"Either subdue it or cut it off." Su Wen suddenly thought of such a thought.Shaking his head gently, he felt ridiculous for his heroic thought.But if he really got to that point, he couldn't guarantee whether he would wipe out this famous advisor in the history of the Celestial Dynasty.eye.

Chapter 399

  Ying Bu thought about it and looked at Su Wen.Obviously, Su Wen rescued Xing'er, and this kindness is much more important to Ying Bu than Xiang Wang Xiang Yu said by Zhang Liang.

  Su Wen's sudden appearance of this big boost was a surprise to Su Wen.He was unwilling to fight against a great strategist like Zhang Liang before the situation became clear.

  Nodding his head, Su Wen smiled and said, "If the general is willing to help, it will be Qin Hu's luck."

  Seeing that Su Wen was not hypocritical, Zhang Liang showed a satisfied smile on his face.

  "I see you, brother Qin Hu, you are going to enter the courtyard occupied by the Hu people with two strong men. What are your plans?" Zhang Liang asked with a smile.

  Su Wen reiterated the idea of ​​catching a few barbarians and getting in to save people after changing clothes.

  Zhang Liang nodded and said, "In terms of the situation just now, what you did can be said to be fighting your life to save your friend. But now the situation is different. There are three hundred of us, and there are hundreds of Hu people. It’s pretty evenly matched.”

  After pondering for a while, Zhang Liang continued: "Although the forces are evenly matched, head-on confrontation is still the last resort. In my opinion, Brother Qin Hu's plan to arrest people, change clothes and infiltrate remains unchanged. In order to ensure safety, General Ying Bu can bring a few elite soldiers with him. Brother Qin and Hu went in. And the three hundred of us let out 217 wolf smoke in the other direction, revealing our tracks and drawing out part of the Hu troops. This will relieve your pressure. "

  Zhang Liang briefly stated his opinion based on the form.

  Under the circumstance that the strength of the troops is about the same, this kind of plan of compromising the strength of the enemy's troops and sneaking into the execution of the beheading plan is a classic example.But in the age of Daqin, it was indeed unusual for Zhang Liang to come up with such a plan so quickly.

  And what this piece is good at is overall planning, and he is not good at specific troops.

  Ying Bu didn't think much, nodded in agreement with Zhang Liang's suggestion.

  Su Wen didn't object either. With Xing'er's relationship, he was also close to Ying Bu.Although Zhang Liang's arrangement was for Ying Bu to monitor Su Wen, such a move was not necessary for Su Wen and the others.Because even if they found the Wuling treasure, it would be difficult to take the treasure away with the strength of these few people.

  After making a plan and agreeing on a signal, Su Wen brought Meng Hang and Upu, and Ying Bu brought two personal soldiers.Six people lurked and approached the camp of the Hu people.

  At this moment, on the pillars of the central hall of the small temple, Qi Ji and Lou Jing were tied back to back.

  (bgdi) Several Hu soldiers stood at the door with machetes, and even a few small leaders sat on the ground in a small temple, roasting fire and drinking wine.They have long discovered that Lou Jing is a beautiful woman, and Qi Ji is even more beautiful.

  If it weren't for the fact that the Hu people led the team from Zuo Xian Wang to prevent them from getting into trouble, I am afraid that Qi Ji and Lou Jing would have already become the crotch, enjoyment and pleasure of the Hu people.

  In this way, a few Hu people who were drinking couldn't help but look at the two You and Wu.

  The other barbarians who were sitting around immediately got up to stop him, and said in a hurry: "No, the order of King Zuo Xian, you can't disobey. This time we do have a big deal, and it can't be because the two girls are in chaos. position."

  The Hu who took the lead broke free from the pulling of the crowd and scolded angrily: "You know shit. An eagle, eat a chicken, and be punished. Two eagles, eat a chicken, and be punished. But if a group of eagles eat a chicken, they will be punished. If you get a chick, then you don't have to be punished."

  The Hu people hesitated for a while, and looked at each other and felt that what he said made sense.

  The Hu Ren who got up first saw everyone's temptation, walked to Qi Ji's side, held Qi Ji's white and tender chin with his rough hands, scratched lightly on her face that could be broken, and said, "I'm from the prairie. The girl is fat and strong, this southern girl has fine skin and tender meat, it should feel very different, have you ever tasted the southern girl?"

  Everyone shook their heads, and only one said: "That year, I hunted southerners with the king in the Hetao area, and enjoyed their women. They don't have the smell of my prairie, but they have a faint fragrance, which is very good."

  The look of the Hu people was very memorable, and immediately made several Hu people who had never seen the world yearn for it.

  "A few of you, do you want to try a different woman?" The Hu Ren who took the lead asked with a smile.

  "I think. But now the guards are all there. If they report to King Zuo Xian, I'm afraid we will have to move our heads!"

  "Let them patrol. Didn't Prince Zuo Xian take Prince Huhe out to explore the terrain? We just took the opportunity to enjoy it."

  "It's a good idea, I like it."


  Several people are the small leaders of the Hu people led the team, and were designated to take care of Qi Ji and Lou Jing here.They made a random excuse to take away a few soldiers guarding the door.

  They are a team of the last small group, led by Prince Zuo Xian and Prince Huhe to look for the Wuling relic and prepare to present it to Modun Chanyu.After discovering the beauty of Qi Ji and Lou Jing, this King Zuo Xian wanted to secretly dedicate the two to Mo Dun Shanyu, hoping that he could become a bigger official after returning to Mao Dun in the future.

  "Hmm—" Lou Jing and Qi Ji were both tied with their hands tied to the pillar with their hands tied backwards, and their mouths were also stuffed with the corners of their shirts. It was impossible to resist.

  "Hold on." Seeing that the leader loosened his pants and ran to Qi Ji, the other one also rushed towards Lou Jing, and a small leader suddenly stopped loudly.

  "Hepatitis E, what do you want to do?" The Hu Ren, who took the lead, couldn't hold it anymore, and asked with a frown.

  The Hu Ren, known as Hepatitis E, smiled and said, "With such a beautiful woman, whoever takes the first bite and whoever takes the second bite, there must always be a rule. Why do you come first?"

  Several other people reacted immediately and echoed: "Yes, why did you come first? Hepatitis E makes sense."

  "Why should I come first, it's because I took the lead to let you enjoy." The Hu Ren who took the lead immediately roared.

  "It's not fair, we steppe eagles, this kind of big thing should be decided carefully, I think guessing is the most fair." Hepatitis E said with a raised face.

  Seeing that everyone was thinking the same way, the Hu Ren who took the lead waved his hand and said, "Guess the boxing, and I'm afraid you won't succeed!" He didn't lift his pants, and went straight up to fight with a few people to decide who would fuck the second girl first.

  "Eight horses, five chiefs, six six six..."

  The Hu people had a great time playing, and Lou Jing and Qi Ji were too anxious to do anything.If you want to bite your tongue, you can't do it, you can only wait for the tragic fate to come.

  Ying Bu thought about it and looked at Su Wen.Obviously, Su Wen rescued Xing'er, and this kindness is much more important to Ying Bu than Xiang Wang Xiang Yu said by Zhang Liang.

  Su Wen's sudden appearance of this big boost was a surprise to Su Wen.He was unwilling to fight against a great strategist like Zhang Liang before the situation became clear. .

Chapter 400

  "Ha ha……"

  At the end of the boxing, Hepatitis E and the leader laughed. The two of them won the boxing and were appointed as Qi Ji and Lou Jing in the first round.

  The two were impatient. Although Qi Ji knew kung fu, she lived in Qi's family village since she was a child and was spoiled. When she saw such a scene, she fainted with fright.

  Although Lou Jing led the soldiers to fight, her barracks were all women, and she had never seen anything from a man. Although she did not faint at this moment, she was also a little short of breath by the hideous thing.

  Seeing Qi Ji fainted, he rushed towards Qi Ji's liver E and scolded with a smile: "It's not good to faint, let's deal with it and play."

  Several Hu people lined up on the side of the road had loosened their belts and scolded with a smile, "You don't feel good, let's wake her up, you are on top."

  Hepatitis E didn't answer, hehe sneered, and pulled off Qi Ji's coat.

  Only the sound of tearing sounded in the small temple, and the clothes of the two women were torn apart, revealing a heart-warming white.

  "Uuuu..." Lou Jing was awake, tears streaming down her eyes, she wanted to struggle hard, but she was bound too tightly, and it was useless.

  "Struggling, the more I struggle, the more fun I have to play." The Hu Ren who rushed towards Lou Jing twisted her chest fiercely, then grabbed Lou Jing's belt and tugged hard -.

  The belt couldn't hold back his strength and was pulled off directly.The skin on Lou-Jing's waist was exposed.

  "The good show has finally begun." Several Hu people who were not on the wheel loosened their trousers and prepared to watch the show.


  The head of the Hu Ren who was closest to the door felt a chill in his chest, and he found a sharp sword tip protruding from his chest.The Hu man was about to scream, but he felt a strong hand covering his mouth, and then his neck was twisted with force, and then there was no more.

  Su Wen drew out his fish intestine sword, and after he knocked down the barbarian closest to the door, Meng Hang, Wupu and Yingbu silently entered the small temple.

  Ying Bu, who came in last, turned around and closed the temple door.

  Several Hu people leaders were looking forward to the feast that was about to start, and pulled back their pants and kneaded themselves.

  Now suddenly a few people in Hu clothes came in and slashed at them with a knife.These leaders were caught off guard, and three people were immediately cut to the ground.

  Hepatitis E and the barbarian who rushed towards Lou Jing immediately ran to the corner and took their machetes.

  At the same time, there were Hu people outside shouting: "There is a wolf smoke in the northwest, the enemy is attacking the enemy."

  At this time, only Hepatitis E and the Hu people were left in the house. They didn't care about wearing pants, and they were desperately trying to hold a machete with their lower body naked.

  Su Wen asked Ying Bu to lead someone to guard the door, and ordered Meng Hang and Wu Pu to capture Hepatitis E and the barbarian alive.

  Seeing that Lou Jing was almost exposed, he immediately took off his long clothes to cover Lou Jing's body, and then waved the fish intestine sword to cut off the bound hands of Lou Jing and Qi Ji.

  "Help Qi Ji cover her chest, these two beasts will be taken care of by you later." Su Wen patted Lou Jing on the shoulder.

  Seeing Su Wen at this moment was like seeing a relative, so he hugged Su Wen and couldn't help crying.

  Su Wen comes from a modern society. He is not good at pedagogical psychology, but he knows a little bit. He hugged Lou Jing and comforted a few words, but saw that Qi Ji was still awake.

  He said to Lou Jing softly, "Help her cover it up. There are too many men here, which is unsightly."

  Only then did Lou Jing hold back her tears, took the clothes that Ying Bu handed over, and put a cover on Qi Ji.Looking at Su Wen, Lou Jing's heart suddenly warmed.After the emperor entered the house, he did not avoid the suspicion of men and women, and first covered himself with a coat, but avoided Qi Ji to avoid suspicion.

  Thinking of this, Lou Jing's face flushed, and she wondered if the second emperor fell in love with me?Looking at Su Wen again, I actually felt that although this emperor had a bad reputation, he was really good-looking. Now he has the demeanor of an emperor, and he is really more heroic than anyone he has ever seen.

  Meng Hang and Wu Pu captured two Hu people like an eagle catching a chicken.

  At this moment, the two were pressed by Meng Hang and Wupu in front of the statue in the small temple.

  Although Su Wen let the two of them catch them alive and dealt with them to Lou Jing and Qi Ji, he didn't say that they couldn't beat the two guys.

  After Meng Hang and Wu Pu caught the two Hu people, they couldn't help but tell them apart, and they directly rewarded them with a big mouth.Hit the two people in the face like a pig's head, and then stop.

  Especially Upp, who is more ruthless.Qi Ji and Lou Jing were caught under his leadership. If they were really spoiled by a few barbarians, Upp would be under enormous psychological pressure.

  "Kill!" There was a sudden shout of killing in the distance outside.

  "There is an enemy attack in the southeast!" A Hu man shouted from a distance.

  With this cry, the barbarians outside became agitated.The Hu people who were originally guarding not far away also took up arms and rushed out of the yard.

  Su Wen and Ying Bu glanced at each other, and the two agreed with Zhang Liang to let the wolf smoke in the northwest to attract the attention of the Hu people.But now listening to the shouts outside, it seems that someone is also attacking from the southeast.

  At this time, Qi Ji had woken up under Lou Jing's care.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  Su Wen walked over, took Tai A's long sword from Meng Hang's hand, and handed it to Lou Jing and said, "These two people want to harm you, you decide how to deal with it."

  Lou Jing took the Tai A's long sword with fire in her eyes.

  Qi Ji on the side also stood up at this moment.

  As a woman, she dared to carry her father and brother behind her back and secretly leave Qijiazhuang, and she was also a solid person in her heart.Just now, I had never seen the man's hideous appearance before, and a burst of anger stunned him.Now calm down, hate these two Hu people.

  Su Wen handed the fish intestine sword in his hand to Qi Ji, Qi Ji took the fish intestine sword unceremoniously, and when the figure flashed, a sword was inserted into the back of the head of hepatitis E.

  The fish intestine sword is so sharp, it directly penetrates the brain of Hepatitis E and is inserted into the statue.Looking up the mountain, it seems that Qi Ji nailed liver E to the statue with a sword.

. . . . . . .

  Lou Jing didn't solve each other as happily as Qi Ji did.

  While Tai A's long sword was waving, the Hu Ren who was held down by Meng Hang only felt a chill in his crotch, and a sharp pain came, and it turned out that the second child was beheaded by Lou Jing's sword.

  Lou Jing has experienced a lot of battles. Killing people is a common thing for her. The next moment, Tai Ajian slashed directly at Hu Ren's waist, cutting him into two pieces.

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