioners, so naturally they traveled on horseback.

  The cart staggered away from Xianyang and set off along the official road to the northeast.

  The news that Linji City was jointly broken by Li Jian and Wei Huo has been reported to Su Wen.

  There are no such characters as Wei Huo and Li Jian in history. Now they have such military exploits. Su Wen lamented that time buried the heroes, and wondered whether his arrival had changed the characters' relationship and personality.

  Departing from Xianyang in the afternoon, several people missed the end of the road because they were eager to travel.Although there is a post station not far away.However, in order to keep the secret of the emperor's visit in Weifu, several people chose a ruined temple backed by the mountain to temporarily stay for one night.

  The small temple is not big, and the Taoists in it have long been scattered due to the war.The outer wall of the temple is also full of traces of swords, which should be traces left by the Qin army and Zhou Wen during the war.

  When he came to the temple, Meng Hang jumped off his horse and entered the temple first. After a while, he turned around and came out. He leaned on the carriage and reported in a low voice, "Young master, there is no one else in the temple except a sloppy old man."

  Su Wen nodded and said, "It's okay, just live here."

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