"You Huang-Lao Zhixue rushed to the quiet and inaction, so why did you come to the Taixue Hall to join in the fun?" said a serious young man.

  Then he looked at the Confucian scholar who started to speak, and sneered: "You Confucianism pays attention to etiquette. Then I ask you, now that the world is in chaos, etiquette and music are broken, is it useful to rely on benevolence and virtue alone?"

  The square scarf scholar did not expect this young man to dare to challenge himself, and a sneer appeared on his face, saying: "Confucius said..."

  The young man didn't wait for him to speak, but he cut his mouth and said, "Don't say anything about Confucius to me. First, tell me that these views are yours."

  His words immediately made the square scarf scholar blushed.

  This Confucian scholar was called Fang Ru, and he was quite well-known in the Xianyang area.

  If there is any point of view that he 'says' out, he thinks about it carefully, there is really nothing, everything he has learned is from the books of the sages.

  "Three thousand avenues, all the sages have said. Even if I have a high level of talent and learning, I can't compare with the sages and saints." Fang Ru blushed and said with a thick neck.

  The young man's eyes widened, and he said, "The ancient sages were also raised by their fathers and mothers. What's the difference? The truth is spoken by the mouth, and the things are done by people. Both legs support a head, what's the difference? Like you, only the sages follow, without their own ideas, what is the difference between walking dead and walking dead."

  "Who are you? Dare to look at the Great Way of the Sages, and Fang Ru doesn't bother to argue with you." Fang Ru's face was flushed with red, and in the cold weather of early spring, his face was covered in sweat.

  The young man sneered and said, "It's really unfortunate that my surname is Fang too, and my name is only Wei. I didn't expect that there would be a rotten scholar like you in our Fangmen."

  "You look down on the ancient sages, what kind of knowledge do you belong to?" a voice in the crowd asked loudly.

  "Yes, which faction do you belong to?" Many people responded and asked.

  Fang Wei sneered, looking at the chaotic heads of people around him, with a hint of contempt in his eyes, and said loudly, "Who gives points to the school of learning? I have no faction, just a country school."

  "Cut!" Everyone laughed, and Fang Wei immediately scorned.

  "There is no genre, let's talk about learning."

  "If you really don't know how high the sky is, if you know a few words, you dare to question the theory of the sages."

  "Mr. Fang Ru, don't compete with this rude person, it's not worth it."

  Immediately someone comforted Fang Ru.

  Fang Wei was young and full of energy. When he saw everyone saying this, his face flushed with anger, and he said loudly: "You all hold the words of one family, and you all think the Tao is right. It's just a blindfold. What's the matter in the world? The so-called ancient sages and sages can predict? It’s not all human, just you group of rotten Confucians, if Da Qin hired them, it would be nothing.”

  "You dare to say that you want to open a division to take scholars, you are questioning the emperor, but you want to beheaded." Fang Ru finally found the flaw in Fang Wei's words, and immediately said loudly.

  "Yeah, questioning your Majesty, questioning the opening of a division and taking a scholar, this is a big crime, and decapitation is not enough, I think it needs to sit in a row."

  "Now your teacher has been implicated by you." An old man stroked his beard with a look of vicissitudes of life.

  Fang Wei's face did not change color, and he looked at the crowd without a beating heart. He raised his hand and made a circle and said, "You idiots, blindly pleasing the emperor, is even more rebellious, and sooner or later you will not be able to escape the beheading."

  The crowd was arguing endlessly, and they rallied to attack Fangwei.

  Fang Wei stood in the crowd, tit for tat, unafraid, and even turned the faces of a few Confucian scholars and Fang's morale blue, and even the old and pedantic people were stunned by his anger and turned away.

  "Oops, look, you've made our eldest disciple of Shangshan Sihao pass out..."

  "Shangshan Sihao is the emperor's teacher now. His disciple is dazed by you, and you can't escape the guilt."

  Everyone agreed to convict Fang Wei.

  Fang Wei looked at these people with a sneer, and said loudly: "We are only different in cognition. The name of the world can be derived from the theory. This kind of pedantic person, if he can't say it, he just thinks about fainting. I don't see any ability in him, and the fact that Shang Shan Sihao who can teach such an apprentice is just a decoration."

  "In my opinion, the emperor's abatement policy and loose laws were definitely not taught by such pedantic people. You keep saying that you want to kill me, especially you Fang Ru, you learn the so-called benevolence, but now you are not You keep saying 'death penalty' and 'sit together', I really don't see where your benevolence is?"

  Fang Wei alone, turned the whole Taixue Hall upside down.

  A group of scholars from different schools criticized him, but they all shook their heads and retreated.

  Of course, there are also sensible people who sit aside and watch them argue instead of participating.Some of these people agree with Fang Ru and others, and some agree with Fang Weizhi.

  They watched lively and whispered earnestly.

  Liu Mo stood on the periphery to get a general idea of ​​what happened, and couldn't help but glance at Fang Wei who was surrounded by everyone.

  Even Su Wen, who followed quietly behind, noticed Fang Wei.

  At this time, Fang Wei stood in the crowd, resisting the voices of criticism and writing from all directions.

  However, he was calm and calm, and he went back and forth, and bounced back everyone's words with his own theories.

  What he has learned and used is not fixed in Confucianism, Taoism, Law and Ink, but at his fingertips.

  A group of literati and Confucian scholars, no matter Huang Lao Fajia, or people of Confucianism and Mohism, are not Fang Wei's opponents.

  In a short time, there were already several dull and pedantic old pedantic people who were beaten by Fang Weiqi and left, and some people who were blue-faced and had trouble breathing, as if they were about to die on the spot.

  Even many people in the Taixueguan have joined this battle of words.

  But no one could do anything to Fang Wei, he stood alone in the crowd, like a general charging in an army formation, as if entering a no-man's land, taking the general's head is like searching for something in a bag.

  "This is a talent!" Su Wen sighed.

  Even Meng Hang, who has always been rough and arrogant, was convinced by Fang Wei's words and nodded again and again. .

Chapter 412

  There was a lot of controversy among the people, and there was a lot of uproar in front of the Taixue Hall. It was originally a dispute between Fang Wei and the various schools, but later it turned into a competition between the various schools.

  The clerk who followed Liu Mo watched this scene, scratched his head anxiously, pulled Liu Mo's clothes corner, and hurriedly said: "The people inside are all pointing you to come back to solve the problem, you are so smart, you still have a lot of ideas. It looks lively."

  Liu Mo copied both hands into his sleeves, watching these people quarrel endlessly, with a smile on his face, so he was not in a hurry.

  "My brother, hurry up. If this kind of thing gets to the emperor, I'm afraid everyone in the Taixueyuan will be implicated."

  Liu Mo put his hands in his sleeves and said swayingly: "You are like this, go to the yard and catch me one of the live chickens raised in the Taixue Museum, cut it across the board and throw it into the crowd."

  The clerk's eyes straightened, and he stammered, "My brother, I asked you to come back to solve the problem. You are killing chickens and sheep to make a fuss, aren't you?"

  Liu Mo glanced at him, stretched out his hand and chiseled the top of his head, and said with a smile, "You know what, these scribes and scholars are arguing with spittle. Look, look."

  As soon as he stretched out his hand, he drew all the people involved in the argument into it, and then said: "In this scene 16, I went up and screamed, but it's useless."

  "Most of the scholars are soft persimmons. If you see some blood for them, they will all be honest. Go catch the chicken and do it." Liu Mo pushed the little official.

  Xiao Li's originally stunned face suddenly brightened, he stretched his thumb and said with a smile, "Brother, I really have you."

  Liu Mo shook his head, at this moment he thought of his sworn brothers Yan San'er and Wei Huo.

  If these two little brothers are here, I am afraid the idea is even worse.Wei Huo might just punch up and break up the group of guys.

  And Yan San'er would probably find a bucket of feces to pour on it.Compared with these two brothers, I am afraid that killing a chicken and scare them is not a sinister trick.

  The clerk of the Taixueguan ran from the side door to the Taixueguan.

  Soon, the little official got out of the small door of the Taixueguan, holding a big cock in his hand.

  Liu Mo looked at him and gave him a ruthless white look.

  As soon as he stretched out his hand, he pointed to the front door, and then made a gesture of wiping his neck.

  The clerk looked at Liu Mo with a wicked smile on his face, turned around and turned back to the Taixue Hall, and immediately squeezed out of the main entrance of the Taixue Hall.

  I saw that he took out a knife tremblingly, made several gestures, and then slashed the rooster's neck with a sharp knife.


  The rooster gnawed in pain and let out a sharp neigh.

  The little official didn't dare to open his eyes because he had killed a chicken for the first time, and even opened a hole in his hand with a knife.

  "Ah—" He followed with a miserable howl, and as soon as he let go, the rooster flew out of his hand.


  The rooster flapped its wings, and the chicken blood flew into the quarrelling crowd.


  Some people exclaimed, and the surrounding scribes and scholars were shocked by the blood, no one argued any more, and retreated desperately.

  There was an open space at the gate of the Taixuekan, and only the rooster was left kicking and twitching on the ground.

  In the panic of the crowd, Fang Wei stepped forward, grabbed the dying rooster, and lifted it up.

  The blood fell tick tock on the ground, and a small piece of dust splashed.

  "It's just a dying rooster, you are all gone!" Fang Wei stood in the middle of the open space, looking at everyone coldly with a look of contempt on his face.

  "Okay!" One of the crowd cheered loudly, then pushed the crowd away, walked over to Fang Wei, took the dead rooster, and threw it to him: "Take it back and stew, and we'll improve the food later."

  It was Liu Mo who spoke.

  "You have everything. You all know what you are doing in Taixueguan today, so I don't need to say more." Liu Mo stretched out his hand and drew everyone within the range.

  These literati came to hit the wooden bell, so naturally they were not willing to speak.

  "It's roaring at the Taixue Hall and disrupting the normal order. If this is the old Qin law, it means that you are all beheaded, and it's not over. I'm afraid you will even send all your family members to the army." Liu Mo roared fiercely. road.

  When everyone heard his words, most of them broke out in cold sweat.The more timid people have already begun to move their footsteps secretly, trying to escape quietly while there are many people.

  After Liu Mo's gloomy face roared, his expression changed, and he cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Fortunately, the emperor today is lenient and light punishment. Now you can stand here and express your opinions."

  "But even though the emperor has liberalized his administration, we are still literate literati, aren't we? Can we quarrel and fight like the people of Qianshou? Isn't it shameful? Sweeping the floor!"

  After Liu Mo said this, all the scholars kept their mouths shut. When the few people who wanted to escape before thought of the looseness of the law, they stopped and didn't back down.

  Fang Ru was in the crowd, and his face was flushed. Liu Mo's words just pierced his ears, as if they were aimed at him.

  Seeing Liu Mo come out to preside over the event at this time, he pulled his neck and shouted loudly, "The battle between literary and literary schools must always be high and low, and there must be priorities."

  "Yeah! In the end, who is the most reasonable, and who is the most suitable to govern the world, there must be a distinction." Someone echoed.

  Liu Mo rolled his eyes at Fang Ru. Although he learned the principles of Confucianism, he hated this kind of corrupt Confucianism who used the name of Confucianism to overwhelm others.

  Hearing Fang Ru's words, Liu Mo slapped his hands suddenly and made a crisp sound.

  When everyone's attention was focused on him, he asked, "Have you all eaten?"

  Everyone was stunned, some said they had eaten, while others kept silent, not knowing what Liu Mo was going to do.It is difficult to treat a guest to dinner just after killing a chicken.

  Liu Mo took square steps in the open space, circled around the crowd, raised a finger and said, "Food is an indispensable thing for everyone every day. But how is this meal made, do you all understand?"

  "Put it in a pot, put it on the fire, boil it and steam it, or you will get it." One person replied loudly.

  "It makes sense. Then I'll give you a bag of rice, no water, no pot, and no fire. Can you cook a meal?" Liu Mo asked him, pointing at him.

  "There is no water, no fire, and no pot. How can I cook?"

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